For those interested in time dilation:
I was going to make a separate thread on dream combat and link to it here, but then things started getting screwy. Anyways, I'll go into that some here, particularly I'm in the mood to write about defense and why combat became boring for me because of becoming like a more complicated game of tictactoe in which neither side can win if both players know how to play.
The ultimate defense for dream and astral combat:
This is what i personally use for defense, though i won't reveal everything for my own sake, good to hold onto some secrets here just in case lol. I usually use a combination of techs depending on my mood, though my seeds are always ready if needed.
1. Shielding - Shielding comes in many forms, from simple bubble shields and body armor to more complex shielding such as spatial manipulation shields (throw a punch and when your fist gets too close to me it vanishes and reappears elsewhere), energy shields which rotate at high speeds or are programmed to reflect or counterattack, ect
2. Phasing - Like a no clipping mode cheat, stuff goes right through you as if you were a ghost.
3. Disconnection from self - You don't actually have a physical body, so you can turn pain off and physical attacks will become useless if your body is more of a thoughtform. Especially at first it may help if you view your dream body in third person. Your body can be mutilated beyond recognition with you laughing because you can choose to feel nothing and regenerate at will.
4. Dodging - If they can't touch you, it's hard for them to harm you with physical attacks. You can try to make yourself faster up to a certain point, but if you use TD creatively then speed, from your own perspective becomes irrelevant. If you can manipulate your perceived flow of time from only your own perspective, then no matter how fast your opponent is, to you they can appear slower than yourself and you can take your time in deciding how to respond to their attacks. It is unclear to me what would happen if 2 ppl skilled at this TD tech were have a battle of speed vs speed. I suppose it would depend on how far they can push the TD.
5. Consciousness Seeds - The real ultimate defense. Everything else is just for fun really. This is also pretty advanced and difficult to learn how to do and maintain properly. Similar to Naraku from Inuyasha, or really more similar to Voldemort in Harry Potter. You create thoughtforms which contain a tiny piece of your consciousness and the blueprint required to fully restore your mind if needed. Kind of like saving a backup of your mind on a harddrive in case you need to restore later. These come in many flavors with various programs designed to keep them hidden and let them know when to activate without giving an attacker any way to trace a link between you and the seeds in order to wipe you out completely. Many seeds i do keep linked up, if not directly to me than through each other in a sort of web keeping them all connected. Others i keep completely severed from both myself and the web. Most of these severed seeds are set to send out a "ping" at various intervals and then wait for a ping back from the seed network to make sure everything is ok and they don't need to activate. Some of these self-replicate and hide duplicates of themselves which do the same. Other types of seeds i will keep secret and not talk about. These seeds are hidden far and wide. Some deep within my own mind, some in other beings, some in random pocket dimensions, some which constantly teleport around to random places, and again some hiding places i will keep secret lol.
Some offensive stuff i like to use:
I use way too many offensive and defensive techs to list them all, but I'll get into some of my more fun/useful ones i like to use.
1. Black hole bombs - Nuff said lol, but just incase, these are thoughtforms similar to small energy balls which are designed to create supermassive black holes when detonated. Might want to shield yourself from gravity somehow while using these.
2. Sensory Overload - This is more useful against other real people from the waking world or tougher opponents. It's designed to overwhelm all or as many as possible of their senses simultaneously. Blinding light as bright as you can make it for their vision, the loudest psychic scream you can create for their hearing, imagine the worste possible pain you can then amplify and transmit it to them to overwhelm their sense of touch, ect. I know the whole 5 senses thing is bs but you can still run with this and get creative too. For example extreme darkness can also be blinding/disorienting but it's easier to counter and lacks the pain that super bright light can cause.
3. Caging/Trapping - One off my favorite cages involves placing them inside a room or Labryth which is cut off from the outside world, extremely hard to escape, and uses extreme TD to where they could wander around lost for many years. Is more effective when you also attack their lucidity, for obvious reasons.
That's all i have the time for now writing stuff of the top of my head but I would like to add much more later.