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    Log 572 - November 2016 Advanced Task I

    by , 11-22-2016 at 04:29 PM (639 Views)
    EDIT: Typo. Actually Log 572
    One brief WILD recalled today, along with a fragment from long before that. There's also a long duration of controlled hypnagogia, but I won't bore anyone with that stuff.

    Scrap Group 1
    Playing Streets of Rogue. I'm doing a rescue mission, but my escortee is a moron and runs into danger. I don't bother saving them. Part of this has me within the game in first person perspective.

    Dream 1 - November 2016 Advanced Task I

    WILD transition in bed. I waste no time flying out to the hallway, and stop to try Advanced Task I. There was resistance in peeking through the wooden floor, as in other attempts. What's more, my head would flash back to an erect position at times. Still, my persistence pays off. My head phases through. What I saw... was pure darkness. Big surprise...

    A few seconds later, a tunnel exit appears in view. I'm approaching quickly. Once through, I drop down a sharp incline. I look around, and see I'm in a roller coaster ride. There wasn't any noise, making the experience less exciting than it should've been.

    I awaken half a minute later.

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    Updated 12-19-2016 at 04:10 AM by 89930

    lucid , non-lucid , task of the month , dream fragment
