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    Memorable Dreams

    1. "Why did Osiris cross the road?" (Travel through space)

      by , 07-23-2013 at 01:23 PM
      Morning of July 23, 2013. Tuesday.

      I am in Egypt (although it sometimes seems to be Italy), but some areas seem like urban areas in the USA (New York), and I am in an area where there are a lot of unusual ancient structures, some of the area being like a desert. There is a lot of folklore and even books about one larger pyramid, especially. It is a four-sided pyramid with various faces, seemingly carved just inside from the outer walls and looking out in mostly even rows, probably at about five levels - almost like a “people looking out the windows of the bus” effect on each row, but more separated in individual “windows” or frames. There is some work near the base, but it is not quite determined as to what it is. Somehow, what exists now or what is “left” is thought by some to be the remains of people from another planet with the pyramid being a spacecraft, so that the “carvings” are actually some sort of skeletal or mummified heads of beings like Osiris (from another planet) who came to Earth. Other people have no belief in the various theories about the “spacecraft” and say it is just a pyramid with statues, carvings, and such. There are even indications that certain restorations had been made to the structure over many years and some of the original content is missing now.

      There is one part that makes little sense relating to supposed evidence of the spacecraft having left a very large, wide area of empty or changed ground from rocket exhaust or something along those lines - plants do not grow and buildings have never been built there - proof at any rate, of the supposed spacecraft landing. However, it is said that the area was as it was from thousands of people killing themselves at the same time centuries ago(?) I get this impression of an extremely large group of people - seemingly soldiers of some kind, facing away from the pyramid from all four sides and somehow dying all at the same time in a “perfect” position - but really, it makes little sense at all, especially as the ground is supposedly all barren and with no human remains, either. I almost am able to imagine the spacecraft full of “people” having landed all those centuries ago. Later, I notice what seems to be plumbing or tubes in some outer areas. Time passes and I and a few others walk around in other areas, including near a few barns and what seems like smaller businesses.

      There is another “real spacecraft” from ancient times, supposedly - this one inside a modern building, but it is almost more like a model of the other one (without the faces) - about the size of a refrigerator. A lot of it is different from the original now. It is sort of like a four-sided pyramid, but not quite. There is a half-circle gauge of some kind near the top that looks fairly new and there are other newer mechanical parts as well as more plumbing of some kind. A few people seem to think it is hilarious that people in the region think that what is left of the ancient structures was related to space travel or other beings. There is some sort of business meeting or lecture where it is pondered “Why did Osiris cross the road?” (meaning why did he travel through space to Earth, although one idea is why did he travel from Egypt to Italy) - one answer being understood to be “to become the Pope”. However, one “ancient spacecraft” seemingly turns out to be the “Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System” of the European Space Agency (OSIRIS) or possibly “Origins Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification and Security” (OSIRIS but of USA - NASA) or something equally confusing.

      Some of the ancient artifacts (but not all - including the large pyramid) turn out to be combinations of defunct satellites and parts of plumbing and abandoned prototypes of inventions.

      A life-sized Egyptian image/painting of “Osiris” is on display - but turns out to be the Pope, even though he looks exactly like some images of Osiris, including the white robes and “tall white hat” (mitre). “The Pope is Osiris” someone says - believing he somehow came from the ancient “spacecraft” pyramid - even though the “remains” back at the pyramid were still there.

      Later, there is a large business office with a long rectangular table that is also supposedly an ancient structure of some kind, yet looks more like a modern display case. I actually say “it looks like a display case” in my dream even though it was once supposedly a tomb/sarcophagus. I do not see anything inside it through the glass, though.

      Five other examples of the “Acknowledging the Sleeper (Type 2)” dream type:

      The Three Lives of my Dream Girl

      The Dead One

      Indoor Ziggurat Tomb

      Beyond the Martian Time Barrier / The Martian Casket

      The Count’s Body

      Updated 04-24-2017 at 07:43 AM by 1390

      memorable , non-lucid
    2. Interdimensional rescues, flying around in a “sub-world”?

      by , 07-21-2013 at 12:26 PM
      Morning of July 31, 2013. Wednesday.

      Another very recent (this morning) vivid dream which really should have been more lucid (although there is a solid clear awareness of something being “different”) was related to going into another dimension of a fairly small overall size. Even though this other “world” - about the size of a large business building or perhaps movie theater - has its own rulers, I seem to have ultimate power everywhere within it, at least eventually.

      The main idea is that these other “people” are not quite people but some sort of powerful interdimensional being (carrying weapons as well as having some sort of mental power to control others) that are only taking human form for a time. Real human beings had found their way into this other dimension by accident or based on a deliberate portal set up somewhere in the real (or indigenous) world in a public location, mostly relating to halls or doors in halls. Oddly, a few of these people (interdimensionally kidnapped victims) seem to have been actors on old television shows such as “Daktari” and “Swiss Family Robinson”. This was likely vaguely related to an old “Swiss Family Robinson” episode we had just seen and my wife and I laughing ourselves nearly unconscious while watching it. The episode was “Curse of the Idol” - and the unintentional gag was that these people had been on the island for awhile and were working in their garden, when one of them then suddenly just noticed a rather large open cave they had somehow not noticed at any time prior to that point though it had been right next to them all that time. There is something about older television shows and movies and the completely different style of acting and writing that throws me into fits of laughter even with more serious shows.

      Anyhow, in this other dimension in my dream, I notice that the portal into it is a short distance to the east within the hall I am in and is otherwise like an ordinary doorway in appearance. I am able to get some people out and back into the “real world” (although I always remain in this other dimension to continue to help all the others still “trapped” by the malevolent beings), sometimes after them having been gone for seemingly a very long time. The other beings do not notice right away and I sometimes “play dumb” when approached.

      Eventually, though, I am found out, and it will probably be their intent to destroy me or at least put me in a cage or something. However, I am not powerless. I am easily able to destroy them simply by pointing my finger at their forehead - some sort of energy blast eliminates them completely. I am also not harmed at all by the firing from their weapons.

      When there are still only a few of these threatening beings left, I continue to help as many people escape that I can, but it eventually seems to be not as feasible with all the different hallways and such, almost like a maze. These clever beings that have captured so many humans may still end up with several victims here and there in this other world.

      I walk through the various maze-like hallways and manage to direct a few people here and there who had been standing in a longer line - usually to a small rectangular table near a wall to be “processed” or identified by the beings - instructing them on how to return to Earth. However, I am still annoyed and somewhat lost for a time - but finally, I get an unusual idea. As I am “all-powerful” in this other dimension of otherwise threatening beings, I eventually find myself with the potential to just lift up the entire maze-like dimensional construct itself somewhat like someone lifting up a camping tent over their head by the framework. After I do this, every other person in this dimension is now free of all the walls (that are now all up in the air above us all) and can just walk out through the portal to the east.

      Later on, as in another (prior) recent dream, I am again transformed into mostly a very large sheet or cloth that moves about quickly in the sky above all the other people that had been freed (but not really as a “ghost” as the other people still seem to see me as a living, flying person). One person seems concerned about a potentially dangerous creature that is first thought to be a lion but turns out to be a koala in a smaller wooden cage that is joined to many other old wooden cages. This was part of an abandoned zoo on some sort of complex and narrow wooden walkway between dimensions (some sort of sub-portal just before we finally get to our real world - somewhat like the middle space within a doorway, I suppose). I also read several billboards, but can no longer remember all the phrases even though it was partially my intent to do so, mostly relating to tourist information regarding the abandoned zoo - and there is a picture of the koala (possibly the play on “Koalafornia”). I feel fantastic flying around for quite some time prior to finally waking.

      Updated 06-16-2015 at 08:56 AM by 1390 (Enhancement)

      Tags: flying, strength
    3. "End of the World" yet again…

      by , 07-07-2013 at 01:07 PM
      Morning of July 7, 2013. Sunday.

      Like many (if not most) people, I have had numerous “end of the world” dreams throughout my life since birth (one of the first ever involving an elephant shooting lava from its trunk). I would not call them all nightmares, though, as they are often filled with good feelings and only minor negative emotions in some parts.

      This dream was much the same in some parts to my wife’s dream - with no “cues” or prior expectations of any kind. This has happened to us many times even before we were married, for about twenty years now, on a regular basis.

