I found your thread and I've been trying the method that you outline. The problem that I'm encountering is that I'm really stressed right now. So when I try to let the dream form itself first, and then I mold it second, it ends up being me watching memories and actions repeated over and over. That's the first place that it goes.

Usually I try to WILD by involving all of my senses in it until I am there (smelling the air, feeling the earth beneath my feet, seeing the location, hearing the surroundings). So there isn't a step where I don't have complete control. Last night, I tried the WBTB WILD method again, after about 6 hours of sleep. Then I sat there watching the previous day's memories being repeated over and over and over for about 2 hours, hoping it would eventually turn into a REM dream, until I had finally had enough and I woke myself up.

Do you know if this is normal under times of stress? Is there a way that I can get past it, I must be doing something wrong right? Or should I just wait until I'm no longer this stressed to try it again?

Sorry for all of the questions, I appreciate any help that you can give me.