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    The Cusp

    1. To the Bone

      by , 02-03-2011 at 04:46 AM
      Fragment: To the Bone
      I'm talking with some guy who has no flesh on his arm starting a little above his elbow. It's just a nasty gash of exposed meat followed by bare bone. After awhile, I notice I have the same kind of injury, only I have a little flap of tissue dangling by a thread that looks like bacon. I try to rip it off, but that just pulls out more tissue, muscle and sinew from inside my gaping wound.
    2. Goonie's Treasure

      by , 01-29-2011 at 08:46 PM
      Goonie's Treasure
      Recall: 5/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      My brother and I are sweeping out something like train cars, from the back to the front. Each one was a level of some treasure dungeon we just completed. We get to the front compartment and a group of us begins pressing colored crystal buttons to gain access to the treasure.

      Some people warp to the treasure container while others stay behind to fiddle with the crystal code. I say I want to be there when the treasure opens to see it. We hit the combination of crystals to warp me to my desired location. I fell myself begin to fade out and reappear elsewhere in total darkness. I then hear an error message saying thee are already 2 emerald coffins and 2 gemstones in this area, and I warp back to where I started, curious as to what the gemstones looked like.

      As the others play with the crystals, I walk up to the bone keyboard from the Goonies. I press some keys, and the whole thing falls over, then sinks into the floor. A small bar then appears in it's place, and that too slowly sinks into the floor. I try to get the other's attention, but they ignore me. The bar reappears and again sinks through the floor. I call to the others again who finally look.

      Somehow, I've reset the entire dungeon, and we have to start everything over again. We think it should be easy this time because we know what to do. The room we are in gets a large puddle in the middle of the floor that begins to expand. There is also an extension cord plugged in the wall and sitting in the puddle.

      "This room was electricity!" one of my companions says. Another runs up and quickly unplugs the cord. We think that solves our problem, but two glowing electric hands materialize out of thin air. I can't remember how we dealt with this last time. Perhaps luring the electric hands into the extension cord? I look for the cord but it's gone.

      The electric hands chase us and we flee before them. They almost corner me a couple of times, and I just narrowly avoid them. They chase, way too close for comfort, and I sprint up some stairs. The hands encounter an invisible barrier at the bottom of the stairs, and flame up as they press against it.
    3. Lucid, Zombies and Nukes

      by , 01-25-2011 at 05:03 PM
      Lucid with the Boys
      Recall: 6/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm with the hometown boys when I become lucid. I tell Rosein that he's dreaming, and we all befin to fly. I head off on my own, flying above the trees at night and get separated from the rest of our group. I consider going back to them, but figure they were just dream characters anyways so I continue my solo flight. I'm flying pretty fast and enjoying the rush when Rosein flies up to me.

      We fly off and land in a house where we both pick up scissors. I brandish my scissors and grin at Rosy, indicating I want to fight since it's only a dream. He looks a little nervous and says "I'd rather not, just in case." I figure that's probably a good idea, since with my knowledge of dream control, I would completely own him.

      The last thing I remember is yelling at the boys "You guys better remember this!"

      I'm not really in touch with those guys anymore, so I suppose it would be weird if I contacted them asking about their dreams.

      The Zombie Nuke
      Recall: 7/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm in a field at night, and it's crawling with zombies. There are some Russian secret service there, with one guy who looks like Dolph Lundgren. The zombies are chowing down on people all around me, and I fight off a few and make it to a jeep in the middle of the field. I get into the jeep and lock the doors. Zombies try to get in, but I pull a blanket over myself so they can't see me and go to sleep until morning.

      I wake up and the zombies have cleared out, so I run for the road. There is almost no traffic at all except for a few survivors driving like maniacs to try and get away from the zombies. A few zombies begin to lurch towards me, so I run for it, and end up getting captured by the Russians.

      The Russians lead me into a building with a nuclear bomb they are going to detonate. I'm not sure if the bomb is to deal with the zombies, or is just an attack. Either way it's not good. The Russian's superiors end up betraying them and leaving them do die in the nuclear blast. Faced with their own demise, they forget about me and I get away. Away from them, but how can I get away from a nuclear explosion?

