Spoiler for WARNING: Potential Steven Universe Spoilers:
Dream 1 - Gem China Doll
The visuals were somewhat blurred. I wasn't sure where I was, only knowing I was watching TV on a large screen. My brother, Theodore, was also nearby.
Surfed around for a bit before settling on a cartoon. Only, this turned out to be Steven Universe, a show not to our preference anymore. I was about to change it, though seeing hints of the season's end made me delay that if briefly.
Well, Steven was captured once again, being hauled off by a battered and apprehensive Jasper. They arrived within an unknown plane, mostly dark save for a cool colored floor. A tall, bright figure stepped forth from the shadows: Yellow Diamond has returned.
A short dialogue begins, where Jasper presents Steven as a plea in restoring lost honor. Just then, she's impaled by several spears, and (save for her gem) "poofs" out of existence. A pan out reveals Steven's fellow Crystal Gems, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, a distance behind, primed for battle.
Steven takes Jasper's gem, and, in an uncharacteristic move, shatters it on the ground, much to everyone's shock. But, as Steven reveals, he didn't kill her, but rather, changed her. Jasper reforms, much different this time, as she now appeared as a life sized, brunette china doll in a black and white dress. The doll's lifeless smile was very unsettling, not helped that it retained movement in its wide eyes.
Not too clear on what happened, save that Yellow Diamond suffered a similar fate. Not much else happened until the dream ended.
Dream 2 - Inedible Snacks and a Phone Call
Scene 1 - A Lesson in Dream Gastronomy
During my WILD attempt, someone walked in to awaken me, and then stepped out. Surely, this was to remind me of some arrangement later in the day. I was annoyed at first, but this got me a bit suspicious. Indeed, after waiting for a few minutes, I noticed a dizzying sensation in my head, a tell-tale sign that I was (near) dreaming. Such joy would've make me jump right into trying stupid things for fun, but I reigned that in quickly in favor of sorting through the TOTMs.
Being the gourmand that I am, I first thought of TOTM number one. And so, I bit into whatever was nearby, the pillows, in this case. This tasted of but scented fabric, much to my disappointment.
I was a bit concerned of my state. So, I got out of bed, opened the drapes, and looked outside. Instead of my backyard, I found an urban area before me, multistoried concrete buildings as far as the eye could see, all under a grey, cloudy dawn sky. That's all the reassurance I needed.
Anyway, directly below was the roof of one of such squared towers. I quickly jumped right out the window towards there, landing safely via a slowed descent. There wasn't much to see, just a mostly flat, concrete rooftop with an occasional steam vent. Painted a few feet within the perimeter was a yellow line, not unlike street lines. The visuals began deteriorating, but a quick hand rubbing fixed that up good.
Once again, I thought to try the taste task, so, I peeled off some of the paint and had a sample. This, I realized, wasn't anything good, just chalk. What a pity.
Not sated, I looked around for something else, and eventually found a small, concrete stone. I bit into this, only to find it was just as it was, looking, feeling (and as difficult to bite into), and, in this case, tasting like an ordinary rock. Had mixed feelings here, both wonder and disappointment on such realism. Surely, it wouldn't have killed me to have it flavored like, say, a rolled hazelnut cream wafer, or a Chick-O-Stick, or something?
Oh, well. Without delay, I moved onto another task: laying on a bed of clouds. I looked up at the storm clouds above, and thought, "I am there", all while purposefully trembling in place (the latter being my personal method of warping). But, instead of that, the visuals, if not the environment, simply fogged up. Before long, I was transitioned without input.
Scene 2 - Fumbled the Call
The visuals were dark. I was back in bed, the poor lighting indicating the dead of night. I was still aware of my dream state.
Immediately, I got up and out the room. I overheard voices from one of the rooms nearby, probably mom and one of my brothers, but I ignored that. Anyway, I went downstairs towards the front door, glancing at the fancy cupboard on my way there. From out the window, I saw a clear night sky, less then ideal conditions for the previous attempted task.
All of a sudden, the environment began collapsing before me, leaving me standing in the void. At this, I prioritized on my personal task: finding my dream guide, by ear, primarily, considering my hindered sight. I instinctively tapped on my temple, which, in turn brought forth a discorporated interface, a hologram of monochrome green text on a black background. A series of about a dozen numbers cycled in view, all to the noise of low buzzing. An IP address, I thought. In any case, after a click, the screen changes, now displaying two very blurred portraits. Was this it? After a pause, I break the silence.
"Yes?", responded the entity, the voice feminine and sounding beleaguered.
"Are you a dream guide?"
"Yes", she says more impatiently.
I almost freeze from excitement, but recompose myself through heavy breaths. I noticed the portraits were behaving erratically, becoming blurred stains in one moment, and, for a brief flicker, completely clear the next. From this, I could note a dark haired, round faced woman on the other line. What's more, both these images were drawn in, depicting us in some comic-book like style. Anyway, once I'm ready, I continue.
"So... does this mean you'll be my dream guide?" An ominous quiet follows, one that felt like minutes. Before long, she answers, this time, with a more mischievous tone.
"You'll have to find me first."
The screen vanishes afterwards. In desperation, I go in a frantic search, fumbling around in the dark space for... no given reason. Hindsight sure makes this seem ridiculous. Well, I did at least think to brighten the place up, trying to do so through willpower alone. I didn't quite get that, instead finding faint light reflecting off a familiar environment, the entrance to my home, specifically.
But, before I could act, the dream collapses immediately, and I find myself in bed.