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    Dream Warrior and Explorer of the Dreamplane

    1. 15 Sep: Theory of Everything

      by , 09-15-2013 at 01:27 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am invited to go down a wormhole and on the other side I find a "Wonderland" type of place. As I walk down a hallway, I encounter tiny doors, which open to tiny worlds or encounter strange living paintings that suck people into really dark places. At a gate I find some guards and some stalls with weapons and all kinds of acessories. We are to enter an RPG game and must "wear" the character of our choice. But the best weapons are gone, I look for a sabre and can't find any, nor long swords. All there's left are big knifes and whips. I grab the nicest looking big knife, a handbag and then I look at the shoes and instead of all the heavy boots, I go for the only pair of white vynil bowling shoes that match my black with white stripe outfit I am wearing. Inside the gates, is not like I expected. It's a complex world, with flying palaces and I end up in one. Everybody is dressed up like for a ball and I feel dislocated. On this palace it seems to be happening some kind of event with workshops and I find it all so odd. I decide to attend one workshop to see what's the topic and they are discussing the "Theory of Everything" and I hear them advancing the explanation for the link between quantum physics and general relativity. It has something to do with dark matter and I am wowed because it makes sense and appears to be so simple.
    2. 15 Feb: Becoming a dragon and telling other dreamers about DV

      by , 02-22-2011 at 10:31 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)


      Bus trip
      I’m involved in politics. There’s a vote for me to have some vacation. I go on a bus trip and the driver is a black guy. He looks tired and I fear he might fall asleep while driving, although the trip is relatively short – about 40 mins – so I decide to trust his driving.

      Amityville-like haunted house
      With some other people on an apartment we believe to be haunted. We see a kind of specter of a scary man walking around on some security footage and it creeps us out. He makes lights flash and even burst the lamps. He seems to be able to control whoever he wants to control and lead people to their suicide. First victim is a girl we find hanged in a room, second victim a guy we find all broken for having fell down the stairs. Even the cat gets possessed. Someone decides to strike back by calling him and facing him, but then I see my mom and my BF and I take them with me to the kitchen and we close the door behind us. We are pretty scared because after a while we feel the spirit presence among us. I feel it physically as if he is touching me and it causes all kinds of horrifying feelings and visions. At some point I suspect I’m dreaming, so I open the terrace door for some fresh air and look around, I do a RC, confirm the dream and decide to lift off. On one hand I feel relieved it’s just a dream, but on the other hand I feel guilty for leaving them there, as maybe this is a shared dream and they are left alone in the nightmare.

      Castles and meditation
      Viewed from above, the apartment complex now looks like a doll house castle, very cute. From up in the sky I see another castle, much bigger, on top of a hill. It is as if it has no walls, so I see people inside it, as if they are on shelves. There are also many people floating around this castle, just hanging and I feel all these strange characters are indeed other dreamers. I float in the air, cross my legs to meditate, but I almost wake up. When back in the dream I am now inside some place and I sit facing a wall, not to distract myself. I try to visualize Buddhas and really feel their presence, but after some time I start seeing all sorts of lights and shapes on the wall, like light projections. I look back and see some girls with a overhead projector, preparing it to play some movie. I leave this place and find some very very quiet corner on an underground level of this building. Between the elevators and the exit to a parking, there’s a really zen corner with a waterfall on a glass wall, water falling on a pebble base and a garden behind the wall. I sit there, soothed by the sounds of the water and I manage to do a successful short meditation for a while. I feel the presence of Guru Rinpoche, but then I almost wake up. I hang on and dream becomes stronger, but not enough, so I must move to keep it going. I decide to finish the RPG task I left undone last time.

      Eating the fruit and becoming a dragon
      (RPG task)
      I enter one of the elevators and imagine it taking me to the same supplier market in Denn, where I was last time. The elevator drops me at a very busy cargo entrance area. I get out of the way of men carrying heavy loads to outside where merchants stands are selling produce to the villagers.
      I immediately see the strange fruit I’m supposed to eat on a fruit stand. I choose a small one and eat it. I keep walking around waiting to see if anything happens (it’s supposed to give me some new magical power) but nothing happens. I then find a stand where people gather around, very agitated and I go check what’s up. It’s more of those fruits, but here they look bigger and better and are being served already cut and clean for free to the villagers. Two girls approach me and ask me what is it about. By the way they are so “defined” and “lucid” I realize they are dreamers. I tell them there’s a task on DV to come here and eat this fruit, which is supposed to give us new powers. They enjoy that, they say they also wanna give it a try and then we all grab some fruits to eat.
      Once we are served, we gather on the left side of this stand where they meet a third girl friend and they ask me more about DV. I first ask for their names and tell them mine. One girl says she is called what I perceived as“Lollena”and the other what I perceive as “Sino”(as in Portuguese for “bell”; the equivalent sound in English would be“xenu”). The third girl to my left looks blocked, as if she couldn’t remember her name, so I continue to explain what is DV and give them the url. Then the third girl finally says something. She tells me that she (or they?) is user of some other dream website and she tells me the name of it. First it sounded like Dreampaws, which I know exists, but I asked her to repeat and it wasn’t that, although it was something similar, like maybe Dreampush (which I found later on waking up, that also exists). I’m not sure though, because it became fuzzy on waking up.
      Then we walk around the town and they ask me about the super-power. I say I don’t know what it is and I also haven’t felt anything different yet. We try telekinesis, morphing, etc, and it all goes very well, but I say I already had all these powers before, so it can’t be it.
      Then we hear people scream and we see a big pinkish tornado coming right to the centre of the town. We combine efforts and we try to break the tornado apart. I see to my right another guy who is also trying to do it, so we are at least 5 people doing it. Soon the tornado fades away and is but a large pink cloud in the sky. People are cheering us and I lose the girls in the middle of the crowd. When I meet them again later (only the two girls with names) at the entrance of a tavern down a street, they had just been approached by some bullies and one of them sobs while the other comforts her. She admits to her friend that she owes money to those guys and don’t know what to do. I pass by them and remind them we’re just in a dream, but they seem to have lost lucidity for good, so I keep going. It’s when I start feeling the effect of the fruit!
      I feel my body changing, my neck elongating, I walk in four limbs and then I spread my “arms” and I feel like I have wings. I flap them and slowly elevate in the air. I am still fundamentally human shaped, but I think I am becoming a dragon! It is hard to deal with this new body and I wobble a little bit in the air. At some point I lose balance all together and fall down on the floor. I think I come back to my human form.
      On the floor, I am facing the end of the street, which is the end of the town and I see a huge looming creature crawling in my direction. It’s another dragon.
      I immediately remember the talk I had with my dad during the day. He had asked me if I fear dragons when I meet them in my dreams and I had said no, in general they are friendly. But this one has a really dark energy and I immediately felt really scared. I run back to the town, looking for a place to take cover and hide. He steps up, trying to catch me and I only have time to duck under a wagon to my left and I see the dragon passing right by my side. He circulates the wagon and hits it repeatedly. I know it’s a matter of time until he turns it over. For some reason I am really scared and convinced I can’t beat this dragon. So when he is about to grab me with his claws, I decide to wake up.


      Some guy is buying his kid a puppy. The kid opens up with me and says he didn’t receive love from his father so he is doing this as a compensation. I get involved and I tell the guy about Puppy Mills and that he shouldn’t support it by buying a puppy. Instead should go adopt a puppy from a shelter. I also say I hope this puppy won’t end up on a shelter later on if he gets tired of him. I take them to a shelter and the kid goes wild when he spots a little lion on some cage in the corner. He goes get it and hugs and kisses the lion. The animals are looked after by black androids.


      Updated 02-23-2011 at 10:23 AM by 34880 (to correct spelling mistakes)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    3. 25 Dec: The hidden treasure of the Town of Denn

      by , 12-25-2010 at 08:17 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      3:00 GMT

      Gore nightmares
      I had a long night of really gore nightmares. I didn’t made a huge effort to recall them, because they were so bloody uncomfortable, but some images were just carved in my memory.
      First I recall being forced to watch some guy being tortured to death. A group of men crushed and shredded his limbs and while he was being hanged from somewhere, they were plucking bits of flesh and bone slowly from him, to prolong the excruciating pain. I recall making an effort to wake up from this awful dream but not being able to do so right away.
      Later I recall being chased by some guys – possibly the same ones, from whom I had escaped – and they are trying to kill me with an axe. I’m inside some barn, jumping fences and what have you. They hit some innocent guy (caught in the middle) in the chest with the axe, which explodes in a shower of blood. I then fight one of the guys and get his axe from him. Then I’m forced to defend myself by using it against them. I feel really bad for using so much violence, but I see no other solution. I cut some arms and legs and kill or mortally wound them all. Then I don’t recall anything else.

      8:00 GMT

      Back to University
      I’m at a university, which is different from the one I attended, but I still feel It's my university. I’m visiting the corridor where I used to have some classes in the amphitheatres when a group of students passes by me, freaking out, because they were in charge of booking a room for their class and they messed up and the room is now occupied with another class. Before their professor arrives, I help them finding an empty room. They thank me and go inside. I continue down the corridor, feeling very nostalgic about college life.
      I am then invited to join a special class for ex-students visiting from all over the world on this special day. I’m sitting on the left row of tables a large room which looks more like a warehouse or a barn. It’s clearly an improvised classroom to welcome such a big group. I do a trick with a pencil, like making it stand up on the table, to impress a colleague next table and this triggers my lucidity. I decide to leave this place and go outside. I think about flying through the roof or crossing the wall, but end up just walking through the door, because I don’t want to disturb the other DC’s or dreamers’ dream. The professor calls for my name and either is asking me to go back to my place or for input on something. But I smile and say “No, no, I’m out of here. Have a good day!”

      The hidden treasure of the Town of Denn
      Outside I think I can use this opportunity to achieve the RPG goal. So I see some woods and think this could be the forest outside the Town of Denn, but there’s no town around so I must look for the real one, not settle for this weak version. But here there are no holes on the ground, no walls, no doors, nothing I can use as portal and I’m not so good at just opening portals yet. So I decide to simply spin over myself while wishing to teleport to Denn. It has the double function of making lucidity stronger.
      When I stop I am on top of a hill over the Town of Denn. There’s an earth road spiralling through some stone walled terraced gardens to the centre of the town. I see farmers working, I see people taking water from a well, I see merchants, etc. People are dressed in very colourful medieval clothes, mostly in brown, green and wine tones. There’s a lot of activity going on and I would have loved to just observe it, but I must not let it distract me or I will not finalize my task. I fly down over the city centre but I only stop at the outside walls to look around into the woods. Where to look for the treasure? It could be anywhere. I decide to go to an area where the fortress walls are breached. It’s as good as anywhere else and it is the place where the forest outside is more dense. But once I’m there I have no clue where to dig. I just try to follow my instinct. I see a stone at the very end of the wall, which looks completely different from the rest. It is whitish and smooth. I clear the dirt from it and find some inscriptions as if it is from a tomb. It clearly doesn’t belong there. I lift it up, hopeful to find something under it. I find nothing, just more dirt, but I decide to dig right there. But then when I turned the stone over to put it on the floor, I noticed some concavity on it and inside it I found a small box. I get it out and it seems made of plaster, because it is white and light. But it ain’t soft and malleable like plaster. It has some high relief patterns carved and some rest of paint in pinkish and bluish tones. The drawing looks like a Mayan design On the bottom right of this strange box there is a round button. I press it and it opens in two pieces. The two pieces have more carved drawings, on the left plaque more patterns, like stylized roses and crosses inside circles and on the right plaque carvings of animals, like a whale, a moose and you name it, floating between clouds in the sky and coming down to earth. The plaques then split up into 5 and then 10 parallelepiped pieces. But it wasn’t broken, it was some automated mechanism. I then started moving these little parallelepiped pieces in my hand and found out they were magnetic and could be put together again in different combinations. They kind of naturally started to rearrange themselves into a different sequence and formed completely new designs. On the left plaque there was now some kind of reddish monstrous creature and on the right plaque a different kind of yellowish monstrous creature with what seemed to be a monstrous robotic dog under his command. I was like “What is this about?” Then I realised there were probably many more combinations of the plates which would explain who these creatures were and what was the meaning of all this and what this thing was for.
      But I started to slip out of the dream and I woke up.

      10:00 GMT

      Updated 01-08-2011 at 02:12 PM by 34880

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    4. 11 Oct: Magic candies (RPG task)

      by , 10-27-2010 at 08:04 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:30 GMT+9 – sleep

      Only recall having had dreams related to Japan.

      04:20 GMT+9

      A young master
      A kid venerated as a great master arrives amongst a group in which I‘m included. I feel something strange about him and I try to find some sign that he is not true master. He comes accompanied by other teachers and everybody pays homage to him with lots of bows. Before he sits to give teachings he climbs the walls around like spiderman, I wonder if it’s to impress people and that tells me he might be using some trick because true masters don’t show off. Then I have this insight that his wonderful powers derive from the fact that he knows we’re all in a “dream” while others don’t know or else he would not be more special than anyone else, because we would all have the same powers. Still, I initially thought this was a “dream” but not “A dream” – meaning, I thought I was awake but also that he was truly Awake. Finally I realise we’re in a dream-dream. By now I’m outside this meeting place where I was previously but when I become lucid I go back to see if this kid-master is still there. I cross the glass windows easily but he is gone by now.

      Magic candies (RPG task)
      Then I think about which task I want to perform and I choose the RPG task. But my LD is not strong enough, so I look at my hands trying to sharpen it. Then I look for a portal and I see a long corridor and a mirror at the end of it. I go there and my reflection becomes alive and comes out of the mirror. This reflection-me tries to distract me and discourage me from my intent. I remember my RPG warrior character and as I become it, I use my sword and plunge it into my other me. My other me looks surprised “How could you?”. My other me starts decomposing. It is hideous yet liberating to see my own body rotten and become dust. I feel prepared for my task and I jump into the mirror. I remember the town of Denn, but didn’t remember I was supposed to go to the forest. So I landed on a town, which this time looks like Lisbon, but instead of reality-like, it is entirely cartoon-like. I feel amazed with the originality, the beauty and the detail of this cartoon reality I landed on. After a while I remember I should look for the forest but then how to get there? I don’t want to use another portal because on my last jump I almost woke up. Then I see a subway station and I think maybe I can take the metro and imagine the last stop is in the forest. But I also think that will take too long and I’ll loose lucidity by then. As I think of it, Hermione Granger from Harry Potter appears in front of me and handles me some candies of various colours she says are magical. Each of the colours is related to a place dominated by those colours. So if I wish to go to the woods, I should take a green one. I thank for the gift and I store the candies in a pouch. Unfortunately I don’t have enough time to take the green candy because I loose lucidity and just continue roaming in the town for a while.

      07:00 GMT+9 – wake up

      Updated 10-27-2010 at 08:19 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. 02 Oct: Sucessive RPG task failures and meeting Nighthawk

      by , 10-04-2010 at 11:31 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      0:30 GMT – Sleep

      Weird animals
      I’m under the viaduct at my home town, crossing a road that passes under it, when I see a cute fluffy cat with an enormous head, although inside the range of normality, passing by. I also see a pigmee elephant with antlers instead of tusks and a tiny short trunk. I also think he was a bit furry on the back. A truly weird animal. A gipsy woman approaches me saying she wants to read my future in my hands and I say I’m not interested. Then I realise I don’t have any money, any purse, not even keys to my home. Instead of despair I feel so free – I start realising I’m probably dreaming.

      Trying to do the RPG task I
      Then I’m inside some studio, watching a talk show being recorded and I decide to do the nose RC. Somehow it is not clear enough – I do have difficulties in breathing when I pinch my nose. So I do the ultimate test and cross a giant speaker box as if it was an hologram. OK, now I know I am dreaming. I remember the RPG task to go save the demon boy in the woods and I check my reflection somewhere just to be sure I’m on my RPG character (my warrior me). I am close but not enough. I try to summon weapons but when I look again I have strange hair in black, red and white shades. I get distracted by that and wake up.

