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    3,667 words - got lucid twice

    by , 05-23-2018 at 02:02 PM (290 Views)
    Went to bed around 7:45, Probably asleep by 8:30.


    Woke up at one point with a few dreams in mind. The first one was being at the local food store. I was buying cheese and some other food items. The older military veteran guy from town was also there. I had parmesan cheese. He took some of it and got it all stuck in his mustache.

    I remember waiting on the checkout line, then needing to use the bathrom before I left.

    I wrote one more dream note on a little piece of paper in the dark that I will have to add later. Yeah, it said "pza delivery". I know there was some kind of pizza delivery but not the detail. Something about it being anticlimactic. Some writing involved. But the short note there didn't bring up what I initially rememberd. Sometimes they do sometimes they don't.

    Then I woke up, and recalled those. I laid back down and it was an RBTS, other than the tiny notes I made on the paper in the dark.

    As I fell asleep, I noticed that I was looking at a chat room screen. It was reflecting different people chatting from various websites. There was a dark grey back-ground, and white text.

    I noticed it was a dream appearing before my eyes because I had just been thinking of dream recall when it appeared. When I looked closer, and realized that it was becoming its own thing, kind of separate from my mind in a way, I knew I was dreaming it. Then a loud ringing happened in my ears which seemed to me like a transition into WILD. However, I think I lost consciousness, and a regular dream began. Still kind of cool I think.

    There were a few subsequent dream scenes, but they ended up as RBTS, seemingly forgotten. The weird part was, when I woke up from the next round of sleep, I remembered the end of these dreams. But then after I recalled the next round of dreams more fully, I tried to go back to the end of round 2, but couldn't. Maybe it will come to mind as I write round 3.

    So, here were the dreams from when I got to sleep again. I remember something with a lemon. I had an open lemon and wondered if I should eat it and drink the juice. Maybe I had a reason in mind. I also worried about the sugar content.

    I just remembered a part where I was in a kitchen. Making a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Or about to start making one.

    I remember a brief memory of a Sonic the Hedgehog level. Like a side scroller. I don't think I remember getting the coins knocked out of me or any robot bad guys but I remember jumping along a level like that.

    There was also something with Y and he had a frozen melon. It was a cantaloupe. The orange part was not thawed yet around the sides, and that represented Y's not being ready to change his behavior yet. I think the behavior was some habit. There were other people from school there, too.

    I remember I was making the peanut butter and banana sandwich to go to a class room. When I got there someone had called their name. Two people like it was on the phone meeting today, when two people dialed in from the same phone. I think the name was David though.

    B was in the back row and I went to join him. Then we were in an adjacent room at a row of computers at a desk. There was some music he couldn't listen to. M E may have been there.

    Then there was a scene of this smaller, thin character having done something to offend this big, tough character. They were humanoid in shape but had different attributes than humans I forgot. The big tough character ended up pulverizing the little guy into a wall. It became like DBZ, where the wall got smashed in like 10 feet behind where the big guy pulverized the little guy.

    Then the little guy (LG) managed to get out of the debris and retailiate against the big guy. He poked the big guy (BG's) eyes out, and a bandage appeared, over BG's eyes. Then LG tackled BG over the edge of a cliff thing from where the village was and down into a resevoir below it. The tackling was so powerful it made a hole in the ground of the reservoir that all the water drained into. I thought LG was going to drive BG straight to the core of the Earth and make him go into lava. It was kind of violent but I was glad to see LG winning since he seemed to be the good guy, and BG the bad guy.

    All the water from the village came draining down into the reservoir. I figured this was because the lack of water in the reservoir was now creating a vaccuum but in waking life that wouldn't work that way. There was a blue waterfall coming down from the cliff face. I was also glad that the water was being drained from the village due to LG's heroic action. That must have meant the village was corrupted.

    But then we were swimming in water again so I guess it got replenished. This time I was with them, but last time, I saw from outside. BG's eye was still bandaged. This was a relief. We were able to keep BG at bay by poking him with a metal rod, which kept him at a distance. LG and I kept doing this.

    I remember swimming underwater a little to avoid some of BG's arm swings. Then poking him from there. It was pretty involved. I'm not sure what the next part of the plan was going to be.

    Then some other guys came along in the water, and began to poke us with little sharp things. They wanted to play a game. They might have been characters from earlier but I'll explain that later.

    I told them that I would be glad to play their game any time. but not at this time. At the time I was doing something really important (fighting BG) and so it wasn't a good time. I explained that I was a "man of my word" and would keep my promise. I said this with a lot of anger, mainly. However, I said it like, "I'm a man of my word... Except when it comes to football season!" Meaning that I had quit football season earlier in the dream, or it was just implanted context. I thought to myself that this was okay to change my mind on football season, and didn't make me not a "man of my word" per say because it was a longer term decision.

