Log 2099 - Your Name Is Macheval and Other Assorted Stories
, 01-28-2021 at 07:06 AM (454 Views)
Created Wednesday 27 January 2021
At last, something worth mentioning. It's also been twelve days since my last LD. Twelve days too many, if you ask me.
Spoiler for Lots of words:
Scrap Group 1
Vaguely recall travelling a highway. I had my thoughts set on time dilation.
Dream 1 - The Scheme, Struggle, and Shapechanger
Scene 1 - Bowling Alley Billiard Scheme ft Kramer
The visuals were slightly blurred. Spectator mode. This follows a shabby group of people in a similarly run-down car as they go down an urban shopping district. Leading the crew is a middle-aged auburn-haired woman in a trenchcoat.
As she drives, she reviews some scheme she'd cooked up earlier. Along the way, she picks up Kramer from Seinfeld, who was also in on the plot. His task was to go into a bowling alley, and win some games at a rigged game of billiards.
Kramer's dropped off, and the crew waits. However, too much time passes. The bosswoman barges in, to find Kramer drinking the day away with a crowd at a bar. Frustrated, she deigns to pull the con off herself.
Unknown transition.
Scene 2 - Hard Working Interpreter
The visuals were slightly dim. Spectator mode again. Within a decent looking apartment suite, a light skinned, dark haired middle aged man is performing his morning routine. Through mysterious means, we're informed that he's an Englishman working as an interpreter for Japanese business people. It's said to be a strenuous task, not helped that said 'business people' were in all likelihood frontmen for a criminal organization. We see a clip of the interpreter relieving his stress with a bottle pack of Corona all to himself. The next day, the Englishman gets up late. He rushes to put on a suit, and grabs a canned nutritional shake for his breakfast. He had to hurry, as he was to take part in an important negotiation.
Scene 3 - Hawk and Wolf
The visuals were slightly blurred. This occurs inside the narrow corridors of abandoned industrial facility, a maze of dusty concrete. I'd the perspective of a dark haired woman dressed in heavy, long-faded khaki hiking apparel. I 'recalled' she was well versed in many vocations, from animal studies, to hand-to-hand-combat, and even magic. The latter was revealed quickly when I (as the woman) was able to speak with some crows fluttering nearby. Those corvids said nothing of interest, merely expressing their wariness, so I continued along.
Skyrim drowned my thoughts momentarily. I remembered a supposed mission in a cave, during which events would change depending on the survival of an NPC's encounter with bandits. If he lived, the player had to make a very difficult speech check to avoid combat with him in turn. In any case, the primary objective was retrieving some McGuffin.
Anyway, I returned from my trance to 'reality'. I then recalled why I was in this derelict site in the first place: I was to rescue a bird, a robin, I think. I turned a corner, when I found my possible charge getting swarmed by a group of predators! Distinct among the beasts was a large wolf with brown fur. The rabid canine scares away his competition, leaving the bird solely at his mercy.
I knew better than to charge headlong. So, I climbed along the walls with impossible grace. Then, while the wolf still wasn't looking, I instantly shape-changed into a small hawk, and dive-bombed at his snout. The beast jumped back in fright, but soon sprang back at ready. This distraction allowed my ward to get away. More than annoyed, the wolf growled it would have his revenge for my meddling.
A frantic melee follows. At every interval, I'd weave just out of the beast's grasp, then retaliate with a quick swipe of my beak or talon. Of course, given the difference in size, I wasn't doing serious damage. I paused to 'recall' the rules of this shapechanging magic. Incidentally, said rules happened to be from D&D. Whatever the case, I opted to change into a black bear. I pounced upon the wolf, aiming my claws and fangs at his neck, but catching his shoulders instead. My opponent was in terrible shape, though I figured his counterattack would leave a mark...
The dream faded shortly after.
Dream 2 - Your Name Is Macheval
Scene 1 - Suburban Team Party
The visuals were blurred. Spectator mode. This starts outside a suburban house at night time. Soon, a sizable group rushes towards the front door. It's soon revealed the group were RED and BLU team members from TF2, the Heavy, Demo, and Spy distinguishable. After knocking on the door, a light skinned, dark haired woman answers, her young daughter not far behind. The Spy asks to be invited inside. The homeowner is hesitant, but allows the crew to enter. Big mistake. In minutes, the interior is ravished from the rambunctious antics of the Team.
