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    MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.


    This journal will account my many dreams!!! yay! Anyway, I have had so much amazing synchronistic occurrences around dreams. I have helped myself and a few others through my dreams! I am doing my best to find out how to live my life by my dreams.

    Main entities:

    Asuka: My dream wife. I am purely convinced that she's not another aspect of my mind. She exists separate from me. Lately I have been running into people similar to her in waking life. She's sweet, very kind, and has a strange sense of humor. She has a yellow aura.

    Nomad: The guy that got me into shared dreaming. He doesn't show up in dreams as often... but back in the day we dream shared lots. He got me into the dream lover thing and also has experience with meeting their twinners on the waking plane.

    Raven: My other dream sharing friend. She helps me and asuka a lot. I wish I could recall her more.

    Data: He maintains the shields in my inner world.

    Victor: My dream guide... though he hasn't shown up lately.

    Shawna: A soul that shared a body with a woman named Aeona, Raven's guide Q appointed me guardian of Shawna when she was separated from Aeona.

    Other dream children: Two babies between me and asuka and also two other orphans that now reside in my inner world. We are all like a dream family... Aren't I creepy?

    The dream plane:

    I look at dreams as a separate plane of existence. Our waking realities are dense energy that give the illusion of solidity. Next is the Astral plane that is just outside of our waking perception. The dream plane vibrates at a light frequency and consits of bubbles. Every person when not traveling out of body dream in their inner world. Anyone can shape what they want their inner world to look like, and also use it as a focus point for the law of attraction. You can invited other dream entities to stay in your inner world... but be careful, it may attract demons. Dream sharing can take place inside your inner world or the inner world of someone else. other dream places are bubbles made of less dense energy.

    1. almost lucid?

      by , 11-08-2021 at 11:04 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Had a dream I was sleeping in some old church or something. A girl was with me. i flew up to the ceiling though I wasn't lucid. I had a little room with a bed set up. We ate something. She was a white girl with red hair??? anyway we flew somewhere else and wound up in a stairwell that was also an elevator. We couldn't climb because of a construction crew? So we somehow jumped up past them and into a hallway. Wound up in some room and She was playing a piano... but was sitting on top of it and playing the keys reversed. She made this amazing sounding music and I felt live falling in love. Then we got up and left somewhere.

      No kids

      Another dream where a young girl asks me about sex or something. And i get kinda pissed off and say that children should not do that. It's really damaging to them, physically and plus lifelong emotional disorders. And i said that the adult in that case would get thrown in jail and murdered by inmates with children, so it's no good for anyone involved. Really odd dream to have.

      End of the world.

      I'm driving with my brother. At first we see a huge volcano in the distance going off. And I get really scared. As we drive into calgary I see a bunch of nuclear missiles from North Korea in the sky. My brother just laughs and says nothing is going to happen. I forget what happened after.

      No jamie dreams.
    2. annoying

      by , 11-02-2021 at 02:51 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I had one Jamie dream... It was all audio Just me almost waking up and hearing her talking.

      Other various dreams I can barely recall. One was a driving related dream, one where my brakes weren't working. Another dream I came home and there were a bunch of stray cats in my house,I do have a couple of cats living here, but these weren't them...


      I was at a mall with someone, maybe my brother. I kept looking for a certain place, I went down the right escalator and through the food court but it was a different store. Found an arcade but the ones where you try to win prizes. There were four or five kids in there but they weren't letting me play any games. Every time i went to an empty game they kept taking over that game before I could do anything about it. We kept arguing about it.


      Was in a creepy weird house. From the living room I found an extra hidden room by a very skinny hallway. I peeked in the room and Saw David Bowie on a bed dying of cancer... I know he's already been dead a few years now but wtf... I felt like I was not supposed to be there so I just left.
      Tags: bowie, jamie, mall
    3. ok

      by , 10-25-2021 at 09:41 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Just one dream this week. I remember I was Talking to Jamie on the phone. In this dream she lived in Saskatchewan. She seemed really happy to talk to me.

