Side Notes
I went to sleep earlier since these days the cat is no longer with me, he’s on vacation. I woke up twice during the night. Second time was around 1:00 I had to get off to wear my sleepwear. Both times the only thing I remembered was having the feeling of I was dreaming something. After that I was only able to remember a small fragment and the feeling of solving some problems …/I see the cat resting. S. says something about his hair again, it’s still opaque/…
This time a ensured to have the voice recorder set to start using it with one touch right after waking up. I woke up minutes before the alarms. Had some struggle setting them off before they start and lost most of the dream. Although I was able to recall the last fragments of it. First recalled fragment: …/I see two tanks maneuvering on a cross street. One of them belongs to A. who passed away last year. I see his tank turning on the street/… Second recalled fragment: (happened early in the same dream) …/I see the field as an 80’s arcade game of war from above. I’m shooting bombs wherever I see barricades with enemy soldiers. They look like a video game I played sometimes during high school/… While closing my eyes trying to remember the dream, some HA start to form but cannot go on because of had to get out of bed …/I see a train station on the distance/…
WBTBx2 => 2 non-lucids and 1 fragment First round: …/I’m in a concert hall. The hall is still empty. The stage is set. It looks like it’s very early in the day of the concert, all lights are off, except for a couple of bulbs somewhere above the stage. Not enough to illuminate any. There’s some people, no more than 10. The place is very dark. As nothing is happening I go on the stage, take the microphone and start talking shit. Then I see N. Is on the back side of the stage, standing next to a speaker. I challenge somebody to come to the front to show up as she is. And I look at her and ask again to come on. She laughs but doesn’t want to step to the front. I ask once more, to show up, so much that you like to show up, I say. She’s nervous and smiles. She has her lips painted in red. Ok I say, and ask for somebody to show the program. I see that E. has a T-shirt showing the program of the night. But he doesn’t react. I ask for somebody to bring some music on the stage. A shadow comes closer and gives me a small speaker, with a white logo on the front side, like it was a signature. There’s a big speaker almost in the middle of the stage. N. runs to the right side of it to get the small speaker from the shadow. I don’t understand her. I already have it. It’s playing some music, like a primitive Black Metal song. I think to myself, it fits perfect with the video of that parody band of Black Metal. And I see for short the mix of that song with the video of the Black Satans/… I wake up for short, to record some audio notes for the DJ, it’s almost midnight and I try first WBTB Second round: …/I see an old man coming to the house, ‘the father’ I think. I see him from the second floor through a window in the first floor. There’s some agitation in the house. There are women there, possibly sisters. An old woman who I think it’s the mother is sent to the basement. She doesn’t have to meet with the old man. They’re hiding her. She goes downstairs. The place is very illuminated and wide. Once the old lady is down, I see some crows building nests on many places around the floor of the basement. There’s hay all over the place. It looks like a barn. The old woman tries to go upstairs, but the doors are closed. I see again the crows. There’s one guiding the rest, showing them what they have to do. I get distracted for a while with their activity. The place diffuses to black behind the nests. There’s a little girl to the side, doing something similar. Although she’s following the instructions of a small bird. It is told that she’s learning how to build a bonfire. I see the small bird jumping and shaking his head as he’s giving instructions while tweeting around a kind of nest with leaves set in random ways/… I wake up once more, still have around an hour before the alarm clock goes off. So I resume the voice journaling and go back to attempt once more to get in lucid Third round: There was something else but I was able to recall just a fragment, I woke up short before the first alarm and realized I was already in the void again when it went off. I forgot all of it along the day. I was surprised to find a voice recording from the last fragment I was able to take. No memory of doing that. …/I’m following a girl in 3rd person view. She’s performing long step jumps. Every time longer. Like those I use to surf on the air. Holding the feet up avoiding to touch tte ground when falling. She needs something from another city. She got there in three steps/…
