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    Thread: Dream Control Mastery Tutorial

    1. #1
      Member Mylynes's Avatar
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      Dream Control Mastery Tutorial

      I am going to work on this as a part 2 to the old vision control tutorial I wrote: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-cont...-tutorial.html

      The old thread got kind of long, so I would like to start into this and go into how to incorporate that system into dream control. Will go into how I developed my own dream control abilities, and how others could develop the same or similar abilities.

      I use something I will call Omnitech for a huge chunk of my dream control. It is a combination of personal experience, the http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-cont...-tutorial.html , and psionics tweaked for dream control use. It allows me to directly manipulate anything I can sense, through manipulation of my senses to create a sort of blueprint or thoughtform, which then is fleshed out with psi to manifest my will.

      I can create nearly anything I can imagine with ease. I have over 100 worlds created which I tend to visit during my very long (time dilation) trips into the dream plane. Most of them have vastly different rules which has an effect on the lifeforms there. My dreams are very stable, something doesn't vanish simply because I turn my back on it for a while. I enjoy splitting my awareness and using it to fill out various crazy forms. I love being able to see out of their eyes, hear what they hear, feel what they feel, even if it is a giant tentacle beast covered in eyeballs, or a small fly/dragon hybrid.

      Will also work on collecting some links for references.
      This is how I maintain 100% lucidity (all my dreams are lucid): http://www.dreamviews.com/attaining-...0%25-time.html
      Discussion on dream control limitations: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-cont...mitations.html

      Coming Soon
      Last edited by Mylynes; 12-14-2013 at 08:58 PM.

    2. #2
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      Can you elaborate on time dilation too?

    3. #3
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      Quote Originally Posted by clearthoughter View Post
      Can you elaborate on time dilation too?

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      Quote Originally Posted by Mylynes View Post
      UNDER CONSTRUCTION I enjoy splitting my awareness and using it to fill out various crazy forms. I love being able to see out of their eyes, hear what they hear, feel what they feel, even if it is a giant tentacle beast covered in eyeballs, or a small fly/dragon hybrid.

      Coming Soon
      Haha. Reminds me of the time when I first got into lucid dreaming, and I battled you in Outer Space. You turned into a big room surrounding me, every wall, ceiling floor covered in all kinds of eyeballs staring at me, you freak! I was really creeped out. lol I didn't know how to fight you, so I think I teleported away.

      Maybe you can do a dream control class in the DV Academy, or if you want, you can run a class in my sub-forum, Dreamwalkers. People keep joining it, but no one posts anything. Maybe you can get some life back into it with your creepy creative vibe. Any time you want to start a Dream Control class in my sub-forum, the invitation is open. Songi Klara!

    5. #5
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      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post
      Haha. Reminds me of the time when I first got into lucid dreaming, and I battled you in Outer Space. You turned into a big room surrounding me, every wall, ceiling floor covered in all kinds of eyeballs staring at me, you freak! I was really creeped out. lol I didn't know how to fight you, so I think I teleported away.

      Maybe you can do a dream control class in the DV Academy, or if you want, you can run a class in my sub-forum, Dreamwalkers. People keep joining it, but no one posts anything. Maybe you can get some life back into it with your creepy creative vibe. Any time you want to start a Dream Control class in my sub-forum, the invitation is open. Songi Klara!
      I remember that one lol. Not sure about doing a class right now because I don't think I'm active enough. Maybe later. Need to work some more on this thread sometime soon, plan to go into dream combat, TD, + other stuff. Would check out dreamwalkers but it says it requires a password. Could pm it to me sometime if you want. Been hanging out at the IOSDP area some too.

