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    The Dream Journal

    Digital version of my dream journal. I leave out the names and events that have to do directly with me.

    1. 301215: A Friend And Bruce Lee, Seeing U2 In Concert,

      by , 12-30-2015 at 09:45 AM (The Dream Journal)
      Old Friend and Bruce Lee
      It's nighttime in a shadowy and sparsely-lit apartment. I see an old Australian friend, didn't she move? I ask her this and she says she moved back since she missed everything too much. I tell her I'm glad she is back and that I always liked talking to her in a rare moment of candidness.

      She asks if I'd want some weed and I'm hesitant, not really wanting to say no as to not hurt her feelings but not really feeling it at all. She comes from the kitchen with some green spacecakes and I eat one of the small ones she brought, it should be relaxing.

      I sit and wait for it to take effect. I feel relaxed and light, anxiety and tension melt away. I don't feel woozy at all. I begin to walk around. I see a wooden part of the house appear, it has a hall on the second floor to the right. It is lit with candles and has a spiritual feeling to it. We see Bruce Lee appear and he begins to do some martial arts moves. He is doing them really fast and furiously, his manager or his mom tells him to take it easy so he doesn't hurt himself. Despite her warning, he keeps on doing roundhouse kicks in the air, jumping onto a piano.

      On the second floor I look down at the floor below and feel relaxed, almost a spiritual calm comes over me. An old master is in the other room behind me, working on something.

      U2 in Concert and some Tortilla Chips?
      The sky is a light blue like an early Spring morning. I enter a small concert hall, the size of a large classroom. U2 has just finished a concert and the crowd is going crazy. They play a final encore song, it's one of their greatest hits. I'm glad I had a chance to listen to at least one song of the concert. The song is weird in the sense that it sounds normal but everyone in the band is playing the drums. Weird how they got all the parts of the song to sound right only using drums.

      After the song ends Bono asks The Edge to find a woman who fell with her roller during the concert so she can come backstage and meet the band. Bono asks this very politely and the I think it's a sweet gesture.

      I'm in my grandparent's old house. in the living room, daytime but the curtain is drawn like usual and give the room a grey and dreary light. I see a bunch of barbecue-flavored tortilla chips. They are sticky and brown with a flavoring sauce. I eat them all up, I'm very hungry. My clothes are all over the floor, I try to gather them up and to separate the dirty ones from the clean ones. They are all over the place and it's hard to get them together.

      My mom comes over and she is going to give me a ride to my friends place. She is being very loud and obnoxious as I try to gather my clothes together, intentionally trying to embarrass me in front of people in the room. I feel angry and aggravated, in frustration I bite my arm. There is no pain.

      In the blue morning daylight I head to my friends old place.

      Cousin in College?
      I see a very stereotypical picture of my cousin in a college shirt smiling widely. It looks very 90's. A man talks about how she is his girlfriend. I keep staring at the weird picture.
    2. 291215: A Really Boring Dream About Standing In Line For Lunch

      by , 12-29-2015 at 09:30 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I was in a hall, looks like an old school hall. The light had a bright but sepia tone to it like afternoon sunlight. I was standing in various lines waiting for lunch. The lines were quite confusing and it was hard to find out where I was supposed to stand. There were dull, savory pastries being served in a broth. There were various kinds, some with meat, others for people with allergies.

      Jees, what the hell happened to my dreams recently. They are even more boring than my real life these days.
      dream fragment
    3. 281215: I Put A Cat Into A Carrier

      by , 12-28-2015 at 05:42 PM (The Dream Journal)
      A vague memory of being in a place like a recording studio with some people, recording some kind of lost melody.

      I'm in an apartment like my friends old place, the sun is setting mysteriously. I call up to an attic to get a cat down. It comes down with surprisingly little fuss. I pet it and carry it, it doesn't like that as much. I have to put it in a carrier, my mom can't decide which one. The cat is clawing me and pushing up against me, I'd like her to make up her mind.