Stress of life Last night I went to bed very late, around midnight. The recall starts as usual at work, and then it unfolds into more complex known scenarios that are frequently dreamed. It gave me some clues to follow during my WL. I’m planning to do more RC’s while I’m at work in the first place. Then pay more attention when I start worrying about certain things. If I’m intending to have some LD for the competition! …/As usual I’m immersed into arranging articles. This time, they’re toy trucks for kids under 3. They’re stout and have opaque colors. I’m putting another type of articles to the side of the group, something like video game cartridges or VHS tapes or some odd stuff that pulls my interest, they’re put into plastic bags. I take a look on the group of trucks once more, around 20 set in a square order. I stand up and start walking down the yard of my childhood school, with big pines on the sides. Not sure about what I’m looking for, but as I keep walking down the place, I get into my university campus. There’s some people walking around in the whole place. It looks like I’m looking for a bathroom. While I keep walking down the pavilions, a lot of students start coming out of the classes. I turn around and start walking back my way. More and more people start walking in my direction, others just standing and talking. It looks like all of the classes ended at the same time. While I’m walking I see a small dog walking with the crowd. It’s a Pomeranian. The dog is looking at me while it quick walks at my left side. That funny walk as they’re smiling at you while they move. I make a gesture like I’m going to put my face closer to it. Somebody starts calling from behind. It’s a female voice calling a woman’s name. I guess it’s her owner. The dog stops for a while and starts walking again as I start moving. She’s calling her dog again. I make the gesture again to make it stop. The dog stops and I keep walking my way back to the upper layer of this place, hoping the girl got impressed with my super powers of being able to make an unknown Pomeranian stop walking. I get distracted with a crowd of students standing in rows trying to get into some place. They’re matriculating for the next year. I have to do the same but have no idea what to do now. I didn’t get good notes. I start worrying about what’s next. How I was able to matriculate last time in certain courses if I didn’t pass the previous ones. I try to walk through the crowd but it’s impossible in certain ways. I see a room to the right side. I get in and see a meeting of teachers sitting on a big table. I recognize some of my school teachers. The one from History is sitting looking at the table as he’s worried about something. They’re introducing themselves. I get out and get into another room at a level some steps lower than the floor. There’s a big bed and somebody known is there. She let a bucket of yellow colored water fall on the side. I complain about it because it may ruin the articles. I’m at work again, I go to see what happened on that corner. I see a known carpet under the bed. There’s not much water there. I leave the place. Out there I see a friend of mine getting inside a little store, he’s buying something, it’s a music album. It’s roughly packed and doesn’t look original. I get into the store too. On one of the sides, they’re selling music. I say they’re rough copies. Somebody answers yes they’re copies. I go out and tell S. they’re pirate. I ask her if we are still in the city we visited some years ago, she answers yes. Of course! I say, they’re pirates! I see G. proudly showing the CD, DVD? packed in a plastic bag with the printed album cover inside. It’s red and white, I cannot see the logo but I’m guessing it looks like Rigor Mortis first album cover. No way, it’s not original. We start walking down the side walk, and I see a couple of food stands on the side. I see what they’re cooking on the frying pan, it’s something I didn’t have for a long time, one of my favorite meals! I tell her we should buy some and have it for today. The path turns into the street leading to my WL place. We’re getting into her car/…
Updated 06-04-2023 at 08:17 PM by 18736
I spend a lot of the time at work, interacting with a bunch of random stuff, this reflects in the dreams, they’re basically more of the same, that could be the reason why I’m not paying much attention, except for some events, every now and then …/I’m in a place like the canteen although both bigger and darker, the dream scenario is blurry. Cannot say if it’s daylight or night due to I cannot see the outside. I notice a lot of people there, I’m walking around the mass. There’s a woman sneaking around us. It looks like a new employee of the HR area. One of my co-workers gets into the place. He’s unusually wearing a big jacket, like he’s coming from the outside. She stops him and arranges his jacket, then she takes a small bag out of one of his pockets. She asks about it. He grabs it and say: “That’s my bag of marihuana” and puts it back into his pocket. I’m like, he’s too confident with it. He goes on where he was going and I get immersed again into my activity of arranging random stuff/…
Updated 06-03-2023 at 01:33 PM by 18736
Last day of the week to work, as usual, the daily morning routine tends to erase all tracks of dreams. This time I’m performing a bit more of effort just after the first alarm goes off, in order to hold the memories of what was dreamed. Seems like SC2023 is giving a hand to push into the journals. This time I was able to hold the last fragment of the last dream of the night… Day? Morning? …/I’m doing something with a pile of stout templates, arranging them to fit the corners. I take the one from above, it’s the template for a rough plane. It mixes with the alarm clock, I’m still holding it while I’m trying to stop the alarm/… It’s my phone.
