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    Thread: Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain

    1. #11726
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by tommo View Post
      You could get travel sickness pills and just take 3 of em or so if you want a controlled dosage.

      Oh yeah I forgot to say, I did the same thing as one of those quotes you had. The guy who said he took a sliver and put it in a cigarette.
      heh. So weird how people do the same things. Except I took it from the Belladonna tree, and just put a bit of petal and smoked it. I got scared as fuck (instant cold body and just felt.... dead) and never touched it again lol
      Travel sickness pills would be antihistamines. It's all the same stuff here. I think the tropanes are honestly probably better for you when used in controlled sub-physical doses, their mechanism of action is more specific. If an equalized dose is needed, you can always just make a brew and then use a dropper to set out your doses that way. I wouldn't really mind just eating seeds though.... Anything less than ten is bound to be safe enough, and more than a couple probably wouldn't really be necessary.

      Hehe, sounds like a deliriant experience. That feeling can kind of get to me if I'm alone, but usually not so much as to hinder me from getting something out of the experience. I've heard a lot of people say that deliriants don't have visuals (aside from true hallucinations), but they definitely do for me, and they start changing in an instantly noticeable way as soon as I'm about to slip into complete delirium again. And the rush I get every time it's about to happen... knowing that I'm about to slip into pure madness and there's nothing I can do but watch it happen... it's the most wonderful feeling. Walls start firing grid patterns in every direction, corners start multiplying (e.g., a room with four corners will grow a new wall to have five corners, then six corners, then seven corners, etc., all while spinning in circles), form constants start rolling across surfaces, and everything closes in on me so fast that it's like my surroundings are wrapped around me and then fuse into me and basically it's like the fabric of reality is compromised of LEGO pieces (just to give a decent metaphor) and suddenly it's all being deconstructed... and then it's fifteen minutes later and I'm having a discussion with the face on my lamp.

      I miss deliriants. >w< For me, a deliriant trip is all about submitting to the drug's immense feeling of power no matter how frightening it can get and just letting it completely take over. It doesn't get much better than that.

      Quote Originally Posted by tommo View Post
      Edit: Just looked that report up, he says the flowers are toxic and he used the stamen? Guess I poisoned myself slightly.
      There may be some difference, but all parts are toxic. It's the tropane deliriants themselves that tend to do the damage.
      Last edited by Alyzarin; 11-05-2012 at 08:12 AM.
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    2. #11727
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      I'm getting sick of my family, mostly my mother.
      *Parents complain you spend too much time in your room > Go out and socialise > Get insulted > Return to room.*
      The things I despise the most, is my mothers inability to contribute to calm and logical conversations.
      She has a tendency to turn violent, or switch to an unrelated topic once she realises she's been trapped by a coherent argument.
      E.G: Mum: "Move your glass on the bench so you can use it again."
      Me: "If I need another drink, I'll just grab the glass from its current position!"
      Mum: No, move it onto the bench."
      Me: "No, the ants will end up inside the cup. I'm well aware you want my to use the glass again, and I'm telling you I can perform that task. I'm just trying to tell you, that if I move the glass, like you're requesting, it's going to be corrupted by the ants. I presume the reason you want me to use one glass, is so you don't have to wash up as much. However, if the ants make it into the glass, then it'll be more work. The situation can be easily alleviated, by leaving the glass where it is, safe from ants."
      Mum: Nathan, move the fucking glass, before I smash your head in."
      So, of course, I move the glass. Ten dollars says it will be filled with ants soon.
      Just petty shit, that she has to try to challenge, constantly.
      If I had to choose a pet peeve though, it'd be when a person has a tendency to resort to physical threats or verbal abuse, to avoid further discussion of an issue. Just acknowledge you're wrong, and the problem can be resolved.
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    3. #11728
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      Quote Originally Posted by Alyzarin View Post
      Travel sickness pills would be antihistamines. It's all the same stuff here.
      You sure? Pretty certain Scopolamine is used as a travel sickness pill pretty much everywhere.
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    4. #11729
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      Quote Originally Posted by yuppie11975 View Post
      I'm getting sick of my family, mostly my mother.
      *Parents complain you spend too much time in your room > Go out and socialise > Get insulted > Return to room.*
      The things I despise the most, is my mothers inability to contribute to calm and logical conversations.
      She has a tendency to turn violent, or switch to an unrelated topic once she realises she's been trapped by a coherent argument.
      This part sound exactly like my parents. They also tell me I spend too much time in my room and don't talk to them enough. I occasionally get sick of their poorly hidden resentment of me for not talking to them, so I'll try to talk to them, but about 95% of the time they'll end up making me feel like shit about something at some point in the conversation. Then when I give up and make obvious attempts to end the conversation, they get mad at me for trying to stop talking to them.

