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    Cities in the Astral

    I have been LDing sinse 1988 and have had maybe 2000ish. I am starting this dream journal on 02-19-12. Many of my dreams involve otherwordly concepts, such as dream cities that are real and have many perminent inhabitants. I have interacted with some many times, so if the entries I make seem to refer to strange things like 'the 3 women' or 'the monks' just assume they are reoccuring DCs for before this journal starts.

    1. Worth Documenting. Astral Acceptance.

      by , 01-12-2016 at 07:19 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      01/10/16 I have still been having tons of lucids but have been focused much more on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu so I totally have blown off my DJ. That is bad form and stingy of me. The two most recent (this morning) are ones I need to document and maybe that will spur me to start sharing my lucids with you guys again.

      I became aware of laying in bed in the dark and attempted to remember where I was sleeping. It seemed like my mom's old house on Wallace and somehow that did not make sense. I pondered that and realized someone was in the next bed over. The room was really too small for two beds. I guessed it was my cousin over there, and he started to move about. I asked him what the F$#k was going on. He told me his parents were there to help me go to work. I didn't think that made much sense so I got up. I went down stairs into my mom's basement. Well that was a big clue as my mom's house did not have a basement. There was a bunch of fish tanks on racks down there. Now that is something from my past but should have been at my dad's house. I am starting to understand that this is a dream. I kind of knew it at first, but this settles it.

      One of my dream signs is tropical fish that are not inside the fish tank. I stare at them during the day, and in my dreams my brains tosses in pretty fish in front of me, but often neglects to put them in water. I check and sure enough the tanks look wrong and the fish move beyond the confines of the glass. Fully lucid now. I explored the fish laboratory when I was approached by two men who seemed to not be regular DCs. They seemed like astral entities. I point blank asked them if they were part of my dream or if they were actual entities. They did not deny being entities and started walking with me.

      I decided that I really needed to behave myself, as way too often I am a dumb ass in my lucids despite being aware and do things like seek out sex despite other entities being present. In fact I have often enough tried to get sexual with the entities themselves. It is not that I rationally decide to act this way, but being in a dream lowers my inhibitions way worse than alcohol. I have had my assorted Dream Guides blow me off for months at a time after bad incidences, and even was banned from entering the main astral city for some time. I was going to be on my best behavior, as it has been many weeks since I have been approached.

      I quietly walked around what I suspected was some sort of astral landscape, perhaps a city or a training area. There were lots of people so maybe The City. I walked up a street that was sort of like a fair grounds. I started to explain to the two entities how I could tell the difference between my own dream imagery and the real substance/life forms of their realm. I demonstrated that my own DCs could be summoned and would act exactly as I wanted. I imagined two women walking up and they appeared. The men watched me curiously as if wondering what I was getting at. I told one of the women to give me a hat, and suggested it was in her bag. She pulled a hat out of her bag and put it on my head. I told her to kiss me. She immediately gave me a kiss. I became aware that the men had basically raised there eyebrows (emotionally not imagery) like," here he goes again." I stopped myself and thanked the DC for the hat and she disappeared.

      I walk down another street and go into a large building. this looks a lot like a casino and has a large buffet table with all sorts of food. We are walking past this huge buffet and I am not at all sure if I can take food, as these people do have some sort of value exchange like our currency system that I honestly barely begin to understand. I get the feeling from one of the men that taking a single tiny item is ok. I select a deviled egg looking thing and eat it. OMG! Dream food is almost always bland and only about 10-20% like real life. This has a strong pleasant flavor and agreeable texture; it is clearly the best dream food I have ever tasted. It actually took me a few moments to chew it up and swallow it.

      I asked one of the men what was up, if they were keeping an eye on me and going to follow me to watch what I do. I got the feeling (emotional communication) that that was in fact the truth and he just kind of shrugged, like "well you got it." The next area had a lot of people who were now interested in me. I talked with some young guys about how to me this was a dream and that my body was somewhere else. Some of them thought that was curious and asked me what I could do. I have noticed that The City has gravity and almost no one ever floats or flies around, and that when I do it exhausts me and is difficult. I stepped up onto thin air and sat floating above the ground. they did not seem impressed. The street had a tall fence along one side and I said I could jump over the tall fence. They told me that I could not jump any higher up the fence than them. Several boys started jumping up onto the fence and back down. I pictured with confidence how I was going to easily leap all the way up on top of it. I jumped and went no higher than them. Ok, confidence. I jumped again and grabbed the top, but ran up against an energy barrier that was the classic power lines I have run into hundreds of times. I have learned by now that they mark off areas and are not meant to be f%$ked with, and I am supposed to be on my best behavior. I jumped down and kind of mumbled, something about f$%k this.