      I run around desperately trying to find shelter from the imminent explosion. And then it happens, sort of. Instead of a huge blast, there is instead this weird pulse in the sky. The pulse knocks the blade off a ceiling fan which flies down and embeds it's self deep in my shoulder like a machete. I barely feel anything since I'm preoccupied with finding shelter from the shock wave I'm expecting. But no shock wave come, just more of those weird pulses, and then it's over.

      I stagger out into the street and everything is destroyed. I go into a building with a few survivors where I encounter two girls I know from college. Luckily for me they have medical knowledge and try to help with my massive shoulder injury.

      Updated 01-25-2011 at 05:07 PM by 8035

      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Married... with baby heads

      by , 01-25-2011 at 04:26 PM
      Monday, Jan 24, 2011
      Married... with baby heads
      Recall: 5/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I've knocked up Chantal, so I ask her to marry me. I'm almost late for our wedding because I have to get a haircut first, but we make it just in time and get married.

      The next time I see Chantal, she's already had our child. I wonder why I haven't seen her in so long and about the state of our marriage. Then I see our baby, which is just a baby's head, no body at all. It's still alive, and we love it anyways, even though it has nothing below the chin.

      We feed the baby, and I wonder how that's possible. Where does the food go? Even stranger is the baby head poops an awful lot, and again I wonder how and where the poop comes from. Chantal tells me this little thing pops out the neck and shoots out poop. Finally, the rest of the baby's body pops out the neck like a balloon inflating. It's legs are a little floppy at first, but they firm up, and the baby is perfectly healthy and normal.

      I leave Chantal and the baby a few thousand dollars, and the next time I see them, her friend tells me Chantal is pregnant again with at least one baby. I wonder how this is possible, because it seems I haven't seen her in a long time. Her friend tells me some of my sperm stayed alive in her body all this time and got her pregnant again. Seems like a reasonable explanation.
    5. Damn Dirty Apes

      by , 01-15-2011 at 08:21 PM
      Damn Dirty Apes
      Recall: 7/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown

      I'm in some sort of compound, split in two by a metal fence in the middle. On my side are a large group of humans, on the other and equal number of ape men. We're taking a vote on whether we should go to war with the ape men. The decision is war!

      As soon as we reach consensus, I raise my fist in the are and let out a yell. All the other humans follow my lead. The apes all yell back in return, much louder than we were. Not to be outdone, we yell back louder still, and the apes outdo us once again. We let out a third yell, much more organized and louder than before. The apes try again, but can't match our intensity.

      I look for my weapons, which are in a chest along the fence border. I'm loathe to approach to retrieve them because a few apes are shooting arrows across at us. Some guy tells me I can have his armor and weapons, and pulls out a helmet and sword from a chest. The sword is rather small and very dull. I find a file and begin to sharpen it.

      Friday, Jan 15, 2011
      Recall: 4/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm at my grandmother's and Bevan and Darryl are there. Bevan is acting like a retard and getting on my nerves. I go into a room and open up Google Street View on a huge monitor. It gets displayed on the monitor, but also in the huge windows on either side of the room, creating a very immersive experience. It's almost like 3D.

      The only thing ruining the experience is that Darryl is sitting right in front of me blocking my view. I try to get him to move, but he won't take the hint. He's sitting there like he's watching television.

      The computer screen part morphs the dream into a resort run by an Artificial Intelligence that is trying to kill it's guests. I crawl through bowls of the resort, through perilous walkways with no rails as strange blue lights turn on around me.

      The guest finally revolt and assault the people working there. A woman comes and breaks it all up. I'm wondering about legal repercussions, when I see the beat up employees faces suddenly change from bruised and battered to perfectly normal. They are holograms! The hologram tries out different broken nose looks, but the woman makes him put on a normal face

      Thursday, Jan 14, 2011
      Sold Out
      Recall: 7/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm in a land that has a culture like medieval Japan, only everyone lives in caves. The husband in the family I'm visiting receives an invitation from his cousin for dinner, so we attend. We eat, but the food is drugged. We all become sluggish, and just before I pass out, I say to the cousin "I'll kill you for this!"

      When I come to, we've been sold as slaves to a vampire, a werewolf, and a zombie. They are very cruel, abusing us and not feeding us, keeping us in constant terror. The werewolf keeps cutting us with his claws. They use us to work in mines and bring them stuff we find. As we dig through the rubble, we uncover traces of an old school. Turns out this world suffered a cataclysm, and the ruins of present day civilization are buried underneath us.