    (I just had a dream flashback of weight lifting but I'm not sure when.)

    Then the part with BG kind of ended. We went in a locker room and I opened my locker. It was something like 18, 28, 38, and worked perfectly. I am surprised I remembered those numbers. I remember dialing the pad lock and everything. Silver pad lock with a black dial and white lines. I think 18, 28, 38 was like my combo from high school.

    I asked MC if he would want to play a game, I think something in the water, some time. But he had lacrosse season going. So that wasn't going to work. He asked me if I was playing, and I said no.

    However, I opened my locker and found two lacrosse sticks. One said STX. I explained that I didn't play now, but must have had these from last season I played, which was (and I tried to remember if it was 7, 8, 9 or 10th grade, but it was really 8th) some time in high school.

    Then MK came by and told me that he could show me his lacrosse skills. I figured he would do some catch with a lacrosse ball against a wall which would be fast and showy and impressive. But I think I needed to get going.

    Then the coach came by and notified me that I'd have to change my bedding. Or put my bedding in the hampers next time. I felt embarrassed for not having changed it all week. I guess I thought the staff would do it automatically. He noticed a drool stain on my bed or something, which was now right near the locker.

    I was relieved that I had had a shower from being in the water. And now I was going to go home overnight. This way I wouldn't be sleeping in a dirty bed and I wouldn't smell from that. I would be able to smell clean.

    That reminds me that there must have been something with a class room, and that coach, earlier in the dream. But I can't remember it now. Only this part. I think the coach was African American.

    So then I started to head out of the locker room. I think I did put my bedding in the hamper. I remember going into another row of lockers and there was something soft and furry there. People were asking me, "What, did you think they would just walk into the laundry themselves?" And I explained how I expected the staff to do it.

    Further on the way out, I got near Mr. H's class room. He had my car key. I'm not sure why. It was on this stack of two block things with a pumpkin picture on each. Now I'm remembering walking around high school hallways but not sure exactly what.

    I accidentally knocked his blocks over and went to pick them up. There was something with a woman named J and a toy car thing that's kind of vague to me now. I left the building without getting my car keys from Mr. H. Walking around the parking lot, I looked for my car. Then I realized I hadn't gotten the keys!

    I panicked a little because it was night, and everyone had left. I remember a bright light in my eyes against the night sky, and wondering why I didn't have my orange glasses. And if this would make it hard to fall asleep. As I headed back for the building.

    My plan was to bang on the door and yell, "MR. H!!!" until he heard me. They were glass doors. But luckily one opened right up. I went down the stairs and got my key. What a relief.

    Then 2 people were going to be in my car with me. Mr. H explained how beneath the space where the keys go is a mirror so he could see the underside of the keys. That made sense to me in the dream.

    Then there was a self help book that someone wanted to read as a group in the car ride home. He got very excited that we could read and discuss it together. I wondered how I would read it while I drove. Maybe they would read it out loud so I could hear.

    Then I woke up, and recalled those. Now I've come to record them. I'm kinda sad about the RBTS on round 2, causing me that loss. I guess its good that I slept but I thought I really had a chance to salvage those dreams. However if I had tried to salvage those, I might have lost the chance to recall round 3 at all. Well, there will be more dreams next time.

    Its 3:11 now so I probably woke up around 2:30. If I went to sleep by approx. 8:30 then I got 4.5-5.5 hours of sleep so far, if I make sure to not count the times I was up recalling dreams. Hopefully I'll fall back asleep this time without trouble.


    I got back to sleep with help from a meditation I made within 25 minutes. My mind started racing and I think without the meditation reminders I would have gone way off into that.

    I remember dreaming about being a science class. There was a female teacher. I remember we had to put stuff in a bag, maybe a big brown paper bag. I'm not sure if this was where I got lucid or if I did later.

    I remember getting lucid at some point. How? Not sure. But I found myself in a bed. I got up and saw that I was wearing blue jeans. Explored a few rooms of the house I was in.

    I remember that I was actually walking around on my knee caps in the beginning. And eventually, I stood up. I remember putting my one foot out and pressing up to a full standing position. So there was some dream body coordination.

    I don't remember much of the dream. or as much as I think there was. I felt like I had good control and it was a fairly stable dream, but without much stabilization techniques even needed. I think I did some hand rubbing at one point.

    I remember being in a room, near a TV. Thinking that the dream was going by so fast, but it was a longer lucid dream, and that I'd probably remember it all very easily. But I was aware that I hadn't even thought "Let me make sure I remember this" the whole time, untl then.

    I wondered what dream goals to try to accomplish after feeling like I hadn't really got the most out of it. There were some pullups and dip bars. I did wide-grip, overhand pull ups for a while, then pulled myself up and did push-ups on the bar. Then rotated to do dips. I rotated between the hanging push-ups, dips facing one way, back, dips facing other way, etc. Then back to pull-ups. I remember feeling my arms and upper body muscles actually working which was kinda cool. Also I think I did it with my eyes closed, seeing no visuals, just feeling the work out.

