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    1. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by Sageous On thread : Lucid Dreaming Fundamentals -- With Q & A
      No. If you are referring to the "I" in ego as that thing which, say, in Zen Buddhism you wish to eliminate, then no. Far from erasing the presence of "you" in your immediate reality, here you are...
      Liked On: 06-18-2021, 01:49 AM
    2. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by Liquidaque On thread : Ever Interviewed Your Subconscious?
      I've had a lucid dream in which I went into a room that was designated my sub-conscious. There were random childhood toys strewn around that I had long forgotten about, and a whole bunch of TV...
      Liked On: 03-20-2014, 07:58 AM
    3. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by gab On thread : MrBlonde's Workbook
      If this works for you, awesome : ) You can also try to skip "I will" and "I want" alltogether. Replace them with "I am". As in "I wake up at 3am", "I wake up after every dream", "I remember my...
      Liked On: 11-24-2013, 07:07 AM
    4. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by Flycat On thread : List of Awesome Things to do to Dream Characters
      Make your subconsious a DC and tell it to make you be lucid every night at the start of the dreams, with extreme vividness, and "full" dream control.
      Liked On: 11-23-2013, 09:21 AM
    5. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by TiredPhil On thread : List of Awesome Things to do to Dream Characters
      Ask them where they go, when you wake up.
      Liked On: 11-23-2013, 09:20 AM
    6. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by fogelbise On thread : Collection of Techniques and Methods for DILDs
      Hi MrBlonde! For recall, I have found that this really helps: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-signs-recall/93005-if-you-cant-remember-your-dreams-try.html It will help with your day time memory...
      Liked On: 11-21-2013, 09:27 PM
    7. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by Lancell On thread : How do I know if this was a Lucid Dream
      Well, to me it's always super easy to differ a Lucid Dream from a normal dream, because a normal dream always feel like a strong thought, usually 3rd person and as you said can't remember most...
      Liked On: 11-15-2013, 08:35 PM
    8. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by Windhover@ On thread : Autosuggestion Thread
      I get DILD without doing anything. I get DILD without doing anything. I get DILD without doing anything. I get DILD without doing anything. I get DILD without doing anything.
      Liked On: 04-18-2013, 09:19 PM
    9. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by MrOMGWTF On thread : The SSILD test. - 30 days.
      Day 3 (Actually day 4, but at day 3 I felt instantly into sleep and didn't do SSILD) Finally success! Lucid! Well, it was pretty much nightmare lucid, but still it was cool experience. I woke up...
      Liked On: 03-27-2013, 08:09 PM
    10. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked blog comment by melanieb On : Egil and Gobs of Poo
      Somehow, this seems like the dream of a parent. Bad idea.
      Liked On: 03-27-2012, 08:31 PM
    11. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by hpnfreak On thread : Why do people think that DEILD is hard?
      because people think like this: "Now I am awake ... Now I am at sleep" better question "Am I???" they forget that most of the reality they experience on a daily basis is not solid, it`s...
      Liked On: 09-04-2011, 04:06 AM
    12. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by Suena On thread : What is your sign?
      http://charmedinnewengland.webs.com/Gemini.gif Gemini is takin' over! Woop Woop! :bliss:
      Liked On: 09-02-2011, 10:15 PM
    13. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by DeletePlease On thread : What cliqe are you in?
      Black. We didn't have that clique in my highschool. Is your's a large group? Just your average kid. Doesn't stand out but doesn't cower in the corner either. Average Joe with hipster...
      Liked On: 08-31-2011, 05:23 AM
    14. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by saltyseedog On thread : How to obtain world peace?
      one love
      Liked On: 08-31-2011, 12:15 AM
    15. MrBlonde
      MrBlonde liked post by KingYoshi On thread : All Day Awareness, A DILD Tutorial by KingYoshi
      KingYoshi's DILD Tutorial So, I already have a WILD tutorial, but now it seems I am getting a lot of questions about my DILD method, all day awareness, and proper RC technique. I've decided to...
      Liked On: 08-30-2011, 06:38 AM
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    New Dream Recall

    by MrBlonde on 02-21-2013 at 07:53 PM
    I'll write this like I have it in my binder. I will however highlight which dream segments come first.