      It doesn't seem to occur to them that this is the reason I don't talk to them much. The few times I've brought up that this is the reason, they get defensive and insist they aren't insulting me at all. My dad is only passive aggressive, so he always has the excuse that he isn't mean at all and it's all in my head, while my mom will do as yours does and shift the subject somehow, completely ignoring my point and getting angry at me for something.


      Daylight savings has made it one hour easier for me to wake up earlier. Unfortunately that doesn't make much of a difference when I've been waking up at like 2pm. I was finally on a good sleep schedule but now it's fucked again and I need to fix it now. I was tired at like 8pm for some reason, fell asleep for an hour but haven't been tired since.

      Why do I feel so sorry for insects? It was worse when I was younger; I'd try to save every bug. My brother wanted me to get a wasp from his room a few hours ago. I brought it outside and put it on a bucket lid. Only I didn't realize until I'd already put it there that the lid was filled with a bee-height of water. So I got it out of there and put it on the table, but it was upside down and couldn't turn itself over. I helped it turn over, got a small box with a side missing, cut a hole at the bottom and put it on the wasp so it was in the box. I guess I thought maybe it would be warmer in there or at least protected from the elements so it could recover, even though it probably wouldn't be. I'm an idiot. It's like my stupid kid sympathy brain turns on and I don't even think right, just feel sorry for it and desire to help it. I even start talking to it, saying "you can do it, just stay there til your wings dry and you'll be fine, then you can go back to your hive with the other wasps, don't give up on me now." I also have a feeling that it will die simply from having been submerged in water, since that seems to be the case for other insects.

      When I went back out there for a smoke I saw it had moved a few inches but was lying on its back looking dead. I turned it over with a leaf and it started moving again, then I put the box back over it. I can't seem to convince myself that it's just a stupid insect, I don't think they've even been discovered to have pain receptors and they're likely not conscious at all. But for some reason I get this need to help anything alive and it consumes me during the time, and when they end up dying I get so sad and feel like I've failed. Especially this time because I basically killed it. I'm also really embarrassed that tomorrow someone will see the box which will probably have the dead wasp in it and realize I was trying to save it.
      Last edited by Dianeva; 11-05-2012 at 01:53 PM.

    5. #11730
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by tommo View Post
      You sure? Pretty certain Scopolamine is used as a travel sickness pill pretty much everywhere.
      I've at least personally never seen it for sale around here. Believe me, I would've bought some if I had. A quick Google search reveals that the only brands that were sold in the US as pills were either only given by prescription or discontinued. There's a patch for it that I found one site for, but it contains a lot of scopolamine stored up for slow release, which is probably not the safest way to experiment with it either.

      Quote Originally Posted by Dianeva View Post
      I can't seem to convince myself that it's just a stupid insect, I don't think they've even been discovered to have pain receptors and they're likely not conscious at all.
      I was going to say, yeah, if it makes you feel any better there's likely not really much of an actual mind there. I definitely understand wanting to keep living things alive, but bugs are something it's kind of hard to save all of....
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    6. #11731
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      I've done similar things with bees that were water logged or just flipped on their back or dying.
      I don't know about wasps but bees are very intelligent and not aggressive and they basically keep every other species alive.
      It's not stupid anyway.

    7. #11732
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      Well yeah, I'm having second thoughts about the tattoo. But we'll see :d.

