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    The Cusp

    1. Birds VS Dragons

      by , 11-13-2012 at 01:44 PM
      Fragment: Birds VS Dragons
      Birds are gathering to fight off some dragons. The sky is almost black with then as they gather at the treeline. Wanting to watch this epic battle but not wanting to get eaten by dragons, I go to my house. By the time I enter and look out the window again, the small birds have stated forming into the shape of three giant black birds. I watch them and notice their tails are like the rudders on a blimp.
    2. Space Trouble and Bush Dragons

      by , 11-02-2012 at 11:58 PM
      Trouble in Space
      Recall: 8/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm either on the moon or Mars with a couple of friends, all of us in our space suits. The wind begins to blow really hard, practically blowing us over, and we need to get back to our ship. Only problem is the ship is pretty far away. Someone pulls out a globe of this planet, checks our location and the location of the ship, and tries to figure out the scale of how far we are. It's far.

      I take off my gloves to get a better grip on the rocks to stop myself from being blown away. Then I wonder if that's a good idea. "Can I take of my gloves here?" I ask my friends, but get no reply. Nothing bad seems to be happening because of it, and the driving winds take most of my attention.

      After a grueling haul, we make it to the ship. But this isn't my ship. My ship and crew are gone, and I'm hitching a ride on this one. That creates a problem because of the extra weight I add to their ship, which causes us to run out of fuel as we lift off. Our ship gets destroyed by meteors, and we're left drifting in space.

      The gravity of some nearby planets pulls us in, and I watch in awe as we drift by them. There are a couple of colorful gas giants with the most amazing mix of colors, brilliant splotches of purples and green and orange. It's truly spectacular. We get pulled past the planets towards a vortex defined by lines converging into a whirlpool in the center. I tell Gary "This is our ticket home", expecting to be pulled through several fantastic universes. Instead, we get sucked in and the next thing I know I'm standing in a mall back on earth.

      I tell everyone we meet we're astronauts, but most don't believe me since I'm wearing my stained work clothes.

      We walk down the street to this bar I always dream about. The place is a dive full of low lifes, but it's always so much fun. We're surprised to run into people we know there, like Tristan and Schreoder. I'm still trying to impress all the women by telling them I'm an astronaut.

      The vortex made of lines is no doubt because I started to learn how to use Blender 3D last night

      Wood Dragons
      Recall: 7/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      -I see a guy collapsed on the ground on a trail in the woods. I help him up and drag him towards a stream so he can get a drink. The stream leads to a lake, and I want to get him some fish to eat, but have nothing to fish with. So I build up a little pen in the water with rocks, cut up a frog and toss it in, then wait for a fish to swim into it.

      -There are two survivalist gangs in the woods. The only reason we're against each other is because we're both desperate. Our side has a kid who controls a fully grown dragon, while the other side has a younger dragon. They other group gets the jump on us, and has their guns pointed at us. But their dragon seems respond to our dragon kid.

      From a third person view, I have the dragon in my sights, but instead shoot their leader in the head. Then I give a little speech convincing them to join us, ending it with "Do you want to be afraid of dragons for the rest of your life?"

      Updated 11-03-2012 at 01:00 AM by 8035

    3. Massive Shared Dream gathering

      by , 11-01-2012 at 02:01 AM
      The following dream was heavily fragmented recall wise. I always have trouble recalling heavy social dreams since there's so much going on. One thing I failed to convey when writing this one out was the sheer thrill of being with so many fellow dreamers.

      The Gathering
      Recall: 8/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Left Side (Right Brain)
      In a hotel, I enter a small room lined with chairs along the walls. Sitting in the chairs are members of an occult group, all sleeping. There is a small shelf full of books, and I pick one, the third in a series, out and begin to read it. Then I remember seeing a a VHS movie in the room made by that very author. I pop it in the VCR but it's a horribly cheesy black and white movie. The book I'm reading turns out not to be what I thought it was about. My brother comes in and starts reading the second book in the series.