    "Cops" like atmosphere arresting a large man from his moms house. He told cops he can't walk(but he could) also possible he hit/hurt kids because they took(bought) stuff from his moms shop.{At this point, I'm not sure if I'm a cop or just spectating the whole event}. I just remembered something now as well, as that event was ending I was randomly outside and a cop car pulled over and it was a lady cop and she said "they need to put more stops around here". I saw a couple of cops behind her as if they were blocking the area.{This segment dream was the last I had before waking up}

    I was running away the entire dream(not entirely true, but I was running from something). The rest of this doesn't make sense but I'll write it as it is in my binder. "I was running away the entire dream. Found by my parents, could hear their voices( also my brothers "I") while I ran down a alley. Alley looked dark and weird lookin. I'm looking at the reaction faces of alot of people{I'm not in some sort of dimly lit room with a small T.V in middle of it.} Apparently something really bad or outrageous has occurred on the t.v all the people are watching. The man then stands over the t.v, and shouts expliclits, I hear "so and so is the devil"{I know I heard a name their but it's all a blur right now} I look at the T.V, I see a group of women(not sure if any men are in it) The are holding signs that read "first time" and the location they are at is the front entrance of my work. One of the girls is shown to be the neighboorhood girl I saw earlier.

    I remember being in a neighbborhood similar to my own. It either was sunsetting or rising. I'm with a neighborhood girl. She looks to be around my age, maybe a year or two younger. I'm not sure what we're ding but I head home but she follows me.

    Starting again.

    by MrBlonde on 03-27-2012 at 06:57 PM
    Well I've decided to give this LD trip another try.

    Tuesday, March, 27, 2012 1:15 am
    - Tuesday, March , 27, 2012 10:40 am

    I know I had a number of dreams. But I can vaguely recall one.

    I am member of the Ed, Edd N Eddy crew and I am shaking Ed into oblivion. I stop. Eddy leaves. I'm climbing a gate into a apartment complex. I have to jump two gates between each other. I see a window on the right hand side of me. I open it and try to sneak in. I toss myself in and awaken my brother. He tells me something about he's friends and basket ball. I move and I'm in the kitchen. Apparently there is some burgers from Jack in the Box left. I eat some....I awake.

    Weird dream makes no sense.


    by MrBlonde on 08-29-2011 at 05:36 PM
    I had two dreams last night I woke up and stayed awake for about 25 minutes between. It was hard to sleep due to the heat so I don't really recall them very well.

    I remember in the dream I was watching Espn and a WNBA team was being interviewed about how their next game was going to be played in Mercury....the planet. They said it was dangerous but that they were going to do it anyway. Some other random stuff happen that I can barely recall. I then woke up. Stayed up 15 minutes drank some water and headed back to sleep. Tried to do a WILD but do to being way to uncomfortable and hot I gave up. I had a dream about me being caught with a stash of gay porn(which by the way I don't watch. I hit the hetero way thank you very much) someone in my family blackmailed me or something ended up giving them money. Dream ended with me on my computer watching some xxx videos. I remember this specifically because I was infatuated with the main star girl.
    dream fragment

    Night 9

    by MrBlonde on 09-12-2010 at 11:24 PM
    Quick fragment of a dream but I'll say it anyway. I had dreamt that I was in building at my school and there was this bench in front of me. Sitting on the bench were football players but sitting on the furthest right was this enormous player. He was about size of big statue and then this normally big player tried to tackle him while he was sitting(which was stupid because he had his back to the wall so he couldn't have brought down the player) My little brother was there with me watching it and then my bro radomly ran towards this stair case which were on the top of and jumped off it. I quickly ran towards him and grabbed him and asked why he did that and then that's when I woke up.
    dream fragment

    Mild 30 day test. Night 7

    by MrBlonde on 09-10-2010 at 03:49 PM
    I just wrote this but the computer turn off so am not writing again. I had a dream in which was a gangster I stole "queen of hearts" and my friend got caught for it because this chick snitch at him. The end( sorry couldn't write the more detailed but the computer froze and I don't want to write that again. See ya.