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    1. Comp Night 12

      by , 04-11-2024 at 01:59 AM
      April 10th, 2024

      Fragment 1

      Soap or candle in bathroom. At my grandparent’s (on my Dad’s side) house, I think? In a bathroom, I think. Someone wants me to fill a bucket with water for class or something.

      Dream 1: Pirates, Buffet, and Lucidity

      Robert Newton (“Bob” Newton, I call him in the dream) or someone like him giving me advice. I think it’s advice on being a pirate. This includes not eating too much or too much seafood because it can make one chubby. It’s a temptation for pirates, apparently, and he himself is kind of chubby. He leaves, and I walk out to his car (?) with him. It feels kind of emotional, as though we had become friends. I walk back in to the building where we were, and go to the buffet table. I realize that he had warned about not eating too much, but I feel like he wouldn’t mind me eating some of this free food. I become lucid spontaneously, apparently. I realize that I should eat something for points. I pick up a piece of cake or a frosted brownie and eat a bite of it. Then I do a reality check to be sure that I’m lucid (in case I had some doubt, I guess). I look at my left hand. Counting the fingers is difficult, and as I look I see that my fingers are kind of dark colored and sparkly, as though they were made of night and stars. Somewhere around here I lose the dream.

      Dream 2: Camping and Post Office

      I’m camping outside. I have a sort of a shelter beneath a leaning tree trunk, and am using a tent or a tarp (or maybe just a blanket) to try to shelter myself from the rain. There is also a cat girl walking around. She looks a lot like a cat, but also somehow seems human. She might be a human cosplaying as a cat, or something. She walks near me and I pet her. I try to make room for her to join me under my shelter. She says something about not coming out here as often as she did when she was younger.

      I go into a post office to pick up something that is supposed to have been mailed to me. The post office looks like something out of an old western movie on the inside. I stand in a line with some other people, but it seems like the line isn’t moving. After a while, I realize that I’m in the wrong line. I go to the proper line. While I’m at the counter, someone working there says something about being in St. Augustine. A bunch of people in the room all correct him at the same time telling him he is in C--.

      Updated 04-13-2024 at 10:06 PM by 97618

    2. Comp night 5: Some fragments

      by , 04-04-2024 at 01:35 AM
      April 3rd, 2024

      Fragment 1: Munster Music

      Someone is looking for suggestions for music that has an atmosphere like the Munsters. Someone else suggests Los Straightjackets, and I suggest the Ventures. Actually, I think it might have been the Munsters looking for music, or someone trying to find music that the Munsters would like. I think that Los Straightjackets might have been on the scene too late.

      Fragment 2:

      Something about the bathroom in a house I lived in when I was little. Some kind of play being rehearsed. Something about my Dad.
    3. Comp Night 1: Lucid, 2 out of 3 Steps Completed

      by , 03-30-2024 at 03:04 PM
      Asleep around midnight. Awake around 6:00-6:30, having trouble getting back to sleep.

      Fragment 1: Lurkers

      Something about the game Lurkers.io. Trying to carry a bomb from the right side of the screen to the left.

      Asleep again some time after 7:00, I’m guessing.

      Fragment 2: Lab Work

      In the lab, doing something.

      Bathroom Lucid (Lucid)

      Some things about robots. Someone activated a sort of attack/defense robot, and there is something going on with it. Then someone is talking about a time when a creepy child-looking entity showed up and was at his elbow.

      Later, we are walking along with an android, that says it has to use the bathroom. It is carrying around a large glass flask of some liquid, which it wants to go empty in a restroom. We get to where we were going, and the robot goes downstairs to where a restroom is. I decide that I want to go too, and follow him. The restroom is possibly one that I had visited before (or dreamed that I had), but it is now the future and I’m looking to see what changes have been made.