      Don't recall any other dreams,.
      Tags: jamie
    4. Lucid

      by , 10-18-2021 at 10:27 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Was on a dirt road outside some restaurant. Went inside there was a group there. They were being really noisy. Some strange bald Native American girl started attacking me for no reason. Her head was shaped like the people in "Coneheads." The group pulled her off me and they all left the building. I went outside angry and everyone from the group was in a large green bus. They talked to me for a bit and then pulled out of the driveway.
      I saw someone at the other side of a pond watching me. He seemed familiar like someone I work with and I called to him. His face distorted and i became lucid. I kept telling him I knew him and that this was a dream. eventually he walked away and the dream ended.

      I don't know Why I waste so many lucids on telling people that it is a dream...


      I was in some living room when a young girl came up to me and said I could touch her. I was like, "wait. How old are you? Can I see some ID?" or something she answered twice both times giving a different age. Both were underage answers and I felt like this was a bad situation That I should just leave. I remember getting up to leave and that's where the dream ends.


      A dream with Jamie in it. She seemed a lot taller than I remember, and she wasn't talking to me or happy with me? not sure.
    5. Lucid

      by , 10-12-2021 at 12:37 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Not really and memorable nlds. No jamie or anything else.


      Started I was in the passenger seat of a car with a blond woman driving. Wasn't sure how I got there and didn't think about it much. It was a semi desert road with foothills nearby. We parked at some store and the woman got out. Became lucid while waiting for the woman to come back. She came back and suddenly I was in the back seat. I mentioned to the lady driving that it was now a dream. The woman was a man now and some other NPC character was in the front passenger seat. The man disagreed. And we kept talking about it. The man asked where do I wanna get dropped off? I said in a city. In the back of my mind I wanted to look for Jamie. I forgot about that right after.

      We stopped somewhere and now entered a building still arguing about whether or not it was a dream. I said, "Do you remember what happened before you were driving around? I don't. And you were a woman before and now you are a man!" We were in a large room now with a very high ceiling. As if to demonstrate my point I jumped up and started flying to the ceiling. I then dropped from really high and landed on my feet. The dream started fading so I wanted to slow down time. At first I was going to try the hukif technique. Then I asked the man for a watch. He had one and I pulled it off his wrist, he was a wrinkly old man now. At first it was a face watch and I was looking for the second hand. The man showed me his other watch which was digital. Now mine was digital. I was going to try slowing down the second hand when I woke up.
      Tags: car, lucid, watch
    6. crazy

      by , 10-05-2021 at 07:06 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      A dream about the other Victoria I used to work with... An old co worker came up to me in some office building hallway and told me that the other Victoria has just passed. I was really shocked. Note: I follow her as friends on fb. She hasn't been online for like 6 days. I'm not even gonna go there...


      Really crazy dream about a really small island on a lake. I was with some people. A woman with brown hair. Jamie or Asuka, couldn't tell. And maybe two others. The dream island manifested Giant animal spirits of people. Talking like King kong Giant. One guy stepped on and there was a large ape like king kong. Someone else manifested a giant lizard. I stepped on and a giant green cobra came out of the ground. The brown haired woman stepped on and another giant cobra sprang from the ground... Only it had 3 heads!!! The island itself was like only 50 feet wide, so the animals keep trying to fight, but when one of us gets knocked from the island by the creature it vanishes, and when we go back on it, the monster comes back. So we keep getting knocked off the island and running back on. Lots of crazy fights going on.


      Was outside a house at night time. Apparently it was my house. I walked up and the porch light is on and Data walks out the front door. Data from Star Trek. His pale skin looks painted on. I can't believe it's him. He greets me like he knows me and I just can't believe it.

      I wake up and remember That in my inner world house. I do have a character named Data who lives there. Although in a decade this is the first time I actually have seen him as the character. Usually he's very vague in image, like a shadow. I sometimes think he has glasses on.
    7. Lucid

      by , 09-27-2021 at 11:18 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Looking for Jamie