      That's all she wrote.
    4. 201215: In Outer Space

      by , 12-20-2015 at 11:33 AM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm floating in a spaceship. I'm amazed that I made it to space, I feel amazing. I remember a dream I had where I was in space before (!) and reflect that at least now it's real. I float through the craft.

      Back on Earth, I'm in a machine shop. I see people I know, I take off my space suit and the helmet. The helmet's air filter is full of gold dust. I screw it off it's like a gas mask filter. I take out the compacted dust, it's solid now and looks like the blade for a milling machine. I think of a way of processing it to make something valuable.

      I go to a bomb shelter type of area. Through a big, thick door I get to a machine or a strongbox I'm supposed to fix. A shady looking guy pushes me to the side and says he's going to take whatever is in it and I better stay quiet about it. I slowly try to walk away and I close the door behind me, leaving him trapped inside. I get the impression that I tricked him. I go back to the hall and tell the people inside about the thief. Some time has passed and I think he's been in there for a long time without any water or food. When someone finally looks into the space I'm told he is so dehydrated that holes have formed in his tongue and he is in bad shape.
    5. 141215: In Los Santos, Seeing a Couple in a House

      by , 12-14-2015 at 09:03 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm entering a large parking lot area. I'm in a convertible with a friend. I notice we're in Los Santos when he yells out "We're in Los Santos, baby!" A prostitute comes up and my friend ask her where to buy drugs. She takes us to a little boy who is selling pills. Is he selling his ADHD medication? The prostitute takes the pills and the kid whispers something to her. The little boy turns into a little girl and the prostitute says the little girl is turning tricks to sell the pills. The prostitute says the girl has an infected vagina. The girl shows it to us and it is indeed red and infected-looking.

      I'm in a house owned by a young couple at night. They are people I know from work. They ask if I'm getting wasted on a Friday and I say I'm not. They are drinking beer and invite me to join but I want to keep our relationship professional.
      Tags: drugs, gta, work
    6. 131215: Vague Dream of Being in a Store, Computer?

      by , 12-13-2015 at 11:47 AM (The Dream Journal)
      Don't remember much from last night.

      In a large grocery store?

      Sitting in my school hallway with a computer. Pornography flashes on it, has anyone noticed? I try to go to reddit.com to cover it up but naked pictures still flash. It's like the computer is now "filthy" and always on the verge of flashing something obscene.

      I see a hand-drawn hallway. It's from a angle and has a style that reminds me of Fallout 2. There is a door to the right on the wall of the hallway drawing. Going inside it launches a dialog with a small mustached guy, 3D graphic like Fallout 2, who says some stuff. This is one of three locations that need to be accessed for the mission.
    7. 121215: Jumping Around the Suburbs, Getting Institutionalized, Infiltrate a Cult

      by , 12-12-2015 at 12:24 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm in a suburban area near my place, it's dusk and the summer. I'm lost and don't know where I am. I make it to the edge of a sports field. I'm balancing on large wooden planks, like bleachers or a workout stand. I jump to a table across from me, it's a massive pounce that surprises me. I make it to the wooden table. Jumping off of the wooden table I feel my left hip is stuck, I try to work it with my hands, did I hurt myself? I try to move it and it feels more and more uncomfortable. When I start to feel panic I wake up and see my hip was in a weird position.

      I enter a place that looks like a small daycare center by a play park. It's a mental institution and there are some people with clear problems there. I walk around and bump into a young student adviser from school. She says that I'm going to be institutionalized for a week. She says she'll pay for it with her insurance and this makes me feel grateful but this surprises me anyway and I'm a little upset. Why? She says I should know that this is for my own good and I know in my heart why I should be observed for a week. I shrug and agree with her. It does make sense. (Did I have a tearful breakdown before?) As I get hunched in a corner of a room and get comfortable my mom comes in. Is she being institutionalized as well? I talk to her and it seems that she is visiting me. The young student adviser teases me, is my mommy visiting me in the mental hospital? I feel a bit embarrassed but the sting goes away fast, she was just teasing in a friendly way. I get out after only a day (?) and leave. I'm in the center of a small town, walking around a large building in early afternoon sunlight.

