A few dreams
, 06-05-2017 at 04:43 AM (592 Views)
I'm in a huge battle around Bjork's inner world. Me and Raven knight are destroying Remote viewers with song spells. Raven is switching songs rapidly.. lots of metallica. My song was more guitar riffs, I was playing something similar to the four horsemen by metallica. The remote viewers died way too easily. I guess their bark is worse than their bite.
Briefly lucid
I was walking in some neighborhood during daytime and decided to take a shortcut through someone's house. Going inside I became lucid because I don't take shortcuts through someone's home. I walked away from the back patio. I walked through a kitchen back to a living room and found the front door open as I left it and walked through it. my memory fades after.
I'm tunneling with a pick axe like in minecraft. I am creating an underground route to Bjork's place so no one can follow me there. It's like a direct underground tunnel from my inner world to hers. I finally bust through a wall and find Bjork sitting on a couch. I tell her I'm sorry but I can't stop wanting to see her. I keep repeating: Can't stop. She says it's okay she can't stop as well and that she loves me... yes she said that. I kind of went into rant mode talking about naguals and other crap I don't believe in trying to downplay what she said. Kind of dumb of me, but my dream self gets into a mode where he likes to hear himself talk, luckily I woke up before i put my foot in my mouth any further.
I'm walking past Cultus lake in Chilliwack and I'm holding a white kitten tightly. The kitten is Bjork in animal form I'm wanting to show her the town where I grew up in. I wake up before I can show her much.
I'm wandering in a park with a giant hill. Somebody hands me a giant scroll that says Wikileaks on it. It's thousands of posts by various people. I wonder if I will come across anything by Jamie, and old friend. Instead.... You guessed it, a post by Bjork shows up. one has a 3D clay pot where I reach in and feel something inside of it. I go to pull it out but I wake up.
There is no Bathroom
Walking down a residential street and I have to take a leak. I wind up in a park that has a public bathroom. I go through the door labelled boys, but inside is a room where kids are sleeping. There's no toilet anywhere and a man walks in and tells me to get out. I ask him if this is a bathroom? and he ays it's the boys dorm for kids camp. I get annoyed at that and walk out.
Work argument
I'm in the employees lounge at mcdonalds.The room is a little bigger and I'm on my laptop. D, who was mouthing me off on facebook over dumb stuff said my name. I told him if he wants to have a talk about my performance at work we should have the store manager present to avoid a loud argument. He starts ranting at me and behind him I see Asuka disguised as Manager R run into the women's bathroom and give me a knowing look and half closes the door, she's ready to get him in trouble if he crosses the line/ He's asking if I ratted him out to C the consultant. I said yes, and then he starts swearing. I tell him I think he read what he wanted to into my facebook posts and took it out of context. I start ranting myself when I wake up.