      There is a zombie in the room, and I stick it with a thumb tack, then put the tack on a chair so somebody will sit on it. Someone does and I expect him to turn into a zombie and get out of there. My brother and I go out onto the roof where we see a hot girl. We talk to her, then hear banging on the door. I try to tell her not to open it, expecting zombies, but she opens it anyways. When she does, several arms reach out and grab her. The arms belong to several hotties who want to drag her off to go party. We join them.

      The thumb tack thing was from watching a movie before bed called "A little bit zombie", about a guy who got turned by a zombie mosquito. Tack = mosquito bite

      -While out and about, we enter a Wendy's and I'm a little bit lucid at this point. We sit at a table with the remains of the last customer's meals and I pick some fries from their mess and eat them. Then I realize what I'm eating, leftover cold greasy fries. Yuck. I order some slushies without paying (cuz I'm lucid) and we sit down

      -Back at the hotel, the feel of this dream with my brother is really familiar, and I ask my brother if he remembers similar shared dreams like this we had as a children. I tell him to think back to when we were kids staying in hotels with our parents. It seems he also remembers the particular feeling of this dream, but can't remember specifics.

      There are some girls in t-shirts and panties leaning on a table with their butts sticking out, and I walk over and stick my face right in front of their asses, getting a really good look. It's good to be lucid!

      -The shared dream theme snowballs, and I see more and more people that I think are other dreamers. The thrill of us all being together in a dream just creates an amazing atmosphere and we're all having a blast. I mingle. I see Waking Nomad and point him out to someone.

      -Some of us end up in a large empty gymnasium, and one poor girl gets stuck in the wall, so I go over and pull her out. Some kind of force like unseen water begins to carry us around and around the gymnasium, and I pair up with Anne Marie. We have sex while being towed along in this invisible current, and when we're finished, a lesbian floats up to us.

      The lesbian spreads for us, showing us her goods, and Anne Marie says she wants to touch it. They float off together and I head back to the hotel room still full of fellow dreamers. I'm terribly thirsty, and chug some beer trying to quench my thirst, but it's not working.

      It was really hot in my bed, and when I finally woke my mouth and throat were bone dry, which is what caused my thirst in the dream

      The room is packed with fellow dreamers, and standing rigid in the back of the room are two human looking aliens who ask if the can go now. I turn to say by to them and thank them for stopping by. The alien duo change from human to just red auras than linger for a minute, then shoot straight up.

      Behind where the aliens were is a closet, and inside I see a few dreamers who have somehow trapped themselves. A couple have turned into 2d drawings of themselves, and I pick them up shake them until they regain their normal bodies. There is another guy with the top of his torso stuck in the floor. I try to pull him out, end up with a pair of legs just standing there. I also help him regain his full body.

      I'm looking at all kinds of drawings an notes stuck to the back of the closet wall when two lawyers come in. I'm worried they represent the hotel and have come to kick us out for trashing the place (which is pretty trashed), not because of the legal consequences since I know it's a dream, but because I don't want them to ruin the great vibe we have going on. But the lawyers are there to talk to one of the people at our gathering.

      I get the feeling that our gathering is winding down, and we all go outside onto the street for our final farewells. A girl walks by wearing a christmassy dr seus ourfit with no arms. I think she's just a random DC, but someone recognizes her and yells out "She's one of us!"

      My thirst is just killer now, and I fell myself waking up and just let it happen since I really need a drink. I slowly fade out of the dream and wake up.

      Maybe it was just a dream, but while I was having it I really believed I was having a shared dream with a whole bunch of fellow dreamers. There were so many people there, surely someone has to remember being part of it!
    4. Sorcerer's Apprentice

      by , 10-29-2012 at 01:48 PM
      Sorcerer's Apprentice
      Recall: 8/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm with my friends when we notice people gathered at some sort of outdoor stadium. We don't know what they are gathered to see, so we take a seat to find out. I fall asleep before the show starts, and when I wake, my friends are gone. Instead I find two two thugs who call me by my full name and tell me to follow them. I'm six feet, and the first thug is a good deal taller than me, the other one is way taller than him, at least seven feet.