      Blessed be.
      Last edited by Mylynes; 12-18-2013 at 07:09 PM.
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    6. #6
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      Thumbs up

      Hey, looking forward to reading this once completed. I am quite avid in the fields of Vision Control, which, is how i found this site; researching WILD techniques that would allow me to use my Vision Control skills to induce WILD's. However, all I found was this Advanced Vision Control Tutorial . It provided some new ideas and techniques on Vision Control, but not much linking back to Lucidity. So, I've been running experiments since then on LDing and Lucidity, might i add that I've hauled in some nice results! Anyways, Again, Look forward to the completion of this tutorial, as I hope I can gain some knowledge on a couple things.
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    7. #7
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      Having trouble editing my own tutorials, which kind of makes things more difficult then they should be. Mod said he could do edits for me, but would be a pain to ask a mod to edit my posts every time I needed to update something. There are broken links that need to be taken out, typos that need fixing, additional info and links I would like to add, ect. I can understand the vision control tutorial being old enough to not let me edit now but I also can't edit the OP in this thread saying that it is too old.

      Asking a mod and posted in help section on this, so maybe something can be figured out.
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mylynes View Post
      Having trouble editing my own tutorials, which kind of makes things more difficult then they should be. Mod said he could do edits for me, but would be a pain to ask a mod to edit my posts every time I needed to update something. There are broken links that need to be taken out, typos that need fixing, additional info and links I would like to add, ect. I can understand the vision control tutorial being old enough to not let me edit now but I also can't edit the OP in this thread saying that it is too old.

      Asking a mod and posted in help section on this, so maybe something can be figured out.
      I think I can give you permissions to edit whatever of your posts you want in Dreamwalkers sub-forum, but not sure.
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    9. #9
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      Ok so yea, I think I will just move everything to either the IOSDP or Dreamwalkers, though I am leaning towards IOSDP just because it is public and isn't password protected.
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    10. #10
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      Why not ask - like Nomad with his experiments - to not post in here any more - but open a discussion thread on this thread and have a mod move over the posts from others - maybe delete some of your´s - one time - you get rid of what you don´t want here.
      Then go post after post.

      I also felt very restricted on DV with my editing - being used to do that regardless of when I put my mind to it on another forum.
      Naja - I think it is three days limit.

      I have posted on a thread on this topic a while ago - maybe one could take the topic up once more.
      I tend to open threads with a lot of text, links and pictures and also really tend to them - at least sometimes for a short while - but longer than three days - and I had surely at least 20 impulses to edit, which I couldn´t follow.
      Ask a mod is ridiculous for anything else than really relevant matters.
      Not concerns of style and wording - wanting a certain smiley, in a silly mood* - most posts of some length I edit at least once anyway - so why not some more..?

      Anyways - since I suppose to find very interesting things in here - I would really beg you to stay in Dream Control - since that is what it is about.
      Do not obscure access for those, who are interested in what you got to say - but wont ever enter the password-area(s) or take note of the IOSDP!

    11. #11
      Member Mylynes's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by StephL View Post
      Why not ask - like Nomad with his experiments - to not post in here any more - but open a discussion thread on this thread and have a mod move over the posts from others - maybe delete some of your´s - one time - you get rid of what you don´t want here.
      Then go post after post.

      I also felt very restricted on DV with my editing - being used to do that regardless of when I put my mind to it on another forum.
      Naja - I think it is three days limit.

      I have posted on a thread on this topic a while ago - maybe one could take the topic up once more.
      I tend to open threads with a lot of text, links and pictures and also really tend to them - at least sometimes for a short while - but longer than three days - and I had surely at least 20 impulses to edit, which I couldn´t follow.
      Ask a mod is ridiculous for anything else than really relevant matters.
      Not concerns of style and wording - wanting a certain smiley, in a silly mood* - most posts of some length I edit at least once anyway - so why not some more..?

      Anyways - since I suppose to find very interesting things in here - I would really beg you to stay in Dream Control - since that is what it is about.
      Do not obscure access for those, who are interested in what you got to say - but wont ever enter the password-area(s) or take note of the IOSDP!