      This dream has four main sections (and a few minor ones). In one, the first, there is a big thunderstorm late at night. I seem to be living near the White House (which is to the north about three blocks away), but it seemingly is actually a large observatory (or somehow became one - the basic domed design not changing at all). The lightning is strange and thick in the sky and mostly horizontal between clouds instead of striking the ground and sometimes has an unusual reddish tint. It seems in part to be caused by the Earth going out of orbit. When I go outside, I do notice that what had supposedly been the White House all that time was “now” an astronomical observatory or had for some reason been changed into one for “emergency” purposes. The main large telescope (primarily pointing to my left - to the west - at about a forty-five degree angle at first) seems to be under control by either a supernatural force or by the Earth going out of orbit while being somehow manipulated by very strong magnetic patterns around the region, as it is moving about uncontrollably in a strange way, which eventually causes damage to the building and later on, the entire region - and I become aware that many people near the area are killed by earthquake-like activity. I take note of the many strange clouds moving about, almost like a tornado, but not quite. Soon, though, there are no clouds, which, for some reason, means “the end” (which is rather odd, since I have often seen little or no cloud cover on certain nights - but in this case, they seem to sweep through the sky all at once in an “unnatural” way and vanish). The Earth is out of orbit, and not many days are left for humanity.

      There are also two sections (seemingly between or during the times of the main storms) which also seem to be a different day for the garden one at least. I own or at least “control” a very large amount of land in Australia, acres and acres into the distance. I have this huge area of land divided up into various rectangular plots for thousands of different plants, primarily fruits and vegetables. Some of the ones closest to where I am standing are strawberries, carrots, and celery, but there are also many plots devoted to very rare kinds of mostly edible plants. Each plot somehow has an underground computer keeping each individual garden at its optimum temperature, light, and moisture for the plant to grow as correctly and healthily as possible. (I am not sure how the “light” aspect is monitored, as it mostly seems to be under open blue sky as far as the eye can see.)

      In another part of my dream, my wife and I are going west, to live near the ocean or at least visit the (unknown and unfamiliar) area and enjoy its beauty in a very remote region while there is still time. I look out over the incredibly beautiful ocean’s surface at the many multicolored reflections. After about what seems like ten minutes or so, I mentally try to create a dinosaur-like creature, and a glassy, transparent plesiosaurus head begins to rise and form, but stays crystal-like and slightly translucent and never shows more than its head only - about ten feet away from us. Of all the “chased by dinosaur” dreams I have had in my life, I was somehow aware that I had created them at one level at the beginning foundation of my dream, even though they sometimes got a bit out of control and “too real”. In this dream, though, I seem to be doing it mostly for nostalgic purposes as I know the creature will be friendly, but due to the Earth being out of orbit, the magnetic tulpa energies are chaotic and with no sustainability, even with a six-by-four (or eight-by-six?) matrix with Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse implications. I feel a bit sad though the head does not vanish, but the creature will only exist in a "what if” state until the Earth’s very last hour, having a head only “floating” on the water (or seeming to) and not even a neck or body - or perhaps its body is there and under the ocean’s surface in an invisible form.

      The last section has to do with the final “out of orbit” conditions. I am with an unknown man and feel myself begin to rise in the air, as Earth is losing its gravity, of which I make a verbal note to the man and shout this to some other people as they are also rising up into the air. It is not at all like the common flying or even hovering dreams for me; I am simply floating up with a sense of there really being no gravity in the building and there is also an uncommon sense of weight associated with my movements that I cannot seem to control - I am about halfway up to the high ceiling. The man and I notice a woman of about thirty. She has at least six children of all the same age with her (about six or seven years). At first they all seem to have ice skates on (but remove them) - but then they are all dancing and singing and enjoying the growing loss of gravity (we are all inside some sort of larger building, seemingly a hotel lobby or something but somehow connected to a sports arena and large casino or some such). The man seems very angry and yells at her, regarding the idea of her dancing when “it is the end of the world” as very “wrong”, perhaps even insane. He announces “The 9.8 meter per second squared constant is flying the coop as quickly as we are!” It soon dawns on me that it is the man who is crazy, because why would it matter if you were dancing as it was the end of the world anyway as at least you would “go out” happily in a sense.

      Oddly, though, the women and her children are then back on the ground as if gravity is then normal for them (but they seem mildly dejected), and then they prepare to go shopping and on to living normal lives again, as perhaps the Earth is “back in orbit” after all.
    4. Creatures on the Loose - Sept 13 - “Krogarr!” Revisited…

      by , 06-23-2013 at 12:23 PM
      Morning of June 23, 2013. Sunday.

      This dream is a strange interesting reminder of a “Creatures on the Loose” comic book I read as a boy…hard to believe really, as this old comic book was the last thing on my mind. However, as usual, there was some “funny business” involved in real life, once again, that I have only verified now after research.

      In my dream, I am at my sister Marilyn’s house. I am, for some reason, living in that house on Loomis street with my wife Zsuzsanna (though she has never been to America). This was where I was staying when I first got a letter from her in real life via the PAIA notice (based in my hometown in Florida at the time) that I answered. A couple local detectives (they turn out to be someone else, though) come by to tell us that they need to get human remains from the ground in the front of the house, rather specific in where they will look - to my left when facing the front door. We have to sign some documents to give them permission. I am not sure whose human remains they are looking for, or how long they had supposedly been there - maybe it is just like one of those seemingly endless in number television shows and movies where the killer leads the police to where his victims are buried. They begin their work, but something is up. Somehow, upon looking at a computer screen that is connected to their operation, my wife and I notice that it appears there are people digging in various x-marked spots all over the world around this time (we view a world map with various prompts and icons), including Africa, Canada, South America, and even Norway. They still may be connected with government, it seems, but they were not honest with us in what they were really looking for.

      Even though it was not originally supposed to be such a big deal, we later notice that not only are the intersections at both ends of our street blocked off from the public, there is some sort of weird parade going on. We see two rows of eight girls in red outfits with skirts and silver “tinsel” (in an otherwise western hanging fringe-like fashion) doing a marching and dancing routine on the right (south) end of our street. They seem to be part of some sort of law-enforcement or national security group. They turn around each time to repeat the routine, and continue to block the area. There are only a few members of the puzzled public around, watching and wondering, I suppose. We are then told that no “local calls” are allowed (and apparently no one can leave their home or at least their street for awhile, either). “Local calls” seems to be a big deal for a time - as if they were more of a way to stop (or inquire) about these people than calling elsewhere (but makes no real sense) - however, this may relate to a movie we saw last night in real life called “Buried” (with Ryan Reynolds) - by which the entire movie involves a live man buried in a wooden “coffin” making various phone calls - and somehow having enough air to breathe the entire time - even though he is usually gasping and panting like crazy as well as often using the lighter and having it going - proof the public will watch anything, I guess (I should talk…we watched it until the end).

      We are not sure what they are after. Are they digging in various locations around the world to find parts of something to build, or only after one thing in a particular area where all the other spots are red herrings?

      Later, there is static on the television that is on but it then looks like the image of a circular rainbow of concentric bands, with a sort of shifting oily effect (when the man says the “forbidden” word or name). The people that were digging are now in our house. One man is in the living room with me and is the only other person around at the time. I ask him what they were looking for and he says something like “Jowiwow” (Jowl-wee-wow), then seems horrified (as you are not supposed to say “Jowiwow” out loud or you will be carried away by a monster). Suddenly, a monster emerges from the television, growing larger, saying in a strange voice “I have come to take you to Krogarr!” The effect of the monster grabbing the man and going back into the television is very interesting - I clearly see a leg of the creature as the last visible part as it grows a little smaller and moves back into the television. There is no fear on my part.

      It seems these people are involved in a desire or mission to worship this creature and change the world to their political viewpoint through his help - thus it is government-related after all. Another man comes in, saying “twenty-two is the key” (which of course I already knew for many years now). Unfortunately for him, because I want to be alone with my wife, I trick him into also saying the name “Jowiwow” and the monster comes again (from the television) - with an incomplete line about dominating or domination - “och krogar dominerade förr” (“past restaurants dominate” or something equally silly - unless you use the dream story’s intent which would then mean the dimension of “Krogarr” would conquer Earth’s past or alter history?), and this man suddenly knows he will die as well as the other who said the “name”, the monster a little bigger this time (at one point he even seems to have “friends” living in the walls of the house on “standby” - as the word “standby” once appeared on TV screens or maybe still does).

