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    2-16 to 2-17 (2 L D's, almost got a TOTM)

    by , 02-17-2018 at 10:08 PM (403 Views)
    Dreams from 2018-02-16 to 2018-02-17.

    Round one of dreams I didn't remember much of. It seemed like it would have been interesting to remember. I think I dreamed about learning dream control in some in depth way. I would have like to have remembered it.

    Then I got insomnia for a few hours!

    Then I had an Animorphs dream. The Animorphs were being chased to the edge of a cliff. Marco jumped or fell off the edge. Jake jumped after him and morphed into a lion or tiger. When he morphed it made an Elephant noise though, not a cat noise. Cassie morphed to a bird and flew down. They were falling a really far distance I think down to a river. I wondered why Marco and jake didn't morph into birds in midair. I figured Jake would land on all fours and Marco could land safely on his back in human form. There was something involving a boat.

    Next scene. (pre lucid. ) I find myself in a basement on a hard floor. I think I have woken up (false awakening) in physical world and I am trying to stay still to remember my dream. Really bright lights are in my eyes and the floor is really uncomfortable. I am worried I will forget the dream as I try to get comfortable. I look around a bit and see grey and red around me. Something makes me think it might be a dream. I attempt a finger palm test but it doesn't go through.

    Next scene. (Non lucid. )I am at a table with three females. They are all talking about various things. I am trying to write my dream journal entry in my phone. I consider seeking out some better ear plugs or going to get my ear muffs. My phone has a funny small window pop up that I don't ree cognize. I get a little annoyed as the females continue to talk, keeping me from being able to concentrate on my dreams. this room is in the location of the room I stayed in when I lived with my Nana as a kid.

    I woke up from those dreams, thought them through and recorded them.

    Next dream. (Non lucid. ) Where my memory begins I am trying to clean up some dry rice thats been spilled. G W seems mad at me or judgmental that I should be cleaning it. As I sweep it, I stoop to talk to someone in a chair.

    (Non lucid. ) A somewhat different looking person is trying to talk to me and keeps grabbing my chin. Their nose is bruised like a really mushy apple bruise and their right eye looks the same. I am trying to be nice to them but I feel kind of funny about them grabbing my chin that way. I don't want other people to see them grab my chin.

    (Non lucid. ) The person turns out to be a male but disguised as a female. I let them know they did a great job of disguising their gender, even though I knew something was off. I am not interested in their advances but instead of saying this outright, I am very kind to them. The person goes down a hall way and breaks a metal bar. I see where it is broken and try to bring it to them. They are up on a high shelf on a wall.

    (Non lucid. ) Now the person has become M B from grade school, wearing multiple hoodies. He has on two skate board types of shoes with high tops, but they aren't the same color. Same design, but different shades of blue. He is asking me how great his shoes are. I tell him they are very great.

    (Physically awake. ) There are some other parts I forgot. I woke up and thought through these. Just as I was part way through thinking through them, I felt the vibrational state. I was able to take it a step further this time and actually create a sensation of rotating my whole body like an O B E. Like a log floating in water, as one of my audio tapes says. Then I rotated forward like a front flip. I started to fly downward but got scared due to connotations with downwards. I started to fly up but also got scared due to what could be out there in the sky. I didn't have any vision. I think it was more a WILD entry than an O B E.

    (Lucid from onset. ) I see a dream flash of money beginning to form. I am like, cool, money! And I am able to move my eyes around the formulating dream scene but I can't move anything else.

    (Lucid. ) I am sitting at a table with M G and two big paper bags of money. The bags are sealed all the way around but full of money. M G tears one open and says he needs all the money. This pains me, but I know it is a dream, so it is only dream money. I feel threated by M G, like if I don't give him what he wants, he will hurt me. So, I tell him he can have all the money.

    (Semi lucid. ) I am overly concerned with M G and sort of forget I am dreaming and I have more power than I realize. I spend most of the dream considering his demands and how I will avoid him hurting me if I don't meet them.

    (Non lucid. ) In the same room, there is now a white bed bracket hanging off the wall, bouncing around. I notice it is very high on the wall and I wonder how it got up there, and if it is safe. M G is laying on the bed bracket, bouncing around.

    (Non lucid. ) I am in my room with my sister watching something on a very high tech lap top I once used for work. It has a really shiny and clean monitor. My Dad comes to my door in a white shirt and says something about how something is a gamble, or a risk. I realize the volume is loud on the computer and I apologize for it being so loud. He says that wasn't bothering him and walks away.