      I'm not sure wether this is a rant or anti-rant. I woke up twice last night from two nightmares. And when I woke up, I was having sleep paralysis lol. There were like these creatures in my room and if I would've been 'fully awake', I'd probably die cause I get scared way too easily. But for some reason, I just ignored it and wasn't scared at all. GO ME ! I'm not sure why I'm starting to get sleep paralysis without even wanting to though :L.

      Now for tomorrows I have to take the bus again. AND I'M SO ANXIOUS OMFG. Stressed, tummy pains, feeling sick and anxious ofcourse. Like last time, I'm afraid of taking the wrong bus, people picking on me. And just see people in general. Someone help me pls.
      yuppie11975, Zhaylin and Alyzarin like this.
      DILD: 9 | MILD: - | DEILD: - | WILD: 2
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      I can see you sleep through your bedroom window. You're killing yourself with lucid dreaming.

    8. #11733
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Crashyy View Post
      Now for tomorrows I have to take the bus again. AND I'M SO ANXIOUS OMFG. Stressed, tummy pains, feeling sick and anxious ofcourse. Like last time, I'm afraid of taking the wrong bus, people picking on me. And just see people in general. Someone help me pls.
      Weren't you totally fine last time?

    9. #11734
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      Quote Originally Posted by Alyzarin View Post
      Weren't you totally fine last time?
      Well sorta, not really though. I took the wrong bus but I was lucky it had the same destination like the right bus I had to take. And I stepped off way to early so I had to walk for about 20 minutes to school. And I was constantly worried and stressed out. But I still survived it :p
      Zhaylin and Alyzarin like this.
      DILD: 9 | MILD: - | DEILD: - | WILD: 2
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      I can see you sleep through your bedroom window. You're killing yourself with lucid dreaming.

    10. #11735
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Crashyy View Post
      Well sorta, not really though. I took the wrong bus but I was lucky it had the same destination like the right bus I had to take. And I stepped off way to early so I had to walk for about 20 minutes to school. And I was constantly worried and stressed out. But I still survived it :p
      Ah, well yeah, I guess that's not totally fine. But I think you'll live to fight another day. It really doesn't change much no matter how many times you do it, you'll get through it again.

    11. #11736
      Soñadora Suena's Avatar
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      I so badly want to tell this lady in my online class that it is NOT her place to correct others' spelling and grammar errors, and that it is the instructor's job to inform others when to post in the discussion boards-- not hers. I mean, I understand where she's coming from. It is really annoying, as I've ranted here before, when people in online discussions make NO sense in their posts due to their horrible spelling and grammar, but that's why you just ignore those students and let them receive the grade they deserve. I don't understand why this girl thinks she has to say anything, as if it has any effect coming from another classmate. It's just plain rude. In a forum like this, I can get that, you know, but ... in an online school environment, she should be respectful to her classmates out of pure respect for the instructor. Ugh. If I were to say anything, it would make me a hypocrite, so I won't, but if she ever tries to say anything to me out of context of the discussion at hand, she can be sure to get a reality check (a polite one, lol, from me? I know right). Hope the instructor puts her in her place before she gets used to it.

      Oh well. On the plus side, my mom and dad came to visit last night. I had broken down on the phone to her a few days ago about how stressed I was feeling about everything going on, not feeling prepared, and upset that I couldn't have a shower or some sort of celebration for my new son. She told me while she was here that my sister had planned on doing something for me, but wasn't sure because she didn't know where I was going to have it. So, now I feel bad because I can't be sure if they want to throw something for me out of sympathy... I should just accept it, right? But now I feel like I asked for it, which I really wasn't intending on doing because my parents have already helped me out so much in the past, same with my sister. I know they are busy, too. I wish I had kept my mouth shut, but at the same time, I'm relieved that they plan on throwing me a diaper shower, because I need it more now than ever. I know I haven't said anything about it directly, out of embarrassment I guess, but I'm back at home. Since my husband quit his job-- although things have been better for him, mentally, because of it-- we're stressed for money because he's already had to switch jobs again from being laid off. He's making significantly less than he did as a manager at MD's and it's a "temp to hire" position so he may or may not have a job come January. :/

      There is a possibility of him getting hired on at his dad's job where he would start out at 12 an hour (way more than I've every made, personally) and it's exciting because we might finally get off food stamps; which sucks, but, at the same time, it is an improvement in our lives. Unlike what some people think about me, I don't enjoy handouts nearly as much as they think, as helpful as those handouts are for those of us who need the assistance. I might even get away with only having to take three courses next semester to finish my associate's degree. Then, job time. A year without work has left me feeling lazy, but it has been good for my son and I have been able to at least get a two year degree (as useless as it may be, even so).