      When I walked away from the crowd one of the men with me pointed out a building and told me it was "the whore house" and I got the feeling he was letting me know that a well behaved man would go there if when visiting The City he felt the need to be a pervert. I have run into this topic one time before, and was surprised at the idea that this place would have prostitutes. At that point (another dream long ago) it was explained that I have no currency and while I can summon handfuls of money it was not real and could not be traded for services. So, I showed little interest in this building and kept walking. I found something that looked like colored chalk and started tossing bits of it at things for no good reason other than perhaps boredom. I noticed a lady going around marking things with the stuff.

      I realized that I had drifted off of my good behavior a bit and that throwing anything randomly at other things was no way to stay out of trouble. I did my hand mudra exercise and slowly recited the English alphabet. As near as I can tell I got it correct. I then walked up to a food cart of some sort and it had these wonderful looking wrap sort of things I really wanted one but did not reach for one. One of the men came up to me and in a very friendly manner put his hand on my shoulder. He asked me, "So have you decided that you want to be a part of this instead of running around acting like a berserk crazy person?"

      I told him, "I certainly never have intended to be berserk or crazy, and I do desperately want to be part of this. I am overwhelmed with how amazing this place is. The food tasted almost 100% real and the buildings are almost completely stable and persistent in their visuals (they do shift some if you watch closely)." I looked at a near by building and after a moment one of the lines shifted, but still it was clearly way more stable than I would get in my own dream imagery. I looked at the building next to me which seemed to be some sort of real estate office as it had pictures hanging of houses and such. The texture and the color of the blue paint was very impressive.

      I realized I needed to stabilize again and summoned a flip top lighter to my hand and focused in on the details and started to toy with the flip top until I felt stable. Me and the man started walking up this street, but before long the dream became unstable. I tried again to stabilize but somehow got pulled back to my body and realized I was now laying in my bed. I decided to wake up and record the event. Dur~20-30 min.

      Updated 01-12-2016 at 07:29 AM by 12783

    2. May Bonus Task- Elements

      by , 05-26-2015 at 08:51 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      05/25/15 DILD I had been lucid, but just watching from 3rd person, an adventure with a guy and a girl trying to escape from bad guys in an Indiana Jones type setting. They ended up in a dead end cellar room. I decided to join in the dream and help them out.

      I shifted to 1st person and now another character (me) was in the room. I caused a new feature to appear in the room sort of like a garbage shoot. I pointed it out and we all escaped sliding down the shoot. I decided not to control where it went and just to let the dream create something.

      I was now on a wheeled board zooming down a tunnel and came out into a scene much like a giant water slide. There was a jump in the ride and eventually I slid to a stop out in the middle of a valley. I got off the giant skate board and was near playground equipment. I looked around and saw what must have been a frat house with a party going on. I considered going there to get sexy with some ladies, but decided to stay focused. I could do a task of the month, but what were they? The bonus had to do with all 4 elements, maybe just any cool thing with each? I know the Earth one said to grow a mountain, that is easy enough.

      I decided to make a mountain sprout from the ground. I looked to what seemed like north and there were rolling hills. I focused and 'poof' a mountain appeared. No, that is not cool enough, so I turned to the west. There were two tall rugged mountains there with a much lower bluff between them. I made the ground under the bluff swell and churn causing a mountain to begin forming slowly. I slowed it down enough to really watch it erupting from the Earth. It looked a little blocky at times like older C.G. I decided that was because it had a lot of basalt columns and that fixed it, it was rugged, not pixelated. Finally it was much bigger than the two on either side. Mischief Managed!

      Now, something about a forest fire or some such? And also some fantastic wind event? I did not have a forest on hand, should I make one? No, lets assume that the mountain is far away (it looks that way) and is covered with trees, but far enough they just are a mass of green. I focused on the mountain and fire and the entire mountain burned. I was not impressed as it was too far to see actual flames, but instead the entire mountain became black and red like cherry embers on a smoldering fire. Well good enough for now, I did torch an entire mountain.