      OMFGz0rs t3h greys, they are coming!!!!111one-_5c169c1c-924f-4718-8d4b-40072e02d20e.jpg

      Around this point, I also seem to be aware that I’m dreaming, but it’s one of those dreams where I seem to have just been kind of vaguely assuming it was a dream – almost like dreaming that I knew it was a dream instead of actually being lucid. However, when I find a stall in a restroom, I actually become lucid. I remember the 3-step task. First, I do a reality check/stabilization by looking at my hand and counting the fingers. Not surprisingly, I have trouble counting. I think about using the bathroom, but then I realize that that would be a waste of lucid dreaming time since I can use the bathroom when I’m awake. I start walking out of the bathroom, and remember the second of the three step task: eat/drink something. It doesn’t really matter what, since it’s a dream, so I look around for something that I can try to eat. I think I try some small cardboard or plastic box at first, but have a little trouble. Then I find a small plastic pouch, which I might “will” into containing a sort of soapy liquid inside. I bite into this and swallow some of the liquid. Surprisingly, it seems to have a strong and a terrible taste, making me gag and want to vomit. I’m a bit worried that I didn’t fully swallow it though, so I choke down another swallow.

      I think I might lose my lucidity around here somewhere. I find myself walking back from somewhere, outside now. I remember having had a lucid dream, but I think I'm awake. At another point I think I’m going back to a bathroom. There is some strange guy around crying about something – he is looking for help, but doesn’t seem to be quite normal. I want to go hide in the bathroom.

      Something about going into the mouth of a large fish. There is some sort of TV show – hosted by Jerry Lewis, apparently. But this might just be a documentary about the show. Inside the fish’s mouth is a small auditorium.

      Updated 03-30-2024 at 03:08 PM by 97618

      Tags: bathroom, fish, lucid
    4. Competition Night 6

      by , 06-08-2023 at 05:00 AM

      Jotted down some notes in the morning, but didn't write up my journal until the evening. Things might be a bit fuzzy and choppy in my recollection.

      The New World Order

      Someone wants to establish a new world order. They seem to be up front about this, but it looks dangerous to me. It appears to involve arrows being shot at us at one point, as well as road construction. But it’s more than that – like some totalitarian regime. I try to keep them out of my room (while I sleep?) by blocking the door with things and trying to make sure the gap at the bottom of the door is covered up. Trying to carry around some long poles or something. There is a cat or two wandering around also. Some arguing about the cat? Maybe the cat is an antagonist? At one point, I’m lying in bed, and the antagonists have sprayed some kind of slime, some of which has landed on my bed and a lot of which has pooled up beside the bed. It might acidic, or radioactive, or something. But when I touch it, it just kind of feels like shampoo. I start to roll off the bed into the slime, which rather than being dangerous just seems kind of fun...At another point, I’m trying to go from a basement area up into another part of the house. There is some kind of fabric over the door, so that I can see on the other side but I don’t know if the people on the other side can see me. Also, someone has placed large rocks on the door, as though to block my entrance. It seems like I was going up the steps, but now am trying to turn around and go up steps again to leave and the rocks are in my way. Something about people in a room off to the right...Another scene, in a room that looks like it might have clothing racks in it?


      (1) ...Someone is playing with the intestines of a dead person. Someone's aunt, perhaps? Then they start examining the body more like a cadaver for medical school. It seems a bit gross to me...

      (2) ...I go into a restroom. There is a plastic bag with what looks like gold in it on the wall of one of the stalls. On closer inspection, it turns out to be solid oxygen. I dissolve the oxygen, and there is something about it being in my blankets so that if I breathe in I get a breath of fresh air...

      (3) ...Something about Myst ages...

      (4)...There is a battle going on. This seems to be a planet with a lot of lava on it. Someone goes running down a sort of tunnel...
      Tags: bathroom, gold, myst
    5. Competition Night 2

      by , 06-03-2023 at 10:37 PM

      Church Adventures (Lucid)

      There is a play going on at my old high school. One of the scenes, I recall, involves someone passing gas. But the kid playing this part missed it, so they decide to somehow slip the scene in later. I’m behind the stage as this is going on, but I start to make my way around to the front. Out front though, I’m kind of awkward, not sure where to stand and not wanting to block people’s view...