It has been a while since I don’t create new entries in this DJ, although I have some notes on paper and also some voice entries on other devices, I’ll try to put them here too. First round - Barely recall something about this short dreams, first I’m holding an old big blue book, when I turned it to see the title, it’s a Bible. There was something about my work, I see one of the single adjustable tables on wheels that sometime I use there. Woke up for short Second round - I woke up again to give the cat his early breakfast, then I was able to remember some details of this dreams, although complete forgot about what was it, perhaps something with my cousin. Then went back to sleep Third round - I started to think about an upcoming concert of Scorpions wondering if I may go there, then started to think about their live music repertory I start to hear the songs as I wonder if they’re gonna play them, I see the live scene in the middle of the crowd in front of me, every time I change the song, the color set of the crowd changes then I fall asleep… …/We're visiting our neighbors in a city which is not related to them in WL. The house is on the first floor, and looks like the house of some friend of my childhood. Sometimes it’s night and sometimes it’s daylight around. I have an urge to go to the bathroom. There’s something on the WC that doesn’t let me use it. They have some blankets in the bath filled with water. I think it’s a good place to pee, it’s full of water and they’ll have to change the water anyway. One of their older sons gets in and walks through a door next to the WC, he sees me and laughs, I feel embarrassed. The bath turns into a bed and I see a little kitty walking between the blankets. It changes its shape into sort of mouse with fox head. It’s a weird little animal. I touch it with my hand for a while. It runs away. I go back to the garage where I want to put a metal pole standing on the floor. I try to glue it first, then I notice I can use some screws to hold it on its base. I’m wearing a couple of black slippers with cats ears, I find them funny although they’re not mine/…
These times I tend to forget all of the content right after waking up in spite of having the feeling there was a lot of activity. All I can remember from last night rounds is the last fragment just before waking up today: …/A friend of mine had sent to me a new Facebook account friendship invitation once again, looks like he lost the password for the last one again/…
Non-lucid, Lucid, Comments .../I have to take my flight back to my current city. I'm with my brother and I'm telling him how different it is when I fly alone. There's one minute left before the plane takes off and I'm still in the waiting room when I tell him if I were with my wife she'd be stressed like hell. I see the plane is about to take off and thinking how are they doing with my package. It doesn't matter, I know I'm inside that plane before it takes off. There's a jump back in the sequence of the dream time and get back to something about a disgusting guy who I ended up murdering for the second time. I have a knife covered in blood in one hand and a tea spoon in the other. I feel the urge to get rid off both of them but I must be careful because of I start to see police officers everywhere. I clean the blood from the blade with my tongue, I don't want to use anything else because of it may let clues. I hide the knife under the sleeve of my jacket and the spoon in the pocket. I get inside a sort of pond under a roof. The water seems to be deep and dark enough in some places. I throw the spoon there taking care that no one sees it. I see an adult woman sniffing around. I think she may be a detective or some. I hesitate to throw the knife. I think I must find a better place to get rid off it. I see some officers started to dig on some of the ground near the pond. Definitively I want get out of here but I don't want to call their attention. I still feel the blade with my arm. I wonder if the sleeve is funny shaped because of the knife. I follow a guy who did something similar but he doesn't seem to be worried at all. He tells he got rid off the knife near his neighborhood which is far away. We are drinking wine and vodka. I'm drinking my bottle of vodka while I'm still thinking about a place where I could leave the knife when a thought flashes in my head: "Hopefully when I wake up all of this stress will be over". I realize what it means and feel slightly stupid for the waste of time. I still have the knife in my hand but now I don't care about where I could let it. I finish my bottle and let it on the floor. A dwarf starts to follow me. I get into a store and stab him with the knife. I hear some DC's screaming. I don't care and let the knife in his back. I go out of the store thinking about what could I do now? I remember there are some lucid dares. I remember the dare about the alien invasion! I wonder how could I do it. I realize there was a weird mountain in the dreamscape which I didn't pay much attention. It's like a pyramid covered with pines. Now I see it looks like a huge Christmas tree. I think it could be the alien mothership. Then I wonder how could I accomplish the dare. I think what about a telepathic communication? I look in the back of my thoughts to find the invasion was already taking place but we humans don't have to realize about it. I "feel" they are infiltrating their people already. I send the message to stop it. Now? How could I know they have already stop it? I think this task requires a lot of imagination and I don't feel I have enough time to see a proper "war" taking place. I think I may give a try to another task when I see an athletic guy jogging on the road I'm about to walk. He could be one of the aliens I think! He keep on jogging. What was the other task? Now I remember, it sounds easier to perform! "Be a good person with the duck of the smile" (No idea where this one came from). I start walking on the road towards a forest when the whole dream starts fading out/...