      Became lucid on something like a greyhound bus. Decided to look for Jamie since she's been AWOL for a while now, briefly showing up here and there, for all i know she could be dead or something and i'd never know. I go up to the bus driver and ask if he knows where Jamie is? He says no. I look around the bus to ask someone else but it's empty. The dream starts going dark a bit. I step down the front steps to the door. To the right of the door as a panel. I imagine removing the panel will take me to another dream space. I take the panel off and slowly step through. I wound up in a large house that appears to be under construction. All the walls are made of plywood and not drywall, and is not painted. The floors are all plywood but clean as in prepped for flooring. I wonder if i can use this place as a dream to find more hidden houses inside hidden rooms. Like a dream that goes on forever and all I do is explore endless houses strung together. I guess Jamie has slipped my mind by now. The dream starts to fade. I try and prolong the dream by leaning on one knee, placing my hand on the floor and counting the spaces between my fingers with one eye closed, (as per Hukif/Walm's suggestion) i start counting. I don't even get to 10 before the distortions start pulling me from the dream forcing me to wake up. I usually try to jump and escape them which usually makes the dream black and then it snaps back with super clarity. But not this time. I feel myself jumping but slightly hitting a ceiling and then I wake up.


      A dream about my friend who died of covid at the end of august... She was facebook messaging me. She knows she's dead in the dream and she kept saying sorry and that she was embarrassed that she died so suddenly...

      Another death

      I see a woman with brown hair at a funeral. I have a feeling it's Jamie, because of the way she doesn't acknowledge me. She's not here for me, She's here for someone she knows that passed on. It's an odd viewing. The casket is open but on a conveyor belt. (side note: I absolutely hate Viewings. The person is gone, with Jesus, or in hell, or showing up on celebrity ghost stories or something, That body is not them. You know on TV shows when they have viewings? And the person's face is all perfect? Well, it usually isn't, The muscles that hold the face together aren't working and their cheeks just sag down.) Anyway, in the dream the casket rolls by me and Jamie. Her cold ,I'm not really here, gaze breaks and she starts tearing up. She holds onto me and I give her a hug while she cries. Well I guess she knew I was there after all..
    8. um okay?

      by , 09-21-2021 at 06:41 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      One Jamie Dream. Just feeling her presence in an all black space... Strange. Neither good nor bad.

      Quick lucid

      forgot where I was or what I was doing. I flew up and was lucid. I briefly thought about looking for Jamie. But when i landed. There was two people right in front of me. Felt an urge to kill one of them, So i went and tried ripping one of the guy's eyeballs out... That didn't work so well. He put up a fight much more than I expected with a smile on his face. Wasted lucid. I lack complete dream control in my more recent lucids

      Can't remember what my other dreams were. A couple About Victoria, my friend who died from covid. Visitation maybe? I don't know. I welcome it.
      Tags: jamie, lucid, victoria
    9. Nothing really

      by , 09-14-2021 at 06:19 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Just a quick dream about talking to some manager from work. that's it...
    10. some dreams...

      by , 09-07-2021 at 07:44 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Just a dream that she was in some city driving around and looking for me. I live in picture butte now, so if she was really looking for me in my previous city she wouldn't find me.


      Difficult dream to recall. I was dreaming she was outside her apartment taking selfies. But she mood of the dream was sick, like she was sickly and/or dying.

      *Not a dream* I woke up from that dream last Saturday to a message from Victoria ( an old co worker who I was close friends with). she was telling me she came down with Covid. I asked how severe? and she didn't respond. A few days later just before a night shift I read on Facebook she had just died. She was 36... my age, with underlying health problems. Was this dream prescient?

      Various other dreams i can't recall. One involded my car getting stolen. Driving around with my uncle, and dreaming about the Trinity Killer from Dexter season 4.
    11. more dreams.

      by , 08-30-2021 at 11:09 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      My work has me doing retarded schedules. sleep was erratic. but somehow got more dreams.

      Jamie 1

      She was driving her car past me... She seemed to be pissed at me?!!?!?? Hard to tell with her sometimes.

      Jamie 2

      She was happy in this dream and smiling at me? Wish my good dreams of her were longer.

      Other dreams i can't recall right now.


      Had a dream about the Showtime Show character: Dexter. (A serial killer who only kills serial killers or other really bad people). In the dream I was him? I was stalking someone bad from where I work. Was planning to kill him. I was outside his living room window peering in at night. I couldn't get to him without causing a scene. I somehow made a copy of myself? (natural lucid ability???) And told my double to break in while I distract him. The window was open so I called my target over. Just had minimal chit chat when my double was walking by the living room. When the man wasn't looking I motioned the other me over. He went and knocked out the target. That's all I remember.


      I remember being in a large town. I remember driving at night for a bit trying to find something. Wound up outside a gated area with a bunch of people. Reminded me of the Sanctuary districts from that time travel episode of DS9 where all the homeless and undesirables are just hauled into ghettos. I enter one but I made sure I bought myself lots of food before entering. I went in with a group and lost touch with them. They stole all my food and belongings and disappeared into a large crowded area. Spent hours running up and down streets looking for them, and also into buildings. Somehow rewound the dream. I made sure to stay on top of my group to make sure i didn't lose all my things. But as I followed them trying to be in their group, they formed a tight circle and ran into the crowd again. I gave up and there was an empty hill nearby so I hung out there. At the top of the hill There was a large red ceramic or metal thing being used as something like a swing. Some blond girl was on top of it. I was under it but thought it was going to crush me. So i went out from under it. Dream fades.
    12. late

      by , 08-25-2021 at 06:16 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Entry a day late. got unexpectedly called into work right before bed...

      Jamie 1

      First I remember being in a garage with an old coworker. He was talking about his band and started doing lines of coke...

      Fast forward, I was driving? Then I was on my computer looking at Jamie's profile... Then I was driving around town again and ran into Jamie. She seemed mad at me or something and accused me of facebook stalking her... (Fact: Haven't even looked at her profile since 2012. Never looked her up in any way shape or form.)

      Jamie 2

      Days later I had this dream. Just remember her seeming more normal and easygoing.


      I was in a strange house. I was watching TV. Then my TV was gone. My brother's girlfriend said she put it away or something. I started wandering around trying to find a room to sleep in. One room led to more strange rooms, which led to more hallways maybe in another house? Just kept exploring more rooms, turning into more endless hallways and more rooms until I woke up.

      Gonna have to try that in a lucid. Enter a house, Go in the basement and try to see how endless the rooms are.
      Tags: jamie, rooms
    13. nothing

      by , 08-17-2021 at 08:00 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Nothing to report this week.

      Back home, gonna try to get into a better routine... wbtb maybe?
      side notes
    14. not many dreams but interresting.

      by , 08-10-2021 at 05:27 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      When "Manifest Dropped on Netflix I binge watched it. I was disheartened when it wasn't renewed for a 4th season. I prayed togod to give me a sign if I would ever see Jamie again. I asked if in some miracle that "Manifest" gets renewed for another season I would take it as a definite sign... Well It happened. https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/2...8138b45b2.html

      Jamie dreams

      Might have had one audio dream where she was talking to me. I miss the longer and even slightly more detailed dreams.

      Been drinking too much at night so it's probably killing my recall. I also drove down to the mountain view county area, (Didsbury, Olds, Bowden," my old stomping grounds. Here for a week then maybe i can plan a better sleep schedule or WBTB. Visited old friends J and H. H was big into dreams when we used to hang I finally told her about a potential shared dream I had with her years ago. I had this dream we were outside at night me and Her crew. I was flapping my arms up and started flying. H asked me how I was flying? I said just flap your arms and rise up. And we started flying together. A few days later IWL she ran up to me and said, "Rob, Rob I had this dream I was flapping my arms and it made me fly it was so funny." So I finally told her that and she was really ecstatic. Her and her Bf made me and my brother pot stickers and other snacks, and let us crash. They let me stay in the guest room, where a lot of their guests claimed to have had strange dreams sleeping in that room. But honestly, after so many drinks, I wasn't expecting much. I did have one dream of a bright white room with H in it and she was smiling.

      Honestly that's all. Here's for a better week!
    15. a few dreams

      by , 08-03-2021 at 05:46 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Just a dream about Jamie driving in her old car. If i remember it was a big box car cream colored, like from the 70's or 80's. Left turn signal was broken so she had to use it manually. Just remember her driving towards me that's it.


      A dream about my old next door naighbors from chilliwack, a brother and sister. I was trying to hide from them behind a pillow, The sister went up to me and said hello. They were going hunting with big shotguns and invited me. I seemed to think it was sketchy.


      Another chilliwack dream... I went to visit my old friends house. I went inside and it was also dirty. Also my inner world house has the same layout so maybe that was it..
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