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    Just Another Dream Journal

    Surprise, Surprise

    by , 03-17-2011 at 09:59 AM (389 Views)
    After my last entry, I took 400 mg Caffeine, went to the store, came home and spoke to hubby on the phone for an hour, and then I fell... YEP... and then I fell right back to sleep.
    For awhile, I kept waking up every few minutes and then drifting back out.

    THe dream I had was a strange one. The only DC who was a real person was my Uncle Troy.
    At first, I was gathering ingredients for making pizza. A local Food Lion was giving away free food samples if you had a store card, so I kept going there. I told friends and relatives about the deal, so they started showing up.
    The dream somehow became my FB game City of WOnder and it was oddly and literally a layered world.
    It's hard to recall the beginning part of the dream. I was gathering supplies and buying and selling things with my neighbors. I was fortifying and upgrading troops. At some point, I was climbing a wall with another person or 2 (?) and we went forward in time. All I recall is seeing a dragon on one level and warriors battling one another. I couldn't access one area, so I looked for some way down. Behind the wall were rungs and at one spot, a tunneled type section going down. I went through it and was blasted by fire. I lost a bunch of hit points lol then braced between sections which were cemented as another blast came.
    I eventually made it out and back to the "real world" where I continued gathering ingredients for some pizza.
    I went to family members but a few of them shunned me because of my children. This real world was layered as well and also like some huge trailer park. My Uncles children were mean to mine, so he sent them to sit in the car. But his wife treated me meanly even though I made cookies for her younger children.
    Alcohol came into play somehow, but I no longer remember.

    I woke up, went to the restroom, and as I type this, I can barely keep my eyes open. The feeling that I am trapped in a dream is as strong as ever. Maybe I'm finally having an emotional/mental breakdown or something lol
    At any rate, most of the last dream was inspired by playing City of Wonder right before I fell to sleep. There's a new Workshop building that allows you to gather supplies from your neighbors to create "unique" buildings.
    I think I may leave and walk around Wal-mart for an hour or so, so I can be sure to be awake to wake my kids up for school. If I stay home I'm just going to go right back to sleep.
    How the hell is it possible to sleep as much I have been and yet still be SO tired?

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    1. saltyseedog's Avatar
    2. Zhaylin's Avatar
      lol More like undisciplined. Sleep is a great means of escape
      Don't want to clean?- no problem! just go to sleep!
      Don't want to eat or deal with the other hassles of maintaining your health? Again, no problem! With sleep, you don't have to worry about any of those things!

      What Mr.Spokesperson-for-sleep in my head doesn't mention is that when you wake up, those problems have gotten bigger.
      But hey... no, problem. Just go right back to sleep