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    Dream Logs DWN-12

    Logs 1135 and 1136

    by , 06-08-2018 at 11:57 PM (401 Views)
    My dreams sure have been getting a lot less coherent these last few days...

    Log 1135 - Mad Bomber Bane, Zebra Interrogation, and Union Double Agent Scraps
    Created Thursday 07 June 2018

    Just fragments today.

    Scrap Group 1
    Shopping in a run-down supermarket. Later, Bane (as depicted by Tom Hardy in The Dark Knight Rises) appeared, chucking bombs at everyone in sight. The exits were closed off by debris, and there was nowhere to hide. In these final moments, I lamented not having a family picture to look at. I then sat down, meditated, and accepted my fate.

    In an office building. I capture a talking zebra to interrogate him.

    Back in that above mentioned office building. I was a hired gun private security contractor tasked with quelling a union-organized strike. One of these workers was a giraffe. Later, I conspire with the workers to take the company down.

    Log 1136 - Gazebos, Internet Celebrity Nephew, and Magic Manor Scraps
    Created Friday 08 June 2018

    Just got fragments and a short DILD I'd rather forget...

    Scrap Group 1
    Something about a family picnic in a group of gazebos.

    My nephew, Stephen, associates with a group of Youtube celebrities as a recurring guest/understudy. My brother, Harmon, doesn't approve.

    Wandering in a vast, magical mansion. In one of the rooms, I encountered a lost soul, who claimed to having been bound to the place by Shao Khan from Mortal Kombat. So, he requested my help to free himself from such confinement. We journeyed throughout the building, trekking over perilous bridges and trap-filled rooms. Eventually, we find an enchanted sword, of which could literally sever the bind. Cut to the encounter with the Emperor, occurring on a ledge over a violet void. Khan tried convincing me into betraying the ghost for power, though I denied that outright. Cue battle. A few swings from the sword drained the tyrant of his might. This allowed me to easily tackle him into the pit. With that, the ghost was free. Cut again. The ghost's role was changed with some kid. Through magic, he wished for dehydrated vegetables. Instead, he got a half dozen swimsuit models to appear and perform for him. Although said ladies appeared human and alive enough, they were said to have been similarly freeze-dried.

    In that mansion again. Something repulsive happened involving a phantom doppelganger. Aware of this problem, I melted the image away via scorching heat. This only served to amuse the specter further, much to my fury. I couldn't really concentrate to get much else done.

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    Updated 06-09-2018 at 12:01 AM by 89930

    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
