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    Oneirin's Dreamworld

    Reishi and Mist

    by , 08-31-2016 at 12:06 AM (919 Views)
    I'm in a dark room, and I turn over to look at a clock. It reads around 8:15, so I look away and look back. It still reads 8:15. This doesn't make sense as I know I need to be up at 6:10. I check my phone, but the buttons do not light up the screen after several attempts. I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming, so I noseplug and I'm lucid. I turn to me left and take a step, but quickly lose visuals and enter the blackness. I think back to the discussion on the black void vs white void and reflect on how this is the 'black void'. I begin to question access to memory and feel certain that I am in fact aware in this place, and can remember my dream goal of going to a mystic forest or resihi forest. I then wonder about the perception of this memory in the future and how to determine that it's not in fact a false memory... Well, I really feel like I'm here and now inside the void pondering this! I decide to wait for a dream to begin, and use a dream yoga visual tech of turning my visual field green. I then begin to picture myself in a lush forest with dense moss on the trees, and the scene appears in fairly good vividness. The visuals fade a bit, and I start stabilizing by singing a song that comes to mind. My voice is terrible, and I'm finding the whole attempt really funny. I become aware of a bright window to my right after the visuals became a bit dark, so I walk over. I see a rain forest them superimposed over M-Street. It is the most awesome this realm has ever looked. A light green hue hangs over the scene as dawn approaches. A light mist hangs in the air as well. The street is completely flooded with water, and a couple of jeeps are parked. I see the additional tall green trees out in the yard area and jump out the window. I see a three story basketball hoop and decide to swing myself up really high off of the net. As I descend, I use super-reach to grab the bottom of the net, and fling my body onto the black metal rim. I land perfectly and stare down as I stand solidly. I look around at the treetops and decide to fly to the right. I do a loop around the area, and see a bar area below. It reminds me of the restaurant by the bay that I recently took my parents to. A couple workers are in black and white vests behind the low black countertops preparing drinks. I get closer and hear some really interesting lounge type music playing. I turn away for the time and want to focus on dream goals I think back to the goal of consuming wild reishi that gives super lucid abilities. I approach the trees, simply telling myself that reishi will be there - of course it'll be there! Why wouldn't it? I approach and see that the trunks are made of thin metal. I look more closely with expectation and a small dark primordial stage mushroom is growing. No time to make a tea, so I eat it and tell myself it'll contain the super abilities. I continue looking upward expecting more, and increasing amounts begin to appear vertically in increasing size. They are very dark red with a rough exterior texture. I have a few more of different shapes but begin to actually feel my dream body with a 'full' sensation. I don't want any more at this point. I turn away and head back to the bar area. I want to see if they have any cacao drinks available. I fly over and begin looking around all of there toppings, yet only see cheese toppings and other similar condiments. I stop looking, and fly away listening to the music. I head back to the flooded street, really appreciating the greenish mist hanging over thescene. I start thinking of other dream goals I had come up with. I quickly wake for the day.
    Elaineylane, Letaali and Saizaphod like this.

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    Updated 08-31-2016 at 12:10 AM by 50425



    1. Elaineylane's Avatar
      Very very cool indeed. I would love to envision a lush forest. And thanks for reminding me that I wanted to put a clock on my wall in my room, lol.
    2. Oneirin's Avatar
      I'm having more success with the dream yoga visual skills as I practice more, and notice that visualization becomes much easier to pull off and way more vivid once approaching either the hypnagogic state or in the void type states.
      I actually don't have a clock in my room lol! I think that at some level this helped in raising my awareness.