      Anyway, excited to be done with this semester soon and get a month without school to spend with my new baby boy who I hope makes it here safely. I've been doing my best with trying to stay fit and healthy for the chance of having a VBAC (natural delivery) rather than another surgical birth. I'm scared to death of the pain though. I'm tempted to opt for a c-section just to avoid it, to be honest, but since there really isn't a medical need at this point for surgery, other than the less than one percent chance of uterine rupture, I will try for a VBAC. That is assuming he comes before December 15. My doctor and I are agreed that if I have not gone into labor by then, then we will plan a c-section. I'm just worried that even if I go into labor on my own that I will end up with an emergency c-section again and I'd almost rather have a repeat, planned c-section than one that is rushed in an emergency. :/ There's no way of knowing and I guess I just have to have faith in my body to do the right thing. The really scary thing is, and my doctor agrees, that I'd really like to go through a natural delivery with NO pain relief and NO interventions of any kind because they increase the chances of a rupture and make it less likely that I will deliver naturally.

      I'm hoping I can use my mind and breathing exercises to combat the pain, but I've never handled even the slightest period cramping well and I doubt I will be as well with labor. Sorry boys, TMI, lol. Whew. Just gotta mentally prepare I guess. This is turning into a long rant, but one more thing!

      I have had the worst recall of my life over the past two months. I know I have been having some very detailed, long and elaborate dreams, but when I wake up I can't remember ANYTHING. I guess it's the stress with everything going on and I have no time to think about my dreams, but still, it sucks. :/

      OK. Enough said. hope you all are doing well yourselves. I wish I had more time to read through more of your posts and reply, but I barely make enough time to rant. Lol. Selfish? Maybe. Thanks though for being here, if you weren't, (speaking mostly to the thread's existence), I probably would have told that bitch off in my class, and not to mention, my stupid sociology teacher might have gotten a word from me, so.. Thank you RRC&C.

    12. #11737
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      hehee, Suena. That's why we're here Rant all you want!
      I've had 4 natural deliveries and it's not that bad (in memory rofl). I delivered all of them with only tylenol in my IV. I always WANTED to deliver them without drugs but the last half hour or so is pretty brutal and I always changed my mind and begged for drugs. But by that point, I was always too far gone. And as soon as the baby is delivered, you forget the pain. It's strange, but you do.

      My appendix almost ruptured when I was about 13 years old. As a preventive tale, my mom told me child birth was a million times worse than the pain I was feeling.
      She lied. Child birth is a walk in the park compared to the pain from my bad appendix.

      Dianeva, I used to be the same way with bugs. To a large degree, I still am. I do what ever I can to save most bugs, but some are "rogue" and must be dealt with. Namely any furry spider that resides near my bed.
      And I do what I can to save bees (wasps etc) without getting too close to be stung. I'll open windows and try to usher them out with a broom. If they refuse to leave, though, I'll kill them to save them from starvation.
      I actually cried over killed bugs when I was a kid though.

