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      No probby wasabi
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      Happy Birthday
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      I have a feeling that you were already losing your lucidity and since the dream was fading, your control was fading along with it. I feel like that is more likely than a dream character making you come out of touch with your lucidity. That's just my guess
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      I just read it! You should be confident that you lucid ability since you were able to fly your first time! I'm jealous hahah! Now for your question. So are you saying that the dream continued after you lost lucidity/control? Or did you just wake up after he said no?
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      Hey sunfire! Ya I haven't changed my profile since last year I think hahah. I'm more than a month in by now. Sounds like some speedy progress thought dude. After I started my dream journal it took about two weeks I think until I gained lucidity. And even that is fast! So your definatley on the right track, keep at it. Was the lucid dream long or vivd at all? Or was it short and fuzzy? Cause my first lucid dream after dream jorunaling was short and hard to control. But that's usually how it goes at first so if that happened don't get discouraged!
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    1. zelcrow
      zelcrow liked post by Sunfire On thread : Using Amazon Echo to Dream Journal
      I don't have an Alexa, but It sounds as though this idea would work. I have read of people using Dictaphone's so this is the same sort of thing I guess. The downside however would be having to...
      Liked On: 01-15-2019, 11:34 PM
    2. zelcrow
      zelcrow liked post by Sunfire On thread : When and which induction technique to branch out to
      I will send you a photo of my dream journal notes I was talking about. Yeah if you can get yourself questioning 'is this a dream?' regularly during the day, then there's a good chance of you doing...
      Liked On: 01-10-2019, 07:49 PM
    3. zelcrow
      zelcrow liked post by Sunfire On thread : When and which induction technique to branch out to
      Okay so they are quite mixed so far. The unusual clothing on is quite an observant one. We all miss major dreams signs so don't beat yourself up on them. I just write it down, put it in a category...
      Liked On: 01-10-2019, 12:19 AM
    4. zelcrow
      zelcrow liked post by Sunfire On thread : When and which induction technique to branch out to
      I'm sure there will be advice against it from some people, but yeah I think keeping your options open and practicing different techniques is the best way to go. Your dream recall sounds very well...
      Liked On: 01-09-2019, 06:53 PM
    5. zelcrow
      zelcrow liked post by Sunfire On thread : When and which induction technique to branch out to
      I think there are a lot of techniques that are quite similar, but also work well when used back to back. For example MILD is more about pre-sleep, so you will the be following it up with DILD. If you...
      Liked On: 01-09-2019, 12:13 AM
    6. zelcrow
      zelcrow liked blog post by Sunfire On : My Second Lucid Dream
      Thursday Morning 16th May 2013 I decided to use the Wake Back To Bed technique as that was how i achieved my previous Lucid Dream, and suits my schedule at the moment. I can't remember exactly...
      Liked On: 01-09-2019, 12:01 AM
    7. zelcrow
      zelcrow liked post by Sunfire On thread : More mental clarity during LDs.
      Thank you. I agree, it's a smart approach to start doing everything the simplest way first and build from there with practice. Good luck with it all, and if you need anything, just message.
      Liked On: 01-07-2019, 07:34 PM
    8. zelcrow
      zelcrow liked post by Sunfire On thread : More mental clarity during LDs.
      Hello zelcrow, congratulations on recently starting your Lucid Dreaming journey! Personally I would advise against the spinning technique for grounding yourself. I find the act of blurring your...
      Liked On: 01-07-2019, 02:16 AM
    9. GravesTC
      GravesTC liked post by Sunfire On thread : More mental clarity during LDs.
      Hello zelcrow, congratulations on recently starting your Lucid Dreaming journey! Personally I would advise against the spinning technique for grounding yourself. I find the act of blurring your...
      Liked On: 01-06-2019, 02:09 PM
    10. sugarpeaches
      sugarpeaches liked post by Sunfire On thread : lucidity?? help!
      Congratulations! That was definitley a lucid dream. Don't be to confused by the whole Inception thing you had going on there, closing your eyes in a dream (when you went back to sleep) often results...
      Liked On: 06-08-2015, 01:56 AM
    11. ApisMellifera
      ApisMellifera liked post by Sunfire On thread : Training in Secret - Unsupportive Spouse
      Hello ApisMellifera, that does sound like an awkward problem, which could be so much easier with the support of your wife, but essentially will probably motivate you even more to succeed with lucid...
      Liked On: 06-04-2015, 01:20 PM
    12. shadowwolf6tail
      shadowwolf6tail liked post by Sunfire On thread : Training in Secret - Unsupportive Spouse
      Hello ApisMellifera, that does sound like an awkward problem, which could be so much easier with the support of your wife, but essentially will probably motivate you even more to succeed with lucid...
      Liked On: 06-03-2015, 03:53 PM
    13. SinisterDezz
      SinisterDezz liked post by Sunfire On thread : Stablizing a dream?
      Completley agree wih SinisterDezz, ditch the spinning for now because that can have all sorts of effects which are difficult to control. Just stand still and run your hands along the wall or even...
      Liked On: 10-18-2014, 09:43 AM
    14. JadeGreen
      JadeGreen liked post by Sunfire On thread : Lucid Dreaming Quotes
      Does anyone have any good Lucid Dreaming related quotes? Tried searching Google but wasnt overly helpful. Looking for some cool ones that we can relate too. Thanks!
      Liked On: 10-13-2014, 01:18 AM
    15. xXPauloXx
      xXPauloXx liked post by Sunfire On thread : My first full lucid dream!
      Congratulations! Yeah it is a good idea to have an idea of your future intentions. But of youre struggling to think of anything then why not continue to use the dream scene/story that was going on...
      Liked On: 10-02-2014, 06:53 PM
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    View Sunfire's Dream Journal