      In real life today, I tracked down the relevant comic book cover and noticed something interesting. Although it is not the actual date (it is the issue number), it says “13 Sept” - which is my wife’s birthday (if you take “13 Sept” at face value)! I doubt the creature was called “Jowiwow” though; it is probably just the usual fictional word gibberish dreams commonly offer.

      Now comes the fun part! Noticing the sequence of the letters K-E-Y (see cover image below), and ALSO seeing the word “to” twice in close proximity (two-two), telling me something (a fractal cluster in numerical form) was going to be there (because of it sounding like that oh-so-funny number twenty-two - which often appears next to the words “sign” and “key” in various forms in many published sources I have seen). Doing a fractal cluster with the remaining letters, I see that it has my wife’s maiden name followed by the word “marriage”.

      The word “krogarr” (with only one “r” though) can mean “taverns” (or “restaurants”) and appears with my wife’s name (full form) when doing a Google search - bringing up that same partial phrase relating to an Adobe PDF document (“Local Calls”): “och krogar dominerade förr”…thus this dream combines forms of postcognition with precognition (and likely remote viewing) and otherwise inexplicable patterns.

      Updated 12-04-2016 at 08:38 AM by 1390

    5. Troubles with the Rapture

      by , 06-19-2013 at 12:19 PM
      Morning of June 19, 2013. Wednesday.

      This is a long convoluted dream with the main theme being the Rapture (as in being lifted or teleported into Heaven, which some Christians apparently believe). It combines humor, movie-like scenarios, and erratic confusion of words and ideas that only a dream can hopelessly distort so thoroughly, yet which still leaves an overall good feeling, as it colored my mood in a very cheerful way.

      Firstly, I find out about and focus on a few ideas I had not known or at least not thought about much before. In my dream, the “Rapture” is called, or related to, the “Prodigy”. In my dream, I look up the word “prodigy” (liminally recalling it has nothing to do with anything ominous), but find a wrong meaning in two different dictionaries. One entry reads as “Of or relating to the time period from ages 8 to 8 years”. Another entry in a different dictionary reads as “8-8”. So, “prodigy” supposedly only means an eight-year-old child in my dream (and for some reason, I know it means a boy only). It is amusing that the one age was unnecessarily shown as a span.

      On an important side note, even though I was certain that the word “prodigy” was only associated with a child with a special talent, I looked it up and found another (apparently no longer used) meaning being “something regarded as of prophetic significance”, something I did not consciously know or remember, so this is possibly postcognitive, though I might have seen this meaning before and not remembered.

      There is also some nonsense with a different word; “accolade” (associated with “livestock accolade”, which I have not heard before in real life). According to my dream, this is when God will lift up sheep, horses, cows, and other domestic farm animals into the sky during the animal part of the Rapture, before he gathers the humans.

      In my dream, my wife Zsuzsanna is still a child, though has a flock of sheep in Nimbin on a large area of farmland. She has something written in red on her left heel, which may be “prodigy” or “rapture” or possibly another word (though reading in dreams typically results in the letters or words changing when looking at them again). When her sheep are lifted into the sky and they vanish into the clouds, she seems concerned, as her family seems angry at her for having “lost” them. However, a short time later, people witness cows being “Raptured” - or make that, only one cow, with great difficulty. Although some of the other cows are lifted by the invisible force and hover a bit, they are soon all dropped but one. The baffled people look on as the one cow swirls around seemingly experiencing a fair amount of stress and never does make it up into the clouds. So much for the Cow Rapture. People, even the religious ones in the fields, start looking a bit concerned as if they do not quite know what they are in for and some even sneak out of the area.

      There is another scene where I am in a large van in Nimbin with young Zsuzsanna and her family (and her family’s friends). (I am not sure if it is the one her mother painted dolphins on, but it may be.) I am the only one being “Raptured” at the time for some reason (perhaps because I am from the future as I now begin to contemplate as such), and people are asking me, if I come back from the Rapture, to tell them what happened.

      However, as I am inside the van, its ceiling seems to be made of “frozen rain clouds”. I keep rising up, crashing through the ice of the frozen clouds, and going back down a short distance as I hover a bit, and each time, large amounts of cold water fall down upon me and the others inside the van, releasing the “rain” in larger, more compact streams. This continues for what seems a long time. I am facing downward with my arms out a bit, and after time passes, it feels more and more exhilarating, with an extremely vivid and wonderful sense of weight and momentum and cooler temperature of the kind I very much enjoy on a hot day. I start to wonder if I will eventually go out through the roof of the van or if all the “rainwater” will eventually be released from out of the doors of the van (though there is no indication of water rising inside the van). As I float up and down, I hit the ice at various levels of strength each time. At this point, it feels somewhat like a standard flying dream, not nearly as unfettered yet more thrilling in some ways. It continues until I slowly wake, feeling rejuvenated.

      (Of course, this is a vestibular system correlation waking process as is typical of many of my dreams; an average of more than one per sleep cycle, in fact. The van is an autosymbolic extension of my physical body as singular vehicles usually are. Concerning the flying cows, there was possibly influence from the flying cow scenes in “Twister” and “The Wizard of Oz”, and possibly even influence from the nursery rhyme line, “the cow jumped over the moon”, as there seemed to be influence from “Little Bo Peep” as well.)

      Updated 06-22-2018 at 07:32 PM by 1390

      Tags: cows, rapture
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Walking “Holy Being” of White Light at a College?

      by , 05-14-2013 at 02:52 PM
      Morning of May 14, 2013. Tuesday.

      Throughout all of my dream, I am some sort of powerful white-light being, seemingly the one who created this particular dream world (I am mostly lucid throughout), or I am meant to be the sole master of it, perhaps. I note my appearance in the glass pane of an inner door of a large college in an unknown region. I appear to all of the public as a glowing white human form, with blue nuances, appearing as if in photographic negative with the light coming from the inside. I have no face, either, although the blue aspects make a sort of suggestion of a subtle mostly featureless “mask” that has a sort of stripe-like appearance near my forehead and the sides of my head. At times, the light emanating from me becomes much brighter for no discernible reason.

      Even though I appear solely as a glowing light, I am aware that “inside” this light or “veil”, I am truly myself, and even wearing older blue jeans and seemingly a T-shirt.

      Most of the people at this college are either Islamic, Christian, or Buddhist, it seems (though of various sects), in a very open and harmonious mix, interestingly enough. Many are dressed in modern clothes, but some are dressed in more traditional apparel. Each and every person has their own individual way of reacting to my presence.

      Some bow down and kowtow to me; others mostly just look confused and whisper amongst themselves. I do not care. I am mostly just walking around (although I do hover and float about at times). I try to find the active portal out of my dream (as I presently prefer being a human in another scenario, with viable physical “working” parts, so that I may indulge in an enhanced sensual encounter) which seems to be a closed door at the end of a more open area near a hall with a couple of white metal benches along one inside wall. However, they are busy at reception and cannot get me out of my dream, at least yet, so I will have to wait around until they find the right papers to shuffle from one place to another (the phrase “paper tiger” comes to mind, but has a fictional meaning in-dream - which also seems relevant to “paper chase”).

      At one point, I am aware of the television show “Supernatural” (actually one of the only television shows I have watched consistently over the years) influencing people with various audio reversals. The audio reversal of “Dean”, for example, the way it is often said on the show, sounds a lot like emotional audio saying “need” perhaps making people think they “need” to watch the show or “need” features of whatever other phrasing is linked. (I am more aware of this in its connection to a horned figure sitting on the top of a tall building in a much older dream, saying phrases I do not fully remember, though each followed by “deen yah”, the audio reversal of “I need”.)

      One younger man in a white robe continuously annoys me by kissing my toes and feet at one point, a more vivid part of my dream, as I walk down one larger hall (and the sense of touch seems more defined and enhanced than in real-life in this case). I can even feel pulls on the lower part of my jeans’ right pants-leg as I walk along, feeling somewhat hindered. Even more annoying, one person smells me (my shoulder) as if to “smell the divine” (though I am not sure what religion he is following).