      Wind? I caused a wind to blow from behind the mountains and come over the passes between them. I made them tear the mountain into ash and dust and pull it into the sky as a dark cloud. I directed it across the valley and through a big mid air loop and then through the front door of that frat party. Oh hey! There is no water here, so let's go to this party and see if we can do something with their beer kegs or something...

      I appeared (teleport) on the door of the party and go in. It is as you would expect for a party and a bar is set up in the corner. I tell a woman to watch a trick and have them pour me a drink with no ice. I imagine the glass frosting and ice forming. It takes about 10 seconds to get it right, but looks great like special effects in a show like X-Men. Ice spreads up the glass and the contents crystallize. Even the bottle the bartender is holding frost and bubbles and makes cracking noises. She looks at the drink and says it is a trick, probably I slipped dry ice in there. I tell her she is correct and decide to go back outside. Maybe I will find a stream just outside (setting the thought in motion). I get out on a balcony and see a stream, but everything turns grey and I feel my body in bed. I do not fight it and just let myself wake.

      Updated 05-26-2015 at 08:55 PM by 12783

    3. The Roof is not Exotic Enough?

      by , 04-14-2015 at 06:28 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      04/12/15 I was in a very stable lucid and flew up to a 3rd floor window, 'knowing' a sexy woman would be up there. I caused her to come over to the window and she opened it. Just for fun and to be challenging myself, I put my knees against the window sill but leaned back reclining over thin air. I caused her to lean out and pleasure me orally. It was very real feeling and the DC was truly sexy. What fun. I just leaned back over the air and enjoyed for a few minutes.

      Finally, the DC stops and looks up and speaks, "are you just going to have me suck your $%^# all day? Why don't you take me somewhere more exotic at least?"

      I thought this was funny, so why not do it? I pulled her naked through the window and onto my lap, inserting myself inside her. Nice, very real feeling including warmth and moisture. I started to float with her there and levitated up to the roof. I pictured it as a fancy brass clad roof with style. We land and I lay her on her back and start 'stuff.' She does not prevent me, but she stares at my and mutters, "I ask you to take me somewhere exotic, and you f%k me on the roof?"

      I asked where she wanted to go and she tells me Italy. I do not mind, as I plan on continuing to do what I want on the way there. I pull her down into my lap again and am inside her. I levitate off through a mist and see forest scenes and decide that it has magically transported us to Italy. We are surrounded by vague shapes of what looks like a carnival, and I try to picture Rome.

      She says (still mounted on my lap) "This looks more like Mexico than Italy"

      I try not to let the dream guide me towards that. "No clearly it is Italy" however, now a man is walking by in a sombrero and "La Cucaracca" is playing. The scene is now vivid and clearly Mexico. I float us back up into the air and through the mists and forest again, and land in another city. This time I succeed at making it Rome. We float up to examine the rose window of a building, but the dream is destabilizing. I dismiss the image of the DC and reduce all the input down to a small area. I pluck a blade of grass out of no where and examine it closely. Nothing but my hands and a blade of grass. It works and the dream is stable. I am up in the sill of the window. The DC is gone and I land on the floor of the building. It hs amazing hard wood and I look at design for a brief moment. The dream starts to go ustable and I shift out of the dream into some other sleep phase.
    4. At least 5 DEILDs

      by , 04-05-2015 at 07:08 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      04/02/15 I have a back log of LDs I would like to journal, but this mornings are short so I will jot high lights.

