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    Log 1067 - Spring Lucid Dream Competition - Day 16

    by , 04-01-2018 at 04:55 PM (506 Views)
    Created Sunday 01 April 2018

    Had a hell of a time getting any sleep this night. Still, I got a WILD to note. There was a lot more to it than I could remember at, the moment, though at least I'm kinda sure it wouldn't have affected the score all that much...

    Long moments of meditation before and after the dream below. Better that than just shifting around restlessly...

    Dream 1 - Spring Lucid Dream Competition - Day 16

    Scene 1 - Forgotten Fountain
    WILD transition in bed, though I lingered around a bit before finally getting up. Once I moved to the foot of the bed, I inexplicably fell through the floor and into the void. Spin to warp. I turned up near a fountain. Lots of wacky stuff occurred, but sadly, I lost all memory of that, and also lucidity at some point. Unknown transition.

    Scene 2 - Atatatatatatata!
    The visuals were a bit blurred. I was within a mall's lobby, the structure accomodating many supermarkets. Lucid again. I project a silvery aura, then fly to and from the extreme ends of the facility within seconds.

    Later on, I passed by an artificial castle.
    I lost myself to random thoughts at the sight of such, particularly about Hokuto no Ken, for the place reminded me of Yuda's fortress. There were "next episode" montages where Ken fights Yuda in place of Rei.

    I eventually snapped out of the trance. Now, I found myself between the aisles of an elecronic/hardware store. What's more, I was arbitrarily given the form of Kenshiro. Realizing this caused the instrumental version of Ai wo Torimodose (a climatic battle theme in the show) to sound. In response, I evoked a blue aura, and flew around to look for someone to fight. Soon, I found the villain Jagi passing by. I attacked him unprovoked with Kenshiro's Hokuto Hyakuretsu Ken technique, resulting in an explosive death.

    Back in the lobby. Things were fading quickly. So, I rubbed hands for two whole minutes, when the scene warped in view. Now, I was walking outside in city streets during a partiall cloudy day. I point at the largest nimbus, and try shaping it into the form of my guide, E. But, nothing seemed to happen. Things deteriorated quickly, and I wake up.
    OneMoreDreamer likes this.

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    Updated 04-01-2018 at 05:15 PM by 89930



    1. OneMoreDreamer's Avatar
      Wow! You use various colored auras quite a lot! They sound very interesting (and helpful).
      FireFlyMan likes this.
    2. RelicWraith's Avatar
      Heh, it's more a recent development. My past attempts at such were strenuous, unreliable, and/or caused high dream instability. The opposite seems to be true now. This seems to have a correlation with my kinesthetic awareness training (and indeed, when I evoke these auras, there's a distinct "wave' sensation similar to a far more pressurized internal bloodflow), but I can't prove that yet.

      Oops, there I go overexplaining things!
      OneMoreDreamer likes this.
    3. OneMoreDreamer's Avatar
      That’s very cool. Do you have a technique for conjuring them or do you just will them into existence?
      FireFlyMan likes this.
    4. RelicWraith's Avatar
      I take a second to sorta "scan" my body's tactile presence. The aura then just blooms out with but a thought.
      OneMoreDreamer likes this.