      A younger unfamiliar woman, who seems to be one of the main teachers at the college, or perhaps the principal (even though she is only about twenty-five), comes to me and wants me to go with her (likely to be reprimanded by additional college authorities). Apparently, she thinks I am one of three young men who are students at the college who are supposedly playing an ongoing elaborate prank. She asks me which one of the three I am (since I have no face, only light) and the first names of the three college pranksters are Donald, Ferdinand, and Oswald. Donald (likely from Donald Duck), Oswald (after Oswald Rabbit), and Ferdinand (from Ferdinand the Bull) seem relevant here and are on the in-dream threshold of my memory - though I also reflect on them being the students she is referring to. I decide to go with her, solely out of seeing what will happen if I pretend to be someone else I am not familiar with at all. I wonder what they are like and where they actually are (perhaps in the large parking lot on the other side of the college?). I even wonder if they are actually involved in a prank or if it is solely her claim as such. I tolerate her imposition and assumptions purely to amuse myself as I have nothing better to do at this point.

      On the way, I wave my right hand and some sort of small “rocket” comes out (rocket is also a plant I greatly enjoy on sandwiches though I am not sure if this is relevant), but when it lands near the side of the street, makes a small oak tree appear (but with multicolored leaves, including purple and yellow). It gets very large in a short time, growing swiftly and with appropriate details. The female makes a remark about how she is “impressed” but more as a jest, as she sees it as pure coincidence, implying that all plants and flowers appear and grow in a person’s garden by pure chance, rather than as a result of a human being planting them. This, in my dream, makes me even more “aware” that disbelievers in precognition (or even foreshadowing potential in pop culture or even foresight), as well as personal focus and intent, are somehow missing a part of their mind, even perhaps in a physical sense.

      I get so annoyed by her condescending absurdity and inexperience as she continues to talk, calling me one of the three wrong names each time, that I wake. This is possibly based on a real-life experience of many years back, where I called about a position at a restaurant in Brisbane, and the young female worker who answered kept calling me “Ernie”, truly seeming to think I was her ex-boyfriend for some reason and being very rude and then saying “not for you” when I repeated a request to speak to someone higher up, and she hung up. This has happened before, even when the person could actually see me at the time, which really makes me wonder about the nature of human perception (especially as it was in no way deliberate on my part).

      My wife’s dream during this same time period was inexplicably linked to mine, as they often are. She was seemingly the one in the office in my dream. She said she had a dream of getting some documents to send out, but was told she had to add details to them before they could be sent out, and some details were missing. In other words, she was in the “same dream” but a different location as a character I knew of but did not directly address.
    7. Furnace Sabotage

      by , 05-11-2013 at 11:11 AM
      Morning of May 11, 2013. Saturday.

      I am back in La Crosse at my sister Marilyn’s house and it is seemingly in the middle of a very cold winter. The house has a very large and strange furnace in the basement (as in real life) but where one larger vent, instead of the real-life small, narrow one at the baseboard, is somewhat like a large opening in the east wall about the size of a large painting and is where the right front window to the porch would be in real life. The vent also has a more open grill. There are also additional vents in the walls (instead of the other rooms’ floors as in real life) in a couple other rooms, but smaller.

      A younger woman (of about 30) is visiting who is not familiar to me at all, but she seems to have some attributes of a mentally ill woman that shared the same building with my sister in real life over twenty years ago. An older brother is also there. There is some sort of concern about the furnace not working correctly. My sister and her husband, for some unknown reason, do not seem to be there - perhaps being on a longer trip somewhere. Time passes and the woman proves to be a bit annoying and sarcastic and apparently does something to the thermostat controls. My brother is in another room at the time, at the back (or upstairs?), and seems to be staying with either the unknown woman in the upstairs separate unit or my sister and her husband.

      I feel a strong, vivid awareness and it seems like a state of semi-lucid awareness, but I do not try to change my dream or explore much. However, there is an amazingly intense heat that seems to burn right into my skin - almost like a flash fire in which I feel ready to “die”, and I am aware that the entire house could become ash in a short time. Oddly, I have more concern for my sister’s belongings and memorabilia than my own life for a short time. I notice fire leaping out of the vent near the front door (the biggest fictional vent mentioned earlier).

      My brother yells out, like a disembodied voice from above and behind me, “Hey who turned up the heat, it’s too hot, what’s going on?” He turns out to have been downstairs, but had gone out the back door mostly to cool off and additionally get some fresh air. I go out the back door as well. Soon, everything is fine again, with no damage or even burns on anyone and no external fires. As we are walking back into the house, my brother mentions casually that the unknown woman had put the COBOL punchcard (the size of a credit card) accidentally into the thermostat upside-down and backwards. I start laughing and doing a sort of patronizing strut, saying “yeah, sure…sure…”, fully knowing that the unknown woman had done it on purpose to destroy my sister’s house and belongings for some unknown reason (perhaps jealousy of having a more complete photographic record of her childhood and past). He verbally notes several supposed positive qualities of the woman, including her looks, and I almost feel sorry for him and his ignorance, but I continue to laugh and humor him with “yeah, right, sure…if you say so…”. I know that the woman is actually an unattractive criminal and had done similar things in her past, also claiming it was accidental. He apparently does not even know that I am making fun of him.

      Update: This turned out to be metaphorically precognitive less than a year later regarding my sister’s unexpected death and her (some important, including photographs) possessions being discarded by a thoughtless “friend” (supposedly to “help” my brother-in-law) whom my brother also knows, the same one associated with the unknown female in this entry.

      Updated 04-18-2018 at 01:16 PM by 1390

      Tags: furnace
    8. Faux Volcano! and Sitting for Old Review Tests

      by , 04-19-2013 at 10:19 AM
      Night of April 19, 2013. Friday.

      This is another dream where I revisit my teenage years to take some review tests. A few friends are with me. The teacher seems nice. I am not sure of the grade; it is possibly eleventh grade (but with an intermediate association to make up incomplete work). I seem to be back in Florida. The questions are related to basic mathematics and I easily answer them, as I already had seemingly done this same work a few times before, but it is something to do with time taken over test scoring in this case.

      Later, the location of the tests changes to some benches under a large shelter in a large park (but still near a school building). It may be at Lake Katherine. It seems to be at night and it is very dark out (though there is minimal lighting from the ceiling of the open shelter).

      I decide to get up and walk around to get a break from the test. I am vaguely aware that I am hovering and floating in the air at times and I become semi-lucid.

      In the far distance I see a high mountain to the north. (The school building and park shelter are to the east of where I am standing.) A volcano is erupting, sitting atop the highest area of a larger mountain (instead of the smaller separate volcanic mountain being at ground level) and I see larger rivers of lava flowing down from the mountain on the right side of it and a little more on the left (but not as thick and glowing as the other side). It even seems to be near a high cliff. I have a brief thought about there being no mountains like this in Florida, but I still accept the scene. I run back to my classmates shouting “Volcano, volcano!” and point to the north. There will probably be time to get away, as the volcano is very far away.

      I look back and see that the scene looks completely different even though it was beautiful and perfect when I first saw it and there was no doubt that it was “real”. The “volcano” is really close now, but it is only an image on a large billboard that features a Lava Soap advertisement. It is now just across the road from where we are. Also, there is some sort of electrical problem, causing lights to go on and off. (The billboard lights also flash.) I walk around and the other students soon join me. There is something said about the school closing for the night when the teacher returns. I notice that some lights are from a large porch (which is on the other side of the billboard) that extends out over an embankment just off the road. (It seems to be a large back porch but this is not certain.)

      I see that there is a very large electric rock tumbler on the porch, which is bigger and about twice as long as an oil barrel and aligned east and west. It is making a loud rumbling and crackling noise and also causing the lights to flicker on and off in the house and high-set open porch (though it seems no one is home). Red muddy waste water is flowing out from a rusty hole in the rock tumbler and it looks vaguely like lava and is flowing under the nearby billboard.

      A little later, we are back in the same area. I see a large flow of water, mud, and rocks that is fairly close, and start shouting “Mudslide! Mudslide!” (Perhaps the rock tumbler broke this time.)

      I had a rock tumbler when I was much younger, but it was only about the size of a coffee can. They are used to smooth down stones, using about three or four erosive stages (each sand grain grade a size smaller), to make them more suitable for jewelry.

      Although this dream features the common porch-as-liminal-space event (waking transition segment), it is atypical, the main difference being that I am not actually on the porch at any point. Still, this is where the essence of the preconscious is visibly active, though not a threat.