      I consider my chances at fighting these two goons. I figure I can take the shorter one, but the 7 foot giant has too much of a reach advantage, and I don't think I can take them both at once. They force me to take them to my apartment building where I notice a piece of string in the lobby. I flick the string up with my foot and grab it without them noticing. Then I make my move

      I want to strangle the super tall one with the string, but when I try to put it over his head, he's so tall that I only get it around his forehead, but it leans him back and then I move the string around his throat and pull with all my might. The other goon starts hitting me, but I ignore him and don't stop until the tall one is unconscious or maybe dead. Then I knock out the other one.

      I sprint up the stairs towards my apartment before they regain consciousness, but by the time I reach my floor, it's packed with reinforcements. Apparently they were part of some large organized gang, who I've now pissed off royally. They beat me pretty bad, knocking out several teeth, then drag me off to a house on the edge of the woods.

      At the foot of a path into the woods, they are still roughing me up, when one of the goons stops the others from hurting me further. I think I have an ally, but he's just making sure I can run because their leader wants to hunt me.

      They give me a small head start and I take off down the path through the woods. I think I'm doing well in getting away from them until I see come across a series of obstacles in my path, a bunch of wooden structures with nails poking out of them. I have to slow down considerably so as not to impale my feet on the nails.

      I come to the end of the trail which is a steep cliff on the edge of a mountain. There is a small flat roofed house a little ways below me, and with the people hunting me hot on my trail, I take a crazy leap off the cliff and land on the roof of the house. I lower myself off the roof and let myself in a window.

      Inside I encounter an old sorcerer and his apprentices. The gang has the house surrounded now and are trying to break in. Some crawl in the same window I cam through, but the sorcerer ejects them through the front door, then slams it closed. They beat on the door, which wouldn't hold on it's own, but stands secure thanks to the sorcerer's power.

      The sorcerer then presents me with a choice. I can stay with him as an apprentice, or leave and have the gang kill me. It's not really much of a choice at all. If I leave they will kill me for sure, no matter where I go. This is the only safe place for me, so I pledge myself to him as an apprentice.

      After I've given my word, I realize the whole thing was a massive setup. The thugs were actually working for the sorcerer to lead me here and trick me into agreeing to apprentice with him. I think knocking out me teeth was overkill, but he surely has the power power to restore my missing teeth, right? I hope...

      I love this dream! The whole thing was a Castaneda style stalking in the same manner Don Juan tricked all his apprentices into joining him.
    5. Dalek Ships and Mechs

      by , 10-27-2012 at 11:11 PM
      Dalek Ships and Mechs
      Recall: 7/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm in the family car with my parents and brother, driving home. I see two UFOs that sort of look like hair dryers come out of a portal. They are Dalek ships. I tell my father to turn around so I can take some pictures of them.

      We pull over and I look for the Dalek ships, but instead see only a couple of mechs being controlled by police. My father asks me to take his picture in front of them, but when I try snap a shot, he turns away. That pisses me off because it's typical of him, asking me to do something then ensuring I can't do it, leaving me standing there waiting.
    6. Vampire Hulk

      by , 10-24-2012 at 02:58 PM
      Vampire Hulk
      Recall: 7/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm in a house full of people that has been invaded by vampires. It's a slaughter. Some super heroes show up to fight them off, but there are two huge vampire Hulks. One is pitch black , the other is dead flesh grey with a long pony tail. I take one look at the two of them and give up all hope of fighting back. It's time to run and hide!

      I run up the stairs, jumping over dead bodies, and the only place for me to go is in a bed room. I hear the vampire hulks coming my way, and hide in the first spot I see, in the closet. I regret it immediately, but now it's too late. The vampire hulks are in the room. I see the black one look at the closet and move towards it to open it, when he's suddenly attacked by a bunch of large creatures that look like toothy vampire Mad Balls. Black vampire hulk pounds them into mulch.