      I could move to IOSDP, this thread would get moved or deleted(since it never made it out of early construction and went off topic anyways), the vision control thread could stay, but I could post a sort of hub here in dream control in which I could have all my links compiled to my stuff in the IOSDP.

      Also, I doubt it will lead to any changes but was curious to hear other ppls opinion so I just made this poll: http://www.dreamviews.com/lounge/148...dit-limit.html
      Last edited by Mylynes; 12-22-2013 at 10:56 PM.
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    12. #12
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      gab has probably given you Admin permission in Dreamwalkers sub-forum. She said it should go through. Feel free to re-post or do whatever there. You can copy old posts and put them in Dreamwalkers, but still leave the original copies in the main forums, if you wish.

    13. #13
      Member Mylynes's Avatar
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      For those interested in time dilation: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-cont...echniques.html

      I was going to make a separate thread on dream combat and link to it here, but then things started getting screwy. Anyways, I'll go into that some here, particularly I'm in the mood to write about defense and why combat became boring for me because of becoming like a more complicated game of tictactoe in which neither side can win if both players know how to play.

      The ultimate defense for dream and astral combat:
      This is what i personally use for defense, though i won't reveal everything for my own sake, good to hold onto some secrets here just in case lol. I usually use a combination of techs depending on my mood, though my seeds are always ready if needed.

      1. Shielding - Shielding comes in many forms, from simple bubble shields and body armor to more complex shielding such as spatial manipulation shields (throw a punch and when your fist gets too close to me it vanishes and reappears elsewhere), energy shields which rotate at high speeds or are programmed to reflect or counterattack, ect

      2. Phasing - Like a no clipping mode cheat, stuff goes right through you as if you were a ghost.

      3. Disconnection from self - You don't actually have a physical body, so you can turn pain off and physical attacks will become useless if your body is more of a thoughtform. Especially at first it may help if you view your dream body in third person. Your body can be mutilated beyond recognition with you laughing because you can choose to feel nothing and regenerate at will.

      4. Dodging - If they can't touch you, it's hard for them to harm you with physical attacks. You can try to make yourself faster up to a certain point, but if you use TD creatively then speed, from your own perspective becomes irrelevant. If you can manipulate your perceived flow of time from only your own perspective, then no matter how fast your opponent is, to you they can appear slower than yourself and you can take your time in deciding how to respond to their attacks. It is unclear to me what would happen if 2 ppl skilled at this TD tech were have a battle of speed vs speed. I suppose it would depend on how far they can push the TD.

      5. Consciousness Seeds - The real ultimate defense. Everything else is just for fun really. This is also pretty advanced and difficult to learn how to do and maintain properly. Similar to Naraku from Inuyasha, or really more similar to Voldemort in Harry Potter. You create thoughtforms which contain a tiny piece of your consciousness and the blueprint required to fully restore your mind if needed. Kind of like saving a backup of your mind on a harddrive in case you need to restore later. These come in many flavors with various programs designed to keep them hidden and let them know when to activate without giving an attacker any way to trace a link between you and the seeds in order to wipe you out completely. Many seeds i do keep linked up, if not directly to me than through each other in a sort of web keeping them all connected. Others i keep completely severed from both myself and the web. Most of these severed seeds are set to send out a "ping" at various intervals and then wait for a ping back from the seed network to make sure everything is ok and they don't need to activate. Some of these self-replicate and hide duplicates of themselves which do the same. Other types of seeds i will keep secret and not talk about. These seeds are hidden far and wide. Some deep within my own mind, some in other beings, some in random pocket dimensions, some which constantly teleport around to random places, and again some hiding places i will keep secret lol.

      Some offensive stuff i like to use:
      I use way too many offensive and defensive techs to list them all, but I'll get into some of my more fun/useful ones i like to use.
      1. Black hole bombs - Nuff said lol, but just incase, these are thoughtforms similar to small energy balls which are designed to create supermassive black holes when detonated. Might want to shield yourself from gravity somehow while using these.