      Updated 03-14-2017 at 06:06 AM by 1390

    9. Accident at A&W Root Beer Stand, Wasting Drinks

      by , 03-23-2013 at 03:53 PM
      Night of March 23, 2013. Saturday.

      I am sitting in a car (as the driver) at an A&W Root Beer stand at night (almost closing time, I would say). A waitress skates out my way to the car but loses her balance slightly and her head/face crashes into the car window, the glass falling onto the seat. The crash is not quite right, but is very loud and short, like a small firearm rather than a glass-related sound. The girl seems to have vanished.

      I then notice that the glass on the seat is now more like a cardboard jigsaw puzzle than broken glass and in about sixteen or more pieces, so I kind of quickly put it together and it is a picture of the girl looking through the window. I look up and the scene has become “real” and she waves. “Sorry, we’re closing,” she says. I look down at the jigsaw puzzle and it is apart again, but with no sign of skin tones on any piece.

      Later, I am out of my car near the root beer stand, but in the parking lot of a closed convenience store. After a few minutes, a few other people gather. First, two men throw a couple empty root beer cans into the recycling bin. Eventually, they open new cans but they spray a bit (as from being dropped or being too icy). They aim the cans at the recycling bin, and a couple streams of root beer go into the open bin, some going on the ground.

      More people arrive. Soon, there are streams of root beer going into the recycling bin but mostly missing and going all over the shopfront in wide arcs and all over the ground. They keep going and going and eventually laughing. The mess is getting worse and worse. Root beer is running along the gutter as if it had been raining syrup for a long time. I become annoyed and want to leave the area in case the police drive by.

      Eventually, the police do drive in and stop. A few people are interviewed. I am in the sidelines near a larger officer (about a foot taller than me) who is looking at some sort of itinerary on the front hood of his vehicle. I touch him on the back near the left shoulder in a friendly way, telling him about the people I saw doing the sprays and then remember that touching an officer (especially when they are focusing on something else) would be considered very foolish and dangerous (and life-risking).

      I say, “Oh, I’m so sorry, I forgot you didn’t like to be touched”. Oddly, he does not even notice. He nods very slightly and mumbles (more at his own thinking) and I walk off to my car and there is a slight concern that the attention will fall on me, but it does not. In dreams, I purposely never have a license for anything (may relate to years ago in real life where a court case and doubled arrest - taken to two different stations and fingerprinted at both - one unrelated to the other county - was all fabricated based on a fictional charge of me fishing without a license and I had a valid one on me at the time when checked - it was based more on my looks and some sort of jail quota even though I acted friendly - also, the judge deliberately signed random bench warrants on a regular basis and went off on a Friday night to keep innocent people in jail over the weekend, everyone knew about it, but no one said much - so it was common for people to plead “no contest” or “guilty” on “time already served” for various fictional crimes in Vernon County Wisconsin at that time - so it dawned on me since it did not matter if you had a license or not, why pay and make an effort to have one, at least in dreams.)

      The other people are just standing around trying to explain the root beer fiasco to the police. My dream car is very spacious, somewhat like a modern station wagon. The people continue to stand around, two officers writing notes (one female) and the older, large one still looking at his itinerary for when he goes on his next vacation. Apparently that is all he does when on call. A man points up to the sky, making some sort of explanation that the birds had squirted down most of the root beer or some such (or that it was not even root beer but bird doo), and the police all look up. A man points at the gutter, the police look there. Wherever one person points, everyone else looks; the bins, the shop windows, the awnings, the shop door, their cars, etc. It will be a long night, probably. The shopfront is covered in a thick, dark syrup in various arcs, lines, and blobs. “We didn’t know the bin was already full,” says one.

      I get in my (fictional) car and very carefully and slowly drive off. I reach the next intersection and hear loud trucks approaching. I do a sort of weird U-turn in the middle of the street near a taller building - then I remember that I can turn my car invisible while it is disguised as a visible bicycle. I see no other vehicles anywhere, but hear them loudly approaching. Not sure what to do; I risk driving fairly fast through the intersection thinking that maybe the traffic is just echoing from somewhere else.
    10. A Fun Ride, Living Totem Pole

      by , 03-21-2013 at 03:52 PM
      Morning of March 21, 2013. Thursday.

      So here I am on the back of a white 1948 Ford F1 pickup truck. Well, except that I am not actually in the back, but standing carefully, toes to heel, on a longer 2x4 board that is one of many arranged in a somewhat sloppy way, with the gate down, and a few of which stick out to at least four feet from the back (they are underneath, so the weight from the top boards are keeping them from sliding out, it seems). A nice balancing act. I almost feel like dancing, as I can stand almost out to the edge without falling over or being swept away by the forces of the wind and moved by the momentum of the truck in any way. An old man with white hair is driving at about 40 mph. It is a winding mountain road. A chrome-colored tarpaulin covers about three-quarters of the back from the cab. A young dark-haired girl is actually in the back on the left (from my perspective), leaning back on the cab, in a denim skirt outfit (the kind with a sort of bib and with three layers of skirt) and has a green backpack with black straps and trim in the middle near the cab. A yellow ribbon is missing from the right side of her head and has been used as a flag for the extended timber load.

      “KAGL 93.3 FM, El Dorado…the Eagle!" Rick Springfield starts singing "Speak to the Sky”.

      The girl is working out a puzzle in a Dell logic puzzle book.

      “This is nice,” I say. I do a sort of jig to try to deliberately crack the 2x4 to see if anything happens (perhaps it will become a sort of skateboard/hoverboard and I will “fly” away).

      “This is my dream,” she responds, “you don’t have to be in it…I’m going to dream about Woodsy Owl, Smokey the Bear, and Wendy and the Camp Fire Blue Birds.”

      She moves the backpack in my direction about a foot or so from the cab and takes out a teddy bear, which starts to swell up as it if is a fuzzy balloon with someone evenly blowing air into it (or it is one of those self-inflating travel pillows). Soon, it is a real bear (American black bear) sitting near the right edge of the back, but not taking notice to anything.

      I say “Oh brother, it’s the ol’ teddy bear into a real bear routine! You need new writers!”

      The same song still plays. “Forest fires prevent bears!” I happily shout, remembering an old Cracked Magazine poster featuring Smokey the Bear running from burning trees.

      I start vocally “dah-dah-dahing” the songs “Turkey in the Straw” and “The Arkansas Traveler”, doing a faster jig. Finally, the board cracks into a downward “L” shape, and I fall into a horizontal (my back perfectly horizontal to the road) position on a cushion of air, feet somehow still on the board and moving with the truck. I spread my arms out, “deeply” relaxing, listening to the sounds of the wheels on road, the engine, and a somewhat tinny-sounding Rick Springfield. Bits of gravel hit me in the sides of the head every now and then, a minor annoyance.

      I glance up and see that the bear is rummaging through her backpack and eating a pre-algebra textbook and a sandwich wrapped in plastic. I start laughing uncontrollably.

      Eventually, I am still on a cushion of air but rising up quite a bit. I wave at the scene moving away and from below me (both the girl’s eyes and the bear’s eyes flash a bright, rippling silvery light for a second or two) and I try to roll in mid-air to the right wayside, but I feel “speed” building up, a strange sort of compressed awareness of time. The Moody Blues start up, “So Deep Within You” (from “On the Threshold of a Dream”) but starts to sound unusual and distant.

      Well, this is fun, the sound of the truck’s radio fades almost completely and wind “growls” in my ears. I feel a strong, clear sense of “this is it” finality as the last musical notes fade out like some sort of short, “captured” multimedia artwork, da-dat-da-daaa. For an eternal second, I am a simple black-and-white sketch slightly animated to the song’s beginning part. Thus, I am an upright flying human “X” heading into a cluster of large trees on the wayside. I begin to arch my back slightly, feeling slightly exposed at the “front”. I become “attached” for a frozen moment by wrists and ankles to the old wood.

      I am sighing with a sort of unusual body-wide pleasure with slight coolness, slight burning, and the “pulling” above the navel that makes me gasp. I pull the large trees towards each other and into me. A very old voice, seemingly that of a giant, some half-asleep ogre who has slept for a few hundred years or so, moans “Huh?” (as if “what in the world is going on up there?”) but so slowly, with a sense of time expansion, that no emotion of surprise is properly conveyed by the expanded waveform, just a very slow rise in pitch, which becomes…another sound…old roots groan and crack and dirt moves as the trees are pulled inside of me somehow.

