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      Happy new year!!! I predict a lot of LDs for you in 2014!!!
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      Hey man, you haven't been on in while. Hows lucid dreaming going for ya
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      Well, I posted SOME of my issues on general and although people weren't mean or anything, I did get the skeptical nobody's-going-to-be-able-to-help-you-here/you-can't-be-having-the-problems-you-say-you-are posts I expected. :-( Thanks for the welcome anyway
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    1. benni
      benni liked post by Burke On thread : Multiple Induction Technique (MIT)
      Noticing that feeling is actually why I find DEILDs to be easy for me. Personally, I find normal WILDs very difficult, and have only successfully done them several times, but DEILDs are like...
      Liked On: 01-25-2014, 12:04 PM
    2. benni
      benni liked post by NyxCC On thread : Benni's Workbook
      Hey, thanks for the link! This really looks like a nice summary and it always helps to go over these things again and again. :D Oh, that's awesome! I love those times it gets so close to ld!...
      Liked On: 01-24-2014, 08:19 PM
    3. benni
      benni liked post by Sageous On thread : Multiple Induction Technique (MIT)
      Excellent tutorial, Burke, and indeed a valuable concept -- having a full LD'ing toolbox -- that ought to be repeated more often. I just have one nit-picky little thing that I try to mention every...
      Liked On: 01-24-2014, 03:31 PM
    4. benni
      benni liked post by StephL On thread : Multiple Induction Technique (MIT)
      Fantastic tutorial, Burke!! One of the best things I came across on here - great that you Ophelia take it up, too! Looking forward to the podcast-listening very much - I love them! This is...
      Liked On: 01-24-2014, 03:25 PM
    5. benni
      benni liked post by Sensei On thread : Sensei's Ideas, Thoughts, and Ramblings
      Micro WBTB and the Phase As I said before, I wake up after each dream if my awareness is high enough. I believe that for a WILD, or for setting intent, you need to be in "the phase". I used yo...
      Liked On: 01-23-2014, 09:49 PM
    6. benni
      benni liked post by Baron Samedi On thread : Im bad at Dream Control -> Any Advice?
      Well, to me it sounds like you are really frustrated and have a kind of negative feelings in general about this. I know how you feel. I can have awesome dream control when I am in a deep sleep, but...
      Liked On: 01-23-2014, 09:27 PM
    7. benni
      benni liked post by Tlaloc On thread : Kia ora - Hiya
      Hi Benni - thanks for the welcome!! I am from Windy Wellington - though I spent a fair amount of time training up in Auckland. Glad you liked NZ!!!!:) I do miss the place being based in the UK now. ...
      Liked On: 01-21-2014, 08:40 PM
    8. benni
      benni liked post by SinisterDezz On thread : How Detailed Are Your Lucid Dreams?
      I had a dream last night that was more detailed than usual. Everything really did look, well, real! It's a little odd, and sometimes I think if my dreams get like this, it'll be hard to become...
      Liked On: 01-21-2014, 08:27 PM
    9. benni
      benni liked post by NyxCC On thread : Benni's Workbook
      Oh, that's good! I'm happy you understood and actually explained it way better than I did! :D Sounds good! I like BB's idea of shooting for the stars. :D I remember he actually said this in a...
      Liked On: 01-21-2014, 08:09 PM
    10. benni
      benni liked post by StephL On thread : Overthinking when becoming lucid
      Good advice here! Been a while since being lucid myself, unfortunately - but I have a nagging suspicion that doing "stabilization-stuff" indeed implies subconsciously expecting instability - and...
      Liked On: 01-20-2014, 08:11 PM
    11. benni
      benni liked post by Burke On thread : Multiple Induction Technique (MIT)
      Multiple Induction Technique Hi everyone! I've gotten some questions in the past about how how I attain lucidity so I figured I'd give it its own thread for all to see. The key that a lot of...
      Liked On: 01-20-2014, 06:10 PM
    12. benni
      benni liked post by Baron Samedi On thread : Reality Check: Staring Through Your Eyelids Tutorial
      In a dream, can you see right through your eyelids? Of course, you can! Here's a reality check you can do anywhere at any time: 1. Close Your Eyes 2. Try to look right through your closed...
      Liked On: 01-20-2014, 06:03 PM
    13. benni
      benni liked post by NyxCC On thread : Benni's Workbook
      I guess this is because I'm paying more attention to dreams, journalling and lding more often. Sometimes during a regular dream while doing something, for example climbing, I would remember that I...
      Liked On: 01-20-2014, 05:46 PM
    14. benni
      benni liked post by Sensei On thread : Sensei's Ideas, Thoughts, and Ramblings
      Thanks Benni.:) if you would like more experiences I have had with fake memoriesiIcan post them. LouaiB I am not offended. I forget to say that my goal is not to LD every night no matter what. I...
      Liked On: 01-20-2014, 05:15 PM
    15. benni
      benni liked post by Sensei On thread : Sensei's Ideas, Thoughts, and Ramblings
      Holy Crap, this is going to be long. If you buckle up and read through it, you should be able to learn something though. I am going to give you a lot of information, experiences, and conclusions, so...
      Liked On: 01-19-2014, 09:27 PM
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    12.2.2014 my first and hopefully last war

