I went to bed around 8. I spent most of the day watching cartoons and playing on Pokemon Showdown, so it was surprising how many dreams I got. (zzz) Round 1 of dreams. I initially remembered more dreams, and even re-remembered them once I woke up from round 2. But the memory had vanished by the next time I went to retrieve it! I was lucky to even recall this. There was actually a lot I initially remembered and I made sure to think about it a few times over instead of lingering on the one detail I was stuck on, to form a more solid memory. I think there was something at my nana's. Maybe with my uncle or Aunt C or more relatives. There was a part where I was at my college house. I remember being in the room 2 or 3 loft. There was something about a chimney leading up. A square hole in the ceiling. There was something about a T V show or movie. Maybe a cartoon. Something about 3 episodes. So I figured that all 3 fit in the half hour time period. But then 4 episodes were listed. So I figured 2 fit in a half hour and the whole show aired for an hour. The writing had a green background, with black text. I might have navigated a computer monitor. Then I was going down the stairs from this movie theater thing. Mr. Krabs from Sponge Bob was the manager. There was something about taking out insurance before going down the stairs. I woke up and recalled a good amount. I even remember the feeling of going back through it and being glad to remember further back into it. But I can't get it any more. (zzz) Round 2 and 3 of Dreams. I think I woke up at some point in between these and fell back asleep but I'm not sure where. There were earlier parts that I forgot. I think I woke up with only one dream memory at first. Something gray. Then thought about round 1 of dreams and went back to sleep. I remember being in my high school. Mr. E had told me that everyone should be resting and relaxing, not working too hard. I got to the gym class. We were all seated in that lobby between the weight room and the wrestling room. I wanted to tell everyone that Mr. E said they should be resting and relaxing. Not working too hard. But I felt bad about telling them what to do. The person didn't really look like Mr. E, but just the same hair color. I was sitting in a line of people. I think M C was there. I wanted to change my socks. I had grey socks. But I didn't want anyone to see my feet. In the dream I imagined my own feet and didn't want others to see them. So I thought of going behind another set of doors to change my socks. I remember drawing an octopus, or trying to. I made it have a tongue thing poking out of its mouth. And I was going to give it lots of extra tentacles. I was drawing in pencil on white paper. I remember a part with C P. We had been friends in the dream. I wanted to tell him that I had seen his little brother one day in the nieghborhood. He said he already heard my story. I wished that he hadn't said that. I really wanted to tell him the story again, and had hoped that he would just sort of humor me by saying he had never heard it. That would be putting more focus on emotions than facts, which was what I think can be more important some times. I remember seeing lasers in the sky. It was night time. There were some yellow lines of lasers and some other laser things. R M had a remote control that he used to control them. Soon, we were flying above the high way, shooting yellow lasers at cars. I thought it was all just a visual show, and not really doing any damage. Then, one of the cars shot one white orb of light up at me, which I barely dodged. I realized that we had probably been blowing up the cars every time we shot a laser at them, so we could stop now. I remember getting down to the high way, and it was day time again. There was a truck which was said to contain oxygen. A rectangular vent on the side was open. The driver said to put the plug in it. The plug was another rectangular thing with black goo dripping off of it. "Are you sure you want this in the oxygen?" I asked. I remember a guy had pulled a prank which was not looked on favorably. I wanted to vouch for him because I usually support the under dog. But this one was too much for me. I had a yellow piece of chalk I was using to write on the bricks and pavement of the ground. As I went around thinking, 'Sorry, I don't know if I can help this time...' I remember arriving at a restaurant area. There was one restaurant which was built on a 45 degree hill. I looked around there and might have seen families dining. I kept walking along and got to an area with a high step up to the dining floor. My mom was up there, so I went up to see her. She was sitting accross from Uncle M. I wondered if I would sit next to Mom, or next to Uncle M. There was a chair next to Uncle M but it turned out to be wobbly. I went looking for another chair. The table they were sitting at rotated and then L N was sitting there. I think my mom was talking about stuff, and left. It was some kind of meeting. After my mom, or maybe it was another woman, left, L N went on to take their inventory and complain about them. I think complaining is great. However, something about how she took the woman's inventory reminded me that I need to go to A C A. I thought of an A C A meeting I could share on. I thought about what I would say in the 4 minutes. then, I realized that by the time I get to the meeting, I might forget all about that, or it might not come out right. So I just had the realization for myself in that moment. As I thought, I found myself swimming or body surfing in a body of water. It was very colorful with blue water and orange sun shine from the sun rise or sun set. I was able to do hydro kinesis. Meaning, I seemed to be able to pull the waves in various directions. I pulled them toward the center which was in line with the direction I was facing. I pulled in some bigger waves, too. I think I was doing a big crawl stroke. I reached a wall, which I guess was the destination, or resting point. It was a cement wall. I didn't have any fear of fish, even though it was deep water. L N and another woman were swimming behind me. Before they got to the wall, I reached for their hands. They looked tired, but I felt bad for taking away their chance to reach the wall them selves. I guess we were just supposed to turn around and swim to the other shore. But, I stopped when I saw 3 green turtles on the sand in the shallow water. I wanted to call out to the others. I looked closely at the turtles. They had pink dots for eyes. One had a few pink dots in one eye place, in a line, connected by a thinner pink line. Then some bigger, furry, green