Updated 03-08-2015 at 04:17 PM by 18736
Lucid, non-Lucid, Additional Notes * I don't remember the first part because of it's very distant and didn't last too much. I just remember I became lucid in some ordinary situation and perhaps I was unsuccessfully looking for some lucid sex but didn't have much time before the dream started to fade out to partially wake up and hear the clock of my room for a while... .../Now I'm walking in some narrow streets looking for my train station when I get to a very steep street that I have to walk sideways to avoid sliding. It reminds me that I use to find these kind of streets just in my dreams. RC confirms it the same way of the first part. I get to the other side where it was supposed to be the train station but there's a sort of street market there. I see a ladder leading to an upper small platform. I decide to go up there but I want to get there playing with some teleportation. I decide I will get in two steps. When I step on it for the second time the ladder sinks until its upper bottom is on my feet. I like my subC joke. I have to climb to reach the top. Now I see some people from above and the street which is wet as it has recently rained. I want to step on the floor changing my size by playing with my perspective. Once again I just teleport stumbling to the ground. This time it's not working, I keep on walking through some stands when I remember there are some TotM but I cannot remember any of them. I have a very long walk trying to remember, but I don't want to focus too much in forcing my memory to come back because of it could destabilize the dream. I decide the memory must come in a natural way. I realize I'm walking inside a house, getting from a room to another and so on. It looks like a neighboring city of my grandparent's town. The last room I get in is a kitchen where there are no more doors to follow. I see some grilled chickens on a table. I remember I like the taste of the grilled skin, so I take the whole skin out of a chicken and put it in my mouth. The flavor is good but then I spit it out because I don't like to eat it. A woman gets in the kitchen and objurgates my behavior. I don't care and decide to go out through the window. I get in my grand parent's house yard. I still cannot remember any TotM, I just know there are some easy to do but my memory is complete blank this time. I think perhaps there are some other options to remember when it hits me all of the sudden, the Lucid Dares!! Of course, Percy asked me to find the Necronomicon and raise some zombies. I see downstairs the old bakery oven room is still there. I remember there was something with fighting a beast around (). I find this place perfect to find the mentioned book. I know it must be black and have a weird graphic on its cover. I get in the room and see three coffins down there. The beast must be sleeping in the huge one, around 4 or 5 meters tall. I see the interior of one of the little ones which are arranged to the sides of the big one. There's a statue in the shape of a gargoyle although it's red and is all covered in dust. I'm curious to see the beast, I know it was an epic dream when I fought it. I open its coffin. Another dusty red statue although bigger, muscular, with a bearded human face and huge wings. It's in a standing position holding an axe like it is the keeper of a gate or some. In the background starts playing "Two Steps from Hell" from Protectors of the Earth. I think they are sleeping because of it's daylight and I should better hurry before they wake up. I'm not intending to wake up these three little beauties. I decide to look for the book first. There are a lot of books here and there between the ruins of this place. None calls my attention to say it's the one I'm looking for. There's a bookshelf on the darker side of this room. I decide it must be there because of it's taking too much time. I see a big black book in the upper side of the shelf and decide that's the one I'm looking for. I cannot reach it because of there are some other things piled up in front of it, including a wooden model of a ship which reminds me the one I used to play with when I was a kid. I decide to use telekinesis to bring the book to my hand. It takes some effort before the book falls on the ship. I can hold it before it's a complete mess here. I don't want to wake up the beast by the moment. I don't see any peculiar sign on its cover. I open it and realize it's some Geography book, full of maps! Of course it was the book I found when I was trying to accomplish the fractal dare for the first time. It was full of maps, that was why I didn't find it interesting because of it had no sense at all!!! I flip through the book looking for something special, but it's just full of maps. At this point I hear my dad's radio is playing some Latin music in the background. I think somebody must be working around and that's why it's getting in the dream when everything starts to fade out to black. * Woke up after that with the tic tac sound of the clock... no music around.
