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    The Cusp

    1. Time Travelling

      by , 09-21-2012 at 01:43 PM
      Fragment: The Doctor's Key
      We've just finished an adventure with The Doctor, and he gives me a key to summon him in case there is ever any trouble that only The Doctor can help with. The end looks like a car key, with only a stub of the actual key section that folds out revealing a button. One of the people with us ends up with my key, intended for me, and I keep insisting he give it back. After about half an hour of constant prodding he finally gives it back to me.

      Fragment: Variety Show
      I"m watching a variety show at my school which is being broadcast at the Olympics, waiting to see people I know so I can laugh at them. After sever bad unmemorable acts, the camera goes to a little girl in the audience who sings "Snake people have cool tattoos" and the crowd finishes "E-I-E-I-O". Then different sections of the crowd are supposed to sing in a round (Like staggered singing or Row your boat), but they are horrible, most aren't singing, you can barely hear them, and it's just not working. Then one section starts singing the music from Start Trek Voyager.

      From Yesterday

      Time Travel to Vonnegut
      Recall: 4/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown

      I've traveled back in time to my college years, and instead of computer science, I enroll in a literary class being taught by Kurt Vonnegut. I figure it will be a cake walk since I'm familiar with books he hasn't yet written.

      We strike up a friendship and as we're walking the school grounds, he asks where I'm staying, so I point out my apartment building. He wants to see it, so we go over there, but once in the lobby, I realize it's been so long since I've actually live here that I don't remember what floor or apartment number it is. Plus I don't have the key to get in.

      I confess to him that I'm from the future, and that I was completely unprepared for this time jump. It just happened unexpectedly. He doesn't believe me and gets mad, not speaking to me. So I draw a picture of planes crashing into the twin towers, write 9/11 on it, and slip it to him in class. It's going to happen again very soon, and I figure that should convince him

      Updated 09-21-2012 at 08:51 PM by 8035

    2. Threesome

      by , 09-18-2012 at 02:05 PM
      No need to go into details about this one.

      Suffice it to say a threesome, involving me, some girl, and the girl in the wheelchair from Coronation street!?!?
    3. Spirals

      by , 09-17-2012 at 04:03 PM
      Haven't had a geometry dream in awhile.

      Last it night it was Phi Spirals. I was seeing them everywhere, and the effect they had. Staring at bricks I could see it in the way they were put together. THen I kept waking up, take a glance at the time, go back to sleep and the numbers somehow made sense in a spiral. Hard to describe.

      had some other boring dreams not worth describing
      -a bar that felt like a grade 8 dance
      -taking some trip on a little boat in Australia, like a walkabout, only a rowabout
    4. Worst Birthday Ever

      by , 09-16-2012 at 03:08 PM
      Worst Birthday Ever
      Recall: 5/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown

      It's my birthday, and my friends are throwing me a bash in a tropical location. Unfortunately it was a last minute affair, and this unexpected trip has wiped me out financially. Good thing they are buying the drinks.

      The party is on the beach, but when I get there, a storm breaks which forces us indoors. I go back to my room, but nobody else came with me. They all took off elsewhere, and I'm stuck here with no money. So I go wander the grounds of the hotel. There is a little restaurant I walk into where I see two girls I know working there. I'm surprised to see them, but when I say hi, they don't acknowledge me.

      I need to take a dump, so I find a toilet, which is pretty much in public but covered with a blanket like a child's fort. I go in and am about to shit when Gary finds me. He keeps pulling the blanket off, typically oblivious as to why I would find that annoying. I finally lose patience and punch him in the face.

      -Gary and I ride a motorized skateboard back to the hotel, but the road there is full of mud and we have to get off.

      -I'm in some sort of cafe or bar when I run into a generic dream girl I know and used to have a crush on. She leads me on then goes off to be with some jerk. I know he's a jerk because he ties her up on stage, berating her verbally and abusing her physically. Nobody else around is even paying the slightest attention because his father is in charge of the army, so he can pretty much do as he pleases.