Scene 2 - What's a Macheval?
The visuals started slightly blurred. I was in an unknown house, hauling around filled large cardboard boxes in a daze. Soon, I was confronted by a pale, dark haired woman in her fourties. She complained that I misplaced her fractional distillation apparatus. I 'recalled' having used that for a chemistry project earlier, and mentioned as much. I sift through the luggage, and find it's in the wrong box (got mixed in with kitchenware, I think). This makes me worry I'd misplaced other things as well. The woman gets frustrated, and complains of my work. In my defense, I remind her that "the Apocalypse" only happened a while ago, and I'd happened to loot these things in that time frame. Logistics and organization just wasn't then a priority. This didn't placate her in the least.
Timeskip. I step outside to an empty backyard late at night. It's then I notice as to how light was the air. This brings much inquiry. Didn't take much longer to figure out the dream.
I gaze up at a wonderful sky full of stars. As usual, I'm drawn into the spinning cosmos as I slowly as I ascended. Ah, that never gets old. During my trip, I pass by colorful glowing spheres about 4 meters in diameter. I suspected these were mental misrepresentations of celestial bodies. Furthermore, a funky 16-bit tune sounded. It's possible it was a song I knew, but I can't recall which exactly.
It was then I thought of tasks. First in mind was lifting a heavy object. Conveniently, several meteors were passing by, craggy rocks well over three times my size. I reached out for them, but they'd eluded me. So, I follow one of the rocks as it fell into a planet. Once past orbit, I dived into its trajectory, and, just as we were about to hit land, I caught it. Still, its force of was great enough to drag me along with it, leaving behind a deep imprint on the dirt. After it stopped moving, I heaved it on my back. It was awkward to grip, but aside from that, there wasn't any difficulty.
With that done, I chucked it aside, then zipped around to find something else to do. Soon, I find myself in an empty urban streets surrounded by desert, still at night, of course. I made a super front flip up the roof of a long building. This reminds me of the related spindash task. And so, I start rolling in place. Initially, the visuals and sensations weren't very convincing, but that soon changed into a bewildering display that almost knocked me out of my senses. Somehow, I adjusted just as quickly. I spun faster and faster, before I launched myself off the building. Task complete.
I fall down onto a lone pathway in the middle of nowhere. As I travel down, I try remembering another task. A false one came to mind: create your own dance move. Even at the time, I figured it probably wasn't genuine, but oh well, it gave me something to do. Feeling silly, I jumped up, and made my legs lose consistency. My limbs dangled with the wind like wet noodles. The sight made me chuckle to myself, but upon landing, my joints stiffen back to normal. Aww.
Then, in the distance, I noticed the shadow of a megacomplex, glaring spotlights lining the site's perimeter under a night sky. I hurry past the gate, to enter a series of hallways flooded with chlorinated water. Many a folk were bathing in the area.6 Along the way, I noticed a violin duet playing, starting as a fast-paced flourish, then slowing into a waltz. I also gaze upon an extra curvy dark haired woman. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm only momentarily distracted before I go back to recalling another task. The superhero one comes to wit. I try catching up to the dark haired woman, but she remained just out of reach. So, I turned my attention to some random child nearby, some skinny boy around 10 years old.
"Hey kid", I started. "What's my superhero name?"
Just then, another figure surfaced from below, a pale young girl with vibrant blue hair. "Macheval" (pronounced mak-ah-vle), she answers in deadpan.
"What was that?", I asked.
She repeats. "Macheval."
"So it's Macheval?"
The boy then interjects with a simple "yes."
Didn't really know what to think of the name. Also, I was weirded out by these creepy monotone kids. So, I thanked them, and scurried away.
The dream started fading. I quickly raised my hand as part of stabilization, only to see I was doing such in bed. So concluded the dream.
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Updated 01-28-2021 at 07:22 AM by 89930
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- lucid , non-lucid , task of the month , dream fragment