    I guess I fought the ending of the dream a little bit, but surrendered that it was over.
    There was one last false awakening in which I appeared in my bed, with lights on in the room. I grabbed a mirror at the foot of my bed, and tried to dream journal by talking into it.

    When I woke up physically, I was in such a daze. Not really able to think clearly. Those moments when I couldn't think yet were probably when alot of it slipped away.

    Well, now it's 4:36 AM. I must have only slept 30-45 minutes putting me at about 6 hours of sleep.


    I think I got 1 or 2 more total hours of sleep, so I'm at 7-8 again. I had some dreams way in the beginning that were forgotten via RBTS.

    I remember playing sports in the high school field. It was windy. A woman was smoking two cigars at once. I kept yelling from a distance for her to stop and she did. I was pretty sure there was no smoking allowed on that high school field. I vaguely remember some heiroglyphics or something like that.

    We got up to the locker room which was accessible through the front of the school building, and walked in. Same as waking life. I put a joke on the mirror involving someone wanting to eat an onion. Then after showing one person, I think C, I decided to take it down. It was a woman saying something about wanting an onion. Also there was something with the word trauma. I didn't want to leave it because it was making fun of her. She had reddish brown hair.

    Then there was something about how I was wearing gym shorts, but instead of change back to my clothes now, I would go home, change into different gym shorts, come back to school, and then change from gym shorts back to my regular clothes.

    I think TR was there.

    Then we were in a different field and there was something about a guy saying how if a guy got a woman pregnant, he should be with her. So he was staying with a woman who I guess he had got pregnant. Then we were supposed to rotate positions. I ended up being tricked into rotating to a position without a good view of anything. TL laughed. I was in a corner but behind a TV. So then TL pushed me into the corner some more and I kinda fought him off. I didn't want to stay in that spot.

    Then I remember being in the woods. I tripped and stumbled trying to get under some hanging vines. The trails were narrow. Someone had a thrown a whole bag of Heineken beer cans out there. There was some other litter. I wanted to clean it but it was hard to get my cleaning tools through the narrow passages of vines. I remember looking down a snowy slope that I'd have to wait until it was dry, so as not to slide.

    I thought of Wingull from Pokemon, maybe one that Ash had. I think I imagined it flying by.

    I'm not sure what else happened. I think there was a part when I was going to buy cigarettes, but then return them immediately, as a way to make people quit some how. I shudder to even say that sentence. And I also woke up laying on my right side, but opened my eyes and saw vines. When I looked closer they became blue, like my bed might be. But I still think it was a false awakening, because my eye cover would have made that not possible in waking life.

    I guess I don't remember the rest. It's kinda vague. Tonight my brain was a bit foggy when going for recall.

    I was really surprised (sp?) that this came out to 3667, it seemed like less!
    Durza, KittySquirrel and Lang like this.

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    1. Durza's Avatar
      Nice work on getting lucid! Also, what is a peanut butter and banana sandwich? It sounds awful! What are some of your goals when you are lucid? Also, I read in a lucid dreaming book that some people did a study, and they had two groups of people. One went to the gym and worked out, and the others sat on a couch and thought about working out. The people who went to the gym were, (45 percent stronger maybe?) and the people on the couch were fifteen. So in a lucid dream, I wonder if you work out like u did if it actually makes you stronger.
      Charles3 likes this.
    2. Charles3's Avatar
      About the PB&banana sandwich - LOL!!! Here in the US it is sometimes done. If you think of PB and jelly or PB and honey, that are more common, it is just PB (peanut butter) plus something sweet so it creates a taste sensation. I used to eat PB and banana sandwiches alot growing up. Your reaction to it made me laugh out loud.

      With the LD workouts, I read about it from time to time. My shoulder has been injured so I can't do dips and pullups. (Before my injury I could do them though) so IDK if it is a sign of lucid dreamin healing.

      Dream goals... I don't really have any! I am not that goal oriented of a person. I could see how it would be helpful but IDK. I guess I'd like to swim in more dreams, travel space in more dreams, and another was explore the bottom of the ocean. But I pretty much just improvise with whatever's in front of me as of now. Like IDK if you saw the dream where the 6 armed lady appeared and then the monster came out of the ocean but it was really epic. I just want dreams like that.
      Durza likes this.
    3. Durza's Avatar
      Bleh, i love PBJ and eat like three a day, honey is good too, and Nutella is even better, but banana?

      Hmm, interesting, wonder if your shoulder would eventually heal.

      Okay, haven't seen that dream, must have been back a bit, but I can understand. I have an overreaching goal of having fun, and then some things that I would want to do like fly and swim and all that.
      Charles3 likes this.