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    Page 3 of 4 FirstFirst 1 2 3 4 LastLast
    1. Methos
      Methos liked post by RelicWraith On thread : Strangest creatures/monsters you've seen?
      Likewise skipping characters from media. Boy, there sure were a lot more than I thought: -Dream from many years ago during my childhood. While exploring an Egyptian temple, I fell into a chamber,...
      Liked On: 08-01-2018, 08:08 PM
    2. Methos
      Methos liked post by DarkestDarkness On thread : Strangest creatures/monsters you've seen?
      I really can't remember imaginary monsters other than ones from video games in my dreams, which don't tend to be threatening, since those dreams tend to be set in the game's world. Maybe doesn't...
      Liked On: 08-01-2018, 08:07 PM
    3. Methos
      Methos liked post by OfTheHay On thread : Strangest creatures/monsters you've seen?
      Every once in a while in a lucid dream, or just a dream, I'll see some bizarre looking creature. Recently I had a lucid dream where I was fighting a monster made out of thick, black smoke, with a...
      Liked On: 08-01-2018, 08:07 PM
    4. Methos
      Methos liked post by Fantasma On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      1. Do you see them clearly in the dreams? Well, yes. Almost like it wasn't a dream kind of clearly. 2. Do they act like themselves or do they act like their characters in their shows or movies?...
      Liked On: 08-01-2018, 07:57 PM
    5. Methos
      Methos liked post by Finny On thread : Reclaiming my Lucid Life
      I’m here for a similar reason. My lucid dreams are not as often as they could be. I do have one piece of advice. Make a plan. I wrote down every step I was going to do to increase my lucidity,...
      Liked On: 07-30-2018, 01:49 AM
    6. Methos
      Methos liked post by Azaleaj On thread : Reclaiming my Lucid Life
      The periodic competitions are fun. You might want to try the DILD or WILD classes where you note your progress and get feedback from more advanced dreamers. I found that helpful. Welcome to the group!
      Liked On: 07-30-2018, 01:49 AM
    7. Methos
      Methos liked post by Fantasma On thread : A historic dream? A weird meet cute?
      I dreamt that I just woke up when my mother told me we had moved to a new house and asked me if I liked it. It was very old looking, something from the 1500s I think and soon I noticed that my...
      Liked On: 07-29-2018, 02:58 PM
    8. Methos
      Methos liked post by DarkestDarkness On thread : Lucid Space
      I liked reading that. Only wanted to say I do think that "making the sun crash into you" instead, should count. :cheeky: The principle of moving space around us to reach a location is a typical...
      Liked On: 07-29-2018, 02:41 PM
    9. Methos
      Methos liked post by Seabatt On thread : Sad realization they were just dreams
      Something similar to this happened to me a while ago. I had a FA where I woke up in my waking life parents' bedroom. Immediately the thought occurred to me that all of my life experiences before...
      Liked On: 07-29-2018, 05:22 AM
    10. Methos
      Methos liked post by EbbTide000 On thread : Dream Kin?
      Hi Methos and DarkestDarkness Somtimes I watch these short "Ask a monk" youtubes Here he talks about a dream experience where he went about 5 minutes into the future in a dream.↙️
      Liked On: 07-18-2018, 11:11 PM
    11. Methos
      Methos liked post by DarkestDarkness On thread : Dream Kin?
      I've had non-lucid dreams like that, and my mother has premonitory dreams all the time; I don't know if her dreams are lucid or not, but I don't think so. One dream I had was completely abstract...
      Liked On: 07-18-2018, 11:11 PM
    12. Methos
      Methos liked post by Daniele On thread : Dry Spell Over
      Daytime awareness is a form of meditation so it can fit into any lifestyle. Using dedicated time every day to sit and focus your awareness is just a more concentrated version. Either way you are...
      Liked On: 07-16-2018, 01:27 AM
    13. Methos
      Methos liked post by porcupine On thread : Dry Spell Over
      For me it turned out that it was best to cobble together a method that suited me. At least I've had sort of a break through recently. I lie down (outside since the weather is good), because sitting...
      Liked On: 07-16-2018, 01:26 AM
    14. Methos
      Methos liked post by lucidbunnie On thread : Dream Guides(Subconscious?¿) What they are? (Discussion)
      Well dream guides and spirit guides are a tricky subject as our subjective interpretation of these entities may not be always be right. It can be colored by our desire, interpretations, and our views...
      Liked On: 07-10-2018, 07:28 PM
    15. Methos
      Methos liked post by GordanFreeman On thread : Dream Guides(Subconscious?¿) What they are? (Discussion)
      I don't think anything can be considered a dream guide. Very recently I tried to meet my guide. I tried to call him behind the first door I had seen, but he did not appear, so I started asking all...
      Liked On: 07-10-2018, 07:28 PM
    Page 3 of 4 FirstFirst 1 2 3 4 LastLast
    View Methos's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Noctemocity 28