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    Night To Day

    by Sunfire on 10-09-2014 at 08:31 AM
    It was the middle of night outside my house. I realised i was dreaming when i had to get to Amy, who was in mum and dads car. I found her phone in my pocket so i couldnt contact her. I thought, 'Well if this is a dream ill just jump in my car.' I was struggling to drive at all, it just span and jolted. I decided to look at my hands to gain control and stabalize. I had trouble staying lucid and my hands were just spinning round and round. I snapped out of it and was sat back in the car exactly as i was before. I took a moment to look around and realised how dark and alone i was. No street lamps on, and i panicked slightly as id had difficulty controlling the dream so far. Thats when i had bad thoughts - 'What if theres soneone behind me when i turn round?' And because i imagined it, i turned round and there was a white face sat staring at me above the headrest. An entirely white face, white eyes, with no hair or body. It made me jump and as i kept turning my head i noticed there was now more white heads sitting in each seat of my car. Pretty freaky actually. This all happened fast and i was very close to waking myself up, but i took a second to compose myself and remind myself i was dreaming and i was perfectly safe. I turned back to the head poking over my headrest, looked it dead in the eye and said "See you later lads," before putting my hand up to give his nose a little wiggle and getting out. As i opened the door all the heads gave me a smile to say goodbye. Now i was walking along the side of Sompting rec in the dark still. I decided the darkness didnt match my nightmare conquering good mood. So i looked up and could see the glow of the sun right down under the horizon. Using my hands and my mind i pulled the blazing sun across the night sky. It moved fairly fast for its size! The huge ball of fire replacing the stars with light. The sun was now directly above me with steam visibly coming off it into a big blue sky. I looked down again and it was just like a normal daytime dream again. Even the air smelt fresher, and i could see and hear kids now playing in the playground.
    Everything was much more homely. I took a minute to stabalize the dream again, running my hands down the bushes at the side of the school. As i was watching my hands touch each fern and leaf poking out of the fence i could feel the dream become more vivid again. I even ran my hands over a wet glistening spiders web within the bushes, ever so gently to avoid breaking it, but enough to feel the damp silk clinging to my fingers. When i turned round young Andy was there, and i was stood just outside Jamie's shed. Apparently Andy had seen me move the sun with my bare hands and was understandably amazed. He guided me in towards he shed, which now had a pool table in the middle of the room. He asked to see what else i could do, he snapped a pool cue in half over his knee and handed it to me. I held a half in both hands. Holding the bottom still in my right and running my left along the cue from the top towards the break. As my left hand past halfway and covered the break i imagined it being fixed. I pulled my hand off, and the cue was as good as new again. Andy was again impressed.

    A Chance To Test Out My Power!

    by Sunfire on 01-15-2014 at 05:14 PM
    In relevance to the title; often after becoming Lucid I follow the story line from the original dream to keep me entertained. However some dreams don't test you to your full potential, fortunately this one did.

    I was having a dream where me and my brother Robbie where on the run from some sort of Korean army, (about 30 blokes, some in jeeps and tanks.) We were running over some hill top with them in pursuit when we came across a little abandoned shed. We ran and hid in the shed, but it was so small Robbie was freaking out. He ran out the shed and unfortunately was seen and shot. More so though they had seen him come out of his hiding place and all stopped outside. I could see through various gaps and holes in the sheds panels exactly what was happening. They knew I was inside and the were coming right towards me.

    This was the point where I became lucid as I was panicking and just about to wake myself up, therefore realising that I was dreaming. Now lucid, I stayed in the shed and watched them approaching. As the first person reached the shed he pulled out an RPG, and put the end through one of the holes in the shed right in front of me.

    What happened next was inspired by something I had seen in a film; X-men First Class. In it, a character called Sebastian Shaw has the ability to - "Absorb the energy of any impact he is struck by, including not only direct physical blows, but also the impact of bullets."