Updated 12-10-2014 at 12:22 PM by 18736
Non-lucid, False Awakening, Semi-lucid and Additional notes Went to take a nap, and I fell asleep while playing some Sudoku, the hard level with diagonals... .../I'm in the corner of our building. There's a garage door turning to the left side of the corner. Apparently it's part of our apartment. I take two low tom drums and sit next to the playground. I start playing some rhythms that I consider to sound like a war call. I like how it sounds and want to record this one. I see one of the patches is broken. There are a couple of punk kids walking around the neighborhood. I decide to go back into the house taking the two drums with me. Apparently the dream has ended and now I'm still laying on my bed 'thinking'. My 'thoughts' start to appear in front of my eyes, I don't consider this to be a lucid state, I just know that I'm not awake. Then I remember that I have the fractal dare in my things to do list. While I'm waiting for the dream to properly 'materialize'. I look for an image of a fractal where I could start this task. The whole floor turns into a cut shell structure like this: I'm standing on the lines and notice it's diffracting in small portions of the same pattern to the borders like the borders of a crocheted doily. I go there thinking that in order to perform the task, I must dive into those small structures. I think I have to zoom into those structures in order to do so. I knee on the web of lines and stare deeper into the structure. It doesn't take too much until I'm inside a huge 3D fractal structure of the same pattern. I think this is going to be awesome when I'm fully lucid. I turn on my back thinking that it's the best image I could come up with. When a thought (those very imaginative thoughts that only show up when I'm dreaming) gets into my mind: "What about if I cheat it? I mean, I could jump into foam bubbles and wallow on it! That's a fractal too". Then I remember it should be a romanesco and the task would be awesome too, like this one shell like pattern I'm wallowing on right now. I wallow extremely happy on this structure. Then I turn and fall to my side and end laying upside down against the mattress which is leaning against the wall. It's very uncomfortable here. I think I could RC to confirm if I'm not already dreaming when some hands pull my feet to the other side of the mattress. It's my wife and she seems to be very horny. She kisses me but her tongue tastes a little bit disgusting and I don't like it's texture, but damn, It has been so long (?) since she doesn't do something like this. I go on with the play trying to drive her passion in the right way/... * Woke up to realize my little mistake...
Updated 10-29-2014 at 05:41 PM by 18736
.../Once again I'm in my grandparents house, it's dusk and there's a strong electric storm out there. I'm on my room, looking to the front side of the house when a lightning hits the hanging cables of the power supply of the city. There's a lot of sparks and a roaring noise until everything goes dark. The following scene, reminds me a WL night, when I was learning to use a semi-automatic photographic camera taking pictures of candles in front of an arrangement of mirrors. It was midnight under a clean full moon sky, when the energy supply of the city was cut for a few minutes. There's an old stadium in front of the house which looked amazing under the moonlight. For some reason, I go downstairs and find my old bike which looked something like this one here: although it was another brand name. This time I find a dynamo to put in the wheel. I'm happy with this finding because it's something I was wishing for long time ago. I try to see if it works, when I decide to go out. I see my old comrade is coming with me to take over the streets! He runs next to me, although sometimes I let him behind because of he finds something interesting to smell before turning back to run again. It's a known uphill wide street from my old days that I have to pedal standing on the pedals. I see him getting to nose into a passage when it automatically triggers my lucidity, I don't need to confirm because everything seems clear to me. I'm back in the days! I feel amazed how real I can feel my bike once again, and see my buddy boy once again running free on the streets. I want to do some tricks with my bike. I just get to run on a wall for a while. Not bad, but I don't remember any other I use to do when I dream here. Then I remember about there's the TotM, but anything else comes to my mind. I'm too focused on the bike to think about it. I turn to wait my pal. I got to jump with the bike high enough to turn it in the air. If it could talk it'd say something like: asd&ti§o3/?*83hihfj$ I'm laughing of my sketched move when I see my buddy running again, then I turn again still trying to unsuccessfully remember some task to do. I feel my legs are starting to get tired. I sit pedaling for a while, but I don't find it funny to ride my bike that way. I stand up again, when I see my dog running somewhere else. I decide it's time to leave him go. I turn in the opposite direction to get into a cross section. I have to brake some before getting into the traffic and realize I'm going towards the cemetery of the city. That's it, now I remember. I put some flowers on the graves, now I have to change the color of the flowers, of course, that's the task of the month!! () I'm getting closer to the main gate when the dream starts fading away/...
