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    7 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      StonedApe- The Tyrant you can trust. Approves of Zombie Energy.
      Vote Early, Vote Often, and Remember-
      A Vote on StoneApe, is a Vote Wasted.
    2. View Conversation
      omg exactly what raphael said, i always thought your name was stone dape xD
    3. View Conversation
      I really like the way you got the BT down! I would love to illustrate that bra.. flying, and the rest of that LD! I just need the to make up the time.
    4. Yeah, I think everyone did. I guess there's not too many Terrence McKenna fans on DV. Check it out. http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/4756/Terence_Mckenna__Stoned_Ape_Theory___Part_1_2/
    5. View Conversation
      Whoa, I had always read your name as "Stone Dape" before you got the A capitalized.
    6. Thanks, wish I could say I made it but it's just one I found on google
    7. View Conversation
      Nah I only get on this forum and I dont really have too much to say about weed so it def not me.
      Nice Terrence Mckenna picture btw
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    guitar, etc
    jobs are for suckers
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    157 is a prime number. The next prime is 163 and the previous prime is 151, which with 157 form a sexy prime triplet. Taking the arithmetic mean of those primes yields 157, thus it is a balanced prime.

    Women and rhythm section first - Jaco Pastorious


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      not so sure..

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    1. PhilosopherStoned
      PhilosopherStoned liked post by StonedApe On thread : Awareness?
      Bunch of crap? Sorry to be so blunt and derogatory. Why is awareness the smallest thing in the Universe? Even if it is it certainly isn't nothing. Without awareness we couldn't have this...
      Liked On: 07-07-2011, 12:16 AM
    2. tommo
      tommo liked post by StonedApe On thread : I almost died today...
      [QUOTE=sloth;1691443]-looks at all of the posts- You people should learn how to drive. I almost died in the woods once, from dehydration./QUOTE] You posteed that story in depth somewhere else,...
      Liked On: 07-06-2011, 03:08 AM
    3. GavinGill
      GavinGill liked post by StonedApe On thread : Post-9/11, a security blanket for a wounded nation
      God dammit, when will this nationalist crap end? Celebrate independence, not flags. Flags and division are what got us into this mess. Terrorists didn't attack because they hate freedom, they...
      Liked On: 07-03-2011, 11:09 PM
    4. Jeff777
      Jeff777 liked post by StonedApe On thread : Shemales
      Because normal guys are ugly, duh?
      Liked On: 07-03-2011, 05:52 AM
    5. tommo
      tommo liked post by StonedApe On thread : Fed Govt declares treating all people equally is now illegal
      Yeah, I'd be pretty ashamed to be white if I thought that whiteness really had anything to do with what those people did. It's all about power and dominance in reality. I wonder how many of them at...
      Liked On: 07-02-2011, 03:56 PM
    6. tommo
      tommo liked post by StonedApe On thread : Fed Govt declares treating all people equally is now illegal
      Not sure about the constitution part. But the burden part refers to the fact that white people run things here(and not just politically, it runs deep into our culture), even though they stole the...
      Liked On: 07-02-2011, 03:55 PM
    7. PhilosopherStoned
      PhilosopherStoned liked post by StonedApe On thread : Fed Govt declares treating all people equally is now illegal
      Not sure about the constitution part. But the burden part refers to the fact that white people run things here(and not just politically, it runs deep into our culture), even though they stole the...
      Liked On: 07-02-2011, 03:10 AM
    8. Mario92
      Mario92 liked post by StonedApe On thread : Why God Exists.
      Because we don't have any evidence of anything ever being caused by something supernatural. Not one instance. Or that anything supernatural even exists. However we have a number of examples of...
      Liked On: 07-01-2011, 05:47 AM
    9. Xaqaria
      Xaqaria liked post by StonedApe On thread : Doesn't it seem like the American people work for the banks?
      Probably, I agree with that, I just think the cause lies in human relationships and beliefs not in inanimate objects. The problem is in our heads.
      Liked On: 06-30-2011, 06:50 AM
    10. Majestic
      Majestic liked post by StonedApe On thread : What zaps our concentration and attention span. Why do we have to meditate to keep energy.
      The cool thing is that if you can see the neuroticism as neuroticism it doesn't infect you, you can even transform it sometimes if you act accordingly. You can be still even when the world around you...
      Liked On: 06-29-2011, 04:39 AM
    11. Catbus
      Catbus liked post by StonedApe On thread : Gangsta Rap should be outlawed.
      Yes, we are violent and that is the problem, not the expression of this violence through music. Now the fact that G rap has violent lyrics is a good reason not to like it, not to listen to it, and...
      Liked On: 06-26-2011, 05:34 PM
    12. PhilosopherStoned
      PhilosopherStoned liked post by StonedApe On thread : How does a creationist resolve this discrepancy
      creationsists don't resolve discrepencies, they just believe around them.
      Liked On: 06-22-2011, 05:42 AM
    13. Xaqaria
      Xaqaria liked post by StonedApe On thread : Doesn't it seem like the American people work for the banks?
      Technology makes us/provides us with the potential to be more productive, less ignorant, and more connected with other people. However many people do just use it for facebook and directions. But...
      Liked On: 06-22-2011, 12:51 AM
    14. Matt123
      Matt123 liked post by StonedApe On thread : Gangsta Rap should be outlawed.
      That's actually my friend rapping, I wish I could flow like that. I made the beat.
      Liked On: 06-21-2011, 10:49 AM
    15. GavinGill
      GavinGill liked post by StonedApe On thread : Gangsta Rap should be outlawed.
      I think this is a big problem I have with it. What's called gangsta rap nowadays is just shitty annoying loud bass with shitty repetitive choruses. The old stuff was actually real, it was authentic,...
      Liked On: 06-21-2011, 09:30 AM
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    View StonedApe's Dream Journal