      It's then I realize I'm the green hulk. THe vampire hulks my look strong, but I'm stronger. I just have to get angry! I burst out of the closet and grab the black hulk, distracted by the mad balls, and throw him through the wall, watching as he sails off into the horizon. Then I turn my attention to the grey vampire hulk. He's strong, but every hit he lands just makes me madder and I just pound him into mush.
    7. Par-tay!

      by , 10-23-2012 at 02:02 PM
      Recall: 3/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Left Side (Right Brain)
      I'm attending a series of formal parties with the gang from How I met your Mother. Wedding parties and such, one party bleeds into the next. Lots of food, cake, drinking, hang overs, fist fights, food fights, angry relatives because things got out of hand.

      THis dream comes off as a fragment, but it was much more and much longer. It's just hard to describe sequentially.
    8. Inspired by Walking Dead episode

      by , 10-22-2012 at 04:26 PM
      FInally a decent batch or dreams. Not as exciting as I would have liked, but recall is recall.

      Quebec Zombies
      Recall: 5/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I've crossed the bridge to Quebec and am walking around. I come to a street with no street lights, most of the houses have no lights on, and the entire street is practically pitch black. I walk down it but can't see where I'm going, ending up in people's backyards. I stumble into a yard where a dog barks at me and turn around to head home.

      As I pass a store, there are several grungy looking people hanging out behind it who ask me if I want to buy some crack. I tell them no, and they ask me "What, you don't do crack?". I figure it would be best to tell them the only reason I don't want to buy crack is because I don't have any money, that way they won't try to mug me. The guy who was doing the talking gets up and follows me, and it turns out he's the brother of some people I went to school with. We talk about them for a bit and I move on.

      I get to the river where there is a huge metal ship in the water. I board it and the thing is infested with zombies. most of which are locked up in prison cells.

      THank last night's episode of the Walking Dead for the prison zombies. That apocalyptic scenario set the tone for the next dream.

      Preparing for End Times
      Recall: 5/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      It's the end of the world, probably due to the zombies from the previous dream, and I'm hurriedly stuffing a backpack full of supplies. There's some space at the top of my bag, and I've torn between stuffing it with more food or more clothing. I decide on clothing, since I can probably find food easier than clothing, and I'll need to stay warm during those long canadian winters.

      My group is walking along the river when this huge wave comes out of nowhere. It's as tall as a house and washes away a couple of people. More waves wash across our crossing point, but they come in a steady pulse, with just enough time between them to run across.

      I get to the other side and get separated from the rest of the group. In the water I see huge crabs which will make a delicious dinner. Their legs are really long, which gives it's claws a lot of reach, and I'm not sure how to grab them without getting pinched. I finally grab it by the legs and it claws the hell out of my hand. I break off it's claws and bring my trophy back to the group.

      Missed Bus
      Recall: 4/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm in school, looking through the lost and found box for my winter boots. I can't find them and am somewhat pissed someone stole my boots. I head out to catch the bust with my brother but the exit takes us to the wrong spot. We go back in and exit at the right bus pick up, only to find it deserted. We missed the bus.

      I tell me brother we'll have to hitch hike, but he says no, he's heading to Mexico city for christmas. I'm a little surprised my parents are letting him go alone at the age of 16, and a little jealous they never sprung for any kind of trip for me.

      I head out to the road and start hitch hiking.
    9. Hybrid Heroes

      by , 10-20-2012 at 02:51 PM
      Hybrid Heroes
      Recall: 2/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      A handful of superheroes and myself have snuck into the large base of some evil organization that has abducted and mind controlled hundreds if not thousands of other super heroes. We're in a small room when some of the mind controlled heroes enter. We back into the corner, not to hide, but hoping to jump out and take them by surprise once they see us. But the zombie like heroes just shamble right past us.

