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    A World In My Head!!

    Captain Aint in the House

    by , 06-18-2010 at 07:22 AM (856 Views)
    January 31, 2010

    Synopsis: Psycho with gun, turning into a fairy, Spanish school, lucid, trying to dream-share with Captain Sleepalot. Pre Dreamwheel dream. (wheelers, I forgot to share this one )

    Night Time Note: I think it's pretty clear now that all of my lucid dreaming happens only in those two hours before waking. I probably woke up around 6am remembering nothing. I told myself to have a lucid dream, but my mind went completely random. I woke up again around 7:30, and I tried again. I told myself to have a lucid dream, and this time I had a much more stable dream. I don't remember the first half much.

    Captain Aint in the House
    We have all gathered in someones backyard. It was supposed to be a pleasant afternoon. When someone from the group turns out to be a psycho, pulls out a gun and threatens to kill a woman. The woman is frightened and takes a step back.

    Then a man yells "Put the gun down!". So the psycho shoots him instead. Everyone shouts as he falls to the floor with his chest pooling blood. Another, much larger man approaches the psycho. The psycho holds the gun directly to his head. For some strange reason he doesn't shoot. Even though the larger man was yelling angrily, be aggressive and hostile. Was the psycho actually frightened even though he has a gun? The larger man grabs the psychos hand and apprehends the gun.

    Later on we are inside. Everyone is whispering and acting as if the psycho is controlling us. So I'm supposed to wait here and die? I grab this weird item on the table which represented the psycho. Voodoo?? Me and my sister run out of the place. I tell the item in my hand "We just want to go home!". I toss it into a swampy run off, and me and my sister kept running. We can have a head start at least.

    My sister who was running ahead of me suddenly disappears. I figured, she woke up. I started to fly instead. I flew over a gate and an area of town that was seriously ghetto, and everyone here was Mexican. Where am I? I didn't trust these men, so I quickly fly past them. I fly past a busy street crowd of giants. Or, I'm just the size of a fairy. I think I even remember people saying "hada". I guess I really am in Mexico because I enter a spanish speaking school. Maybe even a catholic one. Because that is one seriously strict teacher. She wouldn't start the class until everyone was seated where they were supposed to be.

    Well uh, there's one extra student, me. I try to hide behind the other students so the teacher doesn't notice that I am of a peculiar size. Plus other students thought that since I was hiding in the back, they can too. I'm starting to get annoyed. I grow larger and larger and larger. Now I'm bigger than a regular person. I fly past the classroom, past the teacher, and merge out of the door. I continue flying around in the campus for a bit, with no destination what so ever. And every time I came to a door I simply flew right through it.

    Wait a minute. As I come flying towards a sunny door I realize I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming! Yes I'm finally lucid! Outside was a gorgeous courtyard in the school. I perch on an old and thick tree. Looking at the sky I holler "I now bring awareness and clarity to my dream!". Satisfied, I look at the patchy ground. I want to see my dream wheel. Since my dream did not provide it for me, I jump down and start doodling in the dirt.

    I couldn't remember how to draw the start, but I at least remembered all the points. So that my mind isn't boggled with too many letters, and we all know how terrible that can go in dreams, I represented each person with only the first letter of their name. I clearly remembered that I was supposed to go visit Captain Sleepalot. Which is great for me, I have such terrible dream memory. I've attracted a crowd of students whose faces were disgusted at my hethen symbol. "Piss off!"

    I stand up, again looking at the sky I focus on Captain Sleepalot. "I now enter Captain Sleepalot's dream". I close my dream eyes and I can feel myself shifting. That thick watery feeling. When I open my eyes I am some where new, but it's not exactly what I expected. It's a very dark dark dark room. My eyes have trouble adjusting. I think I'm on top of boxes. There are people sleeping in this room. I ask them where is Captain Sleepalot. And they answer "He's not here. He's offline.". What's that supposed to mean? He's awake?

    My lucidity fades away and my dream descends into nonsense. I'm in a locker room that all of the Wheelers share. Larther was off in his own world humming as he organized his locker. Portalboat walked in, said hello, and left. Nemo was no where. And finally Captain Sleepalot walks in. Again, I'm not lucid so I think I'm awake. So I tell the Captain my strange dream. And as he fiddles with his locker he explains "Yeah, I was awake". Then I wake up for real.

    Random Highway Dream
    I have one other dream for the morning. I'm driving on the highway, when all of the traffic stops. What's wrong? Then I see a man continue walking on the hallway, with all of the traffic behind him (at this time, we are all carless). That's when I noticed why the traffic stop! The highway bridge was separating itself! It could collapse any moment! So I yell at the man "Stop walking! The bridge is collapsing!". He seems shocked that he didn't notice, and thanks me for saving his life.

    We all turn back. On my way back theres a table resting spot. Though it's right on the highway bridge. It overlooks the beautiful ocean, and it's complete with it's own red umbrella. I put my stuff down to have a seat. The wind is so strong here! If it wasn't for the chair my stuff would have blown away already. A man informs me I have no underwear on, or pants. So I wrap myself with my wind blown blanket, and take a seat. We are served the tiniest cups of soda. More like shots. Even the dressing was served in these tiny cups. The funnest thing in this dream was the realistic powerful wind. I woke up shortly after.

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    Updated 06-18-2010 at 10:37 PM by 6004

    lucid , memorable