    by Methos on 03-03-2019 at 07:05 AM
    83. I awakened to my house vibrating to the beat of music loud music. A truck was parked in front of my house with its music blaring. Being pissed off, I went downstairs and called the police. On the way back up the stairs someone blocked the door. I kicked my way through and saw men dragging a girl out side. I grabbed a knife and chased them outside. I leapt into the truck and stabbed the driver. The other men fled. The driver still held onto the girl so I stabbed him some more. It didn't phase him. I tossed the knife aside and started chewing his face off. He finally let the girl go. I was so enraged I kept biting into the guys face, tearing flesh off, and spitting it back into where his face should be. The police finally arrived but they didn't care about anything that had happened. I loaded the girl into my own car and drove ther to the hospital.

    84. I was on a mission to reach a frozen waterfall. I walked for a long time in the snow and the waterfall never came closer. I was distracted by a large concrete ditch with a dam in it. I climbed down to the dam, balanced across it, and climbed many stories straight up the outside wall of a building. At the top I leapt up to dangle from the top ledge of the building. I inched my way to the left, grabbed a pole and then swung/leapt onto the small ledge of another building. Once there I thought, "What the hell am I doing?" I looked around. I was trapped several stories high on a tiny ledge in the middle of winter. I sat down and tried to figure out a way down. Then it struck me, "This is stupid, even for me. This has to be a dream." I woke up.

    85. On a train trip with a lot of kids, which eventually dwindled down to one kid. The train also changed to have no roof or walls, just benches on a swiftly moving platform. I clung to the child so he or she would not fall off.

    Noctemocity 27

    by Methos on 03-01-2019 at 01:22 PM
    83. Hunted with a pack of wild dogs, we were not quite wolves. We charged through field and forest to kill and devour anything in our path. The hunting felt vengeful and gluttonous.

    84. Delayed recall. Was in a therapy group with my mother. We discussed fears, joys, sorrows, and lastly sex. My mother looked extremely uncomfortable with the topic. When it came my turn to speak, I considered my mother's very obvious discomfort and asked if she might want to leave. She said no. So I told all that I thought needed telling. The group grilled me afterward.

    Fragment - In an old abandoned building, admiring it.

    Updated 03-01-2019 at 02:31 PM by Methos



    by Methos on 03-01-2019 at 02:57 AM
    Back to journalling online. I have much better recall and brushes with lucidity when (even slightly) interacting with other dreamers. Look out lucidverse, here comes dreambent me.

    Noctemocity 26

    by Methos on 08-26-2018 at 06:42 PM
    81/ At a swimming resort and got involved with a game show that featured celebrities (who I can’t recall now). The game involved water so I went to change into a swim outfit. Got distracted by a guy who looked like Tom Hanks son. He auctioned things off. Remembered there was a game to take part in, changed into swimming attire, went back with five minutes to spare. I got into my game seat, which was partially submerged in water. The games made no sense. I just made random guesses and kept winning.

    Not even a fragment. Woke up with the feeling I’d been in a nightmare. Can’t remember it.

    82/ I ran shoeless through an old forest. On the ground, the old trees had no bark on them and the wood was worn smooth and shiny. The logs were twisty and spirally so I’d run and jump on a log and slide along it on my feet, leap to the next log and slide along until there were none left. Reminded me of Disney Tarzan sliding through the trees, except I slid along old toppled tree trunks and branches.

    Fragment: Running through a hilly wooded area.
    Hypnagogia: A mountain range in the distance unraveled bit by bit from the top down.
    dream fragment , non-lucid

    Noctemocity 25

    by Methos on 08-25-2018 at 03:43 PM
    79/19th Lucid Jogged through wooded paths. Rounded a bend and was almost cloths-lined by a skinny tree bent across the path. I limbo jogged under it at such an impossible angle. I stood up and laughed, "I'm dreaming. I'm finally asleep." I woke.

    80/ In a city with a friend, we were at an outdoor gathering. I pushed an empty baby stroller. Left, went to a store to buy a small bag of potato chips and a bottle of water but the store only had obscenely large bags of potato chips and large cans of energy drinks. I was going to buy them but had no money in my pocket. I left, put the empty baby buggy, now just the buggy frame, in the middle of the street. I left it there. Ran into my cousin. She asked where her buggy was. We had to go all the way back to retrieve it in the middle of rush hour.

    Fragment: killer with a chainsaw outside my window, tried to figure out how to defend myself.
    Woke up and the neighbors were cutting their grass with a horribly loud lawn mower.
    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment