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    Lucid Time!

    Color Code

    Halfway There
    Fully Lucid

    Regular Dream Characters

    Spoiler for Dream Based DCs:

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    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Zombie Movie

      by , 06-16-2014 at 02:33 PM (Lucid Time!)
      My friend S and his family have taken me to this very upscale movie theatre to watch a new zombie movie that has just recently been released. The movie opens with a government agent transporting some form of dangerous biological agent through an airport, as he his undercover and transporting it covertly. But the agent forgets to zipper up his suitcase and the vials falls out and break. The biological agents mingle and produce the zombie-creating formula. A pale green cloud fills the terminal and begins converting the population into zombies.
      It does seem that about 1/5 people are immune to the formula and do not convert into zombies. These people attempt to run out of the airport. Some of them are grabbed and attacked by zombies.
      The movie jumps ahead to a crowded bus. There dozens of people onboard. One of them looks somewhat zombified. (In this movie, zombies were identified as having pale skin with ulcers on it. I'm not normally the biggest fan of zombie movies, but I have to say, they did look pretty disgusting in a cool way.) The zombie sits down and the man next to him says that he is not 'looking so well'. The man tries to strike up a conversation with the zombie, but for obvious reasons he won't respond. A few people in the theatre are laughing but I do not.
      Then, as a jump scare, the zombie belches out a green bio agent cloud and infects everyone on the bus. The driver veers off the road and crashes into a tree at a relatively low speed. Two government agents stand up, wearing gas masks and kill every zombie on the bus. Some zombies manage to crawl out the windows, but the agents shoot them before they get far. The agents get out of the bus and contact the pentagon. They say that 'this is the last of them' and that they are going to quarantine the area until the virus and zombies rot away.
      The government agents return the next day along with a news crew to examine the carnage. The Government agents remark how the corpses of the zombies seem to be regenerating. One of the supposedly dead zombies twitches a little bit.
      The news crew and the agents hang around for a few more minutes. The bus that the movie was following was in the middle of a woodland area. Then, a second jump scare. This one I half-near peed my pants. A zombie leaps from a tree and attacks the anchorwoman from the news.

      I wake up.

      Fragment: Beach
      I am on a beach. It is a cloudy day. There is a white high-rise hotel building behind me.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:54 PM by 53527