    by benni on 04-27-2014 at 07:35 PM
    This is a non-lucid dream but by far one of the most realistic longest dreams I have recently had (it felt as if lasting 2 days). In order not to insult anyone I will just call the country that the place I live at got attacked by "Country X".

    It all starts out in my living room. It is just a casual day as I sit on the sofa with my Mum and Dad watching TV. Everybody is quite calm, but my mood is a little bit excited for some yet unknown reason. I suddenly stand up, apporach the window and see an old city center a few hundered meters away (that's not the view I normally see when looking out of this window!). Between the old buildings which are built of wood and clay right on a cobbled road there are many soldiers dressed in their dark green and brown uniforms. Everyone of them looks quite young and they are all armed. Using my binoculars I recognise that they are from Country X as they start running towards our town. I become totally scared as the army approaches, but my parents' mood doesn't seem to change as they just tell me to keep calm. I can't believe that they are not worried as I suddenly here people shooting. A few seconds later two of my best friends and a couple of neighbours appear at the door and want to come into our house. I can see the fear in their eyes as they have obviously heard the shots as well. We talk about the situation as all of a sudden a biting and disgustingly horrible smell a bit like chlorine seems to enter our nostrils. It dawns on me that we are attacked with phosgene which is a poisonous gas used in World War I. The feeling of this gas slowly increasing in its concentration is overwhelmingly real and I become extremly sick and feel like having to vommit. We all take some tissues in order to reduce the amount of gas that we breathe in (I suppose that in real that would be totally useless) and we all start running away towards the fields and forests near my house. Luckily there is not any poisonous gas yet and the sun shines down on us just like on a hot but peaceful summer day. Other people are just casually going for a walk in the forest. When I talk to them they assure me that there is no war, but I tell them that I have seen it and my friends confirm what I have just said. However the other people keep calm so we decide to move on. I soon encounter another friend of mine who seems to be informed of what's going on so he tells use to come with him. He brings us to the apartment of his girlfriend where we supposedly are safe as there is plently of food and water. My father suddenly appears there as well and tells us to go to a nearby supermarket in order to get even more food just in case we can't leave for the next few days. He decides that he himself goes to the supermarkt whereas I go back to my house to get some important things. When I arrive there nothing of the poisonous gas seems to be left, but right in front of my house there are huge white trucks driving by at a slow pace of 5 km/h. On their cargo area they are packed with different weapons and assembly parts to build a hangar. It dawns on me that Country X seems to be planning air strikes as well! Next to the huge white trucks heavily armed soldiers are marching. I pay close attention to one of them. He is wearing his uniform and a grey helmet. He has blue eyes and his look is very serious. He stares back and I feel as if he is piercing me with a fierce look full of hatred - but obviously he is not allowed to hurt me since I am a civilian, but he still looks as if trying to tell me that I shall fear this war. Totally enraged by this event I enter my house where my mum and my neighbour try blocking the doors with old tyres (seems useless...!). I gather important things and as I leave the house even more trucks arrive carrying massive weapons and troop supplies. As this view increasingly shocks me I slowly wake up drenched in sweat...