Updated 10-18-2014 at 12:40 PM by 18736
.../I'm squatting to let the little devil go to play with her friends. She doesn't want to let me go and tuns back to hug me. It makes me fall on my back. I stand up, and start talking with one of her teachers. We have a conversation about Lego bricks. She tells me she used to play with her dad building a castle and a bridge that used to fall. I tell her that my brother and I, used to build a brick with plastic soldiers standing there, and threw batteries against it until it was completely "devastated". I remember I was around 8 when we did that, and I tell her it was like saying goodbye to that era. Because of it was one of the last times I remember playing with my old brother that way. She tells me that's exactly what the Gipsy Kings sing in one of their songs, they say: "My son didn't want to hear me, that's why I burned him"/... * Alarm clock went off long ago and I realize it's late again, I have to run... again.
.../It's the second time some characters of the game Summoners War get into a dream. This time I see a sequence of a fight where my avatar changed its colors and used a sword to fight against a salamander which is defeated in around 4 moves. I try to repeat the sequence/... * I will try to use change those colors in my avatar, it seemed to be pretty interesting
.../For some reason I'm holding a cutting board like it is a tennis racket and get out somewhere to run on a road next to a lake. It looks like my grandparent's town lake, although I must be far from the town. The view is amazing but the scene doesn't seem to have much sense. I wonder if it's a dream. Look for the tattoo, it doesn't look bad, but there's something with it, it looks too blurry. I don't remember if it looks like that. I decide to do a second RC to confirm, I don't remember any other but the nose pinch. I give it a try, and I can breath! Great, now, What I was supposed to do? I don't remember about the TotM but the lucid dares in stead. I try to remember StephL's dare this time. It was something about taking a walk on a giant broccoli or something related to fractals, but where can I find it? I turn to my right to see there's sort of a temple carved in the stone of a mountain. Of course, I can look for it in the temple of fractals. I go there to get into a huge gate. It's a long corridor flanked by columns, it seems the interior of an abbey. I look out of the corner of my eye a couple of pictures of fractals at the entrance of this temple. They seem to be a pretty simple structure. It's like they're made of an ECG graph. It's not what I'm looking for. There are a lot of altars between the columns. I think perhaps I can find a picture of the sort of broccoli I was dared to look for. I don't remember its name nor its shape. I see an altar in the style of a colonial cathedral, with pictures around it, and some carvings of people here and there like some Mesopotamian ancient artwork. There's a tiny window with a colorful cathedral glass in the middle. I turn my view to change the shape of the image that forms looking to form the image of the vegetable I'm looking for, although I cannot reconstruct a mental image of how it looked like. I just remember it was something like a raspberry. And that's the pattern that appears on the glass. I don't remember the exact figure as well. I try a couple of times but I cannot reconstruct the image with my movements. Then I decide to turn the whole thing with a single movement. There's a door behind the circular altar. I jump there. It looks like a short hallway, it's all made of wood. There's some stairs at the end. I decide to go there, and cross in front of a door of a room. There's a huge book on a table. I stop to see it. I remember I saw a similar scene in one of my old 'non-induced' lucids, although back then, the room was dark and there were candles next to the book. I want to see what's there. I got to take a look although I forget what it was. Then I realize it has been a while since I'm talking this walk and remember it's a good way to stabilize the dream in stead of start flying or attempting to teleport somewhere else. I decide I like to walk in my lucids. I go to the stairs and start going down. It was a second floor. The dream start fading out when I feel my legs on my bed/... * I didn't remember it was a romanesco what I was looking for.
Updated 10-07-2014 at 06:28 PM by 18736