      In my dream, I try to remember my dreams during the night (!) and draw a little man holding something. The thing is important.

      I'm learning how to use a new computerized milling machine that works with DOS. There is a lot of different icons to look at. I try to think of something nice to make and a teacher says that I should make a blade for a turning machine. This confuses me but I like the challenge. I work and mill a long piece of square metal with another guy. In the hallway outside, it is a grey day outside. The walls are white and square. I talk to an older guy. We are going to infiltrate a cult. I say I'd be good at it, I've seen a lot of spiritual circles and know how they work. I talk quite a bit and worry I'm annoying the guy. I go to a desk that has two bowls of fruit. I take an apple and start eating it as I wait for the guy. He appears and sounds angry. Was I allowed to take an apple? He then says people are allowed to take fruit, just take the ones on the bottom first since they are older. I feel relief.
    8. After a long break... 101215: The Bank Teller, Cheesecake for All, Meeting Duchovny

      by , 12-10-2015 at 10:02 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm in a bank, dark outside the windows, small lamps on the wooden teller desks. There is only myself and one teller. She is a young, attractive blonde woman in very nice business clothes. I don't think she is a teller at all, someone a little higher in management. I ask what my balance is on my account and she says 6000€. I'm totally amazed, how did I get so much? After she says that she begins to flirt with me. Is it only because of the money I have that she is showing this interest? Despite thinking this, I feel good that she is showing interest in me. She puts her arms around my neck and begins to stroke the back of my neck.

      I'm in the middle of the city and night. It might just be the evening though, it is dark. Orange street lights illuminate the old roads and tall buildings on either side. I see a friend of mine and she says she has hooked up her electricity to an older system and if I could add something to it. I look at it, it looks like wires everywhere. I try to adjust one and the light begin to flicker. I push the wire a little more until the power comes back. The whole system is really sensitive. She says her boyfriend is getting them a new cable card so they can hook up the electricity better.

      I go to a old-timey bakery. There are lots of cakes on sale in the sale windows under the counter. I see they are selling the last ones of the day. I say I'll take them all. Back at my friends place, I see my sister and some other friends. I tell them that everyone can have cake, I feel good that I'm able to offer everyone cake. Everyone smiles and is ready for a piece.

      I go and pick up the cakes. Back at the bakery I tell them I bought them and I'm going to pick them up. They say they don't have them anymore. I'm surprised, how is this possible? They say I shouldn't have just left the cakes here. I angrily take out a receipt and say that I arranged to pick them up later. They apologize and give me the cakes and the loafs of bread I reserved. The loaves look like large rocks, I see they have baked dried tomatoes and olives into them.

      I'm back in the gas station doing a night shift. It's toward the end, the morning has come but it is still pitch black outside. I've been talking to the other employee all night and I feel guilty that I didn't do everything I was supposed to do. It's been a while. As I start to do my neglected jobs I see David Duchovny. I'm shocked. I can't believe it! Why is he here? I run to the other counter and say I have to take a break, ijust have to. I go downstairs into the locker room and pull a piece of thin cardboard. I need his autograph. I run upstairs and I see he has entered with Gillain Anderson and another man. I'm starstruck, I can barely blurt out "I love the X-files can I have your autograph?". Duchovny says he doesn't always want to be remembered as Mulder. I feel bad about it but I want to tell him what kind of massive effect the show had on me and how important it was and is still. I see a large line forming and I have to go take care of the line and I ask him if he and Gillian Anderson can sign my little ripped up piece of cardboard.

      I go to the cash register. There is a large line and people are being rude, looking at me meanly. Some people are cutting in line and this aggravates me.
      Tags: bank, bread, cake, x-files