      Trying to do the RPG task II
      I force myself into dream again and I find myself back in the studio again watching the talk show – boring! I have to start all over, but at least now I don’t need RC. I decide to move forward to jump to the RPG dream. I end up in the lobby of this building. It is golden with large glass windows and doors. I see the street outside. I look for something that can serve as portal and the best I can get is the glass doors. Good enough. I jump towards a door wishing to go to the woods and for a split second I am surrounded by trees and start deciding my next move. But the woods quickly transform and I find myself at my mom’s place. Shit! What’s going on today? It’s late night, everybody’s asleep and I hear noise in the kitchen. I go check and my mom left something in the stove, a cooker with beans that has no water anymore and the beans are burning and kind of exploding with the heat. I shut down the stove and put a wet tissue over the cooker. By then my mom woke up and comes to see what happened. She is surprised to see me and totally upset she forgot the beans cooking. She thanks me and feels embarrassed. She has no clue we’re just dreaming and I also don’t want to enlighten her today, so I tell her I just arrived, it’s late and I go to sleep and we talk next day, okay? She finds all weird but as I go to the room and close the door she doesn’t insist. I then think about trying once more to jump to the woods but I wake up again. Sh*t!

      4:40 GMT

      Trying to do the RPG task III and meeting Nighthawk instead
      After writing my failed attempts I go back to sleep and try to enter lucid again. This time I am facing a mirror and my warrior suit is on, my weapons on my hands and I plunge into a mirror portal totally focused on the RPG task. When I open my eyes on the other side I feel totally crushed, no woods. I’m at a modern house, like a loft studio but really huge. There’s people around a table, like a family and friends and I see Nighthawk. I guess subconscious today won me or maybe he summoned me.
      This is a dream version of his house and family. His mom, dad, brothers and sisters are there. He spots me and puts his arm around my shoulders and tells me to walk with him. Ok. We go upstairs and we sit on a couch – I actually sit on his lap – and we start making out. Then I put my hand under his shirt and he has a really weird reaction, saying he is putting some medicine on his skin and I shouldn’t touch it. He even says the name of the medicine and I’m like “Who cares, we’re dreaming!”. I guess he doesn’t know that. I get bored with his talk about the active component of this medicine and lose connection to this dream.

      Girl stoned in Iran
      Then I find myself in what seems to be Iran. Some women all dressed up and maked-up (but with scarfs over their heads) are bringing boxes of stones to some table. They look shattered and angry. Then a lot of men are gathering around and I feel sick when I realise what’s about to happen. These women are friends and family of the girl who is going to be stoned and I think this is the biggest torture of all, that they have to prepare it all. A little young girl is actually so upset that she throws a small stone towards some guys who are looking eager for what’s coming. Then the older ladies grab her in urgency or she would also be punished severely for that.
      Then a teenage girl dressed in aqua-green with beautiful light brown hair and the most sad and profound eyes is coming to the centre of the “stage”. I am just watching, like hovering around in spirit and no one really sees me. Except her: she extends her arms to me, looks deeply in my eyes, like begging for help and I feel totally broken. I hold her hands and send her all my love and tell her not to be afraid, that she will soon be free. She feels a bit comforted and sings a very sad song.

      6:15 GMT

      Meeting Nighthawk II
      I am back in the house where I met Nighthawk previously. I meet him again and as we move around this place I see how big it really is – it connects with a larger facility with artists’ studios and workshops. Artists and engineers are all working together on some project connecting agriculture and art. It’s bizarre. I pass in front of 3 furnaces which are being open on that exact moment to put something inside or take something out, but I don’t get to see what. I just see that some guy suffers minor burns in his face when a flame hits him.
      Nighthawk takes me again to some private area and he asks me what did really happen in that shared lucid dream he doesn’t recall. I ask him back if he really doesn’t remember and he insists on the "no". He sits on a sofa and asks me embarrassed if we “pleased each other” and I find that such a ridiculous euphemism. I say “If we had sex? No, but it was close enough.” He said “I thought so.” Then he pulls me closer and puts his hands on my hips and I put my hands on his shoulders.