      2. Sensory Overload - This is more useful against other real people from the waking world or tougher opponents. It's designed to overwhelm all or as many as possible of their senses simultaneously. Blinding light as bright as you can make it for their vision, the loudest psychic scream you can create for their hearing, imagine the worste possible pain you can then amplify and transmit it to them to overwhelm their sense of touch, ect. I know the whole 5 senses thing is bs but you can still run with this and get creative too. For example extreme darkness can also be blinding/disorienting but it's easier to counter and lacks the pain that super bright light can cause.

      3. Caging/Trapping - One off my favorite cages involves placing them inside a room or Labryth which is cut off from the outside world, extremely hard to escape, and uses extreme TD to where they could wander around lost for many years. Is more effective when you also attack their lucidity, for obvious reasons.

      That's all i have the time for now writing stuff of the top of my head but I would like to add much more later.
      Last edited by Mylynes; 01-03-2014 at 05:02 AM.

    14. #14
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      Not having your belief system and doubting the real life dimensions, of what you got to say - I am very fascinated by your reports and tips anyway.
      Impressive what you can do in your LDs!

      And thank you for sharing it in dream control, where people - esp. also those of the un-beyonder persuasion - can gain a real profit from your experiences!

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      I'll be leaving tomorrow, and likely won't be returning. Moving on to a better place. Sry guys.

      And though i head into the afterlife, no I'm not suicidal and don't plan on killing myself. Just going to attempt to dream the eternal dream. Peace out DV.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Mylynes View Post
      I'll be leaving tomorrow, and likely won't be returning. Moving on to a better place. Sry guys.

      And though i head into the afterlife, no I'm not suicidal and don't plan on killing myself. Just going to attempt to dream the eternal dream. Peace out DV.
      Where will your physical body go?
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    17. #17
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      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post
      Where will your physical body go?
      Not sure, but i wrote a will and some notes to my family/friends just in case. I could maybe die, or end up in a coma. Or maybe i could eventually find a way to send something back in my place. So maybe my body could somehow wake up without me in it. I don't know though, just guessing. Perhaps i could split my consciousness in a way that allows most of me to remain dreaming while simultaneously a very small and separated part of me returns to control my body.

      Perhaps i could find a way for an external being to possess my body. Or maybe even a DC or thoughtform.

      Look for me on the other side. 1 of me will always be in the deathstarlike space ship which acts as the hub for my multiverse. There should be a portal to the ship on top of a pyramid on the green moon.
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      Bosnak says we are not a single (unified) personally but a collection of dissociative states.

      That interest me because I'm on a disability pension for Dissociative Disorder.

      Maybe because all humans are just a collection of dissociative states is why you can do what you can do.

      If folk would just do WakingNomad's 50 week rv dream game, folk would get used to being a collection of dissociative states and stop living in the delusion that they are One single and limited personality.

      Saturday 28 February 2009

      Jungian psychoanalyst and psychotherapist Robert Bosnak is a dream worker. To him dreams are an ecosystem of imaginings—powerful bodily experiences populated by characters with their own intelligences.

      When you encounter the images of your dreaming mind do you find one Self, or many?*
      Listen to this 30 minute interview and/or read the transcript. I think you will like it Mylynes


      Dreams: the body alive! (Part 1 of 2) - All In The Mind - ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


      Quote Originally Posted by Mylynes View Post
      Not sure, but i wrote a will and some notes to my family/friends just in case. I could maybe die, or end up in a coma. Or maybe i could eventually find a way to send something back in my place. So maybe my body could somehow wake up without me in it. I don't know though, just guessing. Perhaps i could split my consciousness in a way that allows most of me to remain dreaming while simultaneously a very small and separated part of me returns to control my body.

      Perhaps i could find a way for an external being to possess my body. Or maybe even a DC or thoughtform.

