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    1. 5/24 and 5/25 fragments

      by , 05-26-2013 at 12:44 AM
      12:30 fragment 1: I dreamed about how if one cannot remember a whole dream, one can sort the dream fragments by length. .

      5:00 fragment 2: I caught up with my older son at a busstop to give him one of his homeworks which he had forgotten to take. (In reality he does not even take the bus to school.) He was with another boy. He said it was good that I had arrived because someone was about to kiss (it was not explained who), and it would be awkward.

      5:15 failed WBTB attempt: about 15 minutes up, recorded fragment, went to bathroom, mantra repeat, tried to WILD, result: no recall at 6:45

      to bed at midnight due to coffee late in afternoon

      6am A blue color worker was telling his family that he got job in better paying job further away as representative worker who could answer company questions about workers. They were so impressed that he was willing to relocate and had the drive to advance to a white collar job.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Fragment: dreams, elephant?

      by , 05-23-2013 at 11:11 AM
      All I remember is a fragment about dreams and scale from 1 to 10 and there may or may not have an elephant in this fragment as well.

      Updated 05-29-2013 at 08:19 PM by 61501

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    3. Hair Restraint and Why Capitalism Failed in Poland

      by , 05-22-2013 at 03:11 PM
      In this long and complicated dream I was somehow involved in politics of Poland (my country of origin, where I was born, but now I am a US citizen in real life).

      There was this blond thin very pretty very charismatic woman who in my dream was in a position of power in Polish politics and was also a close family friend on my mother's side of my family.

      She and a large group of people where house guests at my mother's home, and I was communicating with them mostly via phone and texting.

      One time we arranged to meet. The setting was an outdoor cafe with the tables and chairs set up on a bridge for some reason. When I arrived, the important woman, a male assistant of hers, and a prisoner were already there. We were going to interview the prisoner to find out important information from him, but I do not know why he was a prisoner and what the important information was. There was no chair for me, so when I arrived, they first pulled several empty chairs from a neighboring table, and had to readjust it, so that there was only one empty chair for me. The prisoner's restraint had to be removed so that he could talk more freely. It turned out that he only had one restraint to begin with: a hair restraint, and so the assistant cut the restraint restraining the prisoner's hair. (How a hair restraint would suffice for a prisoner, and how it would prevent him from speaking freely - my dream did not explain any of that, nor did I question it.)

      Change of scene to a political rally. The important woman was talking and saying "... And that's why capitalism failed in Poland." I interjected, "Excuse me, but as a proponent of capitalism, I have to correct that capitalism did not fail in Poland, it was designed to fail. What those in power called capitalism was designed to be unacceptable to people, so that they would beg those in power to abolish Capitalism. Which is what those in power had wanted all along." While I was talking about begging, I enacted the gestures of putting my hands together in exaggerated begging, and my perspective changed so that the powerful woman was higher up and I was begging her from below.

      I do not know what the consequence of my interjection was because I then woke up.

      Fragment 1: about personal finances and 401k retirement plan.
      Fragment 2: a fragment of a dream about my grandmother go alas is no longer alive. In my dream she was frail, so toward the end of her life.

      Updated 05-22-2013 at 03:15 PM by 61501

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Aquarium Disaster, Wonderous creatures

      by , 05-20-2013 at 11:19 AM
      I came home to find our main aquarium on the floor over turned. Miraculously it was unbroken but either all or most of the water was drained. I quickly set it back up while very nervous, refilled it, and started trying to save the creatures. As I found them on the floor I proceeded to add them to the aquarium. It was dark and I had trouble seeing. one of the weirdest creatures I found and added was a tiny blue aquatic bird. I somehow caught it in my fist. It's fluttering was hurting my hand, but I held on and plopped it back into the water where it swam / flew safe. I knew that there were supposed to be others like it, but did not know whether they were safe inside or still missing. the aquarium was full of lights which were time and looked amazing, but made it hard to see anything else. I wondered whether I had plugged everything that needed to be plugged into the electricity back in, and whether all these plugs were indeed aquarium related, but I had no time to check, I had to try to save the creatures. While crawling on the floor under the stand, I saw something rolling fast: it was a Malaysian trumpet snail (this is a real creature from my tank, unlike the blue bird, but in reality it could not roll like that). I caught it and into the tank it went. I wondered whether my favorite fish had been saved, but could not check yet, must go on searching. I thought, well, at least now don't have to worry whether the tank is overstocked or not, but that thought did not make me feel better. I was confused that the plants seemed to be missing, even though in reality I have tons of aquatic plants, and yet the tank seemed rather full already.

