• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Dreams, notes, and other experiments to assist in achieving high-quality lucid dreams on a regular basis.

    Reality Check (RC): Action used to evaluate if one is dreaming. Common methods include plugging the nose and testing whether it can be breathed through, as well as inspecting one's hands for irregularities compared to waking reality.

    Memory Lapse (...): Where memory ends for a given stream of consciousness. For example, going to sleep in a dream and waking up in the dream later with no recollection of the sleep.

    Dream Initiated Lucid Dream (DILD): Lucid dreaming type that originates from the dreamer regaining awareness from within a dream.

    Wake Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD): Lucid dreaming type that originates from the dreamer maintaining awareness from waking near-directly into a dream.

    Wake Back To Bed (WBTB): Sleep cycle interruption technique used to achieve lucid dreams.

    Blue: Denotes regular non-lucid dream recall.

    Purple: Denotes lucid dream recall (formerly Orange).

    1. WILD Attempt & Zelda Prediction: It's Bad

      by , 02-25-2023 at 06:01 PM (Dreamlog)
      Up at about 4:30AM for a WBTB. No recall from earlier in the night. I've just taken the supplements below for the first time. I'll be back to record later. First impression: Choline smells terrible. Like fishy terrible.

      Update: Laid in bed for a long time. GF's regular weekday alarm went off by mistake a couple times and messed up my rhythm. Eventually I relaxed enough to start feeling WILD vibrations. I got all the way through the process of "going through the wormhole", and I could see a dream in a tiny pinhole at the end. It was my childhood home. I could see my old PC monitor with Runescape on it, but the dream was black around the edges. I forgot that I needed to 'grab' the dream and I missed my opportunity.

      I find myself in my bed and I think to do a nose RC. I can breathe through my nose so I know I'm dreaming. I start to rub my hands together, spin, and demand that the dream stabilize. It doesn't do much, and it feels very unstable and groggy. I try to leave my bedroom but the dream fades. I have a few more false awakenings with similar results. At one point I did spin and see some marked improvement in quality, but not enough to try and pursue a dream goal. I was trying to go to a forest and explore the dream environment.

      I'm in something similar to a fast-food restaurant playscape. There is a pool resort nearby. Sunny day and all that. Looks like a dope vacation spot actually. I'm crawling through the tube tunnels, and eventually come out the other side. There is a group of people playing the upcoming Zelda title, Tears of the Kingdom, on an outdoor TV setup. It is lagging really bad. I'm upset about it being this bad. I wake or otherwise recall nothing beyond this point.

      Regarding the supplements. I did notice a bit of a headache during the attempt (and now still), as well as some stomach discomfort. I felt my heart beating faster but that is most likely attributed to the WILD experience itself. Nothing earth-shattering but thought I should note it.

      Hoping for better results next time. I will say that this is the first time in a long time that I've actually felt the WILD vibrations, tiny victories I guess.

      Supplements: Primary Trigger Combination (1st Attempt)
      Galantamine: 8mg
      Choline Bitartrate: 250mg

      Default = Commentary
      Blue = Dream
      Green = Lucid

      Updated 02-25-2023 at 06:05 PM by 99808

      false awakening , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    2. I Forgot My Saxophone!

      by , 02-24-2023 at 04:07 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in someplace similar to my highschool, but it is on a higher floor than normal. Ceiling seems lower. Assorted open instrument cases are strewn carelessly across the floor. There is a crowd of people in dress clothes creating a familiar pleasant cacophony of instruments warming up and noodling around. I'm in the bandroom before a concert performance. I realize that I don't have my saxophone. I start to sweat and panic. How long would it take me to go home and get it? How long do I have?

      -------------------------------- Memory Lapse----------------------------------------

      I'm at my friend D's apartment, but it isn't where it normally is. He is living in a loft apartment above a shopping mall strip. I think I might be living with him.
      This might be connected to the band dream (IE I went back for my saxophone) but not sure.

      -------------------------------- Memory Lapse----------------------------------------

      I'm in my ex H's basement. There are some extra couches compared to normal. I have 2 or 3 uncles sitting there. They look like a rougher crowd of people. They are trying to lure a cat at the top of the stairs to come down to them. There is a gate at the top of the stairs blocking the cat. I come lie down on an open spot on the couch. The cat immediately comes to me and lies down on head and starts purring. I feel a sense of pride about my perceived skill with animals.

      Default = Commentary
      Blue = Dream
      Green = Lucid
      Tags: band, cat, saxohpone
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. My Targets for Spring Competition 2023

      by , 02-23-2023 at 07:34 PM (Dreamlog)
      Edit 2: I just went ahead and put updated goals on main Spring 2023 thread.

      Edit: Just realized the goals might be different for Spring 2023 compared to Winter 2022. Will update when new instructions are out.

      Wanted to decide on some goals for next week:

      Dream Control Tasks
      Eat/Drink Something - 5 points
      Super Speed - 5 points
      Basic Summoning - 5 points
      Teleport - 10 points

      Challenge Tasks
      Walk on a wall (success if you manage to keep both of your feet attached to the wall simultaneously)

      Updated 03-01-2023 at 03:48 PM by 99808

      side notes
    4. Harley's Town

      by , 02-23-2023 at 07:11 PM (Dreamlog)
      Making my first dream journal post here on DV... it isn't much but here it is:

      I'm in some abandoned town. Broken buildings, dust blowing in the wind. Harley Quinn is in front of some town hall assembly. She is tasked with naming the town. She decides to call it Dustsewer, or something similarly ugly. She is doing it on purpose and thinks it is hilarious.

      Default = Commentary
      Blue = Dream
      Green = Lucid

      Updated 02-23-2023 at 07:25 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
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