      We dig through a bunch of ice cubes and discover beer buried underneath. Awesome! And the ice kept it cold too. We open some and start drinking when the trio of monsters shows up and we give some to them. We return to our camp with some chocolate coins we dug up, our only food in days.

      The vampire announces he's going to feed on the girl in our group of captives, and I tell him to feed on me instead. I roll up my sleeve exposing one of the deep cuts the werewolf inflicted on me, but he bites into my forearm instead. He drinks ravenously, and I realize he was starving. I also realize that he was making an effort to deny himself blood, and I think he might not be so bad after all. But he's drinking so greedily now, I'm afraid he might drain me dry, killing me.

      The following day, we go back to digging through the collapsed civilization and discover an old nuclear power plant. Some of the computers are still working. We find a war machine similar to an AT-AT from Star Wars, and inside that we even find some explosives.

      We use this "ancient" technology to defeat our monstrous captors, and free the people in the surrounding countryside as well, becoming celebrated generals in the process. Our fame earns us an invite from a lord who lives inside a volcano. He asks us to assist him in capturing dinosaurs, and also finding dino riders.

      I see various small plastic dinosaurs, and the scene stabilizes into a moderns house in a parallel world. I drop the house key in some bushes and it falls into a funnel spider web inhabited by a hand sized spider. I poke the spider with a stick to see how dangerous it is before recovering my key.
    6. Fun in the Ladies Room!

      by , 12-28-2010 at 10:33 PM
      What goes on in the Ladies Room
      Recall: 6/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm at the University, hitting on girls, and it's going pretty well. I get on the bus and hit on another girl, ask her what she's taking, and she says she's not done high school yet. But she's about to graduate, 18 years old, and not fending off my advances, so I continue.

      I think she has forms to apply to university, but it's a job application. Basically it has her name and several check boxes to answer the question "Would you hire her?" THe check boxes are stuff like Yes, I'll think about it, no way, maybe later. I tell her that's not a very good application/resume.

      We go to the mall so she can drop off her applications, and end up in the women's change room. Women are getting changed, and instead of being offended at me being there, they are all flirty. It's a good atmosphere, and i think all change rooms should be co-ed.

      Then I see two rows of girls facing each other. The row against the wall is like an assemble line. The first girl hugs the girl across from her, the next kisses, the next fondles, the next licks nipples, and the last eats pussy, The other row of girls go through the line one by one. A red head says how good the pussy eater is.

      I comment how I wish I could get in on that, and one girl says it wouldn't be the first time a guy was in on it. Seems like an invitation to me, but I realize I need a shower badly. I go into the shower which becomes a toilet, and the door to the stall is glass.

      Women keep coming up to the door to see if it's occupied, and I try to say it's taken in a girl's voice. My manly feet are sticking out underneath as well, a dead give away there's a man in the women's washroom.
    7. Slaptastic

      by , 12-28-2010 at 03:04 AM
      Waited too long to write my dreams down and lost my main dream.

      Fragment: Slap Happy
      I'm sitting on the bus, with a guy next to me close to the window. All of a sudden I feel a cupped hand quickly slap me in the face several times in a row. I turn to the guy next to me and slap him across the face as hard as I can.

      Then I notice a skinny army caught in and sticking through the bus window, attached to a very skinny guy flopping around in the wind outside the bus. It was his bony arm flopping around that hit me. I try to explain sheepishly to the guy I just slapped about my mistake.

      Updated 12-28-2010 at 08:15 AM by 8035

    8. Mystert Game

      by , 12-26-2010 at 07:17 PM
      Mystery Game
      Recall: 7/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm behind a warehouse of something with a group of people, when I see 8 tiny purple skinned orcish creatures appear on the ground in two rows. They are about the size of smurfs, in two rows, and holding weapons. Of course I'm like WTF? I approach to get a better look, but they disappear.

      The tiny warriors reappear somewhere else, and again I try to get closer to them, and again the disappear. After this happens about 3 or 4 times, I ask the others if they see them too. They do see them, and conclude it must be some sort of holographic projection, pointing out security cameras on the walls. But none of the cameras line up with all the spots they are appearing, and I can't find any other sources that might cover all the different angles.