    ... Even though I am awake now this totally convincing dream in such familiar surroundings made me believe that there actually is a war going on and it took me a few minutes to actually realise that all of this has just been my imagination going crazy within my dreams.

    All in all a very interesting dream that I honestly don't want to go through again. However I am still amazed by the details and especially the way this furious soldier made me feel just by staring at me as if wanting to shoot me on the spot!

    Updated 04-27-2014 at 08:23 PM by benni


    14/01/2014 - 3rd LD in 2014 - The dream door, NYC and other strange occurences

    by benni on 01-14-2014 at 05:49 PM
    Actually my plans for my next LD were to go to NYC through a dream door, meet Karlie Kloss (a famous VS model whom I have met within my dreams quite frequently - almost like a dream buddy), go to a cafe, have a nice talk, eat some cake and explore the feelings and sesations within my LDs a little bit more... Not all of it worked out but at least most. So here we go...

    It all started as a normal dream. I was on vacation with my family in a poor town in Estonia (I have never been there before - going to 'mildly strange' places all over the world is one of my Dreamsigns), but that didn't arouse any of my suspicion. We walked through this little village. The roads were quite narrow, cars parked everywhere and it was really dim because the houses on both sides of the road were quite high, the sky was cloudy and it was a late winter afternoon. We came to some sort of plaza with a little playground on it. I climbed up the slide and looked around to get a view of what's going on all around the plaza. There were two young guys apporoaching us, swearing in a language I have never heard before so my parents and I decided to leave. At one corner of the plaza there was a bakery. The whole sidewalk and the streets were covered with squishy and old bread crumbs and leaves from all the trees surrounding the plaza. My mum went inside and got us some sort of filled pastries. Right next to the bakery not even 3 meters away there was a candy shop and I really wanted to go inside. The area next to the entry was really small and full of shelves with candies - some of them known and some of them totally unknown to me ('Must be some Estonian candies' I thought). I went further inside and found a hugeeee shelf full with different cans that contained soda drinks from all over the world. This was really cool and I told my mum that I have to buy a few to taste them. The owner of the shop came to us after I told my mum about the cans and talked to us in English - he welcomed us and told us a bit about the village however (luckily) my focus of awareness shifted... to my feet! It was winter and I was quite sure that I was wearing some solid winter shoes to keep my feet from freezing but NO! I was wearing my slippers! And as if that wasn't strange enough I discovered that the right slipper was on my left foot and vice versa! I became very suspicious and tried to change it, but it didn't work. I immidiately considered that this must be a dream, but it was sooo vivid and realistic, but I kept at it and finally realised that being unable to change my shoes MUST be the most obvious sign of a dream that my subconscious mind can give me! I became lucid and instantly remembered to accomplish the goals I have set! I rubbed my hands and closely examined the dark- and light-grey stripes on the PVC floor of the shop in order to increase my lucidity - this worked amazingly well after having some major stabilisation problems in my last two LDs! I walked through the shop and found a window to leave. I opened it, looked outside and thought "OMG, it's quite high! What if I'm awake and die after jumping out!" so I tried to breathe through my plugged nose which worked. This gave me the certainty of dreaming and again increased my lucidity ever so slightly. So I jumped out, walked off and wondered "OK, I could fly to New York City, but I could also try and use a dream door (I have never done that before)" so I considered this option and soon afterwards found a wooden door behind a tree close to my home (I wasn't even in Estonia anymore after jumping through the window!). I went right up to the door with the clear intention of being able to directly enter NYC - I opened the door AAAAND... suprise: I saw the tall skyscrapers, cars zooming by and many people walking all over the place! I actually was in NYC now! I strolled along the streets a little while untill I came to a huge plaza covered in concrete with some trees here and there. At one corner was (who would have expected that after reading my plan?!) a cafe! I went there and who was waiting there for me? Yes, Karlie Kloss! JACKPOT. I greeted her and she was wearing a nice pink top and casual blue jeans - stunning as always . There was a waitress in front of the cafe who looked exactly like one of the teachers at my school. She greeted us and I told her "Hey, Karlie and I will have some cake here!" (I also told her that this is a dream and that she is nothing more than a figment of my imagination. I like saying that to random DCs! She didn't really reply to that. She just looked a little dumbfounded and greeted other customers.) I just wanted to enter the cafe with Karlie however it seems that my subconscious mind took over a little because all of a sudden Taylor Swift came around the corner and greeted me as if knowing me well. She was wearing a black top, Raybans and had her hair cut reasonably short. She took my hand and started kissing me - I was a little shocked to be honest (It was nice and all, but I didn't expect this! I have experienced similar things before - every time I started to lose focus on the fact that I am in a dream, random things and people popped up, annoying my business) - anyway. I thought "whatever! You're in NYC and Taylor Swift just kissed you... Go for it." We made out for a while right on the plaza... which was somehow really crazy. After a little while I focused on the cafe again. Karlie was gone and a guy was sitting in front of the cafe playing on his guitar. I went up to him, talked to him a little and noticed that I started to lose clarity. I rubbed my hands and closely looked at the guy's guitar, but I woke up right afterwards...