      Tried 9 snooze DIELDs and at least 5 hit (9 minutes each). In one I saw a family and there was a girl in late teens, describing some guy. I decided to try and steer the dream without flagrant control and sex this girl up. I asked her to draw a picture of him and indicated the seat next to me. She drew Eric Cartman, lol. I told the family i would take her to look for him. We walked along a green belt, and I 'knew' the next pine tree would have a secret place beneath the boughs. I saw a large pine and decided I saw an opening, and it appeared. We crawled inside, and it was like a kid's hide away. I aged the girl into about late 20s and did 'stuff' until the alarm went off.
      The next one I pictured the same place, and when I appeared I enlarged it and made it huge. called out, "you can come out now" and a pretty female DC came out. I spent the whole 9 minutes playing with her. At one point she kept shrinking and that was a minor glitch (she suddenly was the size of a doll twice).
      I had one where I was crawling and started seeing hard wood floor,and was in an old fancy house. I decided it was a certain house from my past. I set out hoping to find the girl who used to live there, for more fun and games. I never ound her, but exploring was fun, very vivid.
      Next one the images were at first from a video game DDO, and it was a tavern. the DCs were little and had icons above them like the game. decided t see if I could shift this and make it areal tavern scene. It worked and I entered the scene. I caused a female DC to come sit with me and drinks to appear. Eventually the bar tender woman came up and said she had been watching me stare at that same drink half the night. looked at the drink and it was very life like.
      The final one was really more advanced H.I. stuff and I could feel my body in bed. flew around and checked out the crazy patterns, but no real dream formed, so I got up after this.
    5. Denied, every time.

      by , 03-12-2015 at 03:18 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      03/10/15 Having a wonderful long LD when I decide to get naughty with a sexy DC I have summoned. No matter what we did the dream started to destabilize. I would stop and try to bring it back and that would work. The second I started to get busy again, the cycle would repeat. Finally I stopped and expressed that we may as well stop as it seemed like I was being punished or something.
    6. Super Hot Tub

      by , 03-12-2015 at 03:06 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      03/10/15 I was dreaming about the old house on Warm Springs and assumed it was a dream. I remembered that a good dream sign was the entire back yard being entirely flooded. It used to have ponds, but in dreams they cover three properties. I looked towards the back and saw a large body of water. Not only should I not be able to see the backyard from here, but now my memory is returning. The back yard was filled in and no onger has any ponds. Fine, it is a dream. I love dreaming of that garden, so much of my memories are there.

      I floated into the air and back into the pond. It was steaming and full of hot mineral water, like the giant hot tub used to. I land in the water and am now skinny dipping in a 3 acre hot tub. It feels wonderful and so very real. I go underwater and look around. It is pretty dark, but I can see the surface and it is realistic.

      I hear singing. It is my wife. I thought she was gone to work. Wait, not work, school. I become aware of the bed. No wait stabilize. I summon a couple pvc pipes crossing the surface and grasp them. The singing is from a neighbors radio. I focus on the feeling of gripping the pvc. The water now has a strong current. Gads, her voice is breaking on the high notes. No, it is a radio in the dream (sure it is, man stop it!). I focus on the feeling of the current and try to stay in the dream. Darn it! Awake.
    7. Flisbee and North Korea

      by , 03-06-2015 at 02:38 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      I was screwing around in an LD and had been remote controlling a groups frisbee with my mind. I know the DCs can't actually care, but it was funny to see them react when it acted crazy. I walked and came to a wooden shed. I saw someone had hidden all manner of 1980s electronics here. behind me suddenly was a fence and some sort of compound with plain wooden buildings. I knew this was supposed to be a border with some place like N. Korea, and these things were going to be smuggled over the fence. A couple guys came up and went to push me. I let them and just watched. One kind of shoved me and then the other one did. I did not react and the dream changed to something unrelated.
    8. Wedding

      by , 03-06-2015 at 02:33 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      03/02/15 I had a long weird lucid in which I was experiencing my wedding day in a imaginary wedding involving me and a girl I went to school with. I did not attempt to influance much as I was very interested in seeing what my mind was up to. I did have a crush on this girl in school, but she was a devote Mormon and I am not Mormon. I was able to contemplate all sorts of things with my waking mind while being walked through all sorts of wedding day preperations. I wondered if maybe in this dream I had agreed to convert and why I would have done such thing. Before the wedding I was in the dressing room with her and she was changing. I was suprised as I assumed this girl would make a guy wait until after marrage to see her topless. I focused in on her breasts and was suprissed that t he dream was rendering them much larger than real life and kind of worn looking as if she had given birth a couple times. I thought about changing them to be more perfect and causing the DC to come close to me, but instead stayed out of the control seat and just finished watching the dream. There was no actual wedding scene.
    9. Dad's Fear

      by , 03-02-2015 at 03:30 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      02/28/15 Most of my lucids with my Dad in them has been as if he was in a heaven of his own making This one was odd. This was more like seeing him in a state of melancholy and personal fear. He was sitting on the deck above his water garden. He was telling me about how he had gotten very sick and was afraid he may die. I did not tell him that in waking life he had died suddenly in his sleep. While we talked he was looking into a small pond/bucket and all manner of small creeping animals were dying. They had somehow got too much of something and were being poisoned. He looked up suddenly and yells "oh no, you are being swarmed by bees!' Bees start to swarm me, but I ignore them. He yells again, "the deck is burning, something was forgotten and now the fire is spreading!" I look and the deck is smoldering. Quickly the fire spreads. He just sits looking miserable. I summon a house and put out the flames. He goes back to talking about how he thinks he may be dying.
    10. 02/26/15 New Control Trick.