      ...Later I’m in a hallway. There are books – different colors for different age groups. Yellow and green, I recall. At least one of them is a mystery book. My brother comes along, and some girls come along and start talking with him. Then they hug him and lean on him, in a way that seems flirtatious to me. My brother is married, and this bothers me, until one of the girls leans back and snuggles against me. Meanwhile, my mother is standing a few feet away reading one of the colored books...

      ...(same dream?) At my brother’s church. My mother and I are sitting outside of the sanctuary. The earlier service ends, and it appears that either the second service or Sunday school is starting in the sanctuary. My mother doesn’t want to go into the sanctuary, saying that she thinks “it isn’t important”, or something. Her explanation for this is that the music uses guitars, and to her (in the dream, not waking life) this makes it less important. I sit with her a few moments, and then decide that I’m going to go into the sanctuary. When I go in, I find that the service is not taking place, and possibly there is no Sunday school either. I ask someone when the second service is going to be (or maybe Sunday school) and they tell me it starts somewhere around 1:00pm. That’s quite a while from now...

      ...In the dream, my brother is the pastor of this congregation, and he is now closing up the building. I jokingly quote Ebenezer Scrooge from one of the movie versions of a Christmas Carol: “you keep close watch on the closing hour”. He replies with quoting the same movie. I seem to get a bit muddled in what I’m supposed to say, but eventually I say “don’t work overtime, you might make something of yourself”. We leave the building, me still pretending we are in A Christmas Carol movie. My brother walks home, and I follow pretending that I’m the children singing “Father Christmas” from the 1970s musical version. Some kids actually show up at this point...

      ...In the church building. My mother and I are in a room somewhere, and she points out to me a nice looking dish that is sitting on a table. The dish has a flower design on the surface, and is textured so that you can feel it as you run your fingers along it. My mother explains to me that it is a “Dream Flower”. That prompts me to do a reality check, and I find that I can breathe while my nose is pinched shut. It takes me a couple of moments to fully aknowledge that I’m dreaming though, because this seemed so real up to this point. I wasn’t actually expecting it to be a dream when I did the RC. But I eventually become lucid. I remember the competition, and that I have completed the first of my 3-step task. The next one is “super speed”. I’m not exactly sure how to accomplish this. At first I try flying, but am having difficulty with this. I also try running, but the rooms don’t seem to be large enough to build up enough speed. I go outside, but it’s cold out there and for some reason that makes me not want to go very fast. I go back inside to try indoors again, but the dream fades...

      I was either awake now, or it was a false awakening. Anyway, I tried to hang on here, waiting for the dream to reform. I suspect that it did, and that’s why some of these scenes seem out of order in my memory, but I’m not sure. I don’t think I came back lucid though. I also remember the following scene:

      ...Some guys are sitting around a room (in the church, I think). They are talking about an old truck. One guy seems to be very emotional about this truck, and finally gets up and runs to the bathroom. I wonder if he has gone to cry or to throw up, or what. He comes back in a couple of moments with toilet paper or a tissue...

      Dancing Corgis

      We are sitting somewhere, with a view of the street. I look over and see what appears to be a couple of squirrels. As I look, it turns out that they are Corgis. The Corgis are jumping and dancing, in what seems to be a coordinated way. We go over to look at them, and sure enough they are in a group and doing a coordinated dance. There is a man leading them, dressed like someone from a circus. He is using some kind of GPS technology to help coordinate the dogs, kind of like the fancy marching band patterns you see. Except that these dogs are doing really fancy things, making 3D shapes and such. Now they’re in a small auditorium, and I walk down from the back a little bit. I mostly see people now, sitting on chairs and playing musical instruments (including kazoos). I back away from one guy, thinking I’m making him nervous, and go back to the back of the auditorium. The Corgis come back out, coming up the center aisle. One Corgi decides that it wants to be my friend, and starts following me...