      Look for me on the other side. 1 of me will always be in the deathstarlike space ship which acts as the hub for my multiverse. There should be a portal to the ship on top of a pyramid on the green moon.

    19. #19
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mylynes View Post
      And though i head into the afterlife, no I'm not suicidal and don't plan on killing myself. Just going to attempt to dream the eternal dream. Peace out DV.
      If you are able to return to the physical world will you have the wisdom and knowledge of someone who has lived hundreds of thousands of years?
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      Quote Originally Posted by Intrepidity View Post
      If you are able to return to the physical world will you have the wisdom and knowledge of someone who has lived hundreds of thousands of years?
      If he does wake up eventually, my theory is that he won't know where he is or where he's been and all that, he will have faint memory (or none at all) of his waking life. The reason to this is because the brain's memory is about 2.5 petabytes, which is equal to letting a DVR record TV for 300 years straight. "Eternity" is a lot more than that. And to dream forever would mean to sleep forever, so he will eventually die or wake up. But we don't know what's going to happen after death though. This is my theory.
      Last edited by HanZartaC; 01-15-2014 at 01:13 AM. Reason: Grammar
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    21. #21
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      Quote Originally Posted by HanZartaC View Post
      And to dream forever would mean to sleep forever, so he will eventually die or wake up. But we don't know what's going to happen after death though. This is my theory.
      I was of the belief that his entire dream would take place within a single night using time dilation techniques. For the dream to be infinite real time would have to stand completely still in relation to dream time otherwise the dream would end eventually. I myself am rather skeptical that a dream could really last forever even if in our minds it may feel like forever.

      Quote Originally Posted by HanZartaC View Post
      If he does wake up eventually, my theory is that he won't know where he is or where he's been and all that, he will have faint memory (or none at all) of his waking life
      This was similar to what I had in mind originally, but despite the initial confusion of being thrust back into reality he would in theory still retain some of the knowledge along with many of the instinctive behaviours and habits he learned while dreaming.

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      Well, WTF... I think Mylynes will probably sleep about 30 or 40 hours, then wake up. But, who knows?

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      I dont mean to be an ass or anything but all of his posts seem to me like written by a 13 year old who just watched too much Naruto/DBZ or something.

      Like seriously?

      If this was all meant as a joke or something then I guess I'm a retard.
      Last edited by Electrode; 01-20-2014 at 02:52 AM.
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      Quote Originally Posted by Electrode View Post
      I dont mean to be an ass or anything but all of his posts seem to me like written by a 13 year old who just watched too much Naruto/DBZ or something.

      Like seriously?

      If this was all meant as a joke or something then I guess I'm a retard.
      Don't try these techniques.

    25. #25
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      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post
      Don't try these techniques.
      What techniques? These aren't techniques its just pointless rambling that has nothing to do with lucid dreaming. I looked into his posts/threads a bit more and its all utter nonsense.

      Lemme just show you some things which are plain lies/made up :

      Quote Originally Posted by Mylynes View Post
      I can create nearly anything I can imagine with ease. I have over 100 worlds created which I tend to visit during my very long (time dilation) trips into the dream plane. Most of them have vastly different rules which has an effect on the lifeforms there. My dreams are very stable, something doesn't vanish simply because I turn my back on it for a while. I enjoy splitting my awareness and using it to fill out various crazy forms. I love being able to see out of their eyes, hear what they hear, feel what they feel, even if it is a giant tentacle beast covered in eyeballs, or a small fly/dragon hybrid.
      Like what is this? Is this supposed to be serious because judging from this guys posts and threads it looks very much so. He created 100s of persistant worlds and can inhibit the insides of any beast he wants.
      This is plain impossible. Dreams are a reflection of ourselves and are governed by our subconcience, how is it possible to experience a sense in a Dream which you never experienced in real life. Some of the stuff hes saying is possible to some degree by highly skilled people and even then its an exaggeration. Like splitting personalities? How exactly does that work? Its unrealistic and fake.