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    TOTM september 9-14-11

    by StonedApe on 09-14-2011 at 04:06 PM
    Did both the advanced and basic tasks last night.

    I'm having a hard time remembering the non-lucid part of this dream, I'll eedit this later if I remember more.

    I was near this weird looking canal. The water looked yellow from the reflections of the streetlights. In some spots there was carpet leading up to the water, and there were other things that made no sense. These tipped me off that it was a dream, I didn't even RC. I thought "what to do?" and remembered the task of the month. I used my mind to raise the water level(not sure if this counts as controlling the elements but I think it should). Then I walked around on it. I sunk a little at first, the water seemed a little goopy. But I stepped up to the top of it. This is something I've tried many times before and was never able to do it. I succeeded this time because I really focused on the fact that it was a dream and I could do anything if I believed I could.
    lucid , task of the month

    8-11-11 Basic TOTM

    by StonedApe on 08-11-2011 at 05:58 PM

    I was driving to Madison's house. I remember this funny part where I was on the highway and the genie from I dream of genie showed up in front of my car as an apparition and tried to sell me the first season of her show on DVD. I thought to my self, Oh no you don't, I'm not listening to this crap, and drove through her.

    I stopped at a gas station. They had a bunch of food, I don't have much to eat in the house right now and they had low prices so I got excited and looked around. I picked up some pita, and when I went to put it back the shelf was gone. I thought, "this must be a dream" and did some RCs. I tried to put my finger through my hand but I was really shaky. It still worked but I wanted to be sure so I flicked on and off a couple light switches. I wound up in the basement. When I turned around there was a girl a few years younger than me with no panties on standing there. Then her bra did this weird thing, kind of flapping around and off and flew away like it was a bat or something. I asked her to sing me a song. So blew a raspberry and shook her head and made this weird noise. I held her hand and looked her in the eye and said please. She said OK. She sang this very simple melody(do re mi do re mi do re mi so, ti do re ti do re do re mi so...) The words were somehow even simpler, Violin violin violin song, Violin violin violin song. I woke up while she was singing.
    lucid , task of the month

    8-10-11 Car stolen and other dreams

    by StonedApe on 08-10-2011 at 10:18 PM
    I can't find my DJ so I'm using this one today.

    I had so many dreams last night, these are just going to be short summaries.