      I woke up without completing the strange rescue.
    5. You do not exclude a teammate

      by , 05-20-2013 at 09:27 AM
      In this dream I was a male member of a software development team. I remember I was a white man, tall and skinny and strong.

      I don't know what our application was supposed to do, but there was an email component. The developer of the email component was I think a subcontractor of a different company, and the lead of our project wanted to exclude him as much as possible.

      First scene was like a demo, and during the demo the email developer figured out how to make things visible in 3D and in color. the lead resented this even though these were crucial developments in our project but she did not like that this was him who figured it out.

      Second scene, we are in our work area and our lead is telling the email developer that he cannot come to another meeting. I say to the lead, "You cannot exclude a member of the team and remain a member of the team, especially not after what he has done!" I bodily lift the team lead up. She is a petite woman. I sit her on a desk, and jab a finger in her chest to make the point. Then I suddenly get the insight, "Hey, I guess that means you are not a member of this team. Out!" And I point to the door behind me. She says, "You can't do that. I am the boss." And I say, "Yes, I can. And no, you are not. He is." I just know without looking that our boss who is her boss and everyone else's is in the doorway behind me. Will he support her or me? I wonder.

      I never find out because I wake up instead.

      Side note: Even though this dream was non-lucid it had this powerful moment of insight, where I felt empowered. this dram is inconsistent in that I say that one can't exclude a team member, but I exclude her.

      Updated 05-20-2013 at 09:34 AM by 61501

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Fragment: Victorian Loose Woman Getting Drunk

      by , 05-19-2013 at 06:39 AM
      1:30am Fragment: Victorian Loose Woman Getting Drunk

      Disclaimer: Both the drinking and the promiscuity is completely out of character for me, but I was not myself, so ...

      I was not my self. This was set in the Victorian era. I had the sense that I was a fairly loose woman who had been with many men. in this scene I was in some sort of formal room with two finely dressed gentlemen. We had known each other before, but had lost track of one another, but had recently become reacquainted. One of the gentlemen was pouring vast quantities of alcohol from a bottle into my mouth, and I was drinking it up eagerly. I knew that I was going to have sex with both of them soon after, and I was becoming very aroused in anticipation.

      Failed WBTB attempt:
      2:15am WBTB intension - plan for next lucid dream: I will go back to sleep in a few minutes. I will remember to realize that I am dreaming. Is this a dream. When I become lucid, I will reality check and focus on my hands to stabilize, then I will get chocolate from my pocket and eat it. I will then turn around, find a door, know the Taj Mahal is on the other side, open the door, and then I will fly to the Taj Mahal or through it and out of it if I find myself in it when I step through the door.
      Result: No lucid, just the following fragment.

      Another fragment: work database related 6:30am I remember dreaming of a sample database. Also some questioning by my boss of how much it would cost DBAs to check who used the system when, and DBAS responded that it depends on whether the most competent DBA is given the task or the most incompetent that the price will be different.

      Second failed WBTB This time all I did was write down the above fragment, and go to bathroom,and will try to WILD in a moment. Result: Couldn't fall asleep for a while but when I did, all I got was the following fragment.

      Fragment: if delete something, would help dream? ok this fragment was either confusing computer and mind or using computer as analogy for mind. It suggested that if only I could delete something (don't remember what), is would help with my dreaming effort somehow.

      Updated 05-19-2013 at 02:14 PM by 61501

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. WBTB, brief lucid in laundry room, stupid wake up

      by , 05-18-2013 at 02:37 PM
      4:20 am woke up, before I moved remembered a dream fragment, but lost it upon moving

      Decided to do a WBTB attempt. Staid up about 20 minutes. Then had e hardest time falling back to sleep. Tried to WILD, gave up, tried to go back to sleep, almost gave up.

      Next thing i know, I noticed that I am in our laundry room. I thought, "Ah, but I am not really in the laundry room. This is a dream. I bet if I open my eyes, I will discover, that I am in my bed." And so I did.

      it was about 5:45 when I woke up.

      Note to self: Great job becoming lucid! Congratulations! I am really fighting my desire to reprimand you for waking up stupidly like that. Next time we are lucid, let's stay lucid and not wake up, ok? So awesome job on recognizing dream, and next time I am dreaming I intend to stay in the dream.
    8. Daring Escape

      by , 05-18-2013 at 01:21 PM
      woke up at 8am

      Dream: Daring Escape

      So me and this dwarf or hafling fantasy creature of some sort were doing an escape from a building owned by bad guys. I don't know who I was, definitely not myself. The dwarf or hafling did not dare escape because he thought it was a bad idea because we would definitely be caught because the bad guys, whoever they were (it was not explained) were all powerful and no one escaped them, but I was daring and confident. My plan was to escape by just using the doors and stairs because they would not expect that at all, so by escaping in plain sight we would be successful. And indeed the staircase was all empty, and while we were full of tension we did not encounter any bad guys. Once we exited the building we got some sort of car somehow (not explained - probably just poofed into the car) and this completed our escape.

