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    Floatinghead's dream adventures


    by , 06-05-2012 at 05:26 AM (402 Views)
    Venus was in-line with the sun last night and so I had a weird dream!

    'Spontaneous lucidity'

    I am walking in what looks like a shopping centre/mall, all of a sudden, without reason I a lucid - I just know I am dreaming, I do not need to check. I remember allot of warm colors in the mall, yellows and oranges, I think I am somewhere where it is usually allot warmer than the UK. As I walk along I feel my l dream slipping, I am going to wake up. So I stop a stare at a strawberry that is being displayed on a fruit stand, I get really close and can see the tiny individual pips on the surface of the strawberry. I sit down and breath slowly in and out while staring at these details and am able to steady my dream again (a small success for me in regards to dream control!) as I walk further into the shopping mall this happens again with a banana I think, eventually I decide that I will try to find someone, just someone that is not supposed to be in my dream/a 'real' person. I find a girl/woman standing at the entrance of a shop, she has tight brown curls and is very pretty. We embrace and then I have a false awakening; I am sitting in the same shopping mall but this time sitting in a circle with around 8-10 others, sitting across from me is the same girl I just had the dream about: we are trying to determine whether we had a successful shared dream. I describe what it is that I had dreamt, but the girl is finding it difficult to remember. She then mentions something about a orange, which somebody, I am thinking was 'kiara' who posted that thread up about 'wanting a shared dream' says that it is a success, I argue that it doesn't count - but then she holds up a sheet that she has written up - on the sheet is a table cross referencing everything that could mean something else. I do not remember the others in the circle but they could have possibly been the other members of the IOSDP...

    Sirius Black smooth

    Dream fragment of walking along with Sirius lack and noticing how ridiculously smooth his skin is!

    Bogey sandwich!!!

    I am watching some kind of extreme cooking program, the chef on the program is explaining how to make food dishes out of things we find growing around us etc, he goes onto explain how bogey's (snot) is very nutritious and cuts to a bowl filled with tony dried bogies, he takes a few on a spoon and puts them in a sandwich - I know, totally gross right? urgh!

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    Updated 06-05-2012 at 12:15 PM by 36703