      My rave is that I actually had a lucid dream last night. I was teaching someone how to fly and in the process, I realized I was dreaming. I told the person not to concentrate too much on the little things because it would destabilize the dream and you'd wake up. I had a lot of fun but gave up lucidity when I realized I had nothing planned to do and I wasn't ready to wake up

      I don't have a rant yet... but it's still early for me

    13. #11738
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      Quote Originally Posted by yuppie11975 View Post
      I'm getting sick of my family, mostly my mother.
      *Parents complain you spend too much time in your room > Go out and socialise > Get insulted > Return to room.*
      The things I despise the most, is my mothers inability to contribute to calm and logical conversations.
      She has a tendency to turn violent, or switch to an unrelated topic once she realises she's been trapped by a coherent argument.
      E.G: Mum: "Move your glass on the bench so you can use it again."
      Me: "If I need another drink, I'll just grab the glass from its current position!"
      Mum: No, move it onto the bench."
      Me: "No, the ants will end up inside the cup. I'm well aware you want my to use the glass again, and I'm telling you I can perform that task. I'm just trying to tell you, that if I move the glass, like you're requesting, it's going to be corrupted by the ants. I presume the reason you want me to use one glass, is so you don't have to wash up as much. However, if the ants make it into the glass, then it'll be more work. The situation can be easily alleviated, by leaving the glass where it is, safe from ants."
      Mum: Nathan, move the fucking glass, before I smash your head in."
      So, of course, I move the glass. Ten dollars says it will be filled with ants soon.
      Just petty shit, that she has to try to challenge, constantly.
      If I had to choose a pet peeve though, it'd be when a person has a tendency to resort to physical threats or verbal abuse, to avoid further discussion of an issue. Just acknowledge you're wrong, and the problem can be resolved.
      Ahaha yes I hear you. Every now and then when I start a conversation with my dad he manages to make a huge assumption and link two unlinkable things and then say they have much in common. Then as I say that it is an unrealistic comparison he decidedes that I am insulting him and instead of letting me finish or conclusively explaining to me why his comparison did make sense he reverts to raising his voice and exclaiming "NO, NO where would you come up with that".
      What I hate most is when I use one example to explain another and he cannot grasp the comparison because he is not letting me fully finish and asumming that I'm talking about something completely different. It just annoys me when they say things are impossible before they have heard any arguments for the said subject, I try to keep away from saying the word.
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    14. #11739
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      Quote Originally Posted by SpaceCowboyDave View Post
      Anti rant first- I'm gonna take the bus to the OCMS concert that I am attending so I don't have to deal with parking my dads bigass truck downtown in the dark, and not having to worry about that for some reason makes me feel more free.

      Rant:. I need a dang car of my own.
      A bus omfg
      DILD: 9 | MILD: - | DEILD: - | WILD: 2
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      I can see you sleep through your bedroom window. You're killing yourself with lucid dreaming.

    15. #11740
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      Got a hold of some rum. It's red. Redrum.

    16. #11741
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      lol, Dale. Be careful with that stuff, I've heard it's murder

      Okay. I have a rant. My p-docs office is still closed. When you call his office, there's no message. If the power is still out that could be understandable. EXCEPT, his office phone is a cellphone. He should have a message on it to let us know he's still alive and the power is still out or something.
      The fact there's NO message at all is strange. Any other time, if you call after hours etc there's usually a message of the hours and the whole bit about "if this is an emergency go to the ER or call 911"/ There's nothing though. Which makes me worried.
      Yeah, he's just my doctor, but I've been seeing him, gosh, for at least 10 years now. And for the last couple of years, I see him twice a month. I care about him in a friendly sort of way (having a wee bit of a crush on him doesn't help any either lol).

      His brother owns a computer store on the same main street as my p-doc. His office has been open. If my doc was dead or something, I'm sure that wouldn't be the case. I want to go into the computer store and just ask if everything is alright, but that's too stalkerish
      Power isn't expected to be completely restored until the 9th. I leave for almost a week on the 8th. I'm not liking this one bit!!!!!

    17. #11742
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      Spent a night in hospital due to food poisoning.
      Had this interesting experience from it (http://www.dreamviews.com/f11/strang...4/#post1958086; you guys should check it out and let me know what you think).

      Moral of the story: Avoid small restaurants in downtown New York.
      Last edited by LightofHeaven; 11-05-2012 at 10:43 PM.
      Quote Originally Posted by Photolysis View Post
      Passing off nonsense as profound wisdom is not an uncommon happening around these parts unfortunately.