      “Inside” are white and blue infinite “hopping marshmallow-like cylinders” (loose and silly description, sorry) of soft light moving with great speed. This is a texture of vision that I have seen often in the past. Switch to: A rain puddle, with rain falling and splashing into it, but time is frozen or altered. Ripples remain for a very long time and an oblong drop stays in place even when hit through. Random human footprints appear on the surface and I move my fingers (especially thumb) about the appearing and dispersing “hollows” in interest and appreciation. Eventually, there are dark fern-like brownish fractal images just farther down into the large puddle that quiver “threads” to the surface. There are no more humans, but refreshing rain still falls.

      So I pull myself up out of the ground, buried waist-deep, the force ending up on the backs of my wrists, palms up, man that hurts, an unnatural position, but it does npt matter, the long stiff feathers sticking out from my wrists and forearms cannot be bent at that point and might crack if I twist around too much. Time passes and it is night, with a crescent moon in the distance. I feel I am looking from about fifteen feet up or higher. I need to get my hands out from under my stiff wings, they are actually carved wood. My hands come out as carved snake heads from under the wooden feathers. Finally, I can feel my hands but cannot see them as I find a large, carved bear’s head emerged from my chest, its mouth only very partly open. On each toenail is painted a simple face, black eyes (outline) and eyebrows, black nose shape, and red mouth. A similar face is also carved into each of my knees.

      Everyone is running around and screaming and pointing. “It’s not that bad, is it?” I think to the down there, “I’m just a walking totem pole. Can’t I walk around without all that noise and negative attention? My goodness… " I almost accidentally knock down a bird’s nest, but am able to place it back. This is ridiculous when burning sticks are thrown at me. My left shoulder catches on fire and I have to blow it out. I would like to move my legs a little more each step, but it feels like I am wearing pants with the legs sewn together almost down to below the knees. It is also like a sense of wearing someone’s prescription glasses I once tried in real life, where it makes you feel a lot taller (I learned that it depends a lot on how a certain person’s eyes worked - some prescription glasses I tested made me feel much shorter). I hold my arms out as a sort of "halt” indication, forgetting it makes me look a lot bigger as they are mostly within wooden wings that span out more. I see more burning sticks ready to be thrown. “Stop it!” I say (more like a coarse whisper), and whack my hand down in the lake and put most of their fires out as well as getting a face full of water.

      Something in my mouth tastes foul and wooden, it turns out to be a canoe, so I take it out (part was stuck in my throat like a longer strand of bacon fat) and I put it back in the lake.

      I get down on all fours and decide that it is probably better to be a longhouse. No drama. No people running around and acting crazy. I am a house, and plan on staying one… I watch people sing and dance. Chanting and dancing is better than running and screaming and throwing stuff. The only drawback is that I feel annoying hunger pangs when too many people walk out of me.

      “Glowing” Dreams

      Mean dogs are trying to get to me when I am in a cave near a cove and I am just trying to enjoy myself and watch the waves. But, good luck with that, dogs. They are trying to come up out of the pure, white sand but keep sinking back in, because, being domesticated (aggressive) pet dogs, they cannot walk on pure sand (seems logical). Mostly only their head comes up a bit, and they sink down in annoyance almost as if into a giant ant-lion trap. Mostly rust-colored (as usual) they are hardly even able to bark. Sometimes it is just a pitiful (but aggressive) “half-bark”, with head sort of sidewise, before they go back down, sometimes in a sort of cyan light that “burns” them away. What is really “funny” is that the more they bark in anger, the more sand goes into their mouths and helps pull them down with less breath and strength, with razor-sharp teeth being no threat at all.

      I am in another cave, it seems, and a very ancient Minoan column is inside, much of the bottom and top covered by rock. Rays of light come out as it cracks and I softly tap on it. It is not only hollow, another dimension is inside. There are human-like figures made of light. “God” is there but is not a giant worm, but an infinite spiraling “ribbon” of light moving about somewhat like an earthworm. “Oh that’s right”, I “remember”. Some of the people, all ages, and male and female walk into me. Everything is bright and perfect.
      Tags: totem pole
    11. I am ultimately not fooled by little aliens

      by , 04-19-2009 at 10:19 AM
      Morning of April 19, 2009. Sunday.

      I am at Northern Engraving, a factory where I had worked in the 1980s, on the second floor in the lunchroom. I am seated at a wooden picnic table and talking with a coworker about having seen tiny people of about four inches high. No one believes they exist. (My dream seems to have at least one reset after the point where the coworkers leave and the tiny people are seen by me.)

      When there are again no coworkers in the lunchroom (which illogically implies that all my coworkers had come back only to all leave again) of which has minimal lighting, I see the tiny people running across the floor near the doorway (from right to left) and they are soon aware that I can see them. They seem like humans at first, only miniature. At this point, my dream becomes extraordinarily vivid.

      Over time, there seems to be an area beyond the lunchroom where the doorway connects to the Barolin Street house’s doorway directly into the hallway (from where would have been our oldest son’s bedroom at the time).

      There also seems to be areas that lead out from there into WWTI (where I worked in maintenance as well as having taken two courses in machine tool and carpentry). I sit on the floor with my knees up and my back against the hall’s wall and I am very friendly with these apparent aliens that also somehow now seem like fairies relative to the legends. A female sits on the back of my raised hand while a few others are also seated on the floor and we share a few jokes about humans (even though I am human). After being friends with them for awhile, they agree to take me to their planet to explore or perhaps to live for a time. (My conscious self identity is not extant, so I am unaware of my present life status of living in Australia and having a family.)

      They eventually lead me into an old abandoned building, though of which they claim is their spaceship disguised as a building and which had been there for a long time. It reminds me of my high school in Florida in some ways. I go into a large old shower room with a concrete floor and with about four adjoining open showers, which is apparently an internal part of the spaceship supposedly near where the engine is. Interestingly, I suddenly and clearly realize that their intent is malicious (and that they are against humanity) and consider that I will probably be killed if I stay here, because I now understand that the building is not a spaceship, and I also realize that it is set to blow up very soon. I manage to escape just in time, feeling very intelligent by intuitively knowing of their deception. I am not sure if they were in the explosion or not, but it seems they might have been. A four-block area is destroyed by the explosion as I wake while on the perimeter of the area, feeling safe.

      As with most of my non-lucid dreams of this type, this dream is about my lifelong experience of being subliminally aware of being in the dream state even when not lucid and as such, has nothing to do with “interpretation” (especially as usually misused to imply “meaning”) as commonly propagated by the unknowing (including so-called experts and professionals who usually have zero understanding of what a dream is). It is ultimately about my lifelong relationship with RAS (reticular activating system) and its mediation while unconscious. I have the choice of remaining in my fantastic dream or accepting the biological urge to wake and urinate.

      The presence of the tiny people vivified my dream but not enough to trigger threads of conscious self identity, though did link me to a later setting (though of which we no longer live) and of which is a subliminal reminder that I am really unconscious and in a bedroom. The combined fantasy of aliens and fairies is obviously unrelated to real life. I deliberately (though again, subliminally, that is, without being aware I am dreaming) use this impossible scenario to sustain my dream. It is purposeful, but ultimately fails, as waking is a biological necessity.

      Still, in subliminally avoiding the inevitability of waking, I ultimately end up in a shower room, associated with bathrooms, of course, during which RAS becomes the “enemy” in its role as the waking trigger.

      Had I chosen to gone with the aliens in their spaceship (if my dream had taken this route), the vestibular system symbolism would have been utilized. (This is associated with various forms of movement, typically flight symbols such as birds and airplanes, though also the common falling sensation, which is solely biological.)

      The explosion simply symbolizes the cessation of the dream state itself and my (subliminal) choice to end it. What could have been typical return flight waking symbolism transmuted to a more defined bathroom wake-up call.

      Updated 01-03-2018 at 10:00 AM by 1390

      Tags: aliens, explosion
    12. Angel Doctor

      by , 03-27-2009 at 09:27 AM
      Morning of March 27, 2009. Friday.

