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    Dream Logs DWN-12

    Log 442 - Quick Quake and Other Assorted Stories

    by , 07-15-2016 at 03:53 PM (330 Views)
    Created Friday 15 July 2016

    There were three dreams I recalled today, including a late DILD at the end, to which I bagged this month's Bonus task. The first one is just a fragment now, though that was wilfully forgotten on my part; the first half was just kinda yucky.

    Scrap Group 1
    Skip gross part. Later, something of "chibi" human heads eating tiny people like candy.

    Dream 1 - Don't Mind the Senseless Transition

    The visuals were dim. I was wandering at a parking lot at late dusk.

    As I searched for my vehicle (whatever that was), I suddenly turn up at the backseat of a car. My sister, Giane, and my brother, Terry, were there. I question how I'd no memory of getting there. Supposedly, I spaced out for a moment, during which I was taken inside said car. That didn't make much sense even at the time, yet I just left it at that.

    Soon, Giane recieves a phone call. On the other line were two cousins, Carlos and Isabella, who were supposedly visiting. They wanted us to go to a restaurant to speak. Terry and I were not up to it, though I reluctantly change my mind when Carlos assured me he'd take the bill.

    One highway drive later, and I go within an unknown home. This place was a bit messy, and not in good repair. Mom shows up. She claims we rented the place for a few nights as part of a vacation, I think. Most of the luggage was still packed. I look through the cupboards in the kitchen. On the higher ones, I find several plastic canisters filled with crackers. Certainly, we came more prepared than I expected.

    Things get unclear. I know I wander around for a while. Not sure how the dream ends.

    Dream 2 - Quick Quake

    The visuals were dim. I falsely awaken in the downstairs bedroom at early dawn. Both being in this location and my inability to move makes me aware of my state.

    I immediately try the earthquake TOTM by will alone. And just like that, the ground trembles with a low rumble. Such violent shaking was very uncomfortable. Even then, the surrounding furniture within and just out of the room hardly budged; they're only barely scraped sideways on the tiled floors, and nothing on or within them are toppled over.

    After about ~30 seconds, I'm transitioned, though I know nothing else of what occurred until I awaken.

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    Updated 07-17-2016 at 04:44 AM by 89930 (correction)

    lucid , non-lucid , task of the month , dream fragment