      So I pick up a rock and throw it at then little dudes. I miss a few times, and other times they disappear before the rock hits them. One girl starts throwing rocks too, and manages to bowl them over, knocking them down. She approaches them and picks up a tiny rocket launcher that one of them dropped, then they disappear again.

      We go inside the warehouse and it's like a gym inside. Everyone starts running around. Suddenly this booming voice starts talking to me and says "Since the girl was the first to pick up the rocket launchers, she gets a boost of speed." The poor girl wasn't prepared for her sudden speed boost, and runs right into a wall.

      Now I'm really confused. The voice implied we're in some kind of game or test, with rules and goals we know nothing about. I'm having trouble making sense of it all, so I stay alert for any clues or surprises that may be coming our way.
    9. Identity Crisis

      by , 12-26-2010 at 05:37 AM
      Friday, December 24th, 2010
      Total Non Recall
      Recall: 5/10
      Sleep: Nap
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm no longer myself. I've had my memories replaced with new ones, and the only thing I have left of my old life, the only link to my true past, is a baseball ticket. Someone has done this to me, but I can't remember why. My old self would have known, but all I have are these new implanted memories.

      I rub the baseball ticket between my thumb and my fingers, and I can almost remember my old memories. It creates a link to my true past. I put the ticket away and walk with a guy who knows of my predicament.

      These two guys walk my us and look at me funny. Instinctively my fingers start rubbing together like I was doing with the baseball ticket. The guy with my notices this and says that's a clue that those guys are somehow connected with what happened to me. While I may not remember, my body does. He tells me to watch for that "tell" to help unravel this mystery.

      Saturday, December 25th
      Personality Replacement
      Recall: 3/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm at some sort of event, a meeting in a hotel with free food and celebrities. Wesley Snipes is there, and my friends talk about going up to him, but I just do. We hit it off and hang out for the duration. There is another hot actress I hit it off with.

      They bring food, and I can't find a place to sit. I see there is room beside the actress, but she won't move over. I'm a little surprised she was so snobby after being so nice.

      Something happens, secret agent stuff, and I'm being chased. I get caught and wake up in some sort of secret government headquarters. They think they've implanted one of their agents into my body, so I go along with it, playing along.
    10. Los Angeles

      by , 12-23-2010 at 04:52 PM
      Fragment: Los Angeles
      Mel, some guy and I are driving through L.A. in a convertible. I was expecting more smog, bu the air is clean, which I think must be because of the cooler winter air. We stop and Mel gets out of the car, but I tell her not to because it's radio active. She tells me it's safe and we all get out in our bare feet.

      We walk across what looks like nuked ruins and enter a building, where under the stairs we find bones. I point out some human skulls, then see a whole pile of skulls that I knock over in a loud clatter. Beyond the stairs are people seated in a theater, and some big burly dude walks up and gives us shit about the noise I made.

      The guy with us grabs the angry dude's cheeks and rips them right off!!!! Holy shit! We run out of there before we get in trouble for that.
    11. Road Rash and Disney Castle

      by , 12-21-2010 at 04:37 PM
      Road Rash
      Recall: 6/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      Some friends and I are driving down a dark road in my father's Lincoln, one of my friends at the wheel. We round a corner and almost lose control, so I tell my friend to slow down so he doesn't crash my father's car. He slows down, but we still almost wipe out during the entire turn.

      Going slower now, a car catches up behind us. The driver throws something, and a bottle smashes on the pavement beside us, igniting into a wall of flame. The guy is throwing maltov cocktails at us! The guy continues to bombard us with firebombs while we toss the only thing we have to throw at his car, which is water bottles.

      We pull over and our pursuer stops too. I rush to the trunk to find us weapons, a tire iron, a hammer from my toolbox, a crow bar. Our attacker approaches with a chainsaw! But luckily there is a chainsaw in the trunk for me as well. Neither of our chainsaws actually work, but the jagged teeth on the chain would still rip flesh if you were hit by one.

      We face off, sword fighting with chainsaws. Mine is bigger, his is a small stumpy thing, but he wields it like a madman. Eventually we lock chainsaws, I force his down, and my buddy whacks the guy with a hammer. We beat his crazy ass into submission.

