Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post
So, seeing that it's obviously impossible for it to be coincidence, either we are
1) lying
2) the same person
3) or telling the truth.

There are no other possibilities.
4) Convincing yourselves that questionable experiences count as 'hits' - not necessarily lying, but cherry-picking through experiences and dismissing the ones that argue against the possibility of shared dreaming (perhaps subconsciously); creating similar dream experiences through discussion of like topics (aka 'incubation', possibly even subconsciously); and perhaps skewing fuzzy memories toward the direction of something that promotes shared dreaming (maybe not maliciously, or even purposely, but through a joyful bias).

Remember, our minds are just as good at fooling ourselves as they are at fooling other people. While I remain an open-minded skeptic, I don't assert that any of you aren't telling the truth, but there are other possibilities than the ones you listed. You must at least be aware of them, before placing your faith into any phenomenon.