      I see the jerk has a broken leg and has left his crutch on the ground, and I figure I can beat him with his own crutch. I go up on stage, grab the crutch, but the guy has moved off into the wings of the stage where there is no room for me to swing at him. I try to jab him a couple of times with the butt end of the crutch but miss. The guy is flabberghasted, and yells out "Do you know who I am!?!?!?". He goes on about the power he has and he's right. If I beat the crap out of this guy, I'll never make it out of this country. They guy seems impressed that I had the balls to actually try to attack him, and is leaving the girl alone now, so I leave before things get any worse.
    5. Don't piss off a master dreamer

      by , 09-15-2012 at 10:52 PM
      Some jerkwad on another site pissed me off with a snarky reply, so I set out to tear him a new one through dreaming.

      As I lay down to sleep, I focused on slashing the shit our of him with long pointy claws, and it took! My drams mirrored my focus, and I was single mindedy unleashing the beast on this poor shmuck.

      I suspect I may have actually gotten through, because at one point the dream suddenly changed from my slashing him to me being in a fox hole with a few other soldiers while a volley stuff blasted by overhead. That sudden change of scenery did not fit the archetypal chaining process of my focused attention. So if it didn't come from from me, then might it have come from an outside influence? I suspect he may have attempted to fight back at that point, and my dream compensated by taking cover in the fox hole.

      Wish I could just ask the D-bag, but I'm sure he wouldn't give me the satisfaction of acknowledging I got through to him.
    6. Labor Camp

      by , 09-14-2012 at 01:56 PM
      Labor Camp
      Recall: 5/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown

      I'm in some sort of summer camp where they are using us as slave labor to plant trees. The work us ragged with barely any sleep or food. My fellow worker and I organize and gather to escape.

      We are hiding in a rocky outcrop in the process of leaving when I look down to the valley below and see a bunch of trucks seemingly working in a gravel pit. Except that I notice a cement truck has robot arms. In fact all the trucks have robot arms! Some sort of alien invasion? I don't know, but I get everyone to duck down so they can't see us. But then I think they are incapable of seeing us, as they don't seem to have eyes or heads, only a pair of robot arms.

      These robo trucks are building something, and we watch as they assemble... a giant lazyboy chair with a giant stool in front of it, both facing a humongous flat screen TV. WTF? I figure it's some sort of advertising thing and they're filming a commercial or something.

      We make our escape and end up at a restaurant. We sit down, exhausted and hungry and order food. I go down the hall to find the bathroom. In the hall there are two other people, some random guy, and Eric from True Blood. All of a sudden some evil force is in charge, and we're supposed to each pick a door to enter and face some sort of challenge or torture.

      We're each supposed to pick our own door, but we all enter the same one so we can work together. In the room stands a man, who disappears and reappears behind the nameless guy with us, cutting him down. The then disappears again. The guy reappears again next to Eric and I, but I'm ready for him and hammer the shit out of him. We win.

      I go back into the restaurant and get a ride home with some girl. We talk as we drive and she too spent a summer at that work camp. She says how terrible it was and how she didn't make any money at all. I however did make a bit of money from it, as I have a small wad of bills with me.

      This dream was no doubt inspired by the shitty working conditions of the poor chinese workers who built the new generation of Iphones. Fuck all you Iphone using losers, especially if you ran out to buy the new one.
      Eric was in there because I can't turn on the TV without seeing that guy lately. CK commercial, the movie Battleship.
    7. stupid facebook

      by , 09-13-2012 at 12:46 PM
      No more facebook before bed. Had me dreaming of girls from my past. Good dreams but it kinda makes me sad.
    8. barely a fragment

      by , 09-12-2012 at 02:46 PM
      Fuckers keep waking me up, and then they don't let up with the noise which just kills my recall because I can't concentrate on the dream. This would have been a great dream to remember in more detail, but now it's just a fucking fragment. fuck

      School trip to the moon and... I don't fucking know, I'm too pissed to remember anything
    9. The walk home

      by , 09-11-2012 at 11:42 PM
      The Walk Home
      Recall: 3/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm walking home in my hometown late at night. The streets are full of people partying like it's new year's or something. I fall in with a group of metal heads and as we walk some tough guys want to start a fight with them, which then changes focus so they want to beat the crap out of me. I keep walking, and when they accost me, I knock one of them down a steep hill that's practically a cliff. His friends are more concerned with his fall than they are with me at that point.