      7:55 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-09-2011 at 10:46 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. 10 Sep: India, birthday party and Town of Denn!

      by , 09-10-2010 at 05:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:10 – Sleep

      Again in India
      I’m with my parents on a house looking over a hill and we see a crowd of men outside very agitated. They are manifesting, angry about something. Not at us, but the fact they are so close is a bit worrisome. We fear they might start a riot and starts damaging our home.
      We go outside try to understand what’s going on. I understand their situation and agree with their demands. I also shout some words of support and my father tells me to shut up – what am I thinking? I ask if he doesn’t agree and yes, of course, but these guys should do something about it in a peaceful and diplomatic way, not with riots. My parents decide to leave and not stay there anymore, predicting problems.
      We then go through an earth road by the side of the river and I see beautiful Indian girls in their Saris and boys flirting them. Then I go through a succession of images from India, buddhist monasteries and so on.

      3:30 GMT

      Town of Denn
      I’m going down a hill and find myself on this earth road by the edge of a large crater (more like a canyon). On my back and on the other side of the crater I see buildings destroyed by rockets and bombs. I then realise there are men hiding behind some broken windows, with guns and realise I’m in a war scenario. I decide to do a RC. I realise I’m dreaming and feel no fear. This time I remember the tasks I have to accomplish (Hooray!) Which one I do first? For some reason I didn’t feel like taking an elevator, so I decide to shrink to the atomic level. I do my best to shrink, but all I manage is to reduce maybe 10 cms. Damn. Continued trying and didn’t reduce size. Not to lose lucidity in vain, I decide to do the RPG task and decide to jump on the crater and use it as a portal for the RPG dream. I close my eyes on the jump and when feel my feet on the ground I open my eyes and I’m there!
      At first I found it a bit different from what was supposed. I mean, the sky was bright blue, the houses of the village were all white and there was a general sense was of a happy sunny place. In front of me, downhill, I could see beautiful planes and hay stacks. On my left I saw these streets with white houses aligned downhill. On my back there was the main entrance to the village – through an arch, leading to a higher hill on top of which there was this big white building that at first looked like a church, but it had banners and flags and was for sure a fortress or castle. On my right also downhill there was an alignment of stands covered by tents, of what looked like a medieval fair. This fair stretched to the main entrance of the village with a few open air stands. That’s when I realised: this is the town of Denn, although in my version it looks a lot like the traditional villages from the Alentejo province in the South of Portugal.
      Lots of people were moving around, all dressed in medieval clothes and I approached one stand to see what they were selling. I have no idea what it was, but now in retrospective, it might have been arrows – they had boxes full of these pointy metallic spikes with what seemed to be tiny dragon wings on their back tip. Don’t know. Then I saw a mirror on one stand and decided to see myself there. That’s when I realised I had my normal look, wearing an aquamarine dress. No! I had to enter my character, so I looked for a more private place with a mirror to change myself. I entered the main village street, right behind the stands. There was a kind of tunnel on my left, between houses, leading to an inner court and because there was nobody around, I went inside and found a room that by chance was full of “antiques” – I guess in this context, they were useful working instruments - including a large mirror. The light was very dim, but I could see my reflexion quite well so I started changing my look to my warrior me. It all turned out quite well, but for some reason My face also changed and I was now a red haired girl with a long braid and tiny brown eyes. I was cute, but a bit annoyed of not looking more like myself – I wanted black hair and big brown eyes. It took me some time, but I finally got it. Meanwhile I think I lost very precious time. I need to be less obsessed about how I look and just keep going.
      At this point a guy comes in and I realise he is the king! And he is totally drunk. I wonder what is a king doing drunk in such a place, that looks like the backrooms of the servants – oh, maybe I actually know...
      He starts hitting on me, saying he never saw me before but that I’m hot. I avoid him, moving around the room and he is insisting, trying to catch me. He thinks that my running around is my way to arouse him. I feel tired of this, want to go look for the tavern, when a group of people come inside all worried. They were looking for the king, afraid he was doing something stupid (as he was). As they try to grab him and take him away, I decide to sneak out before they start asking questions.
      I go deeper into a hallway I find connecting to other deeper rooms and I think I found some kind of kitchen – everybody is so busy carrying stuff from one place to the other, it’s very hot and there are these servant boys taking a rest in a very dark corner with a few wooden benches.
      I sit with them for a while, no one ask me questions as they are either too busy or just plain tired, but then I wake up.

