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    by , 07-21-2010 at 01:03 PM (295 Views)
    I'm so mad. I slept so badly last night!!! I had pieces of dreams here and there and one that I remember but was stupid and non eventful. And weird. But I'll post it anyway. I suspect that it might have something to do with the diet Dr. Pepper I had last night. I never drink diet soda. Who knows, maybe I'm just looking for a scapegoat.

    Something about going to a bookstore. I work at a bookstore IRL. But I was going with this guy Phil who was in my computer classes like two years ago and I haven't seen since. I don't even remember what was so important that we needed at the bookstore. I remember that it was an hour away.

    Then I'm in the kitchen at my parents' house. I'm getting some ice cream for a bunch of people that are on my back porch. IRL it's screened in, but here there's just a roof. There are some people eating cake and ice cream and as I'm scooping the ice cream out, I realize that it's just a solid brick of ice cream, not even in a box or anything. Then, my neighbor from across the street John comes over and he's all fucked up. He said he was in a motorcycle accident. I thought this was strange because it's my next door neighbor Randy that has the motorcycle, not John. So he was like bleeding still and had a bandage on his hand like it was all wrapped up. And his face is all bruised. And he sits down and my dad's at the other end of the table and John and my dad start discussing how fast he was going and how many RPM's he was up to.

    Then I'm on a school bus. I'm watching my other neighbor from across the street Alice, who has graduated college already, get off the bus at a bus stop that is on the opposite end of the street from where we live. Someone sitting in front of me and I are like spying on Alice. We're trying to figure out a way to get off the bus and follow her without her realizing that she's being followed. I wish I became lucid so I could have done December's basic task!!! It's ok, I still have ten nights to try.

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