      One dream of this date was very long and detailed but with a few uneventful sections. For the most part, I was some sort of doctor moving through time in the manner of an angelic being. While in the past in-dream, there are far more people who seem to respect me than in later eras. In one era, I heal an elderly lady with a serious illness who is close to death. The family already has an urn for cremation and looking forward to inheriting her money. In this part, I notice my reflection on the glass door in one area of the hospital. I have bright silvery eyes but the rest (including my hair, although quite shorter in my dream) looks mostly human. For some reason, I seem to be dressed like an ancient Turkish warrior but with some contemporary leisure-like additions and mostly in darker brown and tan color tones. The image included with this entry is fairly close to my in-dream appearance.

      The different hospitals and such in different time periods seem to have nothing to do with what I am wearing at different times concerning potential anachronisms. At one point I am wearing a fairly simple herringbone suit. It seems completely without logic, although each time, what I am wearing seems “divine” somehow and I feel very powerful and important in my outfits; much more “intense” and purposeful than in many similar dreams. I also have a flaming sword for defense, and at times, some sort of rod that alters energy relative to healing powers. Concerning a few people I heal, there are people worried (not the patient, but certain relatives for the most part and at least one doctor) that I am there to either kill them or take them into “another world” (perhaps Purgatory). I only help people who sincerely believe in my mission to aid them, whether or not they had previous knowledge or belief in what I was. Some seem more receptive than others, but all are willing and eventually appreciative.

      Later on, closer to the last part of my dream, some mindsets seem to think it is impossible to ever get better from an illness, even with the help of a doctor. This seems to be some sort of extreme pattern of not believing in “unseen” aspects, even medicines to some extent and oddly enough, seems to be in the future (about twenty years from now). This ironically seems to be some sort of “full circle” manifestation (and the idea that “fringe medicine” and so called fad diets and higher levels of misinformation will have more influence than ever before in human history). Another group of people believe that illness is caused by “magic”; or another mindset - that being ill is not real but a form of “being superstitious”. In this (seemingly) not-so-distant-future scene, many people (there are a variety of different fringe groups) do not even believe that a condition can be helped by medicinal aid (enforced pessimism it seems), which they see as somewhat of a hit-and-miss affair and perhaps related to the severe shortage of experienced (even qualified) doctors of the recent past. In fact, doctors are fairly rare across the whole world in this dream - many Western regions, oddly enough, do not have any doctors in the actual main cities as different time periods are entered. Medicine itself becomes said to be only “coincidental” when it does seem to work on the person. (Perhaps a person needs to use a “strong imagination” for medicine to work at all.)

      A man annoys me even though he eventually flies around with me (I fly at tremendous speeds in this dream) to watch and learn things from different time periods (only past times) although much of his doubt remains. Even though some of the healing was apparently done by some sort of divine energy, I start to talk about actual Western concepts of medicine, which people seem to have lost knowledge of in just a few years after 2020 or 2030 in many of the more civilized areas.

      The man then goes on talking about how doctors are “only in movies” (as if they could not possibly exist in reality - even though I am still aware that there are doctors in some regions in this other world/time) and that I am probably flying around because of a helicopter holding me up with wires or some such - and he keeps implying that I am only making a movie even though some people are actually healed and up and about by then. I get an impression, due to a newer “science”, that only some people are able to convince themselves to walk for very long from one location to another - due to an odd concept that your legs will only keep working up until a certain total (lifetime) distance is walked (there is even some sort of weird “right leg, left leg averaging” taught in school - a main field of modern “futuristic” mathematics).

      There are even expensive little gadgets that keep track of how much you have walked since your day of birth - most people even look for programmed shortcuts (via localized GPS systems, mostly in shopping malls, in competition with each other based on claims of both price and accuracy) to get to their car or other transport, as well as the steps to the front door of their house, in the shortest amount of steps possible. (There is also a different type of energy used for transport, but I am not certain of what it is). There are a few other unusual events, but these are most of the main aspects, including a PSA on a television where a man announces something like, “Did you know that every time you take that little detour or careless extra step to the side, you may be taking a day off your life… (Music jingle: ‘Don’t wear down the bones in your little toes, keep track of each foot wherever it goes…’) Our no-nonsense GPS systems will benefit you over the other brands and make sure your legs remain in top form for all your extended walking tasks… Don’t worry about becoming jelly-legged before your time”. Cut to divided screen where one brand promo shows a full walk to the car by which the driver smiles and smokes a cigarette after sitting down behind the driver’s seat and sighing in happiness, and the other (of the split-screen promo) where the man gets halfway across the parking lot before his legs collapse and he falls over and cannot move and starts looking worried as vultures and hyenas gather round (animation superimposed on live action).

      Although the first sections of my dream seem intense and serious and more vivid than some dreams, much of the rest seems silly and somewhat annoying - with less implied purpose, though I also get an impression that I healed members of a certain family throughout time, including brothers and sisters in the same family (but half-brothers and half-sisters who may not even know of each other - my wife has younger half-brothers and possibly half-sisters who probably do not even know of her at all).
      Tags: angel, doctor, flying
    13. The Black Fog, Visions of Light and Darkness (precognitive)

      by , 12-23-2008 at 06:23 PM
      Morning of December 23, 2008. Tuesday.

      In this dream, I vividly see a black fog. However, it then becomes connected to the “Swiss cheese” effect that I have not had in many years. The “Swiss cheese” effect seems related to “evil” (or at least negativity) as well. The three who seem to cause the “black fog” effect are also in my dream. Normally, I would see this as a warning - and it may still turn out to be as such. I think the “Swiss cheese” idea is somehow related to being able to see important truths or environmental facets to some extent even when much of the truth is not visible otherwise, or perhaps more mundane facets are blocked to clarify the “message” or to “force” the seeing of it via the “holes in the cheese”. (This “Swiss cheese” actually looks like a vertically floating slice of Swiss cheese, but perhaps more like a dark 2-D energy pattern, partially with the effect of a blurry flyscreen.)

      One of them does some sort of maneuver to hurt my family and ends up slipping on wet stone and breaking her head on the floor (the setting seems to be some sort of ancient castle); it seems very realistic and “correct”. I feel resolved in this - that the danger is less than before. I even feel good about it, thinking it will symbolically be a part of the real world (vindication) as well.

      Also, I had an amazing visionary dream, so beautiful as to be breathtaking in its large-scale nature and feeling of closeness. Thousands, perhaps millions of people, mostly girls of various ages (up to about twenty or thirty years) and from every culture and race imaginable - all equally beautiful regardless of skin color - from the lightest to the darkest, in all shades - singing throughout many scenes and environments, including some sort of place of worship - but far too large to exist in reality I would say, as it seems bigger than a city. I try to single one entity out, but it is impossible - as there are too many (although I am aware of each as an individual when I see a particular singer). They are singing for me (and my family) and the survival of my kind(?) or “species”. A few times, there seems to be far more of them than humans presently on Earth. The scenes are different, though. At times they seem to all be wearing a white robe; other times, various forms of elaborate (even bizarre) jewelry and costumes. There is something like a light remaining after their eyes and mouths open and close, which seems egg-like, of a shining, but “ancient” bronze-like property, which seems inter-dimensional or some such and having a different nature than their supposed origin (hard to explain). There is bright light. There is love. I have a slight uneasiness. They are like angels that can eliminate the human race with the blink of an eye at the right time. I feel an eerie sense of hearing this singing of a “higher power”. They eventually seem infinite as I study in awe. They are without end. I had similar dreams around age eight.

      There is someone with a knife who is trying to kill an emu. There is a strange distortion in this in that there is a picture of it where it has hundreds of small wings. There is also an idea that my wife had another baby, but it is on its own and outside (although this is anachronistic in that it occurs in an older home in the USA before I met my wife). This “baby” is more like a smaller featherless emu - I am somewhat angry over how the emu/human/baby is seemingly on its own. I pick up my baby emu/human/mother/son(?) Many people are near me, including slaves from both Egypt and more modern times. There are flowers tied to a cage (recurring during this time period only). I ask an African-American (who seems to be from the 17th century - there are a mix of people from different eras) about working in a business office in his last “incarnation” and also talk to some supposed Egyptian slaves and others. There is a strong idea in my dream that “slavery” (relative to the human race in general) as such, now works at a more advanced, precise, and negative way than ever before (but far more subtle). A man goes up to an “infamous” woman and stabs her in the back at the same time she is stabbing someone else in the back, presumably out of revenge(?) She is not fully human, though (part emu?). Oddly, she tells him to stop doing what he is doing even though she should be dying at that point. The man seems to consider taking the knife out or becoming more violent to stop her from completing her act. I am not sure how it ends.