    In the last one Madison and I were going to the zen center. When she got to my house I was making food. I had pizza and this weird milk & weed drink. I went outside, then back in to heat something in the microwave. There was cheese on one of the buttons.

    While driving we ran into Mike, he was with Lauren at a cross walk. I tried to get him to smoke with us but he was busy. While we were in conversation in things changed to us being in a laundromat or something indoors and someone else had some weed. He was talking his weed up and gave us a nug. Then somehow we had a bag very similar to his. All the different strains were in different bags with weird labeling that had countdown clocks on it. We showed him this huge bud that must have been at least an eighth.

    Then we were at this movie/play(seemed to change back and forth). There were cowboys. One actor was smoking a weird pipe during intermission. I asked him if he needed a light. He acted like a dick at first, but then eased up and gave me a little pipe tobacco for my pipe. Madison and I and he passed some tobacco around which got Madi and I really buzzing. We talked a bit more.

    Then there was some part in some store. Like a pawn shop. I asked the guy how much he made in commissions and a creepy looking old fat pasty ugly guy came out and gave him the evil eye. I assumed he was the owner. I told he didn't have to answer. He said he didn't care but then just said a bunch of other stuff that didn't answer my question. Carl called and we left to go meet him.

    Then there was a part where my car was stolen, but it was actually Nicks car. I chased after it on foot fairly successful for a long time. Then I started to get partially lucid and had a false awakening.

    Then I was in a parking lot looking for it still. Andre was outside with a tray of weed brownies. I forgot about the car for a moment and was really happy, but then I remembered and couldn't pay attention to anything Andre said.

    Then another FA and I'm in bed [at my house] with Madi cuddling. We both start kissing each other but then her mom comes in the back door and tells us she's going for a walk so and we better be dressed when she gets back.


    Had another dream earlier in the night where Madi was coming over but my phone didn't ring. I saw her pulling away and flipped out, banging on the window, trying to call her etc. I became very frantic. I couldn't get my cell phone to work. Weird things started to happen and I thought I was having some kind of acid flashback and really needed to get a hold of her just to talk.

    Had a few more dreams too, but that's enough for now.

    2-13-11 Basic ToTM

    by StonedApe on 02-13-2011 at 07:13 PM
    I was chaining LD together, this is the last one. I was walking around outside in a place that looked sort of like my grandpas old neighborhood. The difference was that there was some woods on the opposite side of the street, and the houses were nicer. I had been trying to have sex in all these dreams and do the basic ToTM. I took my pants off, but then this weird creature came out of the woods so I put them back on. It looked like a cross between a bear and a lion. I so no way mother fucker to the bear and either pushed him away or maybe used telekinesis to do so. Then I went into this house. In all these dreams I kept losing lucidity so I tried really hard to focus on the details of the house. No one was inside. I heard the shower running. I saw this blue wooden shower stall. It looked almost like the kind of thing you'd see at a camp grounds but it was inside. I went inside and a girl was drying her hair. She knew me and said this is a surprise. I said something then I started rubbing her cunt. I stuck my fingers inside her and kissed her. This went on until I woke up.
    lucid , task of the month

    2-6-11 Table Fight

    by StonedApe on 02-07-2011 at 02:21 AM
    I had this other really great lucid in a house, sort of like my Uncles house. The dream faded at least 3 times but I kept using LDEILD to re-enter. I decided to eat something. The first thing that popped into my head was General Tso's Chicken(I;m a vegitarian and I thought, this is a dream, might as well make the most of it). When I got the chicken it was a grayish tan color and didn't even look like chineese food. I was sitting at the table with my family and said, "What is this crap!?!" and threw the plate like a frisbee. Then I found I plate of mashed potatoas and gravy and dug in.

    Then I was exploring the house. I remember this huge table. I stood on it and tried to fly up to the balcony. I almost made it but didn't. Then I decided to practice flying by jumping over the table, it was really big, maybe 6-7 feet tall and probably 30 feet or more across. I did this a few times. Then my little brother came in and we started fighting, just for fun since it was a dream. We were throwing little tables at each other from across the big one. I might have been flying while I did this part of the time.