      by , 03-01-2015 at 08:59 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      02/26/15 I was deep into a lucid marathon when I decided to try something new. In the challenge thread someone asked me to ask a DC to teach me a new Dream Yoga technique. I was not sure how well it would work, but in an earlier dream had asked the youngest (dark hair) of the 3 women, and now a thought came on me while we were hanging out in a hotel swimming pool. She did not use words, but made me know "here is your new technique."

      I looked over at the stairs and remembered that a woman had walked down them (that never happened but the same imagery of a remembered event filled the background of my thought, like a normal memory would in waking life). The exact thing I was remembering happened, and a woman came walking out of a room and down the steps.

      A thought projected "Now you do it"

      I decided that she 'had' turned around and went back up the stairs and into the room.. I remembered that this had already happened. The image formed in the same way as waking memory of a real event. The female DC stopped in her tracks, turned around, and walked up thge stairs, and into the room.

      I zipped like The Flash, up the stairs and into the room. She was not in the room and two FBI types came to the door and say they are going to arrest me. OK, I will see what develops instead of trying any control here, for fun. "arrest me for what?" "a female rugby player told us you had sex with her and that she was unable to control her body, as if you were mentally controlling everything she did" "that is silly. Did she say I used force?" "no, she said you used mind control or magic or something" " that is just silly, we were just making out like normal, she was willing, I did nothing wrong (I am making this up, not remembering any such encounter)" "well then, we are going to arrest you for rape, because she was only 17 and you just admited to fooling around with her" "Oh that is funny, statitory?" "yep, come with us"

      OK, sub-concious, that was tricky and funny, so I will play along, well played.

      We go outside and they take me walking down the highway. I get bored. I used the new trick tto remember how they had got distracted and walked way ahead of me. The imagery shifts and they are now walking faster than me and getting ahead of me. I remember that a car had hit them. Nothing. I am sure I remeber that, it happened just like,,, There is the sound of a crash and a flash of lights and they are obscured in a blank part of the visual field. Close enough, now we play chase!

      I took off flying and pretending like the FBI was coming. I flew around and tried a new method of flying fast that I suddenly knew (another new technique, thanks dark hair). I formed a field of energy around me that was shaped like candle flame with the point to the back. If I flared the energy it would push out behind me and have the effect of a jet engine. Eventually I hid under a radio tower and summoned a slushy and happily ate it.
    11. 3 DEILDs: Weird Drink/Dare?

      by , 03-01-2015 at 04:51 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      02/28/15 Good morning for DEILDs. I was getting lucid alot and my snooze sections were all lucid. I had one weird one. I thought it was a dare on DV to make some kind of bizarre food combo and report what it tasted like. I put milk and sugar and crackers and bacon and olives in a mini blender and mixed it up. It looked like bad milk with floaties. I smelled it but did not smell anything more than a vague milk smell. I tasted it and it just tasted like bad city water mixed with skim milk.
    12. Dark Haired

      by , 02-28-2015 at 06:32 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      02/25/15 I had a very long night full of LD adventures. I did not bother to record most of the stuff from early in the night, but one moment is truely worth noting. I was witth an entity with dark long hair. She was acting as if she was my DG, but the latest one has always looked a certain way and had brown/blonde hair. This woman is far more likely one of the younger bruenttes who are with my DG often when I refer to "the 3 women."

      I had asked her something because of one of the challenges from a thread. I told her, "I am suppossed to ask you to teach me a new Dream Yoga skill."

      She says "Why is it that up spend so much of your lucid time trying to have sex? You know the monks do not approve of that."