    18. #11743
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      Quote Originally Posted by Suena View Post
      I so badly want to tell this lady in my online class that it is NOT her place to correct others' spelling and grammar errors, and that it is the instructor's job to inform others when to post in the discussion boards-- not hers. I mean, I understand where she's coming from. It is really annoying, as I've ranted here before, when people in online discussions make NO sense in their posts due to their horrible spelling and grammar, but that's why you just ignore those students and let them receive the grade they deserve. I don't understand why this girl thinks she has to say anything, as if it has any effect coming from another classmate. It's just plain rude. In a forum like this, I can get that, you know, but ... in an online school environment, she should be respectful to her classmates out of pure respect for the instructor. Ugh. If I were to say anything, it would make me a hypocrite, so I won't, but if she ever tries to say anything to me out of context of the discussion at hand, she can be sure to get a reality check (a polite one, lol, from me? I know right). Hope the instructor puts her in her place before she gets used to it.

      Oh well. On the plus side, my mom and dad came to visit last night. I had broken down on the phone to her a few days ago about how stressed I was feeling about everything going on, not feeling prepared, and upset that I couldn't have a shower or some sort of celebration for my new son. She told me while she was here that my sister had planned on doing something for me, but wasn't sure because she didn't know where I was going to have it. So, now I feel bad because I can't be sure if they want to throw something for me out of sympathy... I should just accept it, right? But now I feel like I asked for it, which I really wasn't intending on doing because my parents have already helped me out so much in the past, same with my sister. I know they are busy, too. I wish I had kept my mouth shut, but at the same time, I'm relieved that they plan on throwing me a diaper shower, because I need it more now than ever. I know I haven't said anything about it directly, out of embarrassment I guess, but I'm back at home. Since my husband quit his job-- although things have been better for him, mentally, because of it-- we're stressed for money because he's already had to switch jobs again from being laid off. He's making significantly less than he did as a manager at MD's and it's a "temp to hire" position so he may or may not have a job come January. :/

      There is a possibility of him getting hired on at his dad's job where he would start out at 12 an hour (way more than I've every made, personally) and it's exciting because we might finally get off food stamps; which sucks, but, at the same time, it is an improvement in our lives. Unlike what some people think about me, I don't enjoy handouts nearly as much as they think, as helpful as those handouts are for those of us who need the assistance. I might even get away with only having to take three courses next semester to finish my associate's degree. Then, job time. A year without work has left me feeling lazy, but it has been good for my son and I have been able to at least get a two year degree (as useless as it may be, even so).

      Anyway, excited to be done with this semester soon and get a month without school to spend with my new baby boy who I hope makes it here safely. I've been doing my best with trying to stay fit and healthy for the chance of having a VBAC (natural delivery) rather than another surgical birth. I'm scared to death of the pain though. I'm tempted to opt for a c-section just to avoid it, to be honest, but since there really isn't a medical need at this point for surgery, other than the less than one percent chance of uterine rupture, I will try for a VBAC. That is assuming he comes before December 15. My doctor and I are agreed that if I have not gone into labor by then, then we will plan a c-section. I'm just worried that even if I go into labor on my own that I will end up with an emergency c-section again and I'd almost rather have a repeat, planned c-section than one that is rushed in an emergency. :/ There's no way of knowing and I guess I just have to have faith in my body to do the right thing. The really scary thing is, and my doctor agrees, that I'd really like to go through a natural delivery with NO pain relief and NO interventions of any kind because they increase the chances of a rupture and make it less likely that I will deliver naturally.

      I'm hoping I can use my mind and breathing exercises to combat the pain, but I've never handled even the slightest period cramping well and I doubt I will be as well with labor. Sorry boys, TMI, lol. Whew. Just gotta mentally prepare I guess. This is turning into a long rant, but one more thing!