      I keep hooking up with random floozies on the street and making out with them as I walk, but they always end up disappearing on me.

      At one point I pass a group of people who are having ghosts appear. I see the ghosts, but they aren't malicious, so I keep on going.

      Could have recalled this one better, but there was nothing that spectacular in it. Having a lot of ghosts and demons in my dreams lately because they're playing Supernatural on Space from the beginning every week night. THose early shows aren't the greatest, but I like the effect they're having on my dreams.
    10. Demonic Parasite

      by , 09-10-2012 at 01:47 PM
      Demonic Parasite
      Recall: 6/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Left Side (Right Brain)
      I'm in a basement with a couple of friends and some guy I don't know who's house it is. The stranger is relating a story to us, about the travels of some group as they search for some haunted temple. He tells how they traveled from island to island, showing us their journey on maps, how their boat sank and how got a ride with some tourists, finally reaching their destination.

      The whole story sounds familiar, and I recall seeing a documentary in a previous dream which I mistake for reality at this point. I ask if he's seen it, and he tells me no, that documentary is super rare (and maybe cursed?). I tell he we used to watch it all the time at a friend's house because it was so amazing. We continue to discuss the demon or whatever it is that is the focus of the story.

      I end up going to bed down there, and as I fall asleep, it feels like I'm pulled out of my body. I'm floating along above my body, being pulled by some dark and evil presence. The atmosphere is dark and ominous, similar to dreams I used to have at my grandmother's house, and I wonder if her house was haunted.

      I'm seriously disturbed by my complete lack of control here as this demonic thing floats me along through the wall and towards some unknown destination. I figure with my lucid experience and knowledge of dream control, I should be able to exert some control here, but I can't break the influence and control this thing has over me. I can't change direction as it pulls me along. I fight it and manage to wake myself up, waking back in the basement of the original dream.

      Now I know why that video is so hard to find. If you watch it, it calls the demon to you, so most of the videos are destroyed.

      -There is a museum that has been built with geometries from the temple described in the video/story. It also has a display about the culture of the people from where this demon originated. Because of this, the entire place is evil and haunted.

      As I'm walking through the museum, all the patrons suddenly drop dead in a tangle on the floor. All except me because I've only just entered and barely crossed the thresh hold. I too drop, faking my death so whatever it is won't notice me. At the end of the Hall I see Tyson's face, which looks possessed. He eventually gets up and comes towards me, but he's himself, he was just faking.

      Thought my recall would be better on this one. Was really interesting, and pretty scary, especially when it pulled me out of my body. I suppose I was lucid when that was happening, but I sure wasn't in control, which I found very disturbing.

      Fragment: Muddy Waters
      I'm floating down a river on a tire tube with a group of people. I get stuck in a curl, and see my mother floating towards my. SHe's lost her tube, so I give her mine, of which I seem to have several. I hope my remaining tubes will be able to keep me afloat and they do.

      The water is brown and muddy, and one of the people with us says that means the bacteria count in the water is high and it can make you sick. I think he's full of shit, remembering all the time I've spent in that water diving for lures.
    11. Captive

      by , 09-08-2012 at 04:01 PM
      Recall: 4/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm being held captive by some nasty criminals. In order to save my life so they don't kill me, this guy told them than I'm somebody I'm not. Somebody they want to build something for them, and if I don't build it for them, they'll kill me. Unfortunately I have no idea what they want me to build or how to make it.