      Either their mind control is limited in programming so they don't know what to do in case of intruders, or the have enough free will left to let us do our business. Either way it's good for us.

      The other heroes involved in the rescue task me with locating a Wolverine/Green Lantern hybrid and three Flash/Hulk hybrids. "THree?" I ask. They explain that the process that fused them together randomly created 3 Flash/Hulk hybrids.

      I walk out with the mind controlled heroes into a large room where all the zombie heroes line up in ranks like a military formation.

      -I'm running up a large ski hill with two lines of mind controlled heroes marching up and down it

      It was really hot in my house last night, and my mouth was bone dry which set the tone for the next part of the dream.

      I'm sitting around outside with a bunch of people, hung over as hell. It must have been one hell of a party because I can't remember a single thing about it. The only reason I know there was a party is because I'm so hung over.

      Someone informs me of a few girls I slept with the night before. I couple of them I don't even know, so I'm asking people about them when someone tells this other guy he slept with some of those same girls as well. I think "Wow, what king of party was this?"

      Fragment: Voorheese
      A long dream about Jason Voorheese. We kill him several times, but have to keep dealing with his resurection, sometimes with new bodies.

      Been watching the first 9 Friday the 13th movies. 9 was the only one that was any good so far.
    10. Hunters

      by , 10-19-2012 at 04:35 PM
      Recall: 8/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Right Side (Left Brain)
      I'm waiting for the school bus, when I look around and see most of the people from my bus gone. I say to the only person left I recognize that we missed the bus, but he says no, pointing to a bunch of people lining up to get on a bus. Right then I change my mind about going to school that day. I've already graduated, so what's the point of going to school?

      I go into a house by the bus stop and see Tony and Jeremy, two guys who live on my street. I talk to them for a bit, then am about to leave when I realize my backpack is missing. I look around the house for it until I suddenly feel it on my back.

      I go outside and see what looks like the Switzer bros walking away from the bus stop, skipping school. I walk over to them, but it's not who I thought it was. Just a bunch of scary looking guys, one of which has a thick caveman forehead. As I focus on that, they all have caveman foreheads, and start to give me a hard time. But I ignore them and head home.

      Inside, I go downstairs where two demon hunters have a bunch of corpses lined up against the wall. They are the corpses of prisoners, all with the same occult looking tattoos on their chests. Among their inks, each one has a line of a poem, a prophecy. I get close to read them all, and when I'm done, I look up to see one of the hunters giving me the stink eye because I'm in the way. I move, and as he's looking at the lines of the prophecy on their chests, I consider stomping the back of his leg then hammering the guy in the throat, but I let it go.

      Been watching reruns of Supernatural. Yesterday saw an episode where a rival hunter was trying to kill Sam.
    11. Ice cream eyeballs

      by , 10-17-2012 at 03:14 PM
      Fragment: Ice cream Eyeballs
      I'm in line at a dairy queen. On the counter are two large cups filled with ice cream, topped with two fist sized ice cream eyeballs. They eyeballs are half melted. The girl behind the counter keeps saying they are ready but nobody responds. Finally some guy with a dog at a table asks if his order is ready, and the girl points out the ice cream eyes.

      He then asks if he can have them for free to feed to his dog since they are all melty, while he waits for them to make him a new one.
    12. Military Pursuit

      by , 10-16-2012 at 11:27 PM
      Finally remembered something! Just a fragment, but it's a start.

      Fragment: Military Pursuit
      I'm being chased by a group of soldiers. The only reason I manage to stay ahead of them is because I'm in my hometown and am familiar with the territory and am able to use that knowledge to my advantage. I run onto the train tracks and look back to see the soldiers wearing pink uniforms. I run, but the tracks are messing up my stride. Setting my feet on ever second wood beam is too short, but trying for every third is too long.

      The soldiers come from watching Franklin and Bash before bed, they were in military court. The pink uniforms were from watching a football highlight where all the teams were wearing pink in support of boobs or something.
    13. Hypnogogics

      by , 10-14-2012 at 05:35 PM
      Haven't been sleeping well this past week. No real dreams to remember, just random stuff as I was falling asleep.