      I have had the worst recall of my life over the past two months. I know I have been having some very detailed, long and elaborate dreams, but when I wake up I can't remember ANYTHING. I guess it's the stress with everything going on and I have no time to think about my dreams, but still, it sucks. :/

      OK. Enough said. hope you all are doing well yourselves. I wish I had more time to read through more of your posts and reply, but I barely make enough time to rant. Lol. Selfish? Maybe. Thanks though for being here, if you weren't, (speaking mostly to the thread's existence), I probably would have told that bitch off in my class, and not to mention, my stupid sociology teacher might have gotten a word from me, so.. Thank you RRC&C.
      Wow I can't imagine what you're going through right now (well I'm a boy lol). Just wanna let you know I hope the very best for you. I hear that mental happiness and peace of mind is absolutely crucial to a successful delivery and, although scientific evidence finds lacking in this area, the long term health of the child. So let's try to make her feel as happy as possible people, who's with me?!
      Quote Originally Posted by Photolysis View Post
      Passing off nonsense as profound wisdom is not an uncommon happening around these parts unfortunately.

    19. #11744
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      So I'm casually walking around the place, getting pencils and paper (they don't have paper unfortunately), so I went to get some food to eat.

      Before then, I saw a Tall dark-skinned female wearing skanky clothing. Like, she could go to bed with them. Okay, not really a distraction, just a muffin-top, nothing to worry about link.

      Go back to unlock my bicycle, and before I do that, the same lady is near a bus stop, and is sitting at the bench. She's looking at the food I bought.

      I thought, oh shit.........

      Tried to ignore her, but then she asks me,

      "Excuse me, do you have a cellphone?"

      Okay, before I go into this, there's two parts of me interchanging here. Me and Ego, let's go with that.

      Ego: Just lie to her and say you don't have a phone on you at the moment, and let her sit and wait for the bus.

      Me: Yes!

      Her face lights up a bit. I'm trying to not sit next to her, because honestly, with the amount of older people causing bomb threats, eviction shootings, bank robberies, and random armed people in bookstores, I'm trying to stay clear from her.

      Nope, she pulls me in, not literally, she implies it with this really out-of-norm gesture. Something completely different than your typical female.

      Okay, I'll just align my legs perpendicular in a diagonal direction from hers, and just hand her the phone. I honestly keep my hands ready in case this woman tries to steal it.

      She shows to me in this paper towel of a phone number. It's 11 digits, not 10 digits.

      Oh fuck, we're going to be here for a long time.

      Her: "You a college studant?" (I said "dant" instead of "dent" to suggest a ghetto accent).

      Me: Yes (awkwardly).

      Her: "mmmmm, you 20?"

      Me: "Um, no, 19 years of age."

      I started to realize I was using my "other" accent, probably because I started to get more suspicious.

      Her: "Hmmm I was close tho"

      She's trying to make a funny moment to break the awkwardness, but with her level of attraction inferior towards ANYONE in this given area, not cutting it woman. It ain't gonna work woman.

      Me: Oh so that's xxx-xxx------? (Trying to pause to imply that she's BLOCKING the rest of the digits from me)

      Her: "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmm...OH, I'm sorry."

      *gets the 5 digits*

      I press the dial button, let her use the phone, she's not getting reception.

      Ego: No shit, it's fucking 11 digits.

      Me: *looks around at random areas, feeling out of place with this woman*

      Note: This isn't your typical person you just become nice with and help out, she has a very concerning aura around her, like she's trying to get back from some kind of conflict.

      Her: "Hmmmm, must be the wrong number."

      She repeatedly asks me, "You not in no rush are ya?"

      Me: "No Ma'am."

      Ego: Why the fuck are you calling her Ma'am? LOL.

      Me: *look around at space, looking at cars pass by*

      Her: Oh, must be the wrong number.....*gets another piece of paper*

      There we go, 10 fucking digits, you're NOW on the path of enlightenment woman.

      Dial the numbers quickly, give her the phone again.

      She mentions she has arthritis,

      Ego: And I was anemic, or close to it as a certain point in my life, big deal woman.

      Her: "You Got some Food on ya?"

      Me: *looks at Sweet and Sour Chicken with Fried Rice and 6-piece Crab Rangoon.*

      Ego: "Ah, of course! I'm a philanthropist, I spread my goodwill towards the unfortunate, and I'm completely ignorant that I only have so much money to sustain myself this semester....OF COURSE YOU CAN HAS DA FOOD ON MEH GURL."