      My Brother’s Girlfriend

      In this dream, my brother isn’t married. But he has a girlfriend. She looks like one of my friends from the University. She also seems to get really nervous whenever people talk to her, to the point where she starts shaking. There is also something about a girl I went to school with a couple of years ago. She was married at the time, but in this dream she is single. At some point I go into a bathroom to relieve myself. Also to change clothes, I guess. Or maybe I’m having trouble pulling my pants up? Anyway, I decide I should shut the bathroom door, and find that the latch that holds it shut is broken. I think my nephew comes into the house at this point.


      (1) My Uncle is talking about a state park lodge – something about them being crooks? There is at least one other person, or maybe even a band, involved.

      (2) Someone has decided to give up drinking alcohol, or soda pop, or something. He is now sitting with Albert Einstein, who is cleaning the inside of a glass full of rusty looking water with a brush. This is “mineral water”. He gives it to the guy, who also seems to be me now, saying that he wonders if it is too strong. Me/the guy takes a sip, and it’s so awful that I/he can hardly swallow it. Letting a lot of it just kind of dribble out of my/his mouth, I/he try to smile and pretend that I/he like it.
    6. Competition Night 1

      by , 06-02-2023 at 06:47 PM

      Conference Lucid, and some progress with the blackout

      I don’t know if all of the following was the same dream, but it seems to make sense to arrange it as such and in the following order:

      There is a girl that someone wants to meet again. He walks through a train, looking for her. He finds her on the last car of a train. A piano player is there too. The last car seems to be where poor people sit. He looks at the girl, sitting in the corner. She kind of smiles and shakes her head at him (or something). He’s not sure what she means by this...

      Somewhere – in a hotel maybe. There is a conference going on that I’m supposed to be at. I calculate in my mind what time I need to leave to be there on time, and decide that I would need to leave by 10:00. I look at the clock to see how long I have, and it looks like it is just about 10:00 now. I rush out, I think to catch a train...

      ...I’m a bit fuzzy about whether the conference starts in an hour at 11:00 or in a couple of hours. I could walk back to the conference center, but there is also a train that I could take. I discuss the merits of each with someone (my mother?). This has to do with dining, it seems. There is a restaurant along the way if I walk. Mom and I in store dream here? I decide to take the train. I arrive at the conference center, several hours early it turns out. I wonder to myself what I’m going to do for the next couple of hours. I go into a restroom. It’s fairly nice, but it’s one of those dream restrooms where there isn’t much privacy. No doors on stalls, etc. Also, there are one or two women in there. I chuckle to myself over this, because it’s like one of my dream restrooms. Then I decide to do a reality check, and become lucid. I think the dream starts to fade...

      ...At some point I seem to be in this conference center (I think, though I’m not sure). I go walking down a walkway, where girls seem to be hanging out. It’s a nice place to meet girls, but I don’t think I’m really there to do that. I turn around and head back the way I came. There is a set of double doors to my left that have the name of some superhero on them (Spider Man, Iron Man, The Hulk, or someone)...

      ...Still at the conference center, not lucid. Walking around, I notice how unfamiliar and almost “dream-like” things seem. I decide to do a nose pinch RC, and find that I can still breathe. Becoming convinced that this is a dream, I inhale deeply with my nose still pinched. I can see a lady from my church nearby. I become lucid. For some reason, I start reciting poetry – Eldorado, by Edgar Allen Poe. This might be a means of stabilizing the dream, or maybe just something I find to be fun at the moment. I might get up onto a table and pace around while talking. The dream begins to fade, but I have been starting to suspect that this tendency to “wake up” soon after becoming lucid might be false awakenings caused by expecting to wake up, so I hang on. The imagery comes back! I think about the competition, and try to remember what I’m supposed to do. Flying was one thing, so I try to levitate. It’s a bit difficult, but I manage to float up a few feet. I get stuck at the ceiling, having trouble breaking through. I float around a bit before losing the dream, or else I don’t remember what happened after this.