      Twisty Road

      I see an image of a twisty country road, and feel it pulling me into the scene, but as the road looks dangerous, I don't allow myself to be pulled in. Then I think better of it, thinking it will speed up the formation of the dream. I focus on the road again, thinking I've lost that "pull" on me it had, but it sucks me right in.

      I rocket down the road, but around the first turn, the scenery is missing and black. I keep going and there's more black scenery the farther I go. Eventually there is so much black I lose all sense of movement, and don't have enough dream stuff to try and stabilize.

      Dream Body Try

      I'm trying to sleep, and am aware of a vague sense of movement in my hands. I can move them like an inch beyond their actual physical position. So I try to move my phantom limbs further. I slowly move my hands towards each other, and it takes like 10 minutes of forcing before my hands touch. But I finally connect one closed fist into one open hand.

      I was hoping to be able to shake lose my dream body, but I can still only move my phantom limbs an inch in any direction. I keep trying to shake lose more freedom of movement, but it's just now working for me.
    14. Party with Bjork

      by , 09-24-2012 at 01:35 PM
      Recall: 8/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm at a party when these hippies start tossing stuff onto a shelf. Only problem is the shelf is in an opening in the wall right above the toilet on the other side. First they toss some glowsticks, which do land on the shelf, then some containers of sparkle powder, which knocks the glowsticks into the toilet. Then a bunch of other stuff, each new item knocking the previous one into the toilet. Of course, they decide to flush it all down. I'm expecting the toilet to clog and explode in a glowy sparkly burst of pyrotechnics, but disappointingly, nothing happens.

      I go off into another room and see that Bjork is at this party. Pure awesome. She starts to sing the song "Kata Rokkar", someone hops on the piano, and I spot one of those large stand up bass and figure I'll play that, but before I can get to it, I hear the bass line. Too bad, jammin' with Bjork would have been awesome, but I set back and enjoy the show.

      Halfway through the song, I see the girl hosting the part. She just moved in, and her landlord has showed up and informs her that his is unacceptable, that they don't tolerate this kind of stuff around here. She apologizes and the party is over mid song. How shitty is that?

      We all start to leave and Hali and Morgan hand me a large hockey bag with booze and stuff to carry. I walk out onto the street when I notice nobody came with me. I turn around to head back and look for everyone, and have to cross a skeezy part of town. Some guy walking in front of my is approached by a crackhead bum who pretends to get close to ask him something, then throws a brutal hook sucker punch. But his intended victim responds with a super fast punch of his own before the crackhead can land his. He knocks the crackhead down. His punch was so blinding fast I yell out "That was amazing!!!!". Even the crackhead on the ground has to agree it was awesome.

      I finally find the gang in a parking lot, drinking. I'm tired of lugging this hockey bag around and ask if anyone has seen Morgan and Hali, but they are nowhere to be found. I think this is bullshit, they expect me to carry this fucking bag around all night? Everyone agrees with me, that is bullshit.

      Goddamn it! Who the hell interrupts a party with Bjork singing. I really wish that scene would have continued.
    15. Summoning Magic

      by , 09-23-2012 at 06:33 AM
      Fragment: Summoning Magic
      I'm in a room with a man and a woman, and they have to eat a live bird to perform a spell. The man catches the bird in his hand, and I think it's a little large to eat. I imagine trying to fit it in my mouth, and the imaginary bird claw gets caught on my bottom lip and hurts like hell. I'm surprised that an imaginary bird can hurt.

      The mad puts the bird in his mouth, chews it up and swallows. He then tells the woman where to put the ingested bird, by a window, and two hell hounds appear. They look like flaming hyenas. THey couple leave the room and I follow, but the hell hounds get out. I worry that since I didn't summon them, they will turn on me. I order them back in the room, and they obey. I close the door and head off down the hall
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