    All in all, quite a successful LD with some fairly strange occurences later on that really didn't bother me at all. Especially using the dream door was quite astonishing! I'm sure this will be my new ultimate way of getting anywhere I please to go!

    Updated 01-14-2014 at 06:42 PM by benni


    first lucid dream

    by benni on 08-20-2013 at 08:15 PM
    10th of November 2012, first entry in my first dream journal from last year, first lucid dream

    I decided to add this dream because it was by far my biggest achievement before quitting and then restarting my practices 3 months ago

    The dream started in the auditorium of my school where I was writing math exams. Usually we write exams in our class room, but the whole school was writing those exams so everyone was sitting in this huge room with their calculators.
    So I take the exercise sheet and try to start. However I'm interrupted by a teacher who seems quite angry. He just comes closer, mumbles something and complains about me. All of sudden he just rips off one edge of my maths sheets. I tell him to leave me alone so he does that. After looking at my exercise sheets again, all of the exercises have changed all of sudden. To be honest I didn't notice anything and I didn't even care because I just wanted to get started.
    After a while however I just randomly got up and left the room. I go to the school entrance where I find my best friend whom I got to know on my Exchange Year in New Zealand. Her name is Anna. So I walk up to her and start talking: "Anna? Why the hell are you in my school? How did you get to Germany?" She looks delighted and confused at the same time. I conclude: "Wait, hold on. I'm dreaming. OMG Anna, I'm dreaming! I can do anything now, see?" *I hug her which feels incredibly real and vivid*

    After that I tried to decide what to do. I didn't know any stabilisation techniques at this point so I thought about taking her with me and flying to a nice place, but before I was able to come up with any idea, I hear my mum dropping a plate in the kitchen (she always gets up early) so I start to feel my sleeping body and my focus shifts which instantly wakes me up.

    my first time in the USA

    by benni on 08-20-2013 at 04:33 PM

    I am in a hotel room in some foreign country. I somehow have this feeling that I am in Canada very close to the US border so after having some smalltalk with my parents I decide to take the car and drive across the border just to get an idea of what things are like "on the other side". My mum told me to get a map so that they can go hiking later. So as soon as I cross the border without any problems I encounter a sign on the side of the road which limits the speed to 77 km/h. I notice this, start to brake and wonder... 77? Very strange speed limit. However my subconscious reacts immidiately as if not wanting me to become lucid and puts another speed limit sign 100 meters further down the road which says 60km/h (~ 37 miles/h) which makes a lot more sense than 77. After a while I see that some parts of the road are cobbled so now it makes total sense to limit the speed... my awareness seems to be satisfied and doesn't question the dream anymore (sadly). I encounter a few tractors since this is quite a rural area.