      There is some sort of conspiracy involving Mesopotamia and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers - something to do with a “secret code” evolving with the alphabet relating directly to “clues” passed down for and by my “species” to survive in the world with the dominate species of “normal” humans. It goes on and on and on for seemingly an hour or so, but I can remember none of it.

      Beautiful visionary states arise out of another “black fog” dream. It apparently has different implications than usual. The “black fog” is more and more solid, some sort of entity which becomes a gigantic face looking up from Earth into the sky. A face made of black soil, burnt wood, muddy water, and smoking ashes. The sky becomes a “face”. The “Sky-face” is made of ocean water, and cloud (water-vapor). I am trying to work out who is who. Is it Yin and Yang? There is a feeling of movement and spiral-related changes. I am not sure if the black fog in this case is “evil” and the sky is “good”, but I am aware of the relationship of “opposites”. The great “Sky-face” seems to invert when I fly around it (similar to the Necker cube illusion - that is - looking into a hollow as from the inside of a mask rather than from the outside). This divine(?) being immediately inverts itself instead of turning its head to make its face look in the opposite direction from where it was looking.

      In real life, an emu named Mary was killed (this being the only time I ever dreamed of an emu being stabbed by a man and my dream’s scenario actually occurred in real life a block or so from where we live and at the same time as the dream). Link: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2009-02-0...-killer/281998

      Updated 09-15-2019 at 05:37 PM by 1390

    14. Martial Arts Flying and Very Strange Lizard

      by , 11-09-2007 at 03:48 PM
      Morning of November 9, 2007. Friday.

      I am at our “home”, but the building is completely unfamiliar except for some furniture that we have in real life. I am taking a nap in one room when about five or six people come in. Most of them are strangers, but one is someone I have known in real life who is a bit of a bully (and rather strong) but who literally has some sort of congenital disorder and is unable to read or learn much.

      This man shouts at me - something about me moving the furniture instead of him and the other people who are visiting - because only I am strong enough to do anything like this and am somehow supposedly shirking my responsibility in this case - everyone else should not have to do anything because I am apparently able to do everything more efficiently. There is some remark about me having “paranormal powers” (and that the older man is angry because of this - of which it is implied that it is the only real reason he is yelling after all) which is not something I would consider viable in real life, as it is not an “ability” in my opinion, just something that naturally happens.

      Anyhow, there is a very heavy large bookcase near one wall. I put the tip of one of my fingers under one of the higher shelves and effortlessly lift it fairly high as if it was weightless. After that, I yell back at the bully and notice that he is only about two feet high. I say something like, “What happened to you? You used to be a few inches taller than me, and now you are way down there, only about two feet high…” The man kind of looks around like he is not quite sure what had happened, but seems only mildly annoyed.

      I then hover in the air and swiftly fly to an area in another part of the building where there are many library shelves. In order to get past one area that is like a miniature hallway, I have to move sideways and do some kind of fancy martial arts while flying at the same time.

      There are three Japanese girls (teachers?) that need my help in building something. It is like a school desk with larger visible screws set in a five-spot pattern (as on a die) on the tabletop (a pattern that seems to have had significance in past dreams, it seems). There seems to be another tabletop they want to put over (or replace with?) the original. The Japanese girls seemingly do not know how to use the drill (or perhaps it is too heavy for them), so I take it and drill part of the center of the tabletop near the center screw. I move it around and the tabletop turns into old garden soil and becomes hollow farther down. There is what looks like some sort of (Japanese) green grass lizard or Miyako grass lizard (except that it has two pair of “swept back” horns on its head at one point and a narrower “American flag” red-and-white stripe pattern on its back - and becomes or is already some sort of distorted horned toad). It jumps on my shoulder near my ear. In my dream, it is supposedly the most dangerous creature that exists (false memory), but I have no fear whatsoever. Also in the dirt is a “giant” lesser siren of a black color which then also seems to be on me in some way (which does not make sense, as it would otherwise be too large to sit on my shoulder or arm). I say something calmly like, “could you please get this off of me so I can finish my work” and wake up somewhat annoyed.

      UPDATE (as in original journal): Precognitive (or remote-viewed) - when I went out to the living room after my wife was back from shopping - there was a toy lizard that my four-year-old son had picked to buy - no indication this would happen whatsoever and I had never seen one like it before. It really puzzled me for a few minutes as to how it “came from my dream” and then I finally asked what it was. (I thought perhaps it was an older toy, but again - it had just been purchased). It was identical to the one in my dream. I have noticed that the strongest precognitive (or possibly remote viewing in this case - however you want to label this very common yet unexplainable type of event) aspects of dreams often happen as the last portion, especially when seemingly unrelated to the main plot of the dream (such as with my “Silver Manta” dream, with the “graffitied” telephone pole in the wrong location).

      I find it amusing (yet it is also sad and unfortunate) that people try to come up with “explanations” for something that is far too complex and layered to be coincidental and can only be attributed to something most people cannot truly relate to - or explain at all through scientific means (supposedly) - at this time in history. However, I do have the unfortunate task of living in a world with the “cop-out” mentality vs. the “occult” mentality, neither of which seem right to me even though I did marry the lifelong girl of my dreams with the revelations of my dreams.
    15. The Pet Gods

      by , 09-04-2007 at 03:04 PM
      Morning of September 4, 2007. Tuesday.

      This is somewhat of a movie-like dream (or becomes as such by the ending), but it still brought about deep emotions and amazing lingering physical sensations all through my body. In earlier parts, I actually seem to be “in” my “movie dream”, but later on, I am or become part of a large audience watching it on a screen in a movie theater (where I seem to be facing north). My dream seemed fairly long, but the plot is fairly simple and is seemingly implied to be about a hundred years or more in the future.

      A boy (who may be my younger self, although he reminds me a little of Tiko from the original “Tiko and the Shark”) of about ten years old, has a pet god. The pet god is like a very large tapir that has a silvery glow. It protects a village that the boy lives in and brings them good health and prosperity. Its skin actually looks like silvery water ripples at times.

      At one point, however, even though it is a god, it has become somewhat weak from all the power it has given to people and so it is now time for a new god. The tapir is taken out to sea to willingly die for the benefit of the village as well as for people of other villages who do not even know of its existence. There is also an idea that its sacrifice will benefit the ocean, or help eliminate a certain amount of pollution (particularly oil spills left over from the “old ways”). It is taken out in a very large boat and it throws itself into the ocean at the end of a long, special tribal ceremony. There is a sort of sad mood for a little while, but a feeling of peace and finality follows.

      Near the end of my dream, the “new god” arrives and I see the boy’s face light up with a reflection of brilliant blue light. The new god is actually not shown in the movie, as it will supposedly have too powerful of an effect on people seeing it, perhaps even making everyone immortal just by seeing a full (even brief) image on the theater’s movie screen. All I can mostly see are tendrils of blue light moving out from underneath the black square put in as censorship for the general public. However, I know what it looks like, as I have seen it in many other dreams, mostly since 1991. It is like a giant blue translucent and scintillating “sea urchin” of mostly blue light, but also folds in on itself like translucent curtains moving over and around each other, sometimes producing geometric shapes such as layered diamonds and trapezoids of different sizes.

      I awake with amazing feelings of peace and that intense and familiar blissful muscular “twitching” around my navel area. Sometimes it seems like an “external power” feeding me through the navel as happens in the womb, but more of a spiritual essence. The sea-urchin-like “blue flame” in this particular dream seems to have the purpose to feed a large number of people spiritually. In fact, it seems that is how it is in reality and that future generations of mankind will turn to this concept as a world-wide religion, and in a hundred years or so, it will be the only religion of many societies, as the god will be literally seen and directly known by people.

      The supposed “future” in this movie-dream seems to be after some sort of world-wide separatist “war”, though I am not sure if it is an actual all-out literal war, but perhaps just a gradual change of human beliefs, with both new and traditional tribal societies taking over from the total destruction and “decay” of industrialized societies, which no longer exist on the planet for the most part.

      Updated 05-27-2018 at 10:12 AM by 1390

      Tags: god, sea urchin, tapir
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