    So when the rocket was fired directly at me, I almost caught the force between my hands and squeezed it down to nothing. I also have a video for you so you can visualise it

    XMen Sebastian Shaw - YouTube

    After I had effectively absorbed the first one, several more followed, including multiple shots at the same time. Between catching the RPG's I had made a force field shield around me with my bare hands and was sustaining it with my mind. My vision was constantly quite blurred and chaotic, as you can imagine from the video, but I could still see out towards the rest of the army standing in the background a few hundred yards away. I stuck a hand out, whilst deflecting bullets with my other, and literally crushed the remaining men and vehicles at will with my hand.

    This happened until there was nothing left but burning vehicles and mangled bodies. It was quite an epic display of power, although hard to describe. Though I did wake up feeling great about myself. Thanks for reading!
    lucid , nightmare , memorable

    Waking yourself up experiment. Anyone ever tried this?

    by Sunfire on 11-30-2013 at 04:25 PM
    Last time I was on this site I was reading an entry from someone who was saying they were afraid to Lucid Dream in case they couldn't wake themselves up. To me that's not a problem as even before I knew about LDing I could force myself awake when something bad was happening - so I thought id experiment a little.

    The other night I was in the middle of a non-lucid dream, and things where getting bad, (This nowadays is where I usually become Lucid and change it.) But on this occasion I wanted to wake myself up differently from normal, no forcing myself awake. Normally I force my eyes open from within the dream and kinda feels like i'm sucking myself out of the dream.

    So when shit started going down I tried to find a different way to leave the dream. Now lucid of course, I walked through an alleyway and into a little corner shop style thing. It was dark and dingy and like a little old sweet shop. I spoke to the lady at the counter, a tiny little, very old Chinese lady, looked almost like a witch sort of character. I said to her whilst looking at all the different sweets and stuff lined up on the counter and in jars -

    "I need you to give me something that will wake me up."

    She took a moment to think and pottered around, and come back with a dark blue sphere shaped sweet. I was well aware that outside the shop was still very hostile and coming closer. The DC handed it over and nodded assertive and reassuringly to me. I popped it into my mouth and swallowed it whole. Instantly my vision went funny, bright colours in a spiralling black tunnel, It felt like I was being pulled backwards through the tunnel head first. Only about three seconds later I was awake on my pillow, slightly shocked, but it worked! How amazing was that!

    So yeah I thought that was a pretty cool experiment, and something new to me. Worked just how I wanted it too though and would be interesting to see if that style works on anyone else, (I know most people don't want to wake up from LDs,) but if they did then give it a try or let me know ways you have tried!
    lucid , nightmare , memorable


    by Sunfire on 10-14-2013 at 05:47 PM
    Just wanted to say I was particularly pleased with myself this morning. I am still very much learning and normally I realise I am in a dream when something bad happens; being chased, ghosts, deaf. At which point I would take over Lucidly and change the nightmare. However last night I impressed myself by becoming Lucid by noticing something much smaller - See I can drive but I don't have a car. In the dream I had forgotten something and was driving rapidly back to my house to fetch it, then It dawned on me that I couldn't be driving if I don't own a car, and became Lucid from there. Good progress!

    My 8th Lucid Dream, Got Stuck Again...

    by Sunfire on 06-23-2013 at 12:52 PM
    Saturday Morning 22nd June 2013

    I have lay-ins at weekends and Saturday mornings are an ideal time for me to Lucid Dream. I've been struggling for results during the week still as I'm just too tired and waking up early for work.

    Anyway, I started with a false awakening, completely and utterly unaware that I was dreaming. I was in my house walking down the stairs, I would say about 6am. I was so convinced it was real I remember tip toeing down the stairs to avoid waking me parents up! As I got to the bottom of the stairs and looked into the kitchen I could see bags of shopping all over the floor. I knew this couldn't be right because mum always packs it away as soon as she gets it. I did the holding nose reality check, (my personal favourite,) dreaming!

    I walked to the bottom of the stairs, and suddenly I was stuck against the wall to the side of me. I was in like a crucified position flat against the wall, arms out. As much as I tried to free myself, I just couldn't.

    I've had this problem before in - Part Two - Following On From My Fourth Lucid Dream / False Awakenings! - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - but I don't know why its happening, or what is actually happening, maybe you can help?

    However, remembering back to when this last happened to me, I know that struggling gets me nowhere. I leaned back against the wall, closed my eyes, and calmed my mind. I told myself when I open my eyes I would just walk away from the wall. I open my eyes and slowly part with the wall.

    Once I'm free, I run fast out the front door to avoid that happening again. It's a unbelievably windy day outside, I could feel the wind against my face. I jump up high and fly above my house, I stay hovering above my road. In one of my previous Lucid Dreams I was making fire in my hands, but manage to wake myself up accidently. So whilst hovering, I put my hands out in front of me, palms down, and quickly twist my hands upwards. As I do so I have two burning balls of fire in my hands. Once I have them I take a second to look around and it dawns on m that there is no-one whatsoever around. I decide for a scene change, close my eyes and spin around.

    I am back in my bed, dammit use your imagination man! So I get up out of bed, and just as I walk a couple of steps towards the window....Robbie's alarm goes off, (in real life,) and wake me up! F***s sake!