      Quote Originally Posted by Mylynes View Post
      I suppose my dream worlds must be more stable than for other people. If I turn my back on something, it doesn't simply vanish. I read and write pretty regularly in my dreams, mostly through a sort of computer system that can store/withdraw information (I supposed from my subconscious) which I usually access through a sort of HUD. I regularly log my adventures or jot down notes to help me remember things and then access them at a later date. My dream worlds are usually very stable unless I intentionally make them otherwise, or allow my subconscious to be more random. Sometimes I will post signs up in my dream worlds and the text never changes unless I want it to. These dreamworlds are consistent with the way they were designed to be, and I have visited many of them many many times since their creation. So they do not change much from dream to dream unless I want them to be evolving while I am away.

      Anyways, definitely not impossible as I have done these things, and I think that perhaps even newbies to LDs/dream control could still (at least some of the time) be able to read text in their dreams and write in their dreams. Even if the text is not stable and changes on them, words could still be perceived before they change.

      I also tend to use a good bit of math in my dreams, though usually not the more advanced math. Mostly I use this for programming constructs and thoughtforms.
      So now this is beginning to look seem more and more sci-fi. I mean using maths and accessing your files trough a HUD stored by a brain computer? He uses all of these terms as the dream world is anything similar to waking life. It is extremely different, covered with emotions and volatile but he somehow has neat organized folders and solves math in them. Aight..


      Quote Originally Posted by Mylynes View Post

      Mostly though I use 2 main techniques in order to extend my dreams.
      The first is fairly simple, and anyone with enough dream control and control over their senses should be able to do with practice. Basically you split yourself into 2 separate dream bodies, separate awareness. Not mere clones but bodies with which you can perceive the world through separately. Both bodies have completely separate vision, hearing, touch, ect. If you can do this, then you can effectively split into 2 and have 2 completely separate dreams simultaneously. In short, you can have 2 full and separate dreams in the same time frame as you would normally only have 1 dream. You can then continue splitting your awareness to increase the amount of content that can be perceived in the same amount of time.
      The other main tech I use, is I have 1 of my bodies meditate in the hyperbolic time chamber from dbz. This is much harder to explain but is based mostly on visualization (using HUD clocks) and feeling which I doubt I can explain better than the ear muscle explanation. This body attempts to slow down (or speed up depending on perspective) perceived time for all of my dream bodies simultaneously.
      Using these 2 main techs in combination with many minor techs has allowed me to perceive many years of dream content in a mere 2 hours of sleep. I have also had times in which I have slept for over 24 hours and dreamed for what felt like hundreds of years, to the point where I had forgotten many things from irl. I felt as if I could remain their indefinitely (or near indefinitely) but I always choose to come back for some reason or other. These days, since I tend to spend much more time in my dreams than the waking world, instead of keeping a dream journal I keep a sort of thisworld journal which I use to keep from forgetting important things irl. I write before bed and read upon waking to reintegrate myself into this world.
      So this one is my favorite. He claims to split into hundreds of clones each doing its own thing while he puts 1 clone of himself into a time chamber from DBZ? Can it get more ridiculous and obvious than this? Do I need to say anything?


      Quote Originally Posted by Mylynes View Post
      For those interested in time dilation: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-cont...echniques.html

      I was going to make a separate thread on dream combat and link to it here, but then things started getting screwy. Anyways, I'll go into that some here, particularly I'm in the mood to write about defense and why combat became boring for me because of becoming like a more complicated game of tictactoe in which neither side can win if both players know how to play.

      The ultimate defense for dream and astral combat:
      This is what i personally use for defense, though i won't reveal everything for my own sake, good to hold onto some secrets here just in case lol. I usually use a combination of techs depending on my mood, though my seeds are always ready if needed.

