"Grievance" is a relative term.

I 'grieved' for my father, when he died, but I didn't shed many tears. I 'grieve' for the continuous deaths of countless children in 3rd world countries, but I understand this to be a global constant, and I'm not about to break down into emotional turmoil over it. I 'grieve' for the deaths of people like Michael Jackson, because I understand the contributions that he has made to humanity in general, but there's no hole in my heart. I 'grieve' for the deaths of certain ideals, because they make me a little less optimistic about society, yet that's the way the cookie crumbles. I 'grieve' for the discontinuations of my favorite works of art/music/entertainment, because they have impacted my life so heavily, and are now gone, but I recognize these things to be gone, so I continue on with my life...

Exactly what kind of 'grievance' are we talking about, in this context?