      I get them to let me use the bathroom and look for a weapon. There's nothing. I grab the toilet brush and snap off the end with the bristles, hoping to get a sharp point I can stab with, but it just cracks. Then I get an idea. I break open some razors and place three blades into the cracks on the end of the plastic handle. They are in there pretty tight, it's very light, but I can swing it really fast.

      I walk out and tear out the throat of the guy closest to the door. The other criminals are stunned by my sudden attack and have a delayed reaction which allows my to take the gun of the guy who's throat I just slashed. I shoot the others and get away.

      Then I find myself in a real life video game, gathering gear to fight other players. Eventually that turns into different variations on the game called Glitch, which would have made awesome suggestions for the devs if I could remember better.
    12. Psycho rich people

      by , 09-07-2012 at 01:03 AM
      I watched an episode of Franklin and Bash before bed, first time I'd ever seen it. In that episode, their filthy rich and powerful client invited them to elite parties, which set the tone for my dream.

      Unhappy Ending
      Recall: 9/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Left Side (Right Brain)

      Franklin asks me to come work with him. I really don't think I'm qualified to do anything in his field, but he insists, so I go along with it. We go to some busy office with rich and powerful people. It's hectic and again, I doubt I know enough to do anything here. Even something like answering the phone, I wouldn't know what to say to these people.

      In his office, Franklin asks if anyone wants some acid. Nobody else piles up and I say I do, and he hands me a baggie with 5 hits in it, which I put in my pocket. This rich dude gets us to follow him, and I tag along, keeping quiet, not sure what to do or say. We go outside in the evening, and while they talk, I notice some women on the sidewalk wearing metal body armor. Feeling out of place, I walk over to get a better look, but when I get there, they are gone.

      I look out to the river and see a car crash into the middle of the river from a bridge. This catches my attention, and the more I look, the more cars crash into the river. Normal cars, police cars, trucks. Then there are fireworks and all the crashed cars are involved in some sort of water ballet.

      The guy brings us on his boat, and we eat like 5 meals in a row. I'm amazed at how much this guy eats. After our 5th course, he says "Lets order a pizza". Seems crazy, but I don't feel stuffed so I agree. We take off in his boat, a few more people show up and we party. There is only one woman there, a slightly plump but cute girl with long brown hair. We jump into the water and swim. Then I remember the acid in my pocket, ruined now. The girl swims up to one guy, strips, then swims over to me and says "I'm ready for you". SHe puts her arms around me, and I pull out my dick, leery of having it bitten by fish. Before we start having sex, my perspective shifts to another boat approaching us, and I overhear that they are trying to kidnap this woman.

      I swim us over to the side of their boat unseen, and we crawl aboard while the guy on the boat is talking to some woman. The woman freaks out on him and caves his skull in with a wine bottle. Problem solved.

      This new boat is huge and packed, and it's a wild rich person party. Someone says something about smoking a joint, and I pull out a bag of weed, thinking it will be wet from the water too, but it's not. The rich guy says if I soak it in alcohol, it will dry it out, and takes my bag off to soak it. I wander into another room where everyone is smoking hoping to get a hit on a joint, but nobody passes to me.

      I don't know anyone at this party, and feel out of place, so I don't really talk to anyone. SOme of the girls are laughing that I don't talk, and when I do say something, they are all "OMG! He spoke!" I'm still having fun, the girls are friendly, and I think about hooking up. People at the party begin to pair off to go and have sex.

      I see one guy who looks like Sam Merlot from True Blood, and two male prostitutes go up to him. They begin to fool around, but he suddenly sends them away. Once they are gone, I see that the guy has me pinned to the ground, and my perspective shifts back to my body. I tell the guy "Noooooooooo.... nonono", and he lets me up. THen out of the blue, he pulls out a straight razor and slashes me. I look at me arm and there is a deep deep cut. I wonder if I'll still be able to party with an injury like that.