      "No, sorry ma'am."


      She turns around, that's when /fuckthisbitchandgetout +vmode comes on

      Call isn't accepted, yep, she clearly had a fight with someone, and NOW, they have my fucking phone number.


      GREAT, this is almost as worst as this random number querying my social security number and date of birth.

      Ego: Get out now.

      Me: *Sardonic tone* "Sorry Ma'am...."

      Ugh...I know it's not a big deal, but with those random events with crime of older people, who CLEARLY do not belong near this campus....it's starting to creep me out.

      I know I may have played around with being a Casanova or a creep to some women, mostly online, and being a nice guy to real life events, but not the level of what this woman did to me....like, I had to omit a few sexual expressions she's doing to me here and there.

      Dear god, never will I tell someone I have a phone on me.

      Nope, I live under a rock from now on, I don't have a phone, no food, nothing!

      I don't take dumps, I'm not a human being, I'm from the planet Zepthon0422-RianGdR, and suddenly, I'm a philanthropist!

      Ugh...stop being nice to strangers, especially older looking ones who clearly do not fit "College Student." or even "Campus staff member."
      Last edited by Linkzelda; 11-05-2012 at 11:22 PM.

    20. #11745
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      There goes Link's long posts again

      Do you have eidetic memory sir? Very detailed description.

      Spoiler for About your story:
      Last edited by LightofHeaven; 11-05-2012 at 11:25 PM.
      Quote Originally Posted by Photolysis View Post
      Passing off nonsense as profound wisdom is not an uncommon happening around these parts unfortunately.

    21. #11746
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      Quote Originally Posted by LightofHeaven View Post
      There goes Link's long posts again

      Do you have eidetic memory sir? Very detailed description.

      Spoiler for About your story:
      Oh, if I had that kind of memory, I'd be in Harvard Biochemistry or Medical School. Unfortunately, I'm still incompetent as ever.

    22. #11747
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      You know Link....it really didn't sound that bad since you left out whatever the hell you left out. Some cougar came up....you weren't vibing, and she borrowed your phone. No one is going to hunt you down from your phone number. And if you really wanted to, you can get your number changed (once a month for free). The best thing about the story is she didn't take your food.

    23. #11748
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      Quote Originally Posted by Auron View Post
      And if you really wanted to, you can get your number changed (once a month for free)
      Yeah, the cellphone thing, I don't know why I included that, I guess I was just kind of paranoid, since there have been quite a few mishaps and random crimes going on lately this semester on campus.

      There's been like 4 bomb threats last year I think, and even though nothing bad happened from those, you never know.

      And with the bookstore armed gun situation, it kind of elevated it a bit more, and probably for everyone in general, because the new bookstore is the place where a lot of people hang out to eat and everything. It's like a mini-mall built right on-campus, which is a nesting ground for crime since it's still in its (the bookstore) infancy in terms of development.


      The best thing about the story is she didn't take your food.
      Yeah, if she even put her lips on those Oily, Chewy, Gooey, and Pan fried Crab Rangoon, I'd probably go berserk. Those 6 pieces are worth the whole $3.95.
      Last edited by Linkzelda; 11-06-2012 at 02:16 AM.
      Crashyy, Zhaylin and Alyzarin like this.

    24. #11749
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      Bookstore/mini-mall? Nesting ground for crime? I swear you're channeling a noir detective sometimes.

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      I'm so pissed today I can hardly put it to words. This selfish, condescending little (not putting that c-word here) at the office thinks she knows more about network architecture than I do, and what our specific customer requirements are. She insists on putting in a router to do a firewall's job and I'm not F'ing having it. A router with the sec+ bundle is a router with minimalistic firewall functions and a firewall is a firewall with minimal routing functions. Don't tell me that you know more about our networking requirements when I've been dealing with this network for 6+ years now and you just started a bit over a year ago. Bitch, you're so full of shit; if someone gave you an enema, you'd fit inside a match box. If I had my way, I'd straight up fire your ass and throw you out the front door.

      ...which leads me to something I haven't done in a long time...

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