fish or badger things swam above them. I petted one of them. I forgot if there was anything else before the dream ended. I RBFA'ed but re-remembered it later. (zzz) Round 4 of dreams. I'm not sure exactly when this one took place. But I remember being in the living room of my current house. And my dad had papered the entire place. Meaning, he covered all the walls, ceiling, doors, windows and everything with 8 and a half by 11 sheets of white paper. I thought it looked kinda cool, and wanted to do it in my own room. Near where the phone is in waking life, he had a tank with a bunch of lizards. There was a bright lamp glowing over it. I remember another part where I was in nana's upstairs bathroom. At the top of her stairs. I was on the phone with a kid. But what happened was he had been speaking a while so I just plugged in a recording device to the phone so I could record what he said and then listen later. But then I was listening back to it, and I felt bad, because he had been asking me a question, and it seemed like I had ignored him. So I was thinking of how to explain that to him. I remember being in a cafe kind of place. And seeing J L and M B at 2 tables at the end there. M B and J L were talking. I sat accross from M B and greeted J with a hand shake. I think M B asked me why I sat with them. I wasn't sure! I remember being at another table in the cafe thing. I was looking at a book. it had a black background, and white text. Someone was reading it to me. I saw that after the next page, the font became really, really tiny. Also, I didn't want people to overhear the content of the book. So I tried to turn it off. Then I was like, "Who is this?" And I guessed who it was. I realized it was K L. Then I realized I needed ice and water. I was almost out of water. I thought of what the best way would be to re-stock my ice and water supply. I felt like I was in the O B shopping area near the pharmacies and big food store. I was accross the road from one pharmacy, but instead of a factory, it was a place with a deli and maybe a beverage store kinda thing. But my car was all the way over in the grocery store parking lot. I realized I would have to run and get my car, then park it with the trunk facing the ice store, to fill it with ice, in coolers. I ran as fast as I could to go do that. Next thing I remember, I was still running, but this time I was near the high school bus drive way. There was an area of green grass surrounded by cement walk ways. An African American woman was the monitor of the place. She started to yell at me. "Don't cut accross that! You have to go around!" She chased after me. I pretended not to hear her. "I'm gonna tell those cops to stop you!" There were police officers up ahead, by the track. I switched from needing my car to get ice, to needing wool. I could hear the woman yelling but pretended to ignore her. If they asked, I would just say I hadn't heard her! Seemed like a plan to me. Also, I would say that I went around the yard last time, so this time I could cut through it. There had been a layer of sand or snow on the grass. I reached two or three guys at a little cart thing. They had the wool. The woman caught up, too. She was telling them her side of the story. I saw that the guys had sun glasses. I guess they were the police but also they were the guys with the wool. (The plot is kind of confusing to me.) "I get to tell you my side of the story after she finishes," I said. They acknowledged. Eventually that part passed and it turned out they didn't have any wool to spare. It showed a baby on a couch, playing with a rectangular pillow thing. Apparently, the pillow had a piece of cedar wood, and a book, inside it. Those things gave it good energy. And the wool around it made it soft. The baby was squeezing it. I felt some of the wool. It was tan and felt comfortable. But they couldn't spare any. After that, I woke up, recalled, and RBFA. but I re-remembered it later! (zzz) Round 5 of Dreams. I remember being on the phone with someone. Or maybe they were right there, talking to me. While they spoke, I opened the fridge. And noticed that each shelf had big puddles of black liquid. Like olive juice. While they spoke, I took some towels to wipe it up. I was still listening, though. The fridge happened to be totally empty other than the black liquid, but I didn't notice that. I had another dream of being in that cafe again. I was journaling. I was feeling good because I had gotten calls from a few friends. And had some nice conversations. The journal entry reflected a much higher self-esteem than I have in waking life. I wanted to convert the font to times new roman. so i pressed "Control A" and highlighted it all. When it came time to select the font, I thought pressing A again would change it to Times New Roman, but it didn't. Instead, the letters became some kind of ancient ruins. They were gold in color. I thought it was cool but wanted Times New Roman. I navigated to the top panel of the word processor to do it manually. I had 2 false awakenings of waking up to use the bathroom. In one, I was near the restaurant from round 3 of dreams. I was looking into a card board box. It was empty. I was going to go to the bathroom in it. I kinda worried that someone might see me. I noticed more card board boxes near a fence. I realized that the conversations held at the restaurant were different from conversations on message boards. They weren't posted on line for later. But then some boxes were put out that had thread titles on the side. One thread title said that alcohol gives people a child-like glow in their eyes. I don't know why my dream said this. I think alcohol dimmed out the glow in my eyes, and it was only quitting alcohol that brought the life back to my eyes. The other box top beneath it said that it was a choice. Meaning I could choose to be full of life even without depending on alcohol. Maybe that's why. There was another box top saying something about the "top topics" of the night. I had another false awakening where I was trying to recall my dream. And got up to use the bathroom. But then I heard a really loud concert from outside my window. There was a female "soul singer" type of performer. I also remember hearing something like the intro to Bob Marley's "stand up" song. 'I gotta get my ear muffs and keep recalling my dreams,' I thought. I woke up and there wasn't really a concert playing. That was a relief. I stayed in bed and formed some memories of those. Then I re-played rounds 1 through 5 in my mind. After i was sure that I had finished sleeping I got up to make the outline. I got up around 7:30.