      Then the guy starts slashing me some more. I try to fight him off, but he moves like someone who's studied martial arts his whole life. His form is perfect, and I am way outclassed. He just cuts me and cuts and cuts me and cuts me, all over my body. Then he goes to work on my face. I don't feel any pain, but have been slashed so many times I figure there's no way I'll survive, and I don't think I even want to survive my injuries are so bad. Then he backs up, and throws his straight razor at me and it buries it's self deep into my forehead, waking me up.

      Nothing like a death wake up to ensure good recall.
    13. Demons and Aliens

      by , 09-05-2012 at 12:15 PM
      Guess all I needed for better recall was a good night's sleep.

      Demons and Aliens
      Recall: 8/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Left Side (Right Brain)
      My brother and I pull up in the small french town of Bourgette where we used to live when we were very young. We get out of the car and some passing women comment that they went to school with us in kindergarten. I'm amazed they remember us.

      We go over to the bar and start talking with a group of younger people (all about 18), discussing the town. I say it's a nice place, nice and quiet. We start hanging with them and my brother goes off with some of them. I go to look for him upstairs where one of the kids lives. In his room I see a dresser that must have belonged to me, since the top of it is plastered with drawing I made. But the longer I look at them, the more they are not my pictures.

      I go up a very narrow set of stairs expecting to find my brother, but just find a computer with something satanic on the screen. I go back outside and it's now a busy Canada day celebration. And that's when the UFOs show up.

      The UFOs are colorful lights in the sky, and the more I watch them, the more of them they are, and the more complex their aerial displays are. And then they start to attack. I see my parents and tell them I can't find my brother. then go back inside to look for him again.

      Inside the place is under attack by Japanese demons with long needle like teeth. One of the girls we were sitting with is now one of these demons, but she doesn't quite realize it yet. There are swords scattered around, and as the demon girl comes at me, I grab a heavy sword with a long straight edge and cut her in two from head to groin. The chopping power of this sword feels good in my hands, and I carve up lots of demons with it.

      Frenchies caught me attention last night as the elected a seperatist government, which is what sparked my dream of that french town. The ensuing destruction probably reflects wishful thinking on my part.
    14. Finding a DC

      by , 09-04-2012 at 02:43 AM
      Had this dream a week or two ago. The content isn't that interesting, but since it involves finding a DC, it has some relevance to control.

      So, I was dreaming about some girl, woke up, went back to bed with with a fuzzy warm feeling of being with her. In the dream that followed, I was trying to find her. I try looking, but can't remember where to find her. I figure I must have gotten her phone number, so I go to my desk and look for it. I can't find it but keep looking, then notice a cork from one of my Chimay beers has writing on it. I pick it up, and see her name and number after several attempts to read it. Her name changes, but I get the number.

      And then she's right there beside me. She reaches into her jacket and hands me a glass jar full of black earth and water, saying my uncle Rick wanted me to have it. /end dream

      What I find interesting about that was how I summoned her. I wasn't lucid or anything, and I didn't use any special technique. All I did was stay focused on her. She didn't appear right away, and there was a lot of fail before I got her, but my focus and resolve won out in the end.

      Since finding of summoning DCs is a common question around here, I though this dream had some relevance.
    15. A Strange Sensation

      by , 08-16-2012 at 02:47 PM
      Sigh, another day with no recall and barely any sleep. But I did have something interesting happen as I was falling asleep.

      As I was laying there, I suddenly had the memory of a certain feeling, like a dream I can almost remember but not quite get to. I concentrated on that memory, and was able to recreate that feeling for a couple of seconds before I lost it again.

      It felt like a state of being other than normal, and I also felt I was intimately familiar with this feeling. It felt like my arms (Not my real ones) were like Gumby's arms. Kind of flat and rectangular. The position of my arms was like somebody in a full body cast. The muscles along my chest and stomach felt like they were flat foam cutouts about an inch and a half thick.

      I have no idea what this was, but I knew I had experienced it before. I just couldn't remember when. I thinks this happened because I've been working with awareness/attention, blind spots, and studying how to use them for invisibility ever since I recorded that last dream in my DJ here.
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