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    Log 1945 - Cute Little Abomination

    by , 08-26-2020 at 07:52 PM (622 Views)
    Created Wednesday 26 August 2020

    Finally, an LD to feel good about. I got a DILD and some fragments today.

    Spoiler for Quite long; NSFW violence:
    Lang and DarkestDarkness like this.

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    1. DarkestDarkness's Avatar
      Very interesting dream, though if it was my lucid I'd probably just have encouraged her behaviour. I enjoyed reading the resolution anyway.
      RelicWraith likes this.
    2. RelicWraith's Avatar
      Heh, part of me would've done so as well, if only out of morbid curiosity. I'll think about it if something like this comes up again.
      DarkestDarkness likes this.