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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    02/01/11 Fall Out Boy: Dance

    by , 02-02-2011 at 03:59 AM (2341 Views)
    Plans: For this night I had plans to meet up with MoSh and make sure Asuka is ok. I am also hoping that Avalon will start working again now that I have retrieved my key to Avalon, I have noticed it hasn't been doing much of sending me where I need to be lately. If I haven't come up with some kind of plan ahead of time, I haven't had much in the way of dreams. Even when I did plan something out it often hasn't worked. I fell asleep normally this night, not using my light/sound device to induce a WILD, since I'm not sure how well that tends to work with Avalon.

    Fall Out Boy: Dance
    I am in a forest, it is a very pleasant place to be, and I am walking down a trail and enjoying the nice weather. Enjoying the birds singing, the breeze blowing, the loud cursing from a bunch of men not far off… what? That doesn't sound normal, so I follow the sound of the men and look into a hidden flat area, or it is flat now. It looks like the group of men trampled everything in the area down to make space for them to gather and curse. Most of them are complaining that they don't want to wait around, they want to kill someone, to attack now and take what they want, no one in that pathetic village can do anything to stop them. All of the men are dressed in leather armor and are carrying weapons such as swords, spears, and a few of them have bows and arrows. They are doing a lot of cursing and arguing, and finally a woman's voice calls out over the rest for everyone to shut up. I look towards the woman who spoke, and I recognize her right away… it's Callisto! The first thought to enter my mind is that I haven't seen Callisto for a very long time, my next thought is that I have never seen Callisto IWL at all, and my third thought is that I might possibly be dreaming. (I wish my thoughts would go this way in dreams more often!) So I do a RC and discover I am dreaming, so now I know exactly what I have to do.

    I start by doing a quick scan of all of the people out there, but it looks like the only one with a spark is Callisto, it seems she has surrounded herself with some of the most violent and least intelligent people she could find. I am about to attack the group when I remember something I had been thinking about the night before, a song spell I have never used before, it was an idea that came to mind when I was reading something about a technique used by Walms and then Hukif that he refers to just as 'dance.' I look around and see no one has noticed where I am, so it seems like a good time to try something new out, back out in the clearing the men are now arguing with Callisto. One of them draws his sword and says he's had enough of listening to this crazy woman, then he makes a move against Callisto… only to get cut open by Callisto's sword as she draws it and cuts him in one smooth arc. He collapses to the ground, bleeding copiously from his wound as well as coughing up blood. Callisto asks if anyone else wants some of that, but none of them do. The man on the ground who had been struggling to breathe goes silent and still now, no doubt he is dead.

    Ok… now to test out the song spell I had been playing with, which is actually the song "Dance, Dance" by Fall Out Boy, with the focus on the main chorus, "Dance, dance, we're falling apart to half time. Dance, dance, and these are the lives you love to lead. Dance, this is the way they'd love if they knew how misery loved me." The part that says, " Dance, dance, we're falling apart to half time," seems particularly appropriate. So now I summon up a dagger in my left hand, focus on the song, and actually teleport just the hand over behind one of the rudest and sickest sounding men in the group and bury the dagger up to the hilt in his neck… he was talking at the time, and ended up with, "After I'm done having my way with those bitches, I'm gonna… *glurg*" One of the men close to him chuckles and asks the target of my attack if he is really planning on raping the women and then puking on them. He suddenly stops laughing as the man I stabbed falls over, dead, with a gaping wound in the back of his neck. Then there's the strangeness that happened on my end of things… when I teleported my hand away, my internal penticon computer responded in the same way as it would if I lost a limb in battle… it dispensed a healing sensu bean directly into my bloodstream. The sensu bean resulted in the almost instantaneous re-growth of my missing hand. Then, as per the way I have seen the technique work, the other hand teleported back… and attached itself on my arm just above the new hand… um… ok… that's not normal. So now I am officially a freak of nature.

