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    Cities in the Astral

    Lucid for Hours, over and over. Broken Recall.

    by , 06-24-2014 at 05:19 PM (336 Views)
    06/23/14 I have no idea how to even divide up the night. I know I woke up a bunch of times, but went right back into a clear lucid state. I remember thinking it was uncommon to be so truly aware through so much of the night. I think much of it was other worldly as it had elements of meeting dignitaries and listening to rules and such. I got to display some intense TK abilities to someone on a dais and their court. The themes varied but the ideas were weird and complex such as native vs citizenship. One theme was transportation of non-native trees through gateway like portals. All through out I kept checking to make sure I was still lucid and that I was paying attention However, upon waking my recall was vague and very limited.

    Edit: I just gained recall of about 20 minutes of the night. We had been traveling to do some important thing and ended up in a ship wreck. I was with some other floating on a raft and there were dangerous things like intelligent sharks. We snuck across an arctic like sea until we got back to a crashed ocean liner. On board there were many stranded people. I played in a pool for awhile and then went looking around. A cabin had a odd device that had a puzzle of some sort made of wires. I took it apart and found a radio at the center. I turned on the intercom system and experimented with radio stations and seeing how realistic my dream could make music. Later I went around and asked if anyone could make the radio broadcast a help message, and of course the dream provided some 'professor' type who rigged it to broadcast.
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    Updated 06-24-2014 at 06:05 PM by 12783