      Birthday party
      I tried going back to the dream but ended up on a different one although with similarities. I looked in a mirror and I was dressed medieval, but this time with beautiful jewels, like a queen or princess. I was in a country house in the province of Alentejo – it was the house of a friend with whom I’m starting a business. Today is my birthday (it really is) and I am having my party at his home. My mom and a fiend are there, my dad, a guy I almost dated in high-school and Riverstone and Nighthawk are also there.
      This guy from high-school brought me a load of presents. I don’t immediately open them and take them to a room. Everybody is gathered in the living room. We are chatting and eating and then my friend future partner is discouraging me from following our initial plans. He says maybe I should do it on my own and not be his partner. I am totally surprised and disappointed because until now he showed no hesitations whatsoever and all the reasons he is giving me are just BS. I try to change his mind but he just asks if I can wait, because he needs to take a shower and we continue later. I say ok and he leaves. I am chatting with someone else when he appears, all naked, in front of all the guests, totally cool about it. My mom and her friend turn away their faces, laughing embarassed. He was on his way to the shower but he forgot something and found totally natural to go butt naked to get it.
      Then I decide to get my gifts from the other room and Riverstone follows me. He is already drunk and going through a jealous phase – he grabs one of the gift package and starts guessing what’s inside, starts tearing away the package and I get upset and tell him to drop it – it’s my gifts, I open it and if he has any problems that some guy is covering me in gifts it’s because he is a child. I take the gifts to the living room and start opening them. I notice that Nighthawk is also mildly embarrassed that he is not the one giving me the best or the most presents and I think “God, so frivolous! This is not a competition.”
      I don’t remember what were the gifts but then we all got drunk or drugged or just sleepy, because I woke up later on in the bedroom, and everybody was sleeping on the floor. I woke up people and they left. I stayed only with the guys. No monkey business, we just staid sharing whatever trip we were experiencing. My sweater was totally sweat and I went to the toilet to change it when I saw myself in the mirror and noticed that my make up was also all messed up, so the trip must have been good.

      5:40 GMT - wake up

      Updated 09-10-2010 at 05:26 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    7. 3 Sep 2010: skyscraper, underground city and introduction to “the game”

      by , 09-06-2010 at 12:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      I joined the Serial Dream RPG challenge and I think this night I started engaging in it. Some lady introduced me to the game and I started working on the look of my character, although officially it hadn't start yet


      22:50 GMT – Sleep

      0:00 GMT
      No dreams recalled

      1:10 GMT

      Discussion with dad
      I’m at my mom’s house with her and my dad. My dad enquires me about these “things” I am involved in (namely Buddhism, spiritual practices and dream-stuff). As he is enquiring me about this, I am on the laptop just finalizing this thing on the DV forum or something like that and I start responding him by exemplifying what I was just dealing with on that moment.
      He is a hardcore atheist, materialist, for whom nothing like shared dreams or reality being product of the mind is acceptable. He therefore becomes more and more stressed as I go explaining all this. My mom understands more or less what I’m saying and as usual, she is eager to learn, so she is quiet in the background. My father gets up and starts moving around a bit angry. He says I am completely off tracks and lost my reason. I try to show him that’s not the case, it is merely him who is narrow-minded. But he gets really pissed. He asks me if I trust more these “people” (I guess my fellow dreamers, my Buddhist sangha, my gurus?) than I trust his judgement. And I clearly say a resounding yes! That no matter how much that hurts him, I would more readily follow any advice from my gurus than from him, whose judgement I always had very little trust. He goes ballistic! He starts shouting and my mom now wants to intervene but I tell her not to. I tell him that I am an adult independent woman and he no longer controls me or decides for me what’s best.
      My dad leaves the room, then opens the front door, but sits outside in the stairs, groaning about it. My mom then laughs and makes really nervous mockery about his reaction. She always gets upset with this frequent clash between me and dad. But I was expecting this exact reaction and I know this is a dream and therefore I was not afraid to push him to his limits – I am planting the seed. With time he will see, understand and accept that I make my own choices.

