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    08 Nov: plane crash and lucid meditation

    by , 11-08-2010 at 01:50 PM (749 Views)
    I've been having difficulties in finding the time to post my dreams, so I have a bunch of them waiting in line. I will post recent and old ones, interspersed, or I'll never catch up with the date.

    01:30 GMT

    Volunteering late night
    I'm in what seems to be a mall, doing some voluntary work for some people. But they are quite snobish. I even spend a lot of money in a coat because of them and in the end they just couldn't care less about my efforts or my dedication. It's late night and my boyfriend drives us home through some roads we don't know and he feels lost, but I follow my intuition and we're on the right track.
    [in RL we'd just been doing that: on a mall, getting food for the homeless people and then got back through a new road but our intuition guided us right home. No snobs involved, though.]

    05:05 GMT

    Guru on a librabry on a mall
    Again in a mall. Shop visiting. Remember picking up some bras, but didn't buy them. There was some guy's presence - guy who had a crush on me or vice-versa, but can't recall what happened. Then I am at cash register and there's beautiful fairy dolls on the counter for only 1 EUR. I want to take one for my mother, but as I try to choose which one is cuter, the dolls inside don't match the picture outside. On one of the boxes, there's a cute fairy in red on the box's outside but inside it's military toys. I give up on that.
    Then I move on to a library and remember looking at the books, but soon I spotted a staircase leading to a second floor and because I see many familiar faces, I decide to climb upstairs. On the second floor I find many buddhist practicioners sitting on cushions and some monks and lamas. They are waiting for the beginning of some teachings but I see the teacher and I don't recognize him. It is a young boy, with an indian look, more hindu-like than buddhist, but I'm curious to hear what he has to teach, so I also look for a place to sit. There are seats right in front of his trone,but they are reserved and I am sent to another room where people have to follow the teachings through a TV screen. I loose a bit of interest and I am trying to decide to stay or not, when..

    Plane crash
    I am instantly transported to inside an airplane. It's a big one and it's making a long trip. It's coming from Sweden, or going to Sweden or of a swedish company or at least I think so. I'm sitting on one of the seats and the airplane suddendly plunges almost vertically. I feel that rollercoaster stomach feeling very clearly as if it was real, but I think "It will be just fine." And the plane recovers for a while. Then I have a vision of a road full of ups and downs and bathed by the moonlight when the plane starts to sink again. I turn back on my seat and put my knees on the seat and grab the back of the chair with both arms. It helps reducing the feeling on the stomach, but now I'm concerned that I'm going to die, so that sensation is the least of my problems. Then I have another vision, I'm hovering above the plane and I see it crashing against some huge glass wall. Then I am floating above the earth and see the beautiful oceans, green land and fluffy clouds. Then I feel I am transported back again to inside the airplane and I can sense that the crashing on the ground is about to happen, but then I have another vision of kids playing on the street, laughing and chatting and then... I go into nothingness and in slow motion I start to wake up. I feel like I really died and this is my after-life dream.

    After a while I fell asleep again and I went back to a dream I immediately knew I had already dreamed before the plane crash, but hadn't been able to recall. So now I have an opportunity to remember it again, although it's not so interesting.
    I was in my old office in Brussels and in front of me is my ex-boss who had a big crush on me and vice-versa. I look at him, knowing that I am dreaming, and trying to figure out if he is just a DC or if this is a shared dream. He looks quite real to me, but we never know for sure. I am pushed by my office colleagues to the elevator and we all descend to the -2 level. We're preparing to go somewhere but we wait for a second group (that didn't fit on the elevator with us) and which includes my boss. I wat to see him again, because a shared dream with him would be worthwile exploring. But then someone comes and says he got out on -1 level with the others and I decide it's not worth my time to go look for him.
    I decide to check this floor and to think about next lucid step. I remember that my guru told me to just sit and meditate but once again the usula problem: too many people around who will distract me. Then I see a door that leads to a huge warehouse-type of place and there's people there too, but I spot a kind of pedestal and I fly to sit on top of it. I'm sure nobody will disturb me up there. I cross my legs, I can distinctively see the floor and my legs and the veins in my legs. I feel confortable and because I totally focus my eyes on the floor, all the rest of the dream scenario fades around me. I forgot the vizualisations I was supposed to do, but I just breathe in and out without loosing focus and feel happy that it is working. Then I experience total loss of weight, I feel floating myself in space and then I get a sensation that I am plunging backwards with my head into a black-hole. I don't allow it to scare me. It actually feels very blissful. I let myself go with this falling sensation and then I feel sort of vibrations in my temples, then forehead and then eyes. In the end it feels more like someone is tapping on my head, but I stay relaxed. Then I feel I am close to wake, because I can hear the street noise, the kids going to school, car engines strating, etc. But I hold on and then I wake up to realise I'm still in a dream. I'm back in the warehouse but now there's a mirror in front of me. I look at it and I don't know now what to do. Should have went back to meditation but instead I plunged in the mirror and went to the black void again. More vibrations, more falling sensation. Almost waking up, hearing the street noises again and then waking up again in a dream. This happened maybe 3 or 4 times through different ways and led me to think I was again in a loop not managing to wake up - but this time I didn't really want to anyway.
    Last time I wake up in front of the mirror, I am dressed in a green barely covering the skin, outfit, with a kind of corselet with ties across my chest and stomach with lots of skin showing and hot pants. I felt hot. I wanted to see my boobies. I opened the corselet but was disappointed to see that my boobies were actually smaller than in RL. Oh well... I could try to make them bigger, but what was the point. I am still admiring my dream body so I get all naked. Then some guy comes and says they need to close the warehouse so I need to go away - nevermind he has a hot naked girl in front of him. So I flew away to the exit and now my lucidity was dropping fast. Just remember entering a bar where lots of guys were having a drink but none of them seemed to care about the hot naked lady who just came in. I didn't know anymore what was the point of this dream, so I gave up and woke up.

    08:00 GMT

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