      Disney Land
      Recall: 6/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      After several hours of driving, we arrive at a job. Outside the house I can see Disney land. Or at least a dream version of the castle from the Disney logo on top of a flattened mountain. Beside it is a bunch of pillars on another flattened mountain. One of they guys talks about hearing the crowd roar during some concert while he was working there.

      We go in and start sanding the floor. Some boards are loose and one guy complains about nailing them. The more I look, the more loose boards there are. Now there are so many loose boards the floor is unsandable. The guy running the big drum actually sands right through the floor and falls into the basement, scaring the shit out of the home owner. She almost cries when she sees the mess.

      Since we can't work anymore, we pack up to leave, and I say I want to go to Disney land since we're here. But I look, and all the lights are being turned off in the large castle on the mountain. They are closing down for the night.
    12. Running Wolf

      by , 12-20-2010 at 03:19 AM
      Running Wolf
      Recall: 5/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm running down a path through the woods when I hear something running behind me. I stop, turn around, and jump back when I see a large wolf standing right behind me. I do a quick scan for the rest of the pack but don't see any more wolves.

      I turn my attention back to this lone wolf, ready to fend off it's attack, but it doesn't seem vicious. In fact, it seems to be waiting for me to take the lead. I realize it was just running with me.

      I take off running again, and the wolf follows. It's somehow thrilling just running through the bush with my wolf companion.

      Watched the movie "The Wolfman" last night.
    13. Work Sucks

      by , 12-15-2010 at 03:15 PM
      Work Sucks
      Recall: 6/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I show up at a quarry or something for work with Al Pacino and Leonard from The Big Bang Theory. A couple guys recognize me in the main office and greet me.

      As we head out to where we're supposed to be working, we see a group of workers standing around a pool of silver chemicals. Some poor guy surfaces from the chemicals attached to a dunking machine. He gasps desperately for air before being dunked again. We run down and try to put a stop to this.

      Some woman steps forward, and seems to be the fanatical leader. Leonard confronts her, and as they face off, he begins to transform. I'm expecting him to turn into a large dog, but instead he turns in to a furry white monster with wings and a single horn sprouting out of his forehead. The scene pans over and the woman has turned into a large gray dog. The only problem is that Leonard's monster looks cute, while the giant dog he's facing looks mean.

      We wander off, sit on a couch, and chat as we watch television. Our conversation is interrupted by the phone. I answer it and hear a recording that says "You morons are fired." Then a supervisor gets on the phone and I assure him we're off to work.

      I pull out some work gloves for the guys, but the ones I give to Pacino are too small. So are mine. Pacino somehow breaks his thumbnail, and it's bleeding profusely. I tell him I'll bandage it, but he's being a baby. Once I ties a folded cloth around the wound, he says it feels as good as new. I inspect my handiwork, and there is another bloody gash above the fingernail. But now he can't work.

      We all go to a restaurant and sit down for breakfast. There is a woman doctor sitting across from us, and she's jealous about Pacino talking about what a good job I did on his wound. Pacino somehow ends up with the doctor.
    14. Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires and UFOs

      by , 12-14-2010 at 05:41 PM
      These DJs need a semi-lucid tag.

      Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires and UFOs
      Recall: 6/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Left Side (Right Brain)
      My uncle shows up at two in the morning insisting that I do find him a belt for his car. I try to tell him nothing will be open at this hour, but he insists he needs it right now. The only place I can think of is a garage that is attached to a family run restaurant. There might be someone from the garage still there we could convince to find us a belt. Luckily for my uncle, some old woman says she'll buy us pizza, so we have a reason to go there.

      My uncle Rick and I run down the highway, and we begin to pass zombies. Severely decayed zombies at first, with no legs. But the farther we go, the more zombies we encounter. There are also people fleeing in the opposite direction we're going. They zombies are trying to get us, but we're avoiding them so far. Up ahead I see a police car, and I think they'll be able to help us, but as we get closer I see they are zombies pretending to be police. Since we seem to be running right into the heart of the zombie infestation, we turn off the main road and head into the woods.

      We come across a little house or cottage, when suddenly we're attacked by werewolves. Werewolves with swords!!! They are leaping all over the place, making it hard to keep track of them all. One of them grabs my uncle, and I run up and punch it in the head, then grab it's sword. The sword is almost axe like, with a thicker heavier part at the end of the blade which really chops well. I sever werewolf limbs and chop off their heads. We defeat the werewolves, and decide to get out of there.

