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    2017-10-05-06 Dreams - LD using phone to teleport + othrz

    by , 10-06-2017 at 10:32 PM (179 Views)
    Dreams from October five to shix, 2017

    I had one lucid dream on this night. I would title the night of dreams as a whole, "escaping with phone, back row anemia, giraffe pillow."


    I was pulling out of the local fire house. I had no seat belt. I had a white pillow over my chest. In my convertible. The driver side door was open. A police officer came up. "Why no seatbelt? Because it is too high?" I felt fear I would get a ticket. Having been parked facing out also may have been trouble there as they have a rule there, "head in parking only."

    Mix of Fragments

    I lost a lot of these details due to needing to pee. So I will just write them in one heading instead of as multiple dreams, even if they were.

    Box of comic books. Kids getting off a school bus.

    There was something with a Pokemon who required 2 "light energy" to do an ability called "Pick Up".

    Guy telling me to say his name when he wasn't there. Walking by a patch of grass.

    Older woman walking with a cat?


    I was blending bananas and walnuts together in a food processor. The grey knob turned the food processor to a higher setting. They looked yummy. But I did not have time to eat them. My sister was in it. Something about 1:30 P M, watching a clock, no food on the boat...

    Rich D R F type guy (owner of restaurant I worked at). Going on a boat. Making all these lions and tigers fight but they faked it? One lion put his fang on another lions head but he didn't clamp down. I remember the fang.

    Text from Justin or Allen?

    Some vague website.

    Help from people in food program?

    I was driving somewhere and had a sense of needing some "me time" (i. e. using my voice memo method to think out loud) but I felt I couldn't get away long enough to get some time to myself. I was driving down B Avenue from L V.

    Something about an alarm clock cutting my sleep short, but for no reason. I was like, "Huh? Since when do I use alarm clox?"

    Round 3 of dreams

    It was 1:30 P M and was now 8:30 A M in the dream. I was going to a 9 A M class. I overheard C M and Jesse talking about big book. First I passed by, then stopped and said, yeah, I heard that, too. I questioned if I should interject that into their conversation, But decided, that yes, I should. J was my sponsor. (I also wrote fuzzy wuzzy was a bear in my dream journal, was that from a dream, or just a note to self?)

    I needed my giraffe pillow. I got it and then went hyperspeed up stairs.

    There was this slanted funny side walk kind of warped. I was driving down it trying to park. I was looking for the ramp to drive down. It was slanted diagonally but hard to put into words. So I was confused about how to drive down it.

    A red truck was parked horizontal in a few spaces. Or a mini van. There didn't seem to be any room for my car. I felt it symbolized something in my waking life where there was no room for me in a group I was trying to attend.

    Round 4 of Dreams.

    Blue Tray of Gasoline. It didn't smell bad. It was in my room and bathroom. Like a yellow oil.

    Program speaker. M was the host and spoke a little after the speaker about honesty or being sick. People on gameboys and anemic looking people were in the back row. They had freckles and were kind of blood shot. Pale skinned. I don't know if that is the correct usage of anemic but thats the word that came to mind when I saw

    In another part I was running from someone who was considered to be the head mistress. I tried to teleport away with my phone as the teleportation device. Instead of teleporting us, it made is invisible. My friend and I. I felt a lot of fear, and didn't want to get caught. So it was kind of a panicking moment. My friend had a phone out and I thought, "That's a special kind of phone! We can use it to escape!" Then we used it to escape. Then I saw a hologram of 2 girls walking. I felt more lucid then. I was trying to stabilize the dream. Then I was up again, and laying there. Then I saw a smiley face. Then I woke up. I set an intention to have an L D in round 3 of dreams but had it this time. Still, very cool. One of my early ones.

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    lucid , non-lucid , memorable
