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    Lucid for the Competition. ★★★☆☆

    by , 10-16-2012 at 11:20 PM (858 Views)
    I was in front of a mirror, as soon as I saw it I thought I don't want to look in that. Why am I afraid of looking in mirrors? This is a dream! I picked it up and saw myself with a full beard, which I thought was the funniest thing ever. I dropped the mirror and turned around, then I was standing in a backyard! I don't even think about doing a reality check, I know that it is a dream (I forgot that there are points for it ). I have run through my head what to do over and over, but it is very hazy. Stabilize! I barely remember. It doesn't seem like a dream at all, it seems like I am just being an idiot in real life and looking at my hands, listening, and trying to feel the breeze around me (I always forget to look around more to get that stabilized). I didn't look around to see my surroundings much, but there is nice grass under my feet, and I am in the back yard of a four story mansion. I can feel it now though, I am in the dream, I almost take off running, but what I wanted to do rushed into my mind. I have to summon something! I reach in my pocket, and nothing is in there, I knew that would happen, so I went on to plan B for summoning, I closed my eyes and thought Of course it is not in there, you left the Red Bull in your back pocket. I reach back there, and pull out a small Red Bull can, it is about three inches high. I pop the top and start drinking. It tastes a lot sweeter than Red Bull, I don't really like Red Bull anyways, but Red Bull gives you wings, and I want to fly.

    It takes about thirty seconds to down the tiny can. I look around at the back yard and I am floating, I do not have wings though, but I am floating! I am above the four story house almost at the tops of the trees that I will be trying to go over in a second. One eye messes up and everything looks less clear from that eye. I completely forget how to stabilize
    and wake into a false awakening into the same back yard that I was just in, but I am completely absorbed in the next dream.
    JadeGreen, Nazi and Meiseki like this.

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    Updated 10-22-2016 at 11:08 AM by 58222



    1. Nazi's Avatar
      Awesome lucid dream! I laughed at the beard part.
      Sensei likes this.