      1. Shielding - Shielding comes in many forms, from simple bubble shields and body armor to more complex shielding such as spatial manipulation shields (throw a punch and when your fist gets too close to me it vanishes and reappears elsewhere), energy shields which rotate at high speeds or are programmed to reflect or counterattack, ect

      2. Phasing - Like a no clipping mode cheat, stuff goes right through you as if you were a ghost.

      3. Disconnection from self - You don't actually have a physical body, so you can turn pain off and physical attacks will become useless if your body is more of a thoughtform. Especially at first it may help if you view your dream body in third person. Your body can be mutilated beyond recognition with you laughing because you can choose to feel nothing and regenerate at will.

      4. Dodging - If they can't touch you, it's hard for them to harm you with physical attacks. You can try to make yourself faster up to a certain point, but if you use TD creatively then speed, from your own perspective becomes irrelevant. If you can manipulate your perceived flow of time from only your own perspective, then no matter how fast your opponent is, to you they can appear slower than yourself and you can take your time in deciding how to respond to their attacks. It is unclear to me what would happen if 2 ppl skilled at this TD tech were have a battle of speed vs speed. I suppose it would depend on how far they can push the TD.

      5. Consciousness Seeds - The real ultimate defense. Everything else is just for fun really. This is also pretty advanced and difficult to learn how to do and maintain properly. Similar to Naraku from Inuyasha, or really more similar to Voldemort in Harry Potter. You create thoughtforms which contain a tiny piece of your consciousness and the blueprint required to fully restore your mind if needed. Kind of like saving a backup of your mind on a harddrive in case you need to restore later. These come in many flavors with various programs designed to keep them hidden and let them know when to activate without giving an attacker any way to trace a link between you and the seeds in order to wipe you out completely. Many seeds i do keep linked up, if not directly to me than through each other in a sort of web keeping them all connected. Others i keep completely severed from both myself and the web. Most of these severed seeds are set to send out a "ping" at various intervals and then wait for a ping back from the seed network to make sure everything is ok and they don't need to activate. Some of these self-replicate and hide duplicates of themselves which do the same. Other types of seeds i will keep secret and not talk about. These seeds are hidden far and wide. Some deep within my own mind, some in other beings, some in random pocket dimensions, some which constantly teleport around to random places, and again some hiding places i will keep secret lol.

      Some offensive stuff i like to use:
      I use way too many offensive and defensive techs to list them all, but I'll get into some of my more fun/useful ones i like to use.
      1. Black hole bombs - Nuff said lol, but just incase, these are thoughtforms similar to small energy balls which are designed to create supermassive black holes when detonated. Might want to shield yourself from gravity somehow while using these.

      2. Sensory Overload - This is more useful against other real people from the waking world or tougher opponents. It's designed to overwhelm all or as many as possible of their senses simultaneously. Blinding light as bright as you can make it for their vision, the loudest psychic scream you can create for their hearing, imagine the worste possible pain you can then amplify and transmit it to them to overwhelm their sense of touch, ect. I know the whole 5 senses thing is bs but you can still run with this and get creative too. For example extreme darkness can also be blinding/disorienting but it's easier to counter and lacks the pain that super bright light can cause.

      3. Caging/Trapping - One off my favorite cages involves placing them inside a room or Labryth which is cut off from the outside world, extremely hard to escape, and uses extreme TD to where they could wander around lost for many years. Is more effective when you also attack their lucidity, for obvious reasons.

      That's all i have the time for now writing stuff of the top of my head but I would like to add much more later.
      Even tho I'm pretty much repeating myself here, why does a master of lucid dreaming need combat moves except that it looks cool, oh yeah I forgot you gotta fight and protect yourself from the real people trying to hijack your dreams -.-''

      I don't like calling out people and being a dick but there is nothing more I hate than liars over-exaggerating this stuff to a ludicrous degree.. Don't be that guy.
      Last edited by Electrode; 01-20-2014 at 04:19 PM.
      parkmeats likes this.

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