    After a while I arrive at a small town. I stop at the next petrol station which also has quite a large supermarket in it. Somehow a friend of mine appears so we go inside together. I really want to get some American sweets and try them so I buy some sort of marshmallow cookies/waffles with chocolate (strawberry and hazlenut flavour), the map my mum wanted me to get and some other cool things. I also wanted to buy some things from the deep freezer, but I don't want them to melt in the car so I leave them where they are, however I marvel at some of the ice crystals in the deep freezer because they are extremly large and have a beautiful blue tint.
    After putting all those things in my shopping basket and going towards the cashier's desk I notice that I only have 75€ in my wallet. I ask the cashier (in English of course. Before this I was talking in German the whole time) if he was able to change 15€ into US$. He says that this was no problem. However I think that 15€ are not enough so I give him another 10€ that he should change into US$ as well. For some reason I tell him how many US$ I get and that he still needs to scan the things in my shopping basket. He replies: "Oh calm down. I'm good at math". I then reply "How am I supposed to know? I just wanted to make sure that you do everything correctly.". It takes him quite a while to do all those things which is why quite a long queue builds up.
    However I soon leave the store with my friend and some really luxurious cars are driving by. We note that there must be some VIPs in those cars. We decide to leave our car where it is and go for a walk towards the city centre.
    The town is really pretty and for some reason I am extremly happy and totally delighted. Everything I see makes me happy. That is probably the case because I absolutely adore travelling. We cross a few streets, turn right and find my mum, a good friend of mine and her mum walking on the pavement. I don't question how they got there; instead I'm happy to meet them and we stroll along the streets towards the city centre where we can see skyscrapers in the distance (quite strange for a small town) as the dream fades away and I wake up at 5:55am 5minutes before my alarm is supposed to go off.
    __________________________________________________ ______________

    All in all, quite a long, extremly vivid and lovely dream. I can even remember some scents and many sounds (which not so usual in my dreams since the sounds are always a bit off or the background noise is missing). Nothing exciting or crazy happened, but however I am still very happy with this dream as I really enjoyed its atmosphere.

    Updated 08-20-2013 at 05:34 PM by benni


    So damn close! :D

    by benni on 08-19-2013 at 05:14 PM
    Strange school (19th Aug. 2013) [I probably dreamed about this because today was my first day of school after summer holidays]

    I am leaving home to go to the nearby forest. There seems to be a shortcut to my school so I enter and find my school - but that definitely was not the school of my waking life, however I see many familiar students and teachers. Some of them ask me for direction and so I point them in the right way (how the hell do I know the way? I have never seen this school before).
    After strolling along this strange array of buildings which are supposed to be my school, I soon check my timetable and see that I have to find my biology room because the classes start soon. The room number is 36. I ask a teacher who tells me to leave the area of the school, cross the street and enter the next backyard. This seems really weird however I don't want to be late for class so I follow her instructions. I go there and knock on the gate. My biology teacher (the one that I have in waking life) opens the gate, tells me to enter and go the other ~30ish students.
    I start seeing many people that I met on my Exchange Year in New Zealand and I am really glad that they all came here. So I start talking to them and hug them and we are just having smalltalk. After a while I wonder how it is possible that all those people from New Zealand are now in Germany and why I am sitting with them in a sandy and dusty backyard where other guys are playing soccer. And how the hell is this supposed to be my biology room? I instantly notice that I MUST be dreaming....

    And what happens now? I instantly wake up because I think I have missed my alarm clock and am now late for school. I check my phone and I still have 30 minutes untill the alarm goes off.... really gutting.
    Anyway, this was a really nice dream and I enjoyed meeting those old friends again that I haven't met in ages.

    Updated 08-20-2013 at 05:37 PM by benni