      Fragment: Broken necklace

      In this dream fragment I had a necklace which was falling apart. It seemed really poor quality, though I knew it had been expensive. It had been a gift from my father, I knew. I had to put it down on the table for him to see in the morning to get it fixed, but had trouble finding a spot of the table where there were not too many bread crumbs. Side note: in real life my dad would be nuts due to bread crumbs, a pet peeve of his.

      Updated 05-18-2013 at 02:42 PM by 61501

    9. at fancy restaurant food tasting

      by , 05-17-2013 at 11:31 AM
      Friends of ours organized a big gathering of friends at fancy restaurant. We saw them there. It seemed awkward because we had not been invited. Soon after these friends invited us, just us, to same restaurant. It seems they had forgotten to invite us before. For a while I remember being confused as to what the occasion was: it seemed important, like a wedding rehearsal, but why invite just us now? Was I like a maid of honor? But we were not that close, me and the bride? And besides these friends had been married a long time already. it turned out that the important event was a food tasting. We were supposed to be like food critics, and the fancy restaurant was giving us the best food.

      Side note: I had not felt well last evening so I went to bed without supper, just ate a couple slices of bread. So dreaming of food makes sense tonight. Also of note, I had to work hard to recall this dream. Almost gave up, and thought no recall this morning, and then I remembered!

      Edit: Oh, and I just remembered: the food was chicken, very tasty chicken.

      Updated 05-17-2013 at 11:52 AM by 61501

      non-lucid , side notes
    10. Fragment: work related on data issues and requirements clarifications

      by , 05-16-2013 at 12:29 PM
      fragment: work related on data issues and requirements clarifications

      Memo to my mind: we do not get paid overtime for dreams, cut this line of dreaming out, unless it has some worthwhile ideas - brainstorming in dreams is ok, but this dream was boring and nonproductive.

      Updated 05-16-2013 at 12:31 PM by 61501

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Fragments: time in dreams, meaning of dreams / life

      by , 05-16-2013 at 01:44 AM
      Fragment 1: I think this dream was about time in dreams whether they are eternal or finite, and also whether time is improved or worse? but I don't remember any more what I mean by that.

      Fragment 2: this dream was either about the meaning of dreams or the meaning of life. The dream was in visuals only, so no sounds and no emotions. I don't remember any more how visual could portray meaning of something as complex as dreams/life! I don't remember any of the visuals.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Dream fragment re argument on DV

      by , 05-14-2013 at 09:29 PM
      I remembered a dream fragment that was clearly due to an argument on DV.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Vicious mob overthrowing brutal prince

      by , 05-14-2013 at 02:17 AM
      In this dream a brutal prince reigned, who enjoyed killing people for fun. Then a mob rose up to overthrow the brutal prince. I was part of the mob. I remember there was a lot of gore, a lot of people died brutally on both sides. Toward the end I think the prince was overthrown, but I could not be sure because I was too far to get a good viewing what was happening. But there was a procession of sort, and the mob was not attacking the procession. I remember seeing a modern looking woman as part of the procession, and my dream self identified this woman as Eep. Upon waking I at first did not remember where I got the name Eep from: it's the name of the daughter of the cave men family in the movie The Croods. But the woman in my dream looked modern, well more modern than a cave man, and more modern than most of the mob anyway. In my dream I knew she was an influential leader of this revolution.
    14. Cop tail-gated by cop

      by , 05-14-2013 at 02:09 AM
      In this dream I was a male undercover cop. I was traveling on an interstate, when a patrol car started tailgating me. It was obvious to me that he was trying to catch me for speeding, but the more anxious I became, the more my foot accidentally pressed down on the pedal. I would catch this, and correct it, though. I knew this was called "baiting", but I was not doing it on purpose. Finally, my pursuier gave up. Then I pulled off to a reststop and sat down at the bar. I told this story of what happened to the bartender, told him that I was an undercover cop, knowing that the patrolman was bound to stop by this bar someday and hear the story, and regret (be embarrassed) that he had done this to a fellow cop.

      Updated 05-14-2013 at 04:39 AM by 61501

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Fragment:man playing stock market

      by , 05-12-2013 at 10:24 AM
      There was something about a man playing the stock market. I also remember there were other dreams, but that's all I remember. I was exhausted when I went to bed early.

      Slept longer and around 8am had another fragment: setting up a combined life insurance with friends of ours.

      Updated 05-12-2013 at 01:24 PM by 61501

      non-lucid , dream fragment
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