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    Big Black Centipede, Flying by Zoom Out method

    by , 10-01-2017 at 12:08 AM (189 Views)
    This is from going over old notes and typing it up in a neater format months later.

    September 29, 2017 to September 30, 2017.

    I forgot these dreams at first, until I laid back down from trying to write them. Then, they came back to mind.

    There was a part where no one wanted to hear my raps.

    Turtle, turtle, turtle, who needed a bigger shell. I got him a new one from another organism that was blue. It had top and bottom segments you could take apart.

    There was a magazine with an Egyptian thing in a stack of wicker baskets. Some kind of waiting room or lobby.

    Going downstairs to play video game. It was a 3 player game. My friend G F as well as girls were there too. Something about a beige carpet. Months later, some dreams I don't see as clearly.

    Then I wrote, trapped in a building. Couldn't get out. Brown doors. Some teacher guy?

    As I write it, it comes to me!

    A meeting with a guy with a big hat. Great memory!

    This dream I remember vividly. There was a black centipede thing in this spider web. It was tremendous. I tried to grab a stick. It had sharp legs. It turned slowly out from its web thing to look at me. As it did this it seemed to grow. I turned to run away. As I ran, I felt very sluggish and slow, like I weighed a lot, or my legs were stuck to the ground. I felt stuck. I felt lots of fear that the big centipede monster would catch up to me and attack or something. This sense of running but being stuck in place triggered lucidity somehow. I think I realized I was dreaming and flew up. 5 months later, I can't quite remember exactly what happened. maybe the dream just jumped to a new scene. But it was one of my earlier lucid dreams and a cool way to get lucid. I know I flew later though and I think it had to do with this "spark" of lucidity.

    Something with T S. Are you righty or lefty? A tear down his fathers eye. T S almost falling backwards down stairs. I had gone to where T S was to look for his father. I got the sense that his father didn't like me talking to him. T S wanted to learn to write. I think I wanted to help. T S is somewhere further along the autism spectrum but I always saw him as a whole and complete person. There was something with their family having library books on the table. I remember doing something with the pile of library books. I think this was a lucid part of the dream where I felt like I was being helpful.

    I forgot if anything happened next. I found myself outside and flew into the air! One of my early lucid flying experiences. I flew up by kind of seeing the map beneath me zoom out. Like somehow imagining the ground beneath me getting smaller could make me fly. For a moment, my sister was with me. I was carrying her through the sky as I flew. I have had many lucid dreams where my sister appeared and I tried to help her with dreaming skills. So I made it so the back yard got very small. Then I saw its outline. Someone on the ground was yelling at me as I ascended higher and higher. I remember this was interesting to me as maybe it was a part of my consciousness afraid to go further into lucid dreaming. I still have a fear of flying in lucid dreams actually for various reasons. Either I think it will wake me up, or I think the dream police will come get me. It has been about 6 months now and I hope to move past that fear so I can enjoy flying in L D's. Flying in lucid dreams is probably symbolic and so part of my dream journey is to clear things that block me from flying freely.

    One dream detail was something in a state park place. I don't remember more about this one.

    I dreamed of my orange glasses. I kept dreaming that I couldn't find my Decibel Defense headset, and there was leaf blower noise. I think I remember this dream. I was at a desk in my room toward the end of the day.

    Later in the dream, my phone kept changing to these blue port window things. Not the default Operating System. I kept feeling my physical body, then thinking, "No, stay in this dream." This happened on the time when we ate the blue things, too.

    I guess there were more parts I forgot. Then I flew up into this attic loft. I was trying to summon a wummon. I was lucid. I tried twice to close my eyes and make her appear. I hadn't learned about thinking the person will be behind me or around the corner yet, so i was trying to make them appear in front of me. I noted that this was the same attic loft that I made the blue blocks turn into food and ate them.

    There was also a bit about adding table sugar, which I never ear, to a batch of brown rice and beans, which I eat almost every day. I tasted it and worried, thinking I would have to throw out the batch, due to the sugar. That dream detail came to mind after I laid back down. I had a high success rate at the time with remembering a dream detail the next time I woke up if I fell asleep without writing it.

    In the next "round of dreams", I didn't remember any at first. I knew I slept and I knew I dreamed though, so tried. I remembered that my friend A R was hammering trees with a metal spike pick.
    There was a red You Tube button that fell off this wall near a ramp we were walking along. Something about we couldn't have it. It was like this red knob that fell down.

    It seemed weird that I couldn't remember any of these dreams. Something with a guy from school who worked with computers. I wrote, "Something about boys?"

    My sister's phone number had 3 extension digits after it.

    We were at a sink and 2 girls were complaining about how much soap we were using. I said, I don't normally use that much, but it is really dirty. I had a tupperware and two sponges, one with Scotch Brite pad.

    What happened during this dream recall was that it was around 7 in the morning. I was trying to recall the dreams as I sat in my chair. I think some time had already passed since waking up but I was able to keep digging back for one more detail, and another, by sort of hyper focusing on the visual of the last detail I got. Then others would pop up around it. I broke this one by answering the phone, and couldn't get back to it. Who knows what else I would have remembered! Every dream detail matters, and now, I definitely don't even turn the phone on at all until I have remembered my dreams in full.

    Notes. That was exciting to go back through these. The story of remembering the dream is just as much a story as the dream itself.

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    lucid , non-lucid , memorable
