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    Low recall

    by , 08-15-2024 at 01:50 AM (31 Views)
    Finally worked for out of the box the past 2 days. Did half a day today because I mowed over a wasps nest in didsbury. Got stung on each ankle - counted at least 2 stings on my right ankle. Pretty sure I'm not allergic. I'll be fine. Just sore like a mofo.

    Had a funny convo with the Jamie voice one morning while I was in a drive thru waiting for coffee. Line was taking forever and I was getting impatient. The Jamie voice sensing something, said, " yeah Robert, hurry up!" So I try to explain I'm stuck and I ask why she's being like this? "I'm just practicing..." I'm like: for what? "For when we're married." Oh really?


    Had trouble sleeping for a few nights due to animals. My dog ate a bunch of cat food and had bathroom problems. This is after I told every one in the house to keep the cat food in a high place. Do they listen to the guy who's lived with cats and dogs before? No, so I had to get up almost every hour of the night to let him out.

    Last night a roommate's new kitten got left in my sleeping area and was pestering me all morning.

    2 fragments


    Was driving in a strange wooden area at night with a swamp nearby. My car got stuck and suddenly I was no longer in it. A car below me whizzed by. I looked where the car drove all I was as a vine and swamp. I was thinking it's impossible for a car to drive through it. Yet, I saw it. Memory fades after.


    Jesus was saying to me and Jamie, " Be patient my children, For I will bring you two together soon, and soon after, You will be with me in paradise." Suddenly we are with Jesus on a beach. He's sitting in a lawn chair under some shade. He has a peach colored drink that is most likely non alcoholic. He's also wearing sunglasses and grinning wide. He's like that out of touch Dad who adopts his children's lingo to seem cool - but usually is just making his children cringe with embarrassment. But I get the feeling that he's just pretending to be that guy, as a sort of joke. Which, actually makes it kind of funny.

    Note: no one should be concerned about him saying we will be with him in paradise SOON. Which almost implies bodily death. He is a God who claims to be completely outside of time and space, so, soon, could mean days, months or even years...
    Sweven likes this.

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    Tags: jamie, jesus
    non-lucid , side notes
