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    Riverside, robbing, jury

    by , 03-03-2011 at 10:08 PM (679 Views)
    3/2-3. 1. Town and Country? Heather Xxxx?

    610. Sara Xxxx sends me a text of a friend and her. One person has pants over their arms and the other on their legs, but the people are connected. Looks really funny. Then at some homes in Riverside. Poor looking kind of, just unkempt. Large field next to them. Small fires along the fence line and the people are very scared. Then I’m at Riverside station 1, except it’s in a different area of down, by the Victorian homes? Xxxx there. The whole city is laid out differently. We then go on a tour of the station. Mxxxxx and Jxxxxx there. Then we’re getting off an engine like we were driving around. Saw a few buildings. As we’re getting off, we’re told that there’s a training burn that’s going to happen. Get off and we’re watching another academy throw ladders, inside. I look to the side, the parking lot(?), and something is missing (not sure what, but that’s how I felt). One guy almost drops a 35’er. Outside now and Mxxxxx and I leave to go check out the training burn, but I have to go to the bathroom first. Go into what I thought was the bathroom, but looks like a restaurant. People look at me weird. Building for training burn is on fire. People are panicking. Everyone running toward it. Some guy is up on a ramp and falls off. I go to his aid and check his pulse, don’t think I feel anything. Another guy tries to log roll him, but I didn’t have C-spine yet and told the guy to stop. Guy rolls anyway. Guy that fell says he’s fine and gets up. Then march to Fraizer Park (diff location). On the way, Mrs. Xxxxxx is stabbed with a flag that someone threw. She’s find and no bleeding and is miffed. I call 911. I ask to tell the operator the location and he says he doesn’t need it. It’s dusk and the building implodes. Not in park. Dark and fireworks are going off. Look of city looks like NYC with lights and stuff. Erik Xxxxxxxxxx there and taking photos. I take a few also. Then it’s day and I watch Theresa’s video

    Looking out bedroom window. See something going on, robbing? Breaking into my house? Run to the bathroom and call 911. Tell them someone’s breaking into my house. Cops show up super fast. Robbers apprehended, but they say they’re not. Cops interview them. Then they take me across the street and interview me. More details but can’t remember

    Outside of a building. Something about being on a jury. A class? Dan Xxxxx is next to me. A lot more but can’t remember

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