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    The Dream Journal

    Digital version of my dream journal. I leave out the names and events that have to do directly with me.

    1. 161115: Flying Around in a Lucid Dream

      by , 11-16-2015 at 08:35 PM (The Dream Journal)
      During a nap, I talk to my sister, who is being unusually friendly to me at our old childhood place. She mentions she was pregnant at some point, and it confuses me, but it feels good that she shared that with me.

      I'm clearing snow on a dark road, light of a car come by, I have to hide, or at least pretend to be 18. (?) I need to keep clearing snow, it's the only way out of here.

      I see a mage and a shaman from Hearthstone fighting 5 evil statues, they are hooded and in a ring. As one is defeated a gentle light goes out in its hood. As we defeat three of them, they surrender, but as the mage approached them there is a trick attack and it almost drops us to zero health. The mage calls forth a bright light that comes out of a mirror like portal that banishes the statutes for good. I hear a voice, authoritative, that says that the portal can be used to visit other worlds.

      I touch the mirror and suddenly the scenery shifts and I'm by a family altar in a fancy house. I see fancy looking things that look like they belong to my grandma. I step away, is this an alternate reality where my family was rich?

      I suddenly go lucid. I look around, amazed at the detail. I yell out "more vivid!" and the house becomes more stable and detailed. I walk around looking around, wondering what to do. I see a little girl and I follow her, just wondering where the dream will lead. I follow her for a while and see my sister. Knowing I'm in a dream, I float up in the air to impress her. She asks me how I did it and I sat "magic".

      I go up the stairs, the place is now my friend's parent's old place. I go up to his room, thinking it is empty. My friend is there, sleeping. I try to get him to vanish but it doesn't work. I walk down the stairs and look out the window.

      I go on the ledge and decide to fly. David Lynch comes to mind for some reason. I begin to fly, admiring the absolutely beautiful summer day, sun up high and a few trees looking so beautiful and green. I try to fly around, hard to control. I grab a branch as I go down, I sink and sink and the branch bounces back up and sends me into the air. I think of flying to my other friend's place close by. I fly and I'm suddenly by the parking lot of a gas station, a taco truck comes by and sells tacos. I am a but hungry. I wake up.