    Back out in the clearing, the men are freaking out a bit, trying to figure out how their companion got that wound and died when there was no one there, I decide to try again. I form shift to get my body back to a normal form, and I look out at the group of men, who Callisto is trying to get to pay attention to her, she is insisting one of the others must have killed him, but she doesn't care as long as that person is equally merciless with the people in the village. So I focus on the song again, this time specifying that I don't need a sensu bean… and I repeat the process with a man on the other side of the clearing. This time I guess my hand doesn't go unseen as last time. As the target I stabbed falls over and dies, a man very close by is now yelling about ghosts and haunting, saying he just saw a disembodied hand kill Talbus. Another man says that's bullshit and he kills the man who saw my hand, saying that is the price to be paid for such treachery. Callisto is clearly getting very impatient with her people first attacking her, then keeling over dead from unknown reasons, and now killing each other. Their reaction is rather amusing, though I am more interested in what has happened with me. As soon as the hand was teleported away, the sensu bean is not released, but Witchblade grows down over the wound and forms into a replacement hand, a hand made entirely of Witchblade material. The other hand returns, is unable to attach to the Witchblade material, so it falls to the ground, completely useless.

    There is a man there with me, and he seems to find the situation a bit amusing, I try not to pay any attention to him being there. Though I do think the fact I now have a hand made entirely of Witchblade to be very interesting. Witchblade retracts and it turns out it created a new hand while it was there. The man with me seems to find that interesting as well. He asks me what I'm trying to do, I tell him I am trying to replicate a technique I have seen a friend do in dreams. He asks if I could use some help with that, I say no, I have to be able to do it, damn, I've already asked too many dumb questions about it, which means even now it won't count as figuring it out on my own, which means everyone is going to keep looking down on me as an incompetent fool, damn! I use the song again, but this time my entire body explodes and teleports away to different locations, leaving me as a disembodied consciousness, a non-corporeal entity, and all my different body parts appear around enemies and do various things to kill those people… arms and hands grab daggers and stab, a leg tripped one of them while the other stomped his face into a bloody pulp… A disembodied head tore open the throat of one of the men like a wild beast would… then there was a limbless torso hovering in the air and freaking everyone out. Callisto goes to cut the floating torso down, it also explodes, then a whole bunch of parts come back to my location at light speed, going through anything in their path… more dead people… then I am reformed right where I was before, spitting the one man's blood out of my mouth… YUCK!

    The man there is staring at me really strangely, now that must have looked totally insane… I look out into the clearing, or at least I try to, I am feeling quite disoriented, and the people still alive in the clearing are all going nuts and running off into the forest yelling about vengeful spirits and having angered the gods somehow. Most of them are dead and lying all over the ground in bloody messes, Callisto has completely lost any semblance of control over her people, and soon she is standing there alone in the blood soaked clearing. Well, as weird things have been up to this point, it is time to heal Callisto's heart. I am about to do that when a really big and nasty looking guy strides into the clearing, looks around at the blood and bodies, then says it looks like they got the fun started without him.

    She glares over him and says he is late, he says that is obvious, she says everyone else is gone, either dead by some strange intervention of the gods, or run off in fear. She is clearly frustrated, well so am I, I want to just do the healing and get out of there now. Something pops into my mind and I do it without even thinking, it is really disgusting, I teleport directly to the big guy, materializing inside him and then tearing out from the inside, which is sooooo disgusting… If it was a FPS, I would have just scored a telefrag! (One character teleports into another or spawns into another.) Callisto stares in stunned silence… I feel disgusting… But I still focus on the song "Until It Sleeps" to heal Callisto, the energy flows and seems to have the desired effect. I head back to the cover of the forest, I want to find some water and clean the crap off of me… instead the guy I saw earlier is still there, staring at me strangely, and then I wake up.

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    1. Robo's Avatar
      Do you have any idea who the guy with you was? could it have been another dreamer? or was it someone from the particular place you where at?
    2. MadMonkey's Avatar
      Lol that telefrag things is awesome and gross at the same time. What did that random guy look like?
    3. saltyseedog's Avatar
      lol I was thinking the same thing because I had a dream I was in a forest last night and don't remember alot of what happened