      4:00 GMT

      Hovercraft ride
      I’m with some group of people, like we’re on an adventure and we’re by the side of a road waiting for transportation. Two vans arrive and we divide in two groups. The van I go to, then transforms into a hovercraft. The lady driver seems to be a bit crazy and as soon as she starts driving, she steps on the gas. We go through dangerous roads through mountains, on top of cliffs and we are a bit scared with her driving – on one point, we almost fell off the road – so we tell her to go slower or she we’ll damage the hovercraft as the road is quite bad. That’s the only argument that works to convince her.

      Surreal bathroom landscape
      Later I’m in a tall building, like a skyscraper. At this point for some reason I am entering a bathroom expecting to find someone there and I find these two black ladies, mother and young daughter, in the bathtub, very relaxed. The floor is wet. So wet, that actually it looks like a lake. I climb onto a sofa that is on the left side of the room and as I sit there, I am actually like on the edge of a lake. I see aquatic plants and I see an animal approaching. It is a bison! He is coming out of the water and the only way to do so is by also climbing to the sofa. I find this just too damn weird, the bison is huge and will for sure crush me, so I decide to leave this room and wait for whatever is supposed to happen to come to me instead.

      Skyscraper fall survivors
      I am now on a room with bookshelves and there’s a window where I can see the outside. We’re on some high floor and I see another building in front, as well as a viaduct a bit to the left side. Then an earthquake strikes and this building we are in, starts bending forward, like a tree. It hits the building in front and lies suspended diagonally. Before the whole thing collapses I manage to get out through the window and others (still the same group since the beginning of the adventure?) follow me. We end up on a kind of platform, which I think is part of the collapsed viaduct that was nearby. A bunch of people gathers here, looking around seeing the destruction. This black girl that was on the bathtub is exploring a bit more and her mother calls her back, because she is doing some acrobatic stunts in some other suspended platform, on a level below us. It looks very unstable but she insists in looking for survivors or something. She then returns and all together we find some way down to the ground level.

      Ice-creams on underground city
      After walking some time under the debris, we find an entrance to an underground part of the city and this seems to be intact and fully running. There are some guards at the door, but they allow us in. This underground place is like a city within the city, it looks like a giant mall, with cafés, shops, galleries and even hotels. I am sitting on a café table, crying. Two ladies from the group appear again by my side and order ice-creams. I feel disoriented, how can they be so cool, eating ice-creams. I decide to get up and leave but they just give me an order to go get an orange ice-cream for myself. And I go and when I am trying to pay, the cashier asks me if my money is new and good. I don’t know why he asks me that but I look in my wallet and I have lots of foreign money and some chips with insignias on it, I have no clue what they are. The ice cream is only 20 cts, which I manage to pay and ask it to be delivered at table two.

      Rules of the game and entering my character
      Then there’s a gap, but a lady (one of the previous ladies?) is now explaining me “the game”. She shows me a large text, like a roll of parchment she starts unfolding in front of my eyes. It’s an introduction and rules of the game. But it is so dense, so long, that I just give up after a few paragraphs and lose my interest. I continued looking at it, but at a certain point I was no longer reading it.
      Then there’s another gap, but I remember starting walking through these large hallways – where everything is luxurious, like an underground avenue with hotels on both sides and fancy restaurants and art galleries. I feel I have a new different look, so I stop by a large mirror on the wall to look at myself and I look weird but cool at the same time, with long black hair, dark sunglasses and an avant-garde red dress with a stylish hood over my head. I feel I look awesome but maybe a bit too much Lady Gaga for my taste. Everybody is looking at me and I feel I need to tone down a little. I take the hood and the glasses. And adjust the dress – it actually becomes sexier, with a cleavage and tighter. Then I think I look more like what I should look like and keep going. I find this exit doors to the outside and end up in a square with a fountain. I remember lots of people moving around, coming in an out of the underground city, the outside being a bit grey, then... I don’t recall the rest of the dream.

      7:30 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-06-2010 at 04:16 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment