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    Lucid Time!

    Color Code

    Halfway There
    Fully Lucid

    Regular Dream Characters

    Spoiler for Dream Based DCs:

    Spoiler for Waking Life Dream Characters:

    Dream Signs

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    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Flying,DEILD,Dragon Shouts (LD #20)

      by , 10-24-2012 at 02:32 AM (Lucid Time!)
      So I had gotten lucid somewhere outdoors, and decided to try some flying. I made a jet of fire in my hand, and started to fly straight up, going faster and faster. For awhile, I was looking straight up, when I stopped and looked around me, I saw that I was above the clouds.
      I looked back up and thought back a few lucids to when I was flying at light speed. I decided to do that again. But when I did the dream destabilized.
      I was dreaming/hallucinating static. I could tell I was between being in the dream and being awake. I realized that I had to DEILD. Somehow, it worked.
      The dream had changed when I returned, I was now inside a house. For some reason, I had got the feeling that my family had just moved into this new house because there were a bunch of cardboard boxes laying around.
      I somehow got into some kind of battle with a dream character. I know that it was a female, but I have no idea who exactly. She was wearing body armor. I must have forgot that I was lucid for awhile, because the best that I could do to fight her was try to hit her with a hammer.
      I realized that I was dreaming, and for some reason, I thought of the video game Skyrim. I decided to try using a dragon shout.
      "Fus Ro Dah"
      Although there was no blue energy wave, like there is in the game, I sent my opponent flying into a wall.
      I wanted to battle another dream character, and I noticed my mother asleep on the couch. I asked her if she wanted to battle me. She said that she was very tired, and would do it later. (Agian, forgetting that I was lucid.)
      I decided to pursue something other than senseless violence. My lucidity started to get clearer at this point, and I saw two of my cats play-fighting. I looked at them; knowing that I was lucid, and thought it would be interesting if they were dreaming about fighting one another, and that I was having a shared dream experience with my cat.
      I looked up and saw my father on a second floor overlook of the kitchen. He gave me a very dirty look for some reason.
      I proceeded to think of other things to utilize the lucid dream for. I thought about trying to meditate in a lucid dream, just to see what would happen. I remembered a long time ago, when I tried to meditate in a dream. I thought about how peaceful I felt, and how when I sat down, golden light shone around me, and I was surrounded by trees. I had a vivid visualization of this past dream.
      I think I woke up not long after that.
      I wrote down a few notes so I wouldn't forget what had happened during this dream.

      Updated 08-10-2014 at 03:34 PM by 53527