      Next we come upon our original destination, the restaurant that is more of a bar at this time of night. We enter the bar, and I don't recall much of what happened inside, but I discover it's a vampire bar and want out of there. I know they're not going to let me leave, but I make my way towards the exit anyways. As I leave, the vampires are offering me all kinds of cakes and deserts, trying to fatten me up. I eat some, then try to get out the door but they block my way. So I fight my way out, and the hordes of vampires don't stand a chance.

      I'm feeling very powerful as I fight the vampires, I'm probably semi-lucid, and make it outside where I see all the human's coats piled on the ground. I dig through to find my leather jacket while all the vampires come out to surround me. I'm still feeling insanely powerful, and I rise off the ground and fly way from there about 12 feet off the ground.

      I'm impressed my flight is stable this time, and figure I should gain some height and speed so the vampires don't jump up at me. But as I start rising, I see power lines directly above me, giving off the occasional blue spark. It's hard not to fly into them, as they run directly above my flight path.

      I fly through a major underground bus terminal, and the vampires attempt to ambush me there one last time, but I evade them and make it out of there. Now I just have to worry about the UFOs...

      There are UFOs in the sky, and they're after me too. There is no running from these craft, so I fly straight at them like a bullet and smash into them with my body, knocking them out of the sky

      Pure awesome!!!!
    15. Caverns

      by , 12-13-2010 at 05:39 PM
      Spelunking with The Doctor
      Recall: 7/10
      Sleep: Great
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm in some caverns, swimming with some guy who wants to set off a stick of dynamite. Apparently the explosion is supposed to be fun somehow, when the shockwave in the water hits us. The first time he goes to throw the dynamite, we figure it's too close at 100 meters. We back off to 150 meters, and the guy says the shock wave will probably rough us up a bit, but we'll survive.

      I have my doubts that setting off dynamite in this cavern is a good idea. The whole place doesn't look very stable, and I fear it will collapse the entire cavern. Plus there are concession stands in the main area of the cave, one selling coffee and one selling gemstones.

      Back in the main area, Doctor Who points out that there's something odd about the stand selling gemstones. He says it's impossible for them to have downloaded so many large gemstones into the cave. We ask to take a look at some of the gems, and I pop a large one into my mouth while the sales people aren't looking. Then I put another one into my pocket and we leave and go to our room in the cave. This girl enters bragging how she stole 3 gems, and I don't mention the two I took since she one upped me.

      We notice that the cave is being invaded by little slimy slug creatures, showing up en masse in the water streams. The Doctor says they will destroy the entire ecosystem, then tells me to try feeding my gemstones to the slugs. I put a white one and a blue one in their path, and they go up to then and begin to eat the gems with loud crunches.

      The Doctor concludes we need lots more gemstones to offset the slugs, but the concession stand selling them is closed. A couple of other people have a large bag of ice and a device that condenses the ice into gemstones. We take our ice gems into a cave shaped like a sloping theatre with water and fish at the bottom. The slugs have completely invaded it. We toss the gemstones into the water, and the slugs swarm them, eating them and releasing a certain chemical as they do.

      The chemical cleans the water, improves the health of the fish, and causes the tomato plants on the shore to grow all the way to the roof of the cavern.

      Bicycle Police
      Recall: 6/10
      Sleep: Great
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I've been doing laundry at some woman's house, and we're taking the last load to the laundry matt to dry them. They take their car, and I ride a bicycle. As I peddle down the street, there are soem official government types in the way. I try to steer around them, but they keep moving directly in front of me.

      "Get the fuck out of the way!!!" I yell in frustration. The oldest of the trio comes up to me and tries to slap a metal gear plate onto the gears of my bike for being so rude, but I don't let him. He then orders a young red headed woman to put her plate on my bike, which would lock up the gears.

      I grab the metal gear plate from the redhead and the old man and throw them like ninja stars off the bridge and into the water, then begin to push my bike up the hill. I look behind me as I go to see the old man sneaking up on me. Every time I turn my head, he's a little bit closer, but freezes when I look at him. I keep an eye on him until I'm over the hill, then pedal as fast as I can so he can't catch up to me.
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