      ...Coming back from somewhere. The conference above? I’m sitting in a vehicle, and I see what appears to be the guy driving now standing outside the car talking to someone else. As he’s talking, he starts singing a song (I think it’s the song “Tell me Why”). There are two homeless people standing there, and they sing along. We continue on our drive, and talk about how talented those people were and how the talent should be appreciated. Then we try to drive up a steep set of wooden stairs. They’re a bit rickety. We get stuck, and need to get out to push. I need to put on my shoes first though. I get out, and sit in the car and/or lean against the car to put them on. Someone gets out from the front seat, and has to put on his shoes as well.

      Girl Moves In, and the Toaster Oven

      Cooking something in a toaster oven. It’s a rolled up thing of some kind. There are two toaster ovens to choose from – a high powered one and a lower powered on. I decide to use the lower powered one. One of the girls from the apartment next to me has moved into my apartment, and I think since someone else is living in the apartment I should put the smoke detector back on the wall where it was (I had put it in a drawer in the bathroom, because it kept going off when I was cooking). I bring smoke detector back out, but then I see that the thing in the toaster oven is putting off smoke. I think I end up putting the smoke detector on the couch and cover it with a sheet, hoping it won’t go off...Someone shows up and talks about mowing that needs to be done “in Germany”. I offer to do it, and they agree. “Germany” seems to just be a neighborhood in town.

      "Pruners" and the Snakes

      People from the Cru campus ministry. R- is one of them. I had put up signs a while back (in the dream) advertising that I was interested in a ministry called “Plums”, or “Prunes”, or something like that. R- is interested in this, and it turns out that – unbeknownst to me – “Prunes” had to do with acting (I’m not an actor). She is excited to think that I am a “Pruner”, or “Plumer” or some title related to the word. We go up some stairs, I think. There is a snake involved in some way...This might flow into the following:...Some people are in a shooting game, or movie perhaps. They might be soldiers. The are in a dry, dusty place, going around a large hill on a road. They notice something moving a little ways off, and it turns out that there are very large snakes threatening them in some way. They shoot at the snakes...

      Singing Game

      My Mom and brother are talking and playing a game. I feel like my brother isn’t paying attention when I talk, and just talks over me. This annoys me, but I also feel that it would be wrong of me to just keep on talking and try to drown him out (this occasionally happens in dreams, and I get angry, but this time I make the conscious effort to show Christ-like humility). I also feel left out of the game. I join in the game anyway – it involves picking up tiles along with singing - I sing “It’s a Grand Old Flag”, or something, picking up tiles with pictures of flags and such as I come to the words in the song. One of the words has to do with the word “heart” (maybe it was the “emblem of the land I love” part) and I look for a heart tile. This is a little challenging, and I keep seeing red shapes that sort of look like hearts but might not be.
    7. 7/24/20 - 7/25/20

      by , 07-26-2020 at 06:30 AM
      I don’t remember much from the last two nights. A fragment or two, and one near lucid:

      Buying Food (fragment)

      …I am in a cafeteria-type place buying food. I think it might be chicken. I put a piece of something on my plate…

      Riker’s Lucid Dream

      I am in a bathroom. I try to turn on a light, but it won’t turn on. I try another light or two, but they don’t turn on either. Then I remember that I sometimes dream that I’m trying to turn lights on, but they won’t turn on. I do a nose pinch RC, and find that I can breathe. However, I somehow get the impression that this is Riker’s lucid dream (Riker from Star Trek TNG). Not mine, apparently?

      I don’t know if I was lucid but not thinking clearly, or if I wasn’t lucid. I don’t know exactly what it meant that it was Riker’s dream. That I was a DC in the dream? Or that I was actually Riker dreaming that I was someone else? Either scenario would be interesting.

      Updated 07-26-2020 at 06:34 AM by 97618
