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    by , 07-23-2010 at 03:15 PM (530 Views)
    Photo Shoot With Ellen

    I'm on a stage. Like on a talk show. I realize that I've switched places with Ellen DeGeneres and she's in the crowd like where I should be sitting. She gets up and plays it off like it's a joke and comes up on the stage to do her talk show. I'm so floored that I'm up there with Ellen that I ask if someone can take a picture of us together. Someone from the audience gets a camera and asks how many shots I want. I'm concerned that this is a once in a lifetime event and I want to make sure the person working the camera gets a good picture. I ask them if they know how to work "wide and tight" on the camera to make sure we're both in the shot and it's properly zoomed. The person (I don't know if it was even male or female, probably female because the audience is mainly female.) gets indignant and says, "Of course I know how to work a camera, I'm a tourist, aren't I?" Oh. Well. Fine. So I say I want twenty shots of Ellen and I and the person begins taking pictures. They hand the camera back to me and there is not one picture of Ellen and I. Instead it's all pictures of Jen and I think Audrey and Danielle.

    Renee's House

    I'm walking down a street in like a downtown area (that I recognize from previous dreams). I have no idea what my motivation is, but I need to go to my sister's house. I think I'm motivated because I hadn't seen her in a while and inherently I really want to make sure she's all right. So I find her house and the address is 2800 something street. I knock on the door and go on in. I see my sister and I expect to find that the house is a terrible mess, but it's mostly clean. She's living with three other people she says and that's good because the rent is $2800. It's even spray painted on the walls on the stairway up to the second floor.

    Everything is particle board. I feel like the stairs are going to break when I walk up them to check out the upstairs. She told me the landlord just built the upstairs and added two bedrooms for the other people living there. It looked like there was indoor/outdoor carpet stapled to the floor. It was actually like four different colors of carpet in squares on the floor, not even overlapping but just next to each other with gaps of like three inches in between. There was a dog upstairs. He was in a box with no top on it and he jumped out and ran away to the back of the house. Someone was downstiars doing dishes. I found it hard to believe that they were paying so much for such a shitty house.

    Ice Hockey (again)

    I was watching some people play ice hockey and I guess I had skates on, too, and I was trying to play. I was talking to the goalie and she told me to tell the best player on the team to practice making goals on her. She wasn't wearing a helmet or any gear. I told her that she was in danger of getting a puck to the throat and never being able to talk again. She said there's no way that would ever happen because she's a better goalie than the best person on the team.

    I skated over to the biggest looking guy I could find and told him that the goalie wants him to try to score on her, even though she's not wearing any gear. He was surprised but he gets in front of her and starts shooting. I'm watching all this and he's got like unlimited pucks and keeps shooting but all the pucks are going up above the net. Finally, the worst happened. He shoots on right into the girl's mouth and breaks her two front teeth. She's all bloody and busted. Before I could tell her I told her so, the dream faded.

    Lucid Mike B.

    I'm in the woods and there's a path winding through all these trees and cabins. I don't remember what it was that made me realize I was dreaming, but as soon as I became lucid, it was like an explosion of color. Everything became like high definition. I know my friend Mike is kind of outdoorsy, so the next thing I saw was him. I was talking to him about something, and then I remembered I wanted to look at myself in a mirror in a dream. So I left Mike and ran and ran on a path thinking about a mirror. I can upon one and just as I was going to look into it, I lost lucidity.

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