    (Physically awake. ) I woke up from those and thought them through. I was really amazed by the WILD entry / O B E thing. Never had that much of a non physical movement like that. I think my fear prevented me from going as far with it as I could so next time I will try to have more positive expectation.

    (Dream flashes. ) I am looking at a dream computer screen with 6 panels or windows open on it. I am trying to decide which one to click on. The dream flash lasts only a second and I am back in bed. I try to be mindful of these since sometimes I can make a WILD out of them if I think fast enough.

    (Non lucid. ) I am in my college weight room. I am doing some heavy dead lifts, perhaps with 495. I look to my left and see someone un racking 315 pounds to do a front squat. They have their fingers under the bar like an olympic grip but move their hands in a way that kind of scares me. I watch them squat the weight and I am pretty impressed. Without me noticing, the front squat changes to a back squat and the bar is at a physically impossible angle on the guy's left shoulder. I notice his last few reps are above parallel. As I walk by, I notice another guy getting ready to squat what looks like 155. (This might have been part of a dream but it was all I remebered. )

    (Non lucid. ) I am watching some wealthy people move into a mansion. Then I am seeing them all in a kind of year book or catalogue. I think one of the people looks like B H. They have a silver mini van.

    (Non lucid. ) I am in my Nana's room looking at a year book. There are more people there. There is a female there I am interested in.

    (Non lucid. ) I am in my current bedroom near the covered window. My exercise bike is by the covered window instead of by the foot of my bed. I have a giant year book. There is a ripped out page poking out. It is a picture of someone I know. I feel bad for looking at her picture, but I don't think I will have a chance with her anyway. I put the year book by the exercise bike and try to "go to sleep" within the dream, not knowing it is a dream.

    (Non Lucid. ) I am an old man in some kind of nursing home. I am wearing a hat and wondering where my hair is. The nurses say it is time to clean my teeth and put me through a conveyor belt like on a car wash. Along the side is shown an X ray of my mouth being held wide open and washed. When I come out my teeth are all white. I go down to a metallic bathroom place and wrinse.

    (Lucid. ) Same location as above. I become lucid in the bathroom some how. I am looking in the mirror, thinking I look similar to my physical self, but also like the people in the photographs during previous dreams. Parts of my body seem different. I go pee and water seems to come out. (This doesn't cause me to pee in physical life but when I went to pee, the thought of physically peeing never crossed my mind. When I feel like physically peeing and I am in an L D I don't go in the dream. ) I am wondering what to do to make the best of my lucidity. I decide to go out and interact with dream figures. One woman says I am not wearing a hat. I decide that is enough dream figure time and fly out through the glass door. On the way out, I see the year book from the previous dream. I fly around, sensing that dream figures can see me flying. I feel pretty good flying this time. The dream collapses after a little bit.

    (WILD/DEILD induction thing. ) Thinking the previous dream has ended, I see a black void. A big grey plus sign appears over the whole thing. I think it might be a road. I realize this is my chance to enter a new dream and apply a great deal of mental force to entering this dream scene before I lose my chance. At times I think I am not going to be able to pull this off. I am amazed when I land on this road, as if I had just fallen from ten thousand feet in the air, in a rectangular indent in the road.

    (lucid. ) A lot of people are running or biking by on the intersection in the road. They are wearing black. This place is like a desert. I remember the task of the month to summon a Pokemon, but it isn't a stable enough environment for me. Too much activity and I feel worked up. I think an indoor location would be better. I start to walk in a direction, seeking a better place within this dream scape.

    (Lucid. ) I am climbing up a big rock. I think I am by myself. I am getting ready to summon a Pokemon when I get to the top. Suddenly, I notice a woman in black tight clothing climbing up behind me and to my left. She gets in front of me and I feel somewhat distracted as to whether I will engage this female dream character or do the Pokemon thing. I think to myself that I should accomplish all my monthly L D goals before I do more spontaneous things within L D's.

    (Lucid. ) I try to ask the woman for help summoning a Pokemon. I suggest that we can do this together. She doesn't really respond in a direct fashion but I feel an energy of being attracted toward her. I continue looking at her as I think that I am about to summon a Pokemon. I wake up.

    (Physically awake. ) I woke up from that pretty amazed to get another good L D for the night. In hindsight, if I had looked away from the woman and at my hands, I could have regained focus and aimed to complete the task. Good learning experience, though. that was all my dreams. I typed them up in a shorter format because I worked out my other dream comments and put the more detailed descriptions in a voice recorder.

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