      I respond, "No matter if this is an astral world and all of this is real and deeply important, in a sense, these are still my dreams. I am in a biological body that is deeply driven by sexual instinct. It frustrates me that I can not feel free to use my lucid skills for fufilment of my needs."

      She seems compassionate and puts her hands on my shoulders, "You can have sex here, as long as you do it with me, and I agree." She slides into my lap, and slides me into her.

      It feels very real and romantic. She has always been a fun light hearted entity.
    13. Second Bell

      by , 02-26-2015 at 11:42 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      02/22/15 Later in the night I get lucid again. Eventually I remember the challenge a voice gave me, "open a portal to the temple. Bonus points if you do so by ringing a bell."

      I look around from way up in the sky and decide I will see a bell tower. A shape forms that is tall and narrow. "Ah see, that is the bell tower" "looks like a fire tower" "no, a bell tower. Don't argue. Even if it currently looks like a fire tower, it IS a bell tower" I try to shift it into a bell tower. I am there and it still is a fire tower. "Fine, it was a fire tower, but it has been converted into a bell tower. So there." I find a rope hanging over what looks like a roasting spit. I yank the rope knowing it is attached to a bell below. I pull it three times, but just here a clank. It comes loose and has a padlock on the end. "No, it is still attached and ringing a bell" It is still a padlock . Then a beautiful crisp sound of a cathedral bell chimes 3 times.

      I jump off the side knowing a portal is opening below me. I hit the ground with a jarring feeling. Everything is now other worldly and dark. People are walking around and looking at me curiously. They seem to be in another dimension and are hard to make out. I wake.
    14. Bell

      by , 02-26-2015 at 11:30 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      02/22/15 I am in a dream version of my hotel room and have just started a lucid dream. I look at the bed and see crumpled bedding. I think to myself, "in real life you are sleeping in this bed, in the hotel. Wouldn't it be weird if I saw a version of my body in the bed?" I notice the room has a patio door and walk out on a balcony.

      I hear a voice out of no where. "Open a portal that will take you back to the temple. Bonus points if you do so by ringing a bell."

      Well now. There must be some sort of DG around, better try and prove I can do it. I fly up into the air. I see a building with a peaked roof. I imagine it becoming a giant bell. The roof takes the shape of a bell. I try to make it ring by focusing on it and imagining a portal opening. The clouds above part and I see people up there, but no bell sounds. I fly through the opening and am in an area where people in small groups are doing something with small alters or something. I pass by about five groups like this. This does not look like the temple, but people do seem to be doing rituals. I land by one group and see that they have some kind of alter made of long rectangular pieces.
    15. Dare: Gettin Neked: Lucid all night

      by , 02-15-2015 at 05:04 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      02/11/15 I had a great night of lucidity that lasted maybe 2 hours. I did not bother to get up and journal it, so much of it is reduced to the standard stuff like flying, climbing buildings and so on.

      The part that has to do with the dare is in the middle. I wandered around inside a building I had been climbing. The inside had open lobby sections with winding stairs and I went into one of the suites. As I looked around the room became more and more like the inside of a luxury motor coach. I went out through the cock pit door and was out on a patio area of a resort.

      I saw a female DC and was surprised that she looked just like Angelina Joeli. Cool. I walked up to the DC and she looked up and made eye contact. A very well rendered DC, indeed. I reached out and placed my hand on one of her breasts. She looks shocked and goes, "What the hell do you think you are doing?!"

      I give her a winning smile and respond, "Feeling you up of course. This is a dream and you are hot, so it seems the thing to do.'
      She looks like this was a reasonable explanation so I try something funny. I reach down and in a move like male strippers I yank off all my cloths in one move and smile.

      She steps back and goes, "Oh my God."

      I point back over my shoulder and say, "were going skinny dipping, come on!" I turn around and there is a pool. I dive in and look back. She climbs in but is in a bikini. I dive under and swim up to her. We play a while and end up have a brief sexual thing but casual and not for long.

      Soon it has turned into a giant hot tub and many of my friends from my twenties are their. The female DC is still with me like a girlfriend and stays with me for perhaps a half hour. We all were suddenly on a bus and someone else was driving. I watched the terrain and flirted with the DC. I noticed it was showing areas around here as we pulled off the highway. There were giant taro plants growing in the ditches. We all got out on a property that was a garden.

      After that